How to cleanse yourself of negative energy. How to remove negative energy from yourself. Candle cleansing scheme

Sometimes we feel tired, irritable, or depressed for no apparent reason. Often our contacts with negative people are to blame for this. other people. If your profession involves helping other people, you are particularly exposed to toxic emotions, so you need to regularly .

Here are three of my favorite methods:

1. Plants

Probably the easiest way to cleanse yourself of mental debris is to turn to Mother Nature for help.
Plants not only convert carbon dioxide into fresh oxygen, they also transform low energies. Green plants are especially helpful in ridding our bodies of energy toxins.

to us keeping the plants next to the bed - a potted plant on your nightstand will work wonders while you sleep! It absorbs the heavy energy you have absorbed during the day and sends it out into the ether. Do not worry, this does not cause any harm to either the plant itself or the ether.

If your activity is, one way or another, connected with people, if you are, say, a massage therapist or a consultant, you are the most open to receiving the negative that your clients are freed from. In this case, I recommend putting the plant on the desktop. By the end of the day, you will feel significantly less tired! The angels say that broad-leaved plants are the most effective, as they absorb the most negative energy. For example, scindapsus aureus or philodendron are good choices. Avoid needle plants. Feng Shui, the ancient Chinese science of the arrangement of objects in space, also recommends staying away from anything sharp and needle-like. Obviously, leaves of this shape do not support the flow of positive energy.

2. Breaking the air connection

Anyone who works with other people should be aware of the etheric connection and how to deal with it. Usually, when one person forms an attachment to another person based on fear (for example, one is afraid that the other will leave him), a kind of ethereal wire is formed between them. This connection is visible to all who have clairvoyance, and tangible to those who have a well-developed intuition.

The ethereal connections are like surgical tubes and function like a pump. When an attachment forms in a person who needs you, he begins to suck energy from you through this ethereal pump. You may not see him, but you will feel the consequences of his affection - fatigue or sadness for no apparent reason. In fact, the whole ego can only happen because one person takes energy and strength from another, and in return sends him his spent toxic energy through the same channel.

Therefore, whenever you help others or when you feel tired or sluggish, when you are sad, "cut" this etheric wire. In doing so, you do not reject anyone, you do not part with anyone, and you do not refuse to help someone. By breaking these ties, you only break the dysfunctional, non-constructive, dependent and fearful area of ​​\u200b\u200byour relationship. The loving part of them remains intact.

To cut the ethereal bonds weighing on you, say mentally or aloud:

"Archangel Michael, I am calling you now. Please cut the bonds of fear that are draining my energy and life force. I thank you for your help!"

Then be quiet for a while. Throughout the process, try to breathe deeply, as breathing opens the door for the angels who want to help you.

You may even feel the ropes being torn or something being pulled out of you. You may also feel changes in air pressure or other obvious signs that an unhealthy bond is being broken.

The people on the other end will definitely think of you at that moment, not knowing that the connection they have created is being broken. You may even find a lot of text messages or emails from them in the "just suddenly thought of you" series. Do not give in to false ideas about these people: the source of their happiness and energy is still not you - only God.

The channel will be restored each time the person forms a fear-based attachment towards you again. Therefore, such ties will need to be broken constantly.

3. Purification by getting rid of negative energy

When you worry about someone, blame yourself for a misfortune that happened to someone, or, for example, give a massage to someone who is currently experiencing emotional pain, you can involuntarily take on their negative mental energy - and then the desire to help im taking uncontrollable forms and starting to harm you. This happens to everyone, but especially to the servants of the Light, who are characterized by a heightened desire to help others - often even at the cost of their own health. The angels tell us methods that will help us maintain balance. They want us to help others without suffering ourselves. This means we should remain open to the support they are willing to give us. Many servants of the Light are excellent at helping others, but they themselves are hardly able to receive help. Below I describe a method to help balance this trend.

To cleanse yourself by sucking out negative energy, seek help from the angels and mentally say:

“Archangel Michael, I call on you now to purify me and draw out the negative effects of fear.”

Then you will see an image or feel the presence of a large figure - this is Archangel Michael. He will be accompanied by little angels known as the Mercy Team.

Note that Michael is holding a pump. Watch as he directs it to the top of your head where the crown chakra is located. You must decide which suction speed to choose for him: the highest, highest, medium or low, since it is you who will be in charge of the process. Mentally direct the pump inside your head, your body, and around all your organs. Cleanse every part of the body, everything, everything, down to the tips of your fingers and toes. And you will see or feel how the psychic dirt hums into the pump, as if someone were vacuuming a dirty carpet. Keep vacuuming yourself until the psychic debris is no longer sucked up the drain.

As soon as you complete the cleansing process, Archangel Michael will switch the pump button so that a dense, white, toothpaste-like light begins to penetrate through the pipe. This is a kind of “sealing” material that will fill in those areas where psychic dirt used to be.

With the help of suction - one of the most powerful techniques that I have ever tried. You can apply this method to others, either working directly with the person or remotely. Just keep the intention to work on it and the process will go. Even if you can't see or feel anything clearly during the process and are worried, "Is this really happening?" - the result will not keep you waiting, and you will see it. After sucking (purification) of negative energy most people experience immediate relief from depression or anger.

Live in harmony with your feelings. Over time, in the course of practice, your “attitude” to your own feelings will also increase; you will be able to trust their wisdom more.

based on materials from the book: Doreen Virtue - "How to hear your angels" .


Ways to cleanse your energy there are many. Here are the ones I use myself. I propose to first understand why clean the energy.

If we start from this formula, then the following is clear: the quality of our thoughts (information) and the quality of our energy determine the quality of the matter we have created.

For example, let's take any disease. She doesn't suddenly appear out of nowhere. Although such an illusion may be present when a person still led an active lifestyle yesterday, and today he fell ill with an incurable disease.

In this case, negative information penetrated into the information field of a person much earlier and materialized. Like attracted like, until a critical mass of negativity gathered, and it manifested itself in physics in the form of a disease.

For example, medicine knows the timing of organ regeneration. I will give several examples of the timing of the complete renewal of organ tissues (from the course of the Academy of Healing E. Gulyaev):

Liver - 6 months

Skin - 3-4 weeks

Stomach - 3-4 days

Eyes - 2 days

Every minute, 2.5 million cells are renewed in the body. All cells divide and multiply according to the information that is stored in the DNA regarding this organ.

DNA is an information and energy structure that contains information both about the species as a whole and about a specific person (any living object). Everything that happens inside and outside the body is fixed by DNA in the form of information content, and then reproduced in cells according to DNA information.

For example, the action of the checkmate distorts the chromosome and launches the program to self-destruct. According to Academician E.A. Gulyaev, a swear word causes a mutagenic effect similar to 1000 x-rays of radioactive radiation. Such an impact lasts a second, but cumulatively.

All obscenities spoken and heard will sooner or later have to be healed on a physical level. Like all the negativity seen and heard on television and from other sources.

Here, the functions of DNA are described in a very primitive way, but within the framework of this article, the task is not to describe all the processes of protein and acid metabolism in the body. It is necessary to capture the essence and understand the main thing: information is what first of all is subject to careful filtering, as it is a component in the construction of cells of the human body.

And most importantly, you never know which chromosome is damaged by this or that information and which organ it will affect. You just have to keep everything clean. As we wash our hands and brush our teeth, we get rid of energy dirt.

And in addition to negative information, there is also a lot of energy effects such as the evil eye, damage, energy pendants, and so on. (We'll look at it in more detail in future articles.) But, as they say, you can’t keep track of everything, and you need to start from the realities. Energy dirt exists everywhere, but it is not terrible for those who get rid of it. How to cleanse yourself of negative energy - read on.

Cleansing Practices

Washing the body with sea water (cleansing technique at the cellular level)

Close eyes. Imagine that you are lying on the seashore at the very edge of the water with your feet towards the sea and are a hollow frame filled with white foam rubber with dirty spots in the places of diseased organs. On inspiration, the oncoming wave through the feet fills the frame to the crown. On exhalation, it rolls back and blurs dark spots on the foam rubber until the foam rubber is completely cleaned. The dirt is washed out and goes into the ground and water. Repeat nine times.

Purification of the etheric body with the Waterfall system

The etheric body is the framework of the physical. All negativity is first reflected on the etheric, then it is projected onto the physical in the form of diseases of specific organs. If there are energy holes, then it is precisely those organs that become ill, opposite which there is an outflow of energy through the hole.

You walk through the summer forest and come out to a sunny meadow. You see a beautiful big rock. From it beats a waterfall of the purest water. You undress and go to the waterfall. On the ledge of the rock you find soap and a washcloth. With their help, wash yourself like in a bath. Go out to a sunny meadow, dry yourself in the sun and fill up with solar energy.

We remove the evil eye and external pendants of someone else's energy

Introducing a huge bonfire (astral fire). We step into the middle of this fire, stand there and clearly feel how all the cobwebs, blackouts, spots, all negativity are burning. When they clearly saw that they had become a pure energy essence without dark blotches, they came out of the fire.

Simultaneous release of foreign energies

If you feel that you have come under a powerful negative influence - the next technique.

Introducing the river of fire. Above her a phantom human (mentally imagined a person in a reduced size), in need of help, wrapped in explosives. Remote in your hand in real time. We press the button and everything shatters into pieces, falls into the river and burns.

The phantom remains completely white and clean. While inhaling through the legs, we draw in white energy from the fire on the river. It exits through the seventh chakra (crown) and envelops the phantom in a cocoon.We clearly see at the end the phantom of a person in the middle of the cocoon. After this technique, do the technique of eliminating energy holes in the biofield (described last in the article).

Hand cleaning

The following technique is very useful for everyone. But it is especially necessary for people whose work is to influence other people with their hands. A lot of negativity clings to hands upon contact. They need to be cleaned.

We sit in the coachman's position (hands on knees, palms up) in a sunny clearing. In front of us we present a huge ball of divine energy and a fire. On inhalation, the flow of white energy from the ball through the fingers enters the arms up to the shoulders. On the exhale the energy flow fills the hands and pushes out the negative in the form of grayish balls into the fire. The very same white energy remains in the hands. Nine reps.

Foot cleaning

The same, only for the legs. Practitioners regularly shared the results of getting rid of fungal diseases on their feet.

We sit in the coachman's position (hands on knees, palms up) in a sunny clearing. In front of us we present a huge ball of divine energy and a fire. On inhalation, the flow of white energy from the ball through the fingers enters the legs to the pelvis. On exhalation, the energy flow fills the legs and pushes out the negative in the form of grayish balls into the fire. The very same white energy remains in the legs. Nine reps.

And in the end, I will share with you the technique from the developments of E.A. Gulyaev. After he presented it, a wave of discontent arose among those who provide services to eliminate energy holes for a lot of money. But the information is given in order to be passed on. Information is like fire, if you hide it in your pocket, you will burn. This is the property of people, and this must be understood.

The technique is very simple, but its effectiveness and benefits are very difficult to overestimate.

Technique for eliminating energy holes in the biofield

We put our hands opposite each other with palms inward. Between the palms we present a reduced human phantom. We receive pure Divine energy through the top of the head on inhalation, pass it through the hands and on exhalation we clearly imagine how white energy (or golden) comes out of the palmar chakras (middle of the palms) and envelops the phantom with a protective layer of an oval shape, forming a clean and dense biofield.

We take several such breaths until we fill the biofield with a dense layer of energy. We distribute energy, as if we are sticking around a phantom from all sides, rolling evenly, like wet clay. At the same time, we clearly visualize the result: a reduced copy of a person in an even, dense, oval energy cocoon.

We fixed the result and that is enough, the information is deposited exactly where you project it.

If you do this technique for yourself every morning, you will not be afraid of any energy attacks. If you feel discomfort in the area of ​​some organ or part of the body for no apparent reason - quickly do this technique, most likely the discomfort is caused by a violation of the biofield.

Most importantly, with the help of these techniques, you can both cleanse yourself of negative energy and your loved ones. At the same time, the distance does not matter, the work is carried out with a phantom, and you can form a phantom anywhere and at any time by the power of your own thought.

How often to do? The more often, the better, of course. After all, with each time, not only what has recently been brought in is peeled off, but gradually, like a husk, the old layers are peeled off. At first, of course, it makes sense to be zealous, and then work to maintain the effect, as you feel that you need to carry out cleansing practices.

Today we looked at some of the practices of recovery and cleansing of negative energy. I encourage you to share your practices and best practices at the bottom of this post, so that others can read and choose the closest for themselves. Do not hide such information, share, make room for the new.

I wish you energy fullness and security. As well as prosperity!

Energy cleansing is the removal of negativity from our aura at different levels, in order to live happier, healthier, more successful in all areas of life.

2. Where does negativity come from?

There are different levels of negativity, and they are worked out at different levels.

  • from people
  • directed
  • the negative of the past
  • karmic

3. I will list some examples of negativity:

  • Every day we encounter different people. It is easiest to get negative if you are a person who annoys others with your success in something: a happy marriage, prosperity, beauty, success. Sometimes we ourselves do not know what envy is. But this is the case when ignorance does not exempt from the consequences
  • There is a viral negative. Some are envious, others simply carry a negative charge, like a virus or disease. It is enough to exchange a few words with such a person and you are also “sick”. And if you do not have immunity for such cases, then you simply cannot do without energy cleansing.
  • The previous category also includes being in an “infected place”. Therefore, do not rush to look for envious people or a source of infection in close and familiar people. By the way, it’s better not to look for them.
  • There is negativity that we drag with us from past lives. And since there is a "life" here once. I will add it again: this is the very variety that does not allow you to fully live, closing one of the components of your happiness. Here, a simple energy cleansing is simply not enough. This is a deeper study.
  • "Negative directed action" brings no less trouble than the previous one, and it can also be karmic. Most of all in my field, I do not like the word “damn”, but for a better understanding of the situation, I will have to designate this negative in this way.

If for you this is something wild and unacceptable for understanding - immediately STOP. Further reading everything that I write will be simply useless, because my favorite areas are exactly: relationships and karma.

4. What is the worst kind of negativity?

The most difficult kind of “troubles” is karmic, which came from past lives. It is precisely this that is sometimes simply not given to a person to work through, and without elaboration it is not possible to establish some important area of ​​life. It can affect everything.

It is a mistake to assume that everything else brings less trouble. People get into accidents, lose a lot of money, get sick, stay lonely and because of all the other varieties.

5. What is the difference between a karmic negative and an ordinary one?

The insidiousness of ordinary negativity is that you can ignore it, and then it will slowly and surely plunge you into “sadness-sadness” and not let you get out. Everything becomes dreary, on the edge, with anguish.

Karmic can be "hunted down on your own" sometimes, however, later than desired, but that's what the lessons of karma are called to teach us well. Recurring situations that will “storm” you are almost guaranteed to be “reviews” of past karma.

6. What will happen if you do not do an energy cleansing?

What exactly will happen to you depends on what kind of negative is available and what are your initial weaknesses. For everyone it is individual. Maybe you have a strong defense or a way to cleanse yourself, and then energy cleaning is simply not needed. Or maybe your negative grows, and then disappears in lumps - I don’t know 😉

7. But what can happen if there is negativity on a person?

  • A lot of things can happen. Everyone has a weak spot. From the directions it is:
  • Signs of depression or aggression, a feeling that something is wrong, but it’s not clear what - but it’s just “enrages everything”.
  • Relationships deteriorate, especially with the opposite sex. Sometimes it can come to a divorce "out of the blue."
  • A person can start to get sick, and diseases may depend on what you “picked up”
  • Jewelery, keys, valuables, or appliances may be lost.

But here the keyword is REGULARLY or REPEATEDLY - do not rush to panic if your 100-year-old iron burned out from a power surge or you sprained your leg. Yes, it’s unpleasant, but it’s not necessarily “that one” that attacked you.

8. Who needs an energy cleansing?

I think everyone needs to clean up. You wash the physical body, then why not wash other bodies - the aura?

If everything is fine with you and nothing bothers you at all, I don’t understand at all how and why you received this information. And even more so, why did you screw up information about energy cleansing that is completely useless for you. Because the knowledge that I now want to convey comes only to those who have something to clean. This is the case when you need to either take off your rose-colored glasses or start cleaning other people yourself

9. KWhat is the regularity of energy cleansing?

We interact continuously, we are not on a desert island and/or in continuous meditation. And the world around us, although beautiful, includes both dark and white equally. And they are in endless interaction.

This continues regardless of your desire, like hair growth. Do you understand?..

Then the question is: How often do you cut your hair? So it is with the negative in the aura ...

If you want, let go of the negative hair to infinity, or if you want, tweak your “hairstyle” more often.

10. Is it possible to clean a husband / wife without his knowledge?

As a condition of harmonization, I have an energy cleansing of both spouses. And of course, not all soulmates are ready to ask or agree openly. Before any action, I ask the person's "inner self". Then I do or do not do, depending on the agreement. Any violence leads to consequences - I am against interference without the internal, tacit consent of a person. I am against love spells and other violence in matters of building and maintaining relationships. But you don't have to ask directly.

11. I use these methods, what exactly do I do?

The process of working with energy is creativity. Is it possible to describe creativity somehow briefly or fit it into patterns? I doubt it... I can't describe what I do and in what order. When working, I use all my knowledge, and it is impossible to single out one direction. I can plan one thing, but there is a completely different work going on.

But a firm NO is about dark practices.

12. Is personal presence required for energy cleansing?

Not necessary. A distance of neither 10 km nor 1000 is an obstacle. Energy cleansing and harmonization do not require personal contact. Therefore, it is absolutely not necessary to find time, drop everything and rush to distant lands. Yes, there are some practices that I like to do with direct contact.

13. If you do an energy cleansing immediately after you get a "negative directional action" is it easier to remove?

It will be easier for you, because you (in a company with negativity) will not have time to do things. To quarrel, to invest money in the wrong place, to get a divorce, to get irreparably ill ... It's easier not for the one who shoots, but for the one on whom it is. It is important for me: at what level he is, what strength and what he touched in you. "Freshness" does not affect the initial level. But if it’s too late to apply, then he will draw another company for himself, and you will have fun.

14. How to prepare for an energy cleansing?


  • Do not drink alcohol at least a day before and after
  • Do not smoke or eat animals during my activities
  • Do not be in the company of unpleasant people and stressful situations
  • Do not talk on the phone, even through bluetooth, and turn it off altogether
  • Remove all obscure amulets, talismans, signs, natural stones, watches and jewelry
  • Do not listen to depressive music (generally accepted, and there are no exceptions for "for you" and "not for you")
  • Avoid watching TV, especially horror and politics, during an energy cleanse
  • Not being active (sports, brisk walking, swimming)

Recommended for a good energy cleansing:

  • Do not eat meat, poultry, eggs the day before and at least 12 hours after
  • During my actions, be in solitude in a calm environment and burn a church candle
  • Do not communicate with anyone through any communication channels
  • Be in a comfortable position and wear comfortable clothes
  • Meditate or relax beforehand
  • The results depend on you, including your preparation.

15. If I fall asleep or don't feel anything?

Falling asleep is great! But what you will not feel is not often, but it is possible. Most likely, if this is the first time we meet. And if you have an average sensitivity - so be it.


  1. You do not understand what to expect from energy cleansing and what urges to pay attention to.
  2. Energy acts delicately (however, this is not always the case, but even in those cases you should not be afraid)
  3. There are days when we feel more physical, sometimes when we feel more energetic and this can also be due to your sensitivity.

It is important to understand that the result does not depend on how you feel. It depends on what you "accept" energetically and what you do after everything.

16. What to do after energy cleansing?

  • Be happy, enjoy, draw positive from everywhere, meditate and create in areas that are important to you. You will become "higher" than you were before, which means you have more opportunities. The more important question is what not to do...
  • Everything that is written in is desirable and be sure to start doing as late as possible
  • Do not try to "drive yourself into sadness" by plunging into unpleasant memories
  • Do not watch brutal films or videos for as long as possible - this also destroys
  • Do not look for meetings with bad people, but spend time alone if there is no one pleasant around
  • Do not quarrel with anyone, and do not fight
  • Immediately after do not play a sport in which there is a struggle and competition

True, this is not always and not for everyone. And there may be another recommendation. Sometimes you need to rinse the floor with salt or / and swim, or some other recommendations after the energy cleansing specifically for you.

The ritual of cleansing and restoring the damaged aura is a magical rite, which, like any similar procedure, has its consequences.

Let's talk about what feelings, after cleaning the biofield by a clairvoyant or esoteric, the person experienced by the specialist. We will consider all possible sensations and "side" effects, tell you how they manifest themselves and what they mean.

Condition immediately after cleaning the biofield

If a good specialist in bioenergetics worked on a person, and during the magical procedure all the negativity accumulated in the person's aura was removed, the state of the latter cannot be good. And even vice versa, excellent well-being can be called an “alarm bell”, indicating that the negative effect on the aura has not been eliminated or has not been completely eliminated.

The process of clearing the energy field can be compared to the process of recovery after a severe and protracted illness. Such diseases are never cured immediately, and for some time a person is in a state of adaptation, while his health gradually returns to normal.

The more the aura was damaged, and the stronger the magical effect was, the worse the person's health will be immediately after cleaning the biofield. So, for example, the “side effect” of removing damage caused by a professional magician will cause a person much more discomfort than the procedure for cleaning the aura after suffering emotional stress.

Symptoms that occur after an energy cleansing

Let's take a look at the most common symptoms that a person may experience after being worked on by a bioenergy specialist. Remember that they must be treated precisely as a passing discomfort, which is an indicator that the magical ritual was carried out correctly.

The main symptoms that may occur are:

  • Feeling tired
  • Drowsiness
  • Headache or mild dizziness
  • desire to cry

These unpleasant sensations appear in most cases immediately after the cleaning has been completed. They do not pose any health hazard, so you do not need to fight them. If you want to sleep - just lie down and sleep, if there is tearfulness - let yourself cry, if your head hurts - take a walk in the fresh air or take a pill for a headache.

When a strong negative was directed at a person, and large holes and breakdowns formed in his aura, which the specialist successfully “darned”, after cleaning he may experience more serious symptoms, for example:

  • Cough and runny nose;
  • Nausea and vomiting;
  • Stomach upset;
  • Pressure surges;
  • Increase in body temperature.

There is no particular need to treat these symptoms, because after a couple of days they will disappear on their own, but if you feel too much discomfort, it’s better to lie down for a day or two at home, take the appropriate medications or use folk remedies.

So, to reduce the temperature, you can drink linden or raspberry tea, to eliminate stomach problems - a decoction of oak bark, to normalize pressure - green tea and special herbal preparations.

There is another sign that the cleaning of the biofield was successful. But it usually appears only in people with hypersensitivity. It is usually difficult to describe in words: those who experienced this sensation characterize it as a non-physical feeling, as if some kind of ethereal substance was leaving the body.

Emotional sensations after cleansing the aura

Purification of the biofield is reflected in the emotional background of a person. So, for example, many say that in the first few days after the ritual they felt some kind of internal devastation, a feeling that the physical body had parted with something familiar to it.

This happens because a person who has been under a negative influence for a long time gets used to the state caused by it, and, having freed himself from negative influences, feels differently. The period of adaptation to this "new", but in fact the "old" state can take up to several weeks.

Some people feel that the whole world around them becomes brighter, acquires new colors, joy in life appears, negative thoughts disappear and positive thoughts come in their place. But most of the past note that such a state does not occur in the first days, but a little later.

What should alert after cleaning the biofield?

There are some signs that indicate that the magical ritual was carried out incorrectly and the negative was not removed at all or was not completely eliminated. So, for example, this can be indicated by the absence of any changes in the physical and emotional state of a person.

If you feel great after removing a serious negative, such as damage, this is not a good sign.

It is a completely different matter if a bioenergy specialist performed a small cleaning in the absence of serious damage to the aura - then the absence of deterioration in well-being immediately after the ritual is allowed.

Another serious sign of the improper conduct of the cleansing rite is the deterioration of the physical and emotional and physical condition, which is not on the decline, but on the rise. Normally, the feeling of discomfort should decrease every day and gradually fade away. If it's the other way around, that's cause for concern.

If your health does not return to normal within a few weeks, this is a reason to seek a second consultation with the specialist who cleaned your biofield. It is possible that you will need to repeat the magical ritual.

Now, after you have learned what feelings a person usually experiences after cleaning the biofield by a clairvoyant, you can independently diagnose your physical and emotional state in order to understand whether it is normal. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the bioenergy specialist you worked with for clarification. Only a specialist can determine if something suddenly went wrong.

The whole Universe, the whole world consists of many different energies. At the same time, both living and non-living nature, as well as artificially created objects, have their own energies. People, animals, trees, land cover, houses, cars and so on have their own individual energy.

All energies are positive (positive) and negative (negative). Positive energies have a beneficial effect on people, animals, and the environment. Negative energies have the opposite effect. They take away strength, health, worsen mood and well-being, lead to various troubles and create many problems in life.

A person may not know that he has been subjected to a negative energy impact, but he can feel and understand this precisely by his state. There are many ways to determine if a person has a negative impact, but this is a separate issue. Today, many are concerned about the issue of cleansing their own energy from any possible influences.

To cleanse your own bioenergetic shell and the energies flowing through the body, there are many complex ways that you can learn. And also there are the most simple and accessible options for each person to cleanse their energy. Let's look at a few of them.

Method one. To carry out this option of cleansing your energy, you will need one of the smallest church candles (a candle that burns out in 20-40 minutes), a basin with warm or hot water and table (rock) salt.

In a basin with warm or tolerably hot water for the feet, add three tablespoons of table salt, light a church candle on the table (in a candlestick, on a saucer or somewhere else) and sit opposite the candle at the table, dipping your feet in warm salt water. And constantly, without interruption, we read the prayer "Our Father" until the candle completely burns out.

Here, the impact of all four elements occurs during the purification of human energy: the Element of Fire is a lit church candle, the Element of Earth is the salt added to the water (salt represents the earth according to the elements), the Element of Water is the water itself into which your feet are lowered, the Element of Air is everything we breathe atmospheric air. The Word of God is also used here, that is, the powerful prayer “Our Father”, which Jesus Christ gave to all people at the time of his coming.

How is the purification of energy with this method? Everything is very simple. You read a prayer, turning to God himself, and with the help of this prayer, the negative comes out of your energy into the water with salt, where your feet are lowered. Salt with water completely neutralizes and destroys all negativity, dissolving it. Also, with the help of prayer and a burning candle, which you need to look at during the entire purification process, it burns out, another part of the negative that has not gone into the water is burned out.

Method two.
To carry out this purification option, you will need holy water (from a church or from a holy spring) and natural village milk (at least 3 liters). You need to pour warm or tolerably hot water into the bath, pour 3 liters of natural milk into this water (purchased milk from the store will not work, as it contains many different additives and at the time of sale it is processed, ceases to be alive), and then add to this water with milk crosswise three glasses of holy water with the words: “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

It is necessary to lie down in this bath and try to plunge headlong into water with milk at least three times. At the same time, in your own words, you need to ask milky water to cleanse you of everything bad, heal illnesses and give you strength and energy. Holy water sanctifies the water for your bathing and helps in cleansing the energy, while milk and energy cleanses and heals diseases. Together they also fill you with energy.

Method three. I suppose that many people know this option for cleansing their energy. However, I will tell about it to those who do not know about it. This cleansing procedure requires half a kilogram of natural sea salt without any additives. Such salt is the cheapest and can be bought in pharmacies or in some stores.

Pour warm or tolerably hot water into the water, dissolve sea salt in this water (the whole package weighing 0.5 kg.) And lie down in this water. You can also try to plunge headlong into this water several times. While you lie in the water, ask the water to cleanse you of everything bad. As mentioned earlier, salt is able to cleanse and neutralize the negative and sea salt performs the same function.

For those who do not have the opportunity to take a bath, but have a shower, you can wet yourself with shower water, rub yourself completely with sea salt, leave this salt for a while and ask it to cleanse you of everything bad. And then wash it all out of the shower. With salt and water, all negativity will go away.

Method four. This method is quite simple and consists in attending church regularly and defending the services there completely. If you come to church at any time and just put a candle there, it may not affect your cleansing of negativity. It is necessary, if possible, to attend church at least twice a week during services held there. Try to get to the morning and evening services and be there from the beginning to the end of the service. It helps in clearing your energy.

However, when visiting a church, another very good addition to cleanse the energy will be confession and communion. Three days before that, you can only eat plant foods and it is strictly forbidden to eat animal food (including dairy products, fish and eggs). On these days it is necessary to read certain prayers.

Before confession and communion, it is imperative to read the canons of repentance and the canon for communion from the prayer book. In this case, your energy is also cleansed, the karmic vessel is cleansed (sins go away and are forgiven), and you also receive a powerful boost of energy.

Method five. This method on January 19 can be easily done by anyone. In the Baptism of the Lord, all water, including tap water, magically becomes holy, structured. It is on this day that you can cleanse yourself of negativity by bathing in holy baptismal water.

At the same time, not every person is able to swim in the cold in cold water (+4 degrees). Frankly, I myself decide to bathe in the holy springs only in the summer, and I don’t have the courage to do it in the winter. The way out in this situation is this: pour warm or tolerantly cool water into the bath for baptism and plunge into it with your head. If you have doubts that this water is also Holy Epiphany, then you can add Epiphany water brought from the church to the bath. In the same way, you can pour cool water in the shower.

All Epiphany water is able to cleanse a person’s energy from negativity and charge it with additional energy.

Use any way convenient for you to cleanse yourself of negativity, improve your health, recharge your batteries. May everything be fine with you! And God help you!

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