An easy way to spot a twin flame. Kundalini Awakening and Twin Flame Energy You Have a “Space” Within for Reconnection and Love

Contacts and information between Gemini after a deep separation. Heart wounds: where were you abandoned? Flashes of insight reopen the path of Love.

We begin this week with the Sun moving further into Leo, coloring our interactions with a playful and more vibrant color than of late.

Since many planets are in retrograde at the moment, this is a great time to go within and take another look at the inner environment from which we manifest our intentions with gentle positivity.

This is an hour-long deep transformation in which we clear old traumas, heal heart wounds and blocks where you are stuck in love, and download new patterns of Self-Love and inner wholeness directly from Source.

"The sky does not limit, your mind does"

Make sure you allow the energies of Leo this week to help you ascend into your infinite nature so you can clear old stories and write a whole new script for yourself.

As the saying goes, the sky is not the limit - your mind is.

Our minds are powerful "reality generators". If you look at your Twin Connection from this perspective now, can you see how it reflects the patterns you saw growing up around you?

Here is an exercise for you to strengthen and take your connection to the next level:

Write down (without thinking about it in detail - let your unconscious stream flow on paper) your beliefs about relationships and love. Write down at least 10 points.

Do you see now that not all of them are positive? Clean it up, because these beliefs and notions are putting on an unconscious show for you, acting from behind the scenes in ways that don't serve you.

Then write down 10 desired "truths" about your love relationship. It doesn't matter if you find them real or not right now. Decide that you are an infinite being and you have the ability to attract that.

Write down 10 positive attitudes and set the intention that you invite them into your life.

Your unconscious mind will take this and start working on this new set of "rules" that you have given it. The power of this exercise has been proven many times over. ().

Results of new thinking

From June 24, given the trine of Uranus and Mercury, you may find yourself more inclined to look for non-traditional answers to solve long-standing problems. Your thinking can take a longer-term perspective, helping you see the big picture from a completely different perspective.

At this time, completely non-standard solutions and ideas can come. There is also a high chance of unexpected contact with your Twin Flame during this period, especially through social media and other technological methods.

As we move into a powerful conjunction between the Sun and Mars later in the week, we will be asked to tap into the more Masculine energy of our Twin Flame Union – to take action and do what is required on a physical, human level.

The desire to express yourself may come to the fore, but will ultimately help in creating a more balanced vibration of both the Masculine and Feminine energies.

Many “spiritual” people seem to believe that Twin Flames are meant to wait patiently for the Universe to fulfill their desires for reunion, but there is a complete disregard for the male polarity of action in this.

We are reminded that the polarity of receptivity and expectation cannot complete the path on its own. What is needed is a unity of action and acceptance – a balance of masculine and feminine, both inside and out.

You are here to be a co-author of your journey, not a passenger. To learn more about this and what is really happening in the Twin Flame Ascension process across the planet, download the free transformation kit with a channeled message you won't read anywhere else.

How *you* affect your mirror self?

As Mercury pushes its way into Virgo (analytic problem solving) on ​​July 25, we will be asked to descend to the earth plane to find a solution.

Over the next few months, our minds will be heavily focused on planning, organizing, and problem solving.

When the Moon in Virgo forms a tight square with Venus in Gemini on the 26th, we will have to deal with relationship friction over how we feel as opposed to how we love.

When Venus enters the sign of Gemini, we are again invited to consider how our connection is formed on the physical plane and how we affect our Gemini.

Do critical aspects of ourselves come to the surface and create any tension in our ability to stay "connected"?

There are always two sides to the story in every story, and we are shown that sometimes the "feminine polarity" of Gemini places too many demands on "her" partner, which creates an imbalance in the connection.

If there are lingering issues between you and your Twin, make sure you sort them out now to avoid cementing blocks in your connection.

Old wounds around parenting and love

The active square between Venus and Chiron is now also bringing past pain to the surface. Usually this is a difficult transit.

Chiron is the "wounded healer", and here "he" challenges us to deal with past traumas once and for all, because they block us from the complete bliss of Love for which our Souls are here.

Many Twin Flames are actually unable to *feel* the Unconditional Love and bliss they carry on a higher level as they are born in the lineage without this *experience* at the level of the physical body.

Therefore, often Gemini needs to “download” the template of the physical sensation and experience of this love. ().

With the precise supportive aspect of Chiron and Uranus, we are now also being suddenly pushed to resolve all unfinished pain related issues - flashbacks and "re-experiencing" flashes of old pain are very likely.

We are being told to pay attention to our dreams - if you don't already keep a dream diary, make sure you start doing so, even if it's just a few keywords on your phone every morning. Your dreams carry important messages.

Like a lightning strike, these insights into the causes of pain, past, and long-term problems in your love relationship will quickly take their toll and give you insights that will have the ability to help you take the right steps to move forward and complete the healing process that began earlier this week. .

The Need for Education in Love

When the week ends on July 31st, Venus, the planet of love and desire, will pave the way for the water sign of Cancer, leading us to embody our "sensual" nature in relation to the Love we share.

The next month will be in the realm of the unconscious sensory realm where you become your Twin and they become you.

There are no boundaries in the world of emotions. This can create problems or be pure bliss, depending on what's going on inside you and your Twin.

Education and growing up becomes a key theme. If you can turn this period into progress work in which you are an active participant, you can make this a great week of healing.

Spirit offers to connect with your Twin's Higher Self in meditation - they will have both ideas and support for you.

Now is your chance to level up your Bond with a "team effort" instead of head-to-head as opponents.

Opponents are far from each other, the team is always together.

Become a team now, and your physical reality will change and transform to bring you closer - this is the law of energies!

Until next time, I send you Love and Light for your further journey!

Greetings, lightworkers!

There has been a revival in your ranks due to Twin Flames. This awakened the genetic memory, as you say, or the memory of the Stars. - as we tell you, the messengers of the Pleiades and Ra. Well, this is for the benefit of you and everyone who is connected with you by invisible threads.

But ... there are misconceptions about this. This is not a specific person. This is energy. All of you are carriers of cosmic energies.

In some ways they are similar, in some ways they are not. But you are all different. You have one common task: to fulfill your destiny to ascend the Earth-Gaia - the planet and the living entity. This is your main contract.

But you do it all in different ways, based on your capabilities, the tasks of your particular incarnation, and even your hobbies.

The game... a beautiful game. How beautiful it looks from our side of the Veil. You play your game conscientiously, and the result is a common one, and we can see it.

So – the union of Twin Flames is the union of energies, similar energies with one task, common to all. The condition necessary for unification is an open heart.

We repeat: OPEN HEART FOR EVERYONE, not for the elite. After all, it's not up to you to decide who will be attracted. This is already predetermined in the contracts of each participant. Your task is to ACCEPT this energy in yourself and spread it with love. The lattice of light - it will shine in all its power and beauty.

And you turn on the duality again. Forget about her. Feel the energy of Ra, the energy of the Stars, the energy of the Universe. After all, the energy of Twin Flames is also the energy of all those entities from parallel worlds and others who are also involved in this process.

You are co-creating a new Earth not only for yourself. It will not be your personal planet, but it will be a new living entity that will contain many worlds, including you personally.

This is a collective creation, and this is a co-creation, a co-creation of MANY, and you are a part of them. So: open your heart - acceptance, contain the energy of MULTIPLE. Feel the diversity of being in yourself. Feel yourself as a particle, an atom, a quantum of the Universe and the Universe. Fill yourself with love like a vessel, and pour out this love with joy. This is energy.

It should flow with emotions of LOVE, JOY AND JOY from the opportunity to co-create, from the reality of the already co-created. Remember: here and now, every moment you co-create energy - the energy of the new Earth. So create it with your unconditional love in joy and happiness. Everything should happen EASILY AND BEAUTIFUL - without tension. Energy flows with the light of universes, other worlds, in order to create the Newest World of harmony, love and brotherhood in the free will of people.

We send you, relatives, a ray of love with the light of the Stars and Ra.

We are with you, we love you and honor you.

A group of all beings from the planes of the universe.

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Why your happiness is the true priority of the Universe. The Truth About Twin Flame Ascension. Powerful full moon and opening to visions of bliss and twin flame reunion…

We start this week with a wonderful transit designed to help you tune in to your intuition and go beyond the "possible" - hope and optimism come from feeling the Higher Realms of the Soul communicating with you.

Expect visions, flashes, vague feelings of insights and feelings of euphoria… It is your Higher Self and Higher We of your Twin Soul trying to communicate with you and encourage you – which Yes!, there is indeed reason for hope.

Yes, your dream of Love is indeed possible! Just make sure you stay on the right course.

As Mercury is stabilizing its movement right as the Moon is conjunct Neptune retrograde, right now we are receiving an intense connection from our Higher Dimensional Selves through the void space in the mind.

In other words, we must stop thinking and "outside busyness." It is in this vacuum that we receive "enlightenment". We cannot gain deeper understanding if our minds are occupied with thoughts.

Why You Can Really “Spoil” Your Twin Flame Connection

If you put negativity into the connection, it will start to break down - try to fill yourself with negativity… (you have most likely already experienced this). If you scold and harm yourself - Love cannot continue.

Now consider this: Twin Flames are the primordial mutual selves. What you put into the connection is what you yourself receive. You are always influencing each other, creating and influencing your dynamics, your timelines, your “destiny”.

It's not just a matter of just leaning back and waiting for something divine to magically do everything.

We are on a pioneering path of Love where we are constantly co-creating our experiences. Not all Twin Flames will come together in this lifetime.

To take a look at the brand new session that Spirit has asked me to channel through to help trigger the awakening in the so-called Sleeping Twins and raise your overall time frame to bring about Reunion in the physical – go here.

Unconscious Flow Between Twin Flames

September 6th is the Full Moon in Pisces, which raises emotional intensity everywhere.

Pisces is all about unconscious collective energies, so be vigilant with yourself not to be overwhelmed by other people (collective human) and their emotions.

Most people are not aware of their deep feelings and shadows, so when we interact with them we often feel empty, heavy, annoyed… Imagine the impact when you apply this to the nearly 8 billion people on Earth, most of whom are unprepared and unwilling to confront their own shadows.

There is too much chaotic energy on this planet.

Right now, many Geminis will pick up on the unconscious emotions of their significant other. We are now in a place where you become your Twins and they become you.

Pisces is in many ways the sign of Twin Flames – symbolically depicted as two fish that are tail to head – always influencing each other in an inverted mirror of themselves.

If there is negativity in any part of your Twin Flame – fear, shame, guilt, anger, etc. - expect to notice it. Don't mistake this for your own "stuff".

Instead, use a total harmony healing to clear that negativity, which will benefit both of you. And make sure you protect yourself now.

Do you have "space" within for Reunion and Love?

Mercury entering Virgo later this week echoes this wisdom - be more selective about what you allow in your mind, your world. Your happiness depends a lot on this.

Be pure within yourself, then you will have a "bright room" to feel the energies of happiness and love.

When we are overwhelmed with collective energies and confused with all things - most often through social networks, the Internet, television, etc. – there is no place for the positivity that we strive for so much.

Often, when we ask about Love and Reunion, the Universe answers, “make room for it.” Otherwise, you will not be able to receive or receive.

So, during this full moon period, what habits, thoughts, feelings, energies, baggage (and Spirit emphasizes “the voices and words of other people”) can you get rid of forever to clear the space in which you can welcome Love?

Try my free energy clearing tool to tap into the pure Light and clear all that debris to make room for Love!

There is always a second chance (and a third and a fourth...)

It doesn't matter what happened before or what we call it - when your energy shifts, your connection and your situation starts to move too!

Learn how to lift the Twin Flame Connection into Love and Reunion with the step by step vibrational alignment program I created after my Twin and I reached Union within 18 months of our first meeting.

Here you can read about other amazing Gemini experiences with the program - and know that no matter what happened before or how much pain you experienced, things can really change for the better!

I see it happen over and over again. And I believe in you!

Until next time, I send you Love and Light for your further journey!

Session of new hypnologists

Answers to questions about Twin Flames will not be as interesting without their context - history and subsequent unpacking. Therefore, I will first briefly tell the story itself in the words of the Operator.

At the age of 16-17 I had a dream. White bright light and in it - the image of a man. I don’t see his face, but I feel such a HUGE all-consuming feeling of love for him! ... Wow, I thought, what a strong feeling! After all, I’m ready to stand up even under bullets and block him with myself, if only HE lives!

Despite the fact that I got married early, I still subconsciously searched for this feeling for the rest of my life ...
After 20 years, I decided that my Beloved did not come with me to this incarnation and decided not to fool around on this topic anymore, it’s just easy to go through life, bringing Joy and Love to people around.

… A huge feeling burst suddenly, although we had known each other for a long time. HE suddenly woke me up and confessed his Love!

What happened to you??? I asked.

I had a dream, I don’t remember the details, but we were there with you together ... and such a HUGE all-consuming Feeling !!! In the morning I realized that I can no longer deceive myself ...

The next 2 weeks turned my whole world upside down! We somehow immediately went to subtle plans, we didn’t want to rush things in the physical world at all - “ETERNITY is ahead of us!” sounded in my head. We played with energies, enjoyed the Feelings, sensations, recognized ourselves as New - True! There, on the subtle planes, there are no secrets, no masks...

We didn't have to be physically together to really feel and enjoy each other! All the relationships that have been in our lives up to this point now seemed like just a black and white movie! It was such a HUGE and boundless feeling that I was ready to fall in love with the whole world!

But ... as soon as our feelings reached their climax, we had to leave ...

It took me more than a year to somehow cope with that huge, mental pain ....

We hardly saw each other, but on the subtle planes I felt his constant support. All the time I recalled the phrase of the wise Calibri from the short story by R. Bach “There is no such place - far away”: “Can distances really separate us from friends? If you want to be with Ray, aren't you already with her?"

In search of my Path, another year and another passed ... but no matter what I did, the thought sounded obsessively in my head - the most important task is to be together!

Recently I came across this site, almost immediately decided to sign up for a session, and this is what we learned there ...

Q. Why were we given the Pharaoh's Cylinders? (who cares what it is - here is a link to the info about them

A. To kick-start your development with BP. Pump you with these cylinders, their energy. You feel better thanks to them. Without them, you would not have been able to learn to feel your BP so well. Now you can use them as portals that amplify and transmit your energy. In fact, these cylinders are a portable Place of Power for you... Some images from Egypt have gone again... Hot energy is rushing... They say it's a gift to you from there. Use them whenever you want.

Q. Are you and V. really Twin Flames?

Oh yes yes yes…

Q. Why do you feel that there is nothing more important to you in life than being with him?

A. Together our energy is 100, 1000 times greater! We can only reach our full potential when we are together. We can fully help people only by being together. Separately, even a tenth part is not there ... It's very hot now ... It burns strongly in my chest ... Fire - the crystal is burning!

Q. Is there anything we can do given the current situation to help you be together physically?

A. Wait a little, everything will fall apart, it still takes time for everything to work out ... The heat is very strong again ... wait, everything will be fine.

Q. Did you really come for a joint mission? If yes, which one?

A. Yes and no... They say that once you get to meet, you need to move on together. But this was not a requirement. You have a planet of Free Choice here. Everything is there - your choice. Just know that you can unleash your full potential in this incarnation only by being together. But in principle - you are free!

Q. What is your mission?

A. You are Portals, portals of pure energy, energies of Love and Harmony, energies of Joy. These are the areas for which you are responsible. You must carry these energies to people. Together you amplify these energies a thousandfold. Now they show with this heat how strong it can be if we are together .... Just a nuclear explosion! Very intense heat!

Q. Why can't you be together physically, was there some condition in your contract, without which you cannot be together?

A. We had to take a lesson in Unconditional Love. Survive it all. To dissolve everything, all the pain that was, to get out of this pain - this was the most important Lesson of this incarnation ... You were able, you passed this Lesson and now you have to wait a bit for everything to be sorted out ... it takes time.

Q. Why is his mother so strongly against your relationship and you personally?

A. She was just a mechanism, a fuse, so that at that moment, not to let us be together. Otherwise, we would not have passed the planned Lesson of Unconditional Love and would not have been able to reach a new level. Right now she is just in captivity of her old illusions, which will quickly melt away when she gets to know you better.

Q. Why does it feel like you're strongly discouraged from having sex with other people?

A. So as not to give energy. Sex with a person who does not match your energy level is always a waste of energy. It won't give you any joy. You don't need this! What you can have with each other does not come close to ordinary relationships. You already have everything, albeit in higher dimensions! Be happy with what you have!

Q. What happens during your daily meditation?

A. All energies are united, all subtle plans, energy field. Together - we are force! The total energy is multiplied many times over. Continue to light the hearts of people with these meditations! Now they are again showing how we unite with our crystals in the chest, a big fire is lit and many, many rays from it go to the hearts of other people who have at least a little open heart, they seem to be powered from our common crystal and go all over the planet small lights flare up, a whole luminous network of beautiful lights is formed ... Lights of Love, lights of Joy ... everything becomes good.

Q. BP-are these different aspects of one Soul or are they different Souls?

A. Different Souls, but very, very close, with the same energy, with the same vibrations, sister-brothers, who, when united, can set the Universe on fire (they show a small pile of soap foam and each bubble in it is a Twin Soul).

Q. How many people have his BP in physical incarnations at this time?

A. Not many are ready to meet them!

Q. Why is everything so bad?

A. In order to meet your BP, you need to become very whole yourself first. First unite YOUR Universe in yourself, only then they will be able to meet. Only after going through all the personal lessons ... It's like a new level for people. Few are ready to rise to this level. Then, not everyone came here for a joint mission or lessons. There are singles who have their own Mission. There are whole groups. All of you here are very different, each has its own task.

Q. Is it true that your development is synchronous, ie. if one moves to a new, constant level of vibration by engaging in special practices, then simultaneously raises the vibrations of the other, or if one successfully passes some life lesson, then this lesson becomes automatically passed for the second, even if he does not know about it ?

A. Yes and no. We need to meet to share this experience. Those. to some extent, everyone develops on their own, and only by being together there is an exchange of accumulated experience, lessons learned. Everyone brings their own and it becomes a shared experience. It is not necessary that everyone goes through the same thing, it is necessary that everyone goes through his own, and then they united it.

Here's what happened shortly after the session...

We tried in the next 2 days to "ignite the people" to work in meditation ...

Here our Keepers joyfully rushed Upstairs to report that they have here a promising pair of Gemini ready for Work. Upstairs they say - well, let's go, let's look at your beauties, what are they doing there! ….Ay-I-yay!!! Yes, they basically admire each other and drive their frenzied energy in a circle at each other !!! Eliminate this mess immediately!!!

The guardians made a knight's move - they threw in our common good friend, who is fond of bioenergetics, the idea of ​​​​joint meditation with me. She was rather distrustful of the Gemini story, saying - I also feel good about your “Gemini”, he sometimes helps me with his energy, it still doesn’t mean anything. Now I want to work with you...

I specifically scheduled a time for her after our meditation with BP, so as not to intersect. In the last 5 minutes, she turned our stream to her - such a buzz came from the return! Here my power supply ends and turns off, a friend turns on, trying to catch my flow and synchronize, as soon as she succeeds, a strong chill begins to hit me (apparently the energies are completely different). I'm calling for BP's help to stabilize a little. As soon as I feel better - a friend calls in great excitement - let me go!

What's happened? - I ask. She says - she just caught your stream, BP comes, I happily accept it - an old acquaintance, and then she is violently thrown out of her vertical channel and sucked into our circular one! She, the poor one, is sitting - and she cannot intervene and they won’t let her out!

I was "popularly explained" in the morning what it was ...

“It was needed for diagnostics, so that you understand what you are doing wrong. You have reached the level when the toys are over, it's time to get to WORK, and you have been led to this all these years. Your area of ​​responsibility is the Energy of Joy, Love and Harmony, which you must pump into the hearts of people. The territory is not limited - ideally the entire globe. There should not be any "closed rings" - you should be one single source. The twin had his crystal activated - the fiery carnelian turned out, my transparent rose quartz focuses and kindles his fire. This Work is the payment for your Great Feeling and the further development of your abilities. You have a very good connection, so on a physical level, your short meetings at least once a month are enough for now. Your general stream is now well guarded and no one has the right to make their own distortions into it. Anyone can take from this source.

And the next day, this friend of ours comes running to me and happily declares - "I was paid for your diagnostics!" :-)))

The previous morning, while my Twin was asleep, she and I tried to meditate together again. She had a big problem with grounding, and I have a very good connection to the ground. Through me, they opened the first center for her and put it into operation - she had an image - two sprouts to the sides from one root are fed from the earth. After 15 minutes, I again began to have a wild chill and we were done.

And today she discovered that this channel is now open and working all the time! "This is your bonus for good work!" they told her.

From a later session. Question of the same operator through another operator.

Q. I have a friend. We are very close with him spiritually despite the fact that we cannot be together physically, at least at the moment. There is a feeling that on the energy level we are one. If he is engaged in some kind of energy practices, I feel it all on myself! No matter what I do, the feeling that there is nothing more important for me in life than to be with him does not leave me. He is my Joy and my Sadness. What it is? Is it possible to see what we are like on an energy level? Why such a strong connection?

A. In intergalactic space there is a certain type of holographic entity, filled with a certain energy, having one light composition, wave frequency, light spectrum. This matrix essence, manifests on the Earth in the form of wave structures, several Elements very similar in wave characteristics. All these Elements are interconnected through these wave structures, this is what you call a Spiritual connection. And this connection goes with this one Hologram. At the moment, this Essence knows 12 elements that are embodied on Earth, someone has already left, someone has not yet come, next to you, close, there are no other of your Elements. These Elements, if they meet, can create an absolute Spiritual Essence. These people can learn, if they come together, telekinesis, telepathy, they can fully reproduce each other's thoughts, actions, and for further life in a manifested form on Earth, it will be enough for them to be together for a few seconds to come to complete Harmonization, which was mentioned above ( question about the activation of the crystalline body). The greatest difficulty of such actions on Earth is to meet them. But even 2 Elements, having met, have the ability to develop much faster than they would do it separately.

V.I.E. do we need to be together physically?

A. Not necessarily. It's how you want it. What is "physically being together"? You can just close your eyes and be on different sides of the globe and still be physically together. You have a connection on the Spiritual level, and whether you hold on to your hand or something else is up to you. The main thing is not this, the main thing is the connection from the Single Matrix.

Q. Did our meeting have any specific goal, some kind of joint mission?

A. The choice is always a man's! You may be offered several options. Actually, the uniqueness of the human Soul lies in the fact that it has a voluntary Choice. And it depends only on you how much this or that road will be in your favor or not. Only you can decide which path you will take. And you also have the right to be wrong. A person can go one way, but realizing at some point that this is not the right way, he can choose another way. The choice is always yours!

Q. Can we see what happens during our daily meditations? I have a feeling that our energies somehow combine and affect people.

A. You came from the same matrix, you have a similar wave spectrum, similar energies, you have all wave characteristics very similar in frequency. Of course, at the moment of your joint energy work, you combine all this! At this moment, you can clearly ask the question - should you continue to continue in the same vein, connect your energies so that they become a single channel that will be on Earth in a manifested form, like a pair, or still leave it as it is? yes - you still have a dual channel, it is ALREADY much more powerful than that of the people around you. You need to clearly ask - in order to better harmonize the people around you, it is important for you to be in SUCH form, or you will influence people much more, harmonize them, manifesting on Earth in one stream - like a couple! This is your task! And no Higher powers have the right to make this Choice for you!


Meeting this soul will change your life, you will open yourself - true, real, happy. How to recognize a twin flame?

All of us, people, dream of sincere, supportive, fiduciary, joyful and happy relationship.

It is these relationships that develop between people whose souls are twin flames.

From such a meeting, the intensive development of the soul of a person who is in incarnation begins.

Meeting a twin flame helps you remember yourself, what are we really but does not necessarily lead to a romantic relationship.

You may be the same sex as your twin soul, or the age difference may be 50 years, or both of you may already be in a relationship.

You can become best friends, work colleagues or go in different directions along the path of fate, but this meeting will definitely affect you: make it more real, centered and, when you pass through all the trials, happy.

How to recognize a twin flame?

You will feel. Seriously, meeting twin flames is like both the elements and magic - you can't help but notice half of your soul.

It’s just that believing and realizing something completely incredible can be difficult: the lack of duality, recognition and unconditional love that you can experience for a complete stranger can puzzle and shock anyone.

That is why in this article you will find 23 signs that you have met your twin flame.

Perhaps they will help your brain adapt to the fateful encounter when it happens, or understand that you have been through the experience before.

The emergence of twin flames

Twin flames are two halves of one. This is one soul, divided into two full-fledged souls, but remaining absolutely identical energetically.

In Kindred Souls and Twin Flames, Elizabeth Prophet quotes the apostle Paul:

“We are twin flames because we came from the same realm of being called the white-fire body. Only the two of us came out of this One - only we share the unique Divine plan - “male and female”” (Genesis 1:27).

At this starting point of creation, each single consciousness - the monad - contains the seeds of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Male, Alpha and Omega, Yin and Yang, opposite poles of one reality.

When descending into the reality of the third dimension, these two aspects of one were separated, and thus twin flames were created. One of them is the Alpha flame, the other is the Omega flame.

Both flames incarnate to live separate lives, but they are always aware on some level of losing an aspect of themselves.

Also, at the deepest levels of their souls, they know how to recognize the twin flame.

The Purpose of Embodiment of Twin Flames

Usually, twin flames do not incarnate together, except when they come to Earth for a higher purpose.

At this time, many evolved twin flames incarnate to help raise the consciousness of humanity.

Usually, when one flame incarnates, the other remains out of form, preferring to energetically support its incarnated twin.

When twin flames incarnate together, their union on the physical plane is often chaotic and full of tension: physical, emotional, mental (mental), and spiritual.

Their relationship is very intense. The romantic version of love we all dream of is truly for twin souls.

When twin flames come together, they become mirrors for each other.

They are here to reflect each other's flaws and imperfections as the ultimate goal of twin flames is their complete union on all levels once again, now in embodiment.

Twin soul relationship

Twin flames can be of different ages, genders (the same gender is also possible), their geographic location, mores, beliefs, race, income levels may not match.

And yet this connection is such that their relationship is very like coming home.

The attraction is strong on every level, and spiritually they know they are one.

This knowledge helps them overcome many obstacles, most of which are created by conventions, beliefs and peculiarities of their individual perception of the world.

As twin souls evolve and expand when they are together, their service here on the planet becomes more global.

When they realize it, they grow spiritually faster than when they were separated.

Their spiritual gifts are finely tuned: each one has a gift which the other does not have.

They are sensitive to each other's energy flows and mood swings. When they are not together, they do not live at full strength, as if they “function” in a limited mode.

Together they become balanced, full of energy and able to carry out their mission of incarnation to their full potential.

Together they become more of who they really are just by being in each other's energy.

union caduceus

When twin flames reunite in physical forms, there is a special awakening.

This kind of awakening is only possible when twin flames connect energetically in 3d density.

The flames of the Alpha Twin and the Omega Twin ignite. Prior to this reunion, the flames were dormant.

From this fire a golden spiral appears, which, wriggling, illuminates their essence. Some call this spiral the snake.

In reality, this is the awakening of the oneness they once shared and is their Christ Light/monad/ "I am presence" awakened in recognition.

As they become closer in conjunction at all levels, these spirals intertwine to form the caduceus is the unification of the Light of Christ.

These two flames become one.

As they balance each other more, the coils of the caduceus come together more and more until there is no visible separation between them.

Twin souls have transmuted all the inconsistencies and imbalances that have separated them and set out on the path of Alpha and Omega, returning home as two parts of one whole, reunited in service.

The reunion of the flames creates the deepest relationship for these two people.

Twin flame signs of a meeting

Until recently, most of the twin flame halves did not incarnate at the same time, but came to Earth in turn, supporting each other throughout entire human lives.

Now, twin partners are incarnating together in greater numbers for a specific purpose:

  • help manage and master timelines,
  • protect and increase energy,
  • move our world forward, especially forward in time.

Because soul mate connections are just as in demand, familiar, and powerful these days, sometimes people don't know how to tell twin flames apart from other souls in their immediate group.

How to recognize a twin flame in 3d density?

The following signs of a twin flame relationship will help you admit something to yourself.

Of course, they are not immutable truths - after all, each of us goes through his own personal experience, but they are based on the experience of meetings and relationships of twin souls, and therefore can be useful.

23 Signs of a Twin Flame Relationship

1. Have you had dreams or visions of a person and/or energy relationships before meeting in this life. Or you found out that you met your energetic twin in some other unusual way.

For example, Elizabeth Prophet, says that after meeting her future husband, she saw his face in the mirror when she looked at herself, and realized that she had met the twin part of her soul in a male body.

Some people say that when they look into the eyes of their energy twin, they feel unearthly love.

2. When you met your partner, you felt at home, as if you had returned to a familiar but long-lost energy.

After meeting, you have "memories" of other times and places with this person that are not part of the current life.

3. Your partner reflects your problems, concerns, and weaknesses, but you also complement each other's skills, talents, and abilities.

Together you are a complete fusion of Yin-Yang.

4. At least one of the partners has a higher frequency.

Maybe he's from Indigo and/or Crystalline Souls or the first wave of space volunteers.

The first wave of space volunteers, according to Dolores Cannon in her book "Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth", were born between the late 1950s and 1960s, coming directly from "The Source", from other planets or dimensions.

They incarnated on Earth to raise the vibrational level of our world, so that the souls who have been living on Earth for a long time, get bogged down in karma and forget about their mission, and not destroy the planet.

5. You may be of different ages, of the same or opposite sex, of different backgrounds and backgrounds, of "opposing" religions or cultures.

But you feel incredible unity or an incomparable feeling of inseparability with your partner.

6. You feel each other's symptoms, illnesses, and emotions, even when you're not around or in contact.

7. You "function" is weakened or much less optimal when you are separated from your twin flame. You are physically hurt when you are not together.

8. When you are with your partner and your relationship is in balance, you become stronger, more powerful, and more capable than ever. You feel united in a mission or call to serve others and the world.

9. Your unconditional love for your partner is unique, unlike anything else.

Your partner is likely to have a certain habit, quality, or "baggage" that would lead to the end of any other relationship.

However, you do not pay attention to it or willingly work on relationships with this partner, no matter how difficult it may be.

10. You met your partner when one or both of you were in other relationships or, in other words, "unavailable." It is likely that you met when and where you least consciously expected it.

11. You or your partner feared the power of the twin flame connection and ran away from the relationship so as not to feel overwhelmed and/or vulnerable.

It may be years before both of you are in the same place to finally fully accept your relationship.

12. The partner who escaped from the twin flame finally “wakes up” and understands the meaning of what is happening. His or her "aha" moment comes as a result of loss, illness, or other personal disasters.

He or she then comes to terms with the fact that there is no other person or priority more important than a twin partner.

13. No matter how many times you break up or break up relationships, it seems that unknown forces bring you back together again. You see "signs" and reminders about twin bonding everywhere and they encourage you to be together again.

14. Your relationship is characterized by extreme highs and lows, including passion and intense pain that you have likely never felt before.

15. To harmonize, balance karma and each other, you "pushing each other's buttons" and test each other's limits and limits like no one else has ever before or since.

However, the maximum heights in relationships consistently get even higher.

16. Friends, family members and others in your environment cannot understand the drama of twin flames and do not understand how you feel in this relationship.

They are always trying to get you to move towards someone or something else that seems more logical or better for you in theory.

17. The growth you experience, the lessons you learn, and the person you become in your twin flame relationship is a whole other level of development.

This happens faster and more powerfully than in any other experience or period of growth in your life.

18. You realize that your previous soulmates or other relationships have been preparing you for your twin flame reunion.

Your twin flame may even have many of the unusual characteristics of your previous partners or friends.

19. You feel like I've been waiting for this man all my life.

When you look back at your life, you see illnesses, relationships that didn't work out, or other situations that surfaced because you were still waiting and still looking for "that one."

20. Even if you are extremely tired of being in 3d density on Earth, you heal, evolve, mature and continue to live, only to stay with your twin flame partner.

21. You are an "old soul" and this is your last human experience.

22. The more time you and your twin flame spend together, the faster and more fully you “wake up” to higher consciousness.

23. You have a deep knowledge that your twin partner is your destiny - not only in this time of life, but also when you return "home" and be reunited for eternity.

Not all twin flames incarnate...

A twin flame relationship may involve searching for your twin flame, who may or may not be here in this time and space.

Twin flame is literally the other half of your soul that makes you whole, but at the same time, each "twin" is a complete soul.

But twin flames can reunite only if both partners are whole.

Your previous relationships were also soul contracts to help you prepare to be with your twin flame. When you meet your twin, you will immediately recognize him.

Some twin flames are not here on Earth - they have not incarnated in 3d density.

This does not mean that you should not get married or have children, because your twin flame, even in the unearthly worlds, wants you to experience everything that can bring you joy and happiness in this life.

As well as learning so many life lessons to help your spiritual growth.

He or she is still part of your closest soul group but has made the decision not to join you in this lifetime. Don't take it personally! They are still with you in heart and spirit.

It is also important to remember that some twin flames stay on the other side in order to provide you with help and spiritual guidance.

Some souls chose to come here without their twins because they "heard the call" and they knew they were needed here in this lifetime.

Keep in mind that not all of your soul group incarnate at the same time!