The first regressive hypnosis began to be used. What is regressive hypnosis? Regressive hypnosis technique for self-immersion


Hypnosis techniques have been known to mankind since antiquity. In general, hypnosis is considered as one of the methods to achieve an altered state of consciousness. Initially hypnotist called magnetizer. It was believed that magnets ward off diseases from a person and it was magnets that put a person into a trance.

In traditional, classical hypnosis, which came to us from the 19th century and became known to the general public, the hypnotist puts a person into sleep and gives him direct suggestions-commands.

The term "hypnosis" was introduced in 1843 by the English physician J. Brad (Bride).

medical hypnosis

Hypnosis treatment is actively and successfully used in the treatment of such ailments as overweight and obesity, neuroses of all forms, stuttering, depression, fears, lack of appetite, mood swings, feelings of loneliness, panic and anxiety.

In medical practice, hypnosis is used to treat psychosomatic diseases such as peptic ulcer, hypertension, bronchial asthma, suffocation, increased sweating, fever or chills, excessive sleepiness, nausea and dizziness.

With the help of hypnotic sessions, patients get rid of various types of addictions, whether it is addiction to the Internet, TV or addiction to alcohol, tobacco, drugs. Hypnosis is also used to treat psychological dependence on people (partner, parents, leaders and bosses).

The most interesting thing is that hypnosis even allows you to get rid of skin and allergic diseases, which has become possible only in recent years thanks to many scientific discoveries of this kind.

A special medical aspect of hypnosis is the treatment of sexual disorders of the body, because often such diseases cannot be solved by traditional methods. In particular, hypnosis is used to treat uterine fibroids, menstrual irregularities, mastopathy, and dependence on a partner. Men can see a hypnologist for the treatment of impotence, premature ejaculation, fear of women, and sexual addiction.

The effectiveness of recovery when using hypnosis depends on many factors, primarily including the complexity and depth of the disease, and then the duration of the sessions and the depth of hypnosis. A set of modern methods of hypnosis (computer, verbal, erotic, sound hypnosis) allows you to find the right combination of ways to introduce a patient into hypnosis for the best recovery.

Despite the universality of the medical use of hypnosis, this method of treating diseases has its own contraindications. The most important and absolute of these are any acute somatic conditions, such as myocardial infarction, infections accompanied by high fever, acute appendicitis. If there are such cases in the medical record, the use of hypnosis is strictly prohibited and can have extremely negative consequences. Hypnosis is not recommended for hypertensive and hypotensive crises, cardiovascular insufficiency, bleeding and distrust of the hypnologist. For all other diseases, hypnosis can serve as a primary or secondary treatment.

Patriotic school

Kashpirovsky phenomenon

The suggestibility of the "average" person is very high - this was discovered by Anatoly Kashpirovsky, when, as he himself wrote, he was surprised to discover this fact. He successfully used the phenomenon of mass conditions to correct a number of chronic diseases and psychological abnormalities, to treat obesity, etc. Suggestibility is the most important characteristic that exists in the range of problems one way or another connected with hypnosis. Sociological surveys show that the necessary ideas can be instilled in a fairly high percentage of people - from 40 to 75%. Sociological studies allow this percentage to be calculated in dynamics, studying which factors it depends on to the greatest extent. So, it is possible to single out with certainty such moments as the intensity and duration of the impact, the correctly chosen emotional background for the suggested information. It is clear that the basis is the characteristics of the audience itself: its psychological state, the level of general awareness, as well as the quantity (and quality) of alternative sources that are used.

In some cases, in my practice, I use regressive hypnosis - one of the most effective tools in psychological counseling and psychocorrection. Its essence is quite simple, and the result is stable and achieved quickly. Dozens of my clients have solved their problems through regressive hypnosis.

In this article, I will try to briefly outline the basics of what is meant by regressive hypnosis, because there are many prejudices and even hoaxes about “zombie” associated with it. At the same time, regressive hypnosis not only has nothing to do with the imposition of will, but even, in fact, is not the influence of one person on another.

But let's get back to it, let's get back to it. What is hypnosis?

Hypnosis is a state in which your attention is highly focused and critical thinking is absent.

This means that it is easier for you to perceive the desired ideas, without their careful analytical processing.

Let's take an example to illustrate. Self-feeling “I am beautiful” will significantly improve the life of any woman. At the same time, attempts at direct suggestion will often encounter resistance: “well, what is beautiful in me, and my nose is like a potato, and my legs are crooked.” Despite the fact that the idea is important for this woman, and, most often, is true, her mind evaluates and rejects her because of the internal destructive attitudes received in childhood

During hypnosis, the attitude you wish to work through is recognized and corrected.

I wrote above that hypnosis is not the influence of one person on another, let's get back to that. What does it mean? Isn't hypnosis used to influence a person? This is both true and not true. Regressive hypnosis is not an outside influence because it is your own choice to work through your past. And this is not a play on words, here lies the fundamental difference between regressive hypnosis and the so-called “directive”: under the influence of regressive hypnosis, it is impossible to impose anything on you. You simply do not accept what is contrary to your desires.

Let's recap: hypnosis is not an imposed influence. It empowers you (and only you!) to find beliefs in your subconscious and change them if you really want to.

Now I propose to plunge into the question even more fully.

About critical thinking: what is it, why is it necessary and why to bypass

None of us could survive without critical thinking. It is necessary for survival, but it can also turn the whole life into survival: “I won’t succeed”, “it doesn’t happen like that”, “it didn’t work out before and now it will be the same again” - all these thoughts come from the critical mind. They are designed to protect us from failure, but in the end they often do not allow us to take a step towards success.

How are these thoughts formed? Your mind compares new ideas to past experiences based on your views, attitudes, and beliefs. Try to convince yourself that you will succeed, if it has not already happened a hundred, two hundred times?

Most often, a negative childhood experience or the experience of the prenatal period is prescribed in the subconscious. You may not even be aware of it.

Thus, your subconscious in childhood accumulated a large number of misconceptions about yourself, which cause irrational behavior, thoughts and emotions. They arise spontaneously and unpleasantly, and your consciousness is completely powerless in front of them.

Problems that seem to have no obvious causes often cannot be eliminated by the effort of the conscious mind.

This is the effectiveness of regressive hypnosis: it allows you to work with the subconscious mind directly. That is exactly where the problem lies. Thanks to hypnosis, it becomes possible to find and correct it.

How does hypnosis feel?

You will not feel something radically different from your usual state. You will be conscious, thinking clearly, consciously. You will be relaxed, feeling complete comfort.

You will remember the entire conversation after leaving hypnosis, there will be no “lapses in memory”.

You will be aware of the situation and may not even feel that you are under hypnosis.

Surprised? You may not actually feel that you are in a state of hypnosis. Hypnosis is not a feeling, not a sensation, but a state of mind. You can only notice a deep relaxation and a change in your perception, but these sensations do not reflect the essence of hypnosis and the full depth of its impact.

Will it work for you? Hypnosis and fear

Sometimes I hear the phrase: “I don’t succumb to hypnosis!”

It's the same as saying "I can't sleep." I repeat: hypnosis is not submission to someone else's will, so you cannot “succumb” or “not succumb” to it. Otherwise, the hypnologist's technique would look like this: a specialist is trying his best to hypnotize you, and you are resisting him with all your might.

There is no confrontation in the session. This is your own state, which I can help you dive into. I am not hypnotizing you. You enter the hypnotic state yourself, and you do it, by the way, in your daily life several times a day in the most natural way. In those very moments when you focus on something - that feeling when you “freeze”. At the appointment with a hypnologist, the state is, of course, more profound, but the essence is about the same.

Another fear is not waking up after hypnosis.

This turn in itself contains a logical error. A person does not sleep during hypnosis, his consciousness is clear. This is the same as being afraid not to wake up after a long contemplation of a fire or the sea surface.

Many people also believe that hypnosis is an intervention in the psyche, and its use can harm the psyche. Again, this misconception is based on the notion of influence - as if a hypnologist would climb into a fragile psyche with rusty tools and begin to put things in order there. Regressive hypnosis, as I have repeatedly emphasized above, is not an alien influence and does not act so clumsily.

Can they be harmed? Yes, like any other tool in the wrong hands. A match can set a house on fire, a needle can prick your fingers. For all its harmlessness, regressive hypnosis must also be applied using safety precautions and common sense - no one has canceled this. And thanks to this tool, it is possible, which previously could not be solved in any other way.

Such beliefs reflect the fear of hypnosis, shaped by stories, films and books - the image of a powerful, cunning hypnotist and a weak-willed person. Regressive hypnosis is completely safe and designed to help you, and you will not lose control of yourself during the session.

Hypnosis is one of the most popular methods of dealing with psychotrauma, phobias, and negative attitudes. Its popularity is due to the high efficiency and safety of treatment. But at the same time, the methods of regressive hypnosis are overgrown with conjectures, myths, and frankly false information. This is largely due to the unprofessional activities of some "specialists", as well as insufficient awareness of people about this technique.

Differences between age regression and regression hypnosis

The concepts of age regression and regressive hypnosis are similar, but not identical. Age regression is recognized by traditional science, medicine. It is practiced by most psychologists, hypnotherapists. It involves immersing a person in a light hypnotic trance, during which the patient returns and re-experiences a traumatic event for him.

Since most of the complexes we have are laid in the period up to 5 years, at the appointment with a specialist, patients regress to childhood. For example, a girl suffers from excessive touchiness. It seems to her that the second half does not pay enough attention to her. At the appointment with a hypnotherapist, most likely, it will turn out that the first feeling of resentment appeared in childhood. It is provoked by a lack of attention from both or one of the parents.

The technique of regressive hypnosis also involves immersing a person in a hypnotic trance. But unlike age regression, it is not a youth, childhood, but past lives that are viewed. The patient is transported to a moment that is associated with a particular problem.

For example, a person is terribly afraid of water, he is shivering even at the sight of the sea, river or other body of water. In this life, there were no events that activate fear, so it is not possible to find logical explanations for the phobia. When recapitulating past lives, it turns out that the man was a sailor. His ship was wrecked and he and his entire crew perished. This is the explanation of the phobia that affects the patient already in this life.

Age regression or regressive hypnosis?

Both techniques are effective, but only their areas of influence are different. Experts who adhere to the traditional approach praise the age regression method. Like, it is safe for the patient, effective and humane. During hypnosis, a person will experience emotional suffering, but will get rid of complexes.

As for regressive hypnosis, it has not yet been recognized by science. The methodology is subjected to comprehensive criticism, which is more associated with ignorance of all its principles. Regressive hypnosis - deceit, quackery, inventions of esotericists. This opinion is shared by many traditional specialists who do not support the idea of ​​reincarnation. Films and science fiction books add fuel to the fire, inadequately representing the process of revising past incarnations.

Despite widespread attacks, past life regression is gaining more and more fans every year. If the technique is working, it will not work to hide it from people, no matter how hard its opponents try. The regressive hypnosis of Michael Newton has already become known to many. Largely thanks to the two books of this great researcher. Hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon also made a great contribution to this area. These people have devoted not 1-2 years, but decades of their lives to the study of the method of viewing past lives. And that says something.

Which method is better?

Both age regression and regressive hypnosis are good in their own way. The main advantage of age regression is the simplicity of the procedure. Any psychotherapist will be able to immerse in a light trance, ask leading questions. Even if you happen to get to an inexperienced specialist, there will be no terrible consequences. At most, it will not be possible to solve the psychological problem.

Regressive hypnosis takes you back to a past life. At this time, the patient is vulnerable, is in the complete power of the hypnotherapist. It is on the skill, experience of a specialist that a person will get rid of a psychotrauma or acquire a new one. Because there are so many charlatans out there today, it's important to get serious about finding a good hypnotherapist.

While age regression is touted by mainstream scholars, its limitations should not be forgotten. This method allows you to explore only the events that occurred in this life. If the complex comes from childhood, you are in luck. In a state of light trance, you will return at the right moment, you will understand what is the root of evil. What if the phobia comes from a past life? What then?

Regressive hypnosis allows you to view the period of early childhood, conceptions, past lives, moments of body choice and much more. In this case, the scope of the study is wider. Regressive hypnosis allows you to connect to the Akashic Records and find out the answer to any disturbing question.

A Safe Alternative to Regressive Hypnosis

Not in every city, and not in every country, there are specialists of such a level as Michael Newton, Dolores Cannon. And not everyone wants to risk their health and test the reliability of one or another hypnotherapist. Fortunately, humanity does not stand still, any methods are being improved, new approaches are being invented.

Many practices, the technician offers the Institute of Reincarnation. Past life viewers have developed methods that allow people to travel to any point in their current or past life. At the same time, no one plunges anyone into a trance, does not influence hypnosis. The person is conscious, remembers everything, can interrupt the session at any moment. Unlike regressive hypnosis, everything is controlled by the client, not the hypnotherapist.

At the Institute of Reincarnation you will find programs such as:

  • Free course " How to remember past lives».
  • Free session "Past Lives".
  • Master Class " Health of the physical body».
  • Master Class " We work with programs of the kind».
  • Master Class " How to understand your children».
  • Master Class " Healing traumatic situations».
  • Webinar « Reincarnation and money».
  • Webinar "Sexuality".
  • Thematic marathon " Getting rid of fears».
  • Thematic marathon " We increase financial well-being».

It covers the most important, most important areas of human life. It is very important for all of us to find a common language with children, husbands / wives, parents. We all want to be healthy, successful, independent of phobias, opinions, complexes. It may seem surprising, but harmony and prosperity can be achieved by poisoning past lives and dealing with traumatic situations. Make it possible for everyone. Don't miss your chance for a happy future.

Uncle Doctor's post is funny and absurd, but it mainly threatens the wallet, then the charlatans from the so-called "regressive psychotherapy" can bring you to a madhouse. This is the public that claims to help people return to past reincarnations and correct karmic mistakes. This has nothing to do with psychology and psychotherapy, pure mysticism.

I will give an example from the site. I highlighted something there with a simple bold, I will try to give a materialistic explanation.

Now about the selection with a simple bold, without italics, underlining and color. Such a result could be obtained with a carefully prepared hoax. Some information was collected from the past, samples of the style of speech, etc., then the paid figurants were carefully trained (perhaps the necessary information was sold to them under hypnosis, to facilitate perception, yet it is not easy to teach a housewife to chat in Old French; and if you dictate to her under hypnosis, a few meaningful phrases taken from literary sources, then this is another matter).

In any case, such experiments on oneself are dangerous and can lead to a madhouse with everything that follows from this. And if suddenly there is no experienced doctor who knows hypnosis, then a course of sulfazine therapy and haloperidol intravenously without cyclodol a long-term mental health disorder is almost guaranteed.

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Hypnotherapy is widely used today. More and more people are signing up for the so-called hypnotherapists. regressive hypnosis to remove from the unconscious psychotrauma, fears and other emotional negatives, recorded not in early childhood, as when using age regression, but in "past lives".

These fears make themselves felt in adulthood, and because of them a person cannot live normally, constantly experiencing anxiety, panic attacks, phobias, neuroses almost from scratch.

Many young people (often due to psychological immaturity), having read various publications and reviews about the “magic” benefits of regressive hypnosis, and most importantly, about the FAST solution of their psycho-emotional problems by using it (instead of age regression) in a hypnotic trance, go to various hypnotherapists (sometimes, to pseudo-hypnotists, esotericists, parapsychologists), subconsciously expecting miraculous and instant healing.

Is it true that regressive hypnosis is so "magic and wonderful"? What is the real benefit of it and why is it dangerous for the human psyche?
Today on site http://site you will learn everything about hypnosis in general, about regressive hypnosis and about age regression in particular.

What is regressive hypnosis and age regression

Regressive hypnosis is“Journey to past lives” in a hypnotic trance, with the aim, as it were, of your healing ... It is more used in parapsychology and “psychotherapeutic” treatment among esotericists, because methods of regressive hypnosis are not recognized by official science and are considered to be manipulation of both the consciousness and the subconscious of a person.

If you believe in reincarnation, in past and future lives, in the transmigration of souls, then regressive hypnosis is “for you”…

Age regression is real experience of various childhood ages of a person under the influence of hypnosis, i.e. in a light hypnotic trance (Ericksonian, soft hypnosis is usually used), in the present tense.

Age regression is so real and natural, like trance itself, that most people periodically, without realizing it, regress into childhood.

For example, many of you know what resentment is, probably many of you were offended by someone or periodically do it. So, resentment is not an innate emotion, it is a way of thinking, feeling and behavior memorized in childhood - in fact, children's psychological blackmail. The subconscious purpose of resentment is to cause the other (originally the parent) to feel guilty and get what you want ...

Suppose a wife is offended by her husband for a lack of attention, childishly believing that in this way she will receive it - this is an age regression - an adult mistake of thinking.
How does she behave? She puffed out her lips, frowned her brows, scowled her nose, does not talk, “hisses” - well, isn’t she a child ?!

Well, drunks, who are clearly in age regression, were seen by everyone ...

Treatment with regressive hypnosis and age regression

The “treatment” by regressive hypnosis is supposedly carried out by a hypnotherapist (experienced hypnotist).

A person, who can be called "experimental", with the help of special techniques (often through classical, directive hypnosis) is introduced into a hypnotic trance. After that, his consciousness changes, the subconscious and the unconscious open up ... "and do whatever you want with him" ... Inspire him, at least that he is an alien from another galaxy ... and in a past life he was an astronaut flying on a spaceship to other planets, where he crashed ... and hence his psychological trauma ...

Interestingly, the method of regressive hypnosis sometimes works, provided, of course, that you are influenced by an honest and experienced hypnologist who has no negatives in his head - usually psychotherapists and psychoanalysts themselves, before practice, undergo psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

All these experiences of “past lives”, where, as it were, some kind of emotional experience, fear, stress were recorded, are ordinary, but rather vivid fantasies (such as dreams), which are controlled by a hypnotherapist. The brain perceives fantasy as reality, so you will experience real negative emotions, which actually need to be worked out (removed) during regressive hypnosis.

If you are lucky and the fictional “past life experiences” match up with real experiences in your past, for example, childhood, then you will really be “lucky” ...

Not a very humane method, because. makes a person suffer.

Use in the treatment of age regression exists in almost all psychoanalytic and psychotherapeutic schools. It is used in psychoanalysis, gestalt therapy, psychodrama, transactional analysis, and other recognized methods of psychological assistance and psychotherapy.

During the age regression, of course, you will also have to relive past emotional suffering, but not as vividly as it was in the past, because. at first they begin to regress into the recent past, and as the problems are worked out, they reach a deep regression - to the childhood age at which this problem was fixed.

This method is both humane and really effective, because. your past is a reality stored in the depths of the psyche, and not fiction ...

Plus, hypnotic influence is used as an additional (auxiliary) tool of psychotherapy, and not as the main one ...

Not for nothing that at one time even Freud abandoned treatment with pure hypnosis and invented psychoanalysis, because. from experience, he realized that although hypnosis was a quick method of therapy, in most cases the disease returned (there were many relapses).

Possible Consequences of Regressive Hypnosis and Benefits of Age Regression

Regressive hypnosis, like any other impact on the open subconscious, can be dangerous for the human psyche.

For example, if the psychotrauma in the past was very strong, then the psyche may not withstand a new experience of such deep emotions. Psychosis can develop, up to psychosomatic pathologies, especially if there is a genetic predisposition. And who really does psychodiagnostics and in-depth research of the client before regressive hypnosis?!

Your neurotic disorder may return after some time, because. by and large, you can simply be inspired that you feel good ... like recovered ...
And since in hypnosis, hypnotic amnesia is usually used, you won’t even think later that your, as it seems to you, “new disease” is a well-forgotten old one ...

Likewise, but in principle in any psychotherapeutic practice, there is an opportunity to become dependent on a hypnologist, not without his conscious participation ...