Acquaintance with egregor Reiki and his curators. What actually happens at an initiation? Egregor Reiki - additional help? Reiki techniques for liberation from egregors

Reiki This is a non-aggressive, soft, but at the same time effective energy. In my own practice, I always do at least 15 minutes of Reiki. When I conduct a session, Reiki begins with the first visual contact with the client. It happens that as soon as you see a client, compassion arises in you, and Reiki is transmitted through the eyes to the client. This allows me to quickly become upset with the client and his problem.

While still working as an auditor, I began to be interested in Tarot cards, Runes and other mantic systems, and now I am conducting techniques, that is, I am engaged exclusively in esotericism, leaving my main specialty.

Clients seemed to push me, all the time to learn something and improve my skills. She comprehended the Runes more deeply, at the same time she was interested in numerology, cabalistics, astrology, palmistry, etc. All of this was fun and enjoyable. After some time, probably after the induced damage, long-healing ulcers of necrotic origin appeared on the body. This is where Reiki helped, which unexpectedly came from two women who treated me at a distance. As a result, after the treatment, I had a genuine interest in the Reiki method itself. I am now a Master Teacher and initiate others. And still continuing to work with Tarot, Runes, Palmistry, etc., and realized that these areas are related.

One of the questions that many "beginner" esotericists ask is about the relationship of different egregors. Russia is a country with a huge Christian spiritual experience, and therefore, most often clients ask the question: “Is what you do compatible with religious dogmas?”

The attempt to identify the Holy Spirit with "universal" energy is by no means invented by the Reikists, and so are other occultists. Christianity proclaimed principles, the moral level of which still remains the standard in the history of world religious thought (the commandments of Christ's Sermon on the Mount).

Left behind the commandments (principles) and Mikao Usui, the spiritual teacher of Reiki: “Just today, do not worry. Don't be angry today. Honor your parents, teachers and elders. Earn your living honestly. Treat all living things with gratitude. So Mikao Usui himself spoke about this: “No one in the Universe initiated me into this method. I also didn't have to make any effort to reach supernatural healing energies. During the fast, I came into contact with a powerful energy and mystically received a secret suggestion (I received Reiki energy). Thus, by chance, I was given the spiritual art of healing.” The old occult idea is that behind all religions is the same "god". There is evidence described in sacred Sanskrit texts that the practices of working with spiritual energy were used by Christ himself in healing people.

There is also a call to prayer in Reiki: “... call on spiritual mentors, Reiki masters and all the Light Forces... And it doesn’t matter at all whether you pray out loud or silently, to whom you call - to the ascended Reiki Masters, to Jesus, St. , Buddha, Krishna, Babaji, to other teachers, angels or spirit guides, or to the Reiki energy itself”; “I turn to Reiki and ask her to come to me and heal through my hands.” If a Christian calls, first of all, to God, then Reikists - to Reiki masters and "to the very energy of Reiki."

Thus, there is no contradiction between the Reiki system and the Christian faith.

Can I do both Reiki and Tarot? And what comes first?

Reiki energy is not tied to any of the existing religions, and Tarot does not require the tarologist to abandon all other classes and practices. If you live by the principles of Reiki, your tarot reader ethics should be in harmony with them. Which is not a problem since you install it yourself. Tarot does not violate any of the principles of Reiki.

From experience, I will say that it will not be easy to combine Tarot and Reiki only in terms of distributing your own time: both require concentration, solitude - for meditation, practice, communication with teachers, reading special literature. How can these systems support each other?

First, Reiki will help the study of Tarot. It's no secret that the meanings of the cards, the layouts are just the tip of the iceberg. In fact, we receive information from the information field and work with the third eye. Open it, clear our communication channel with the information field and Reiki energy will help. In addition, meditations are used to connect to the energies of the cards. The skill of meditation is practiced while studying Reiki, and Gassho meditation is vital for beginners before starting to communicate with the cards. Visualization skills will also come in handy for “entering the map”.

Secondly, Reiki helps after communicating with the client. Master tarologists note the need to “close the connection” with the client after the session, as well as to protect the room and oneself from negative energy during the session. Various rituals have been developed for this. If you are familiar with Reiki energy, rituals can be kept to a minimum. Reiki will perfectly cleanse you and the room, and intention will help you get more accurate predictions.

Thirdly, Reiki will help in choosing the right deck, especially if you are working with the anakhara energy center. Through Anahara, you will be able to feel if the energy of the deck resonates with you. You can also try to clean the deck itself with Reiki energy by putting in it the intention for accurate predictions. This is the deck “tuning” that everyone cryptically talks about on specific sites, but no one explains in detail. Only in this case, the attunement will be carried out with the help of Reiki energy.

Fourthly, very often clients, turning to a tarologist, actually want to get some kind of help. Not in all cases, it is possible to convince to refrain from magic, or at least find an adequate magician who practices to help, and not “blacken” the situation. If you know how to use Reiki energy, you can offer your help. For some, this will be a real lifesaver. For example, a client is upset that his boss periodically “presses” him. In this case, I suggest that he use Reiki as an ambulance: one hand is above the navel, the other below, and you begin to give yourself Reiki. This especially works very well when you are called “on the carpet” and they begin to literally compare you to the ground, for, as a rule, a small offense. Well, if the boss literally went berserk and began to show signs of inadequacy, then you “close the house” and continue to give Reiki, and soon everything will get better. In this case, it is desirable to still connect the feet. Further, I explain to the client that if he felt discomfort in the upper half of the abdomen at the time of the conversation, then he has a block in the center of the will (svadhisthana-chakra) and therefore the system works: “I am the boss - you are a fool.” It is this center that is affected by the bosses (teachers) “I said ...”, “You are obliged and you must ...”, it is this center that suffers in interpersonal relations - “I told whom (a)” ... He worked without sparing his stomach, unquestioningly fulfilled the will of the owner, and it was because of this that he earned a hernia. Overstretched. I took more than I could carry. I spent a lot of vitality and energy, and did not receive an adequate exchange equivalent.

Does a Reikist need Tarot? Reikist Tarot is optional. But if you want to go beyond teaching and healing to diagnostics, it might come in handy. Remember that it is impossible to become a good tarot reader overnight, but Reiki initiation can be obtained quickly.

Can I do Reiki and Runes? And what comes first?

It would seem that what could be in common between European Rune magic and the Japanese Reiki system? And how can one person combine such different interests? It turns out it can.

Runes cannot be considered only as a system of divination - that would be very primitive. All this is much wider and much deeper. Each of the runes is a sign and a sound. In addition, the rune carries some kind of information load. A simple example: for example, we need help with an exam. We draw certain runes, and this combination when formulating intention (that is, what you want to achieve) gives help. There is a feeling of confidence even at the psycho-emotional level. This works for absolutely everyone. The same is true in Reiki, only here we draw symbols instead of runescripts. Only these systems are different, they cannot be crossed. If we remember the history of "Ahnenerbe", we will see that they generally used runic signs and at the same time used the Reiki system.

Reiki and Clairvoyance

Working with clients, I began to notice that I want to give advice to many people: go and initiate Reiki and then your worldview will change, including your outlook on problems, and it will be easier to solve them, especially since the instrument is always with you. This is an opportunity to heal with hands, look and breath, and harmonize yourself and others, clearing and adjusting the individual matrix, and work with situations, and communicate with the entities of parallel and higher worlds, and much more.

Reiki initiation does not open clairvoyance directly and immediately. But, it removes blocks from the sixth chakra, which is responsible for Vision. Ajna is unblocked, as well as other chakras - during initiation, blocks are removed from the four upper chakras: Sahasrara, Ajna, Vishuddhi and Anahata. This is necessary so that Reiki can pass through the body without any special obstacles, evenly and more or less painlessly. That is, it turns out that during the initiation, Ajna opens, as it were, between times, as a necessity. And this means, among other things, that the third eye is worked out every time you do integration with energy or harmonization of yourself (like the Reiki-soul technique), and it is worked out on all planes and levels.

Summing up, I want to say that at present the Reiki egregore acts as a kind of mechanism that connects, leads to resonance and, as a result, mutual understanding of people from different esoteric schools.

And for my part, I offer a prayer, for which I perform the ritual of entering the Reiki stream and turn to You, Lord: “Lord, let me be Your channel to help planet Earth get rid of negativity, unrighteous actions, Russia, the city of Moscow in purification, our having gone to quickly achieve the desired result in general, please give me the energy you need, where you need it, and as much as you need!”

Polunina Antonina Vasilievna,

member of the Russian Academy of Sciences (registration number 0542 series ChK),

Reiki Master Teacher

Tarot reader, Rune Master, Palmist.

Contact phone +7 903 979 2910

Anahara is a center that is located in the center of the chest and also covers our heart. We feel the energy of anakhara as a state of unconditional love.

An organization that existed in the Third Reich and was created to study the traditions, history and heritage of the Germanic race.

The entire Reiki system is an egregor that contains a range of channels used to work with various problems. The healer, to whom the channels are attached, enters a trance (altered) state of consciousness (ASC) during work and simply conducts a special channel to the patient, which is suitable for treating this disease. In fact, he attunes the patient with himself, being at the same time a conductor of the qualities of the channel.

Egregor Reiki includes many smaller egregors - this includes Usui Reiki, Kundalini Reiki, Tantra Reiki, Reiki Yggdrassil, etc. Each of these egregors is "created" with the help of a specific teacher. For example, the "classic" Reiki Usui. It was obtained by Dr. Usui in meditation. There was a contact with the consciousness of Egregor Reiki (this is an egregor that contains connections to energies external to the Earth, but is transformed by the consciousness of the planet, filtered, so at the output we get the structure of planetary consciousness that can be described using other healing systems and not only) , but the perception of the Master filtered him in his own way, so all the initiations that he gave contain this filter. If we talk about Kundalini Reiki, then the same thing happened here, but only Ole Gabrielsen came to the egregor, whose consciousness filtered the channel in his own way - therefore these systems are different.

The master gives initiation by connecting a connection to a certain person on the Sahasrara, then this flow is activated at the request of the initiate. The characteristics of the flow are such that initiations can only be given if the subkey has a certain critical activity, below which the initiation simply will not occur. Therefore, as a rule, there are several steps, and each of them has some of its own distinctive features. The user of the Reiki system conducts the quality of energy by adjusting the object of influence with the characteristics of his flow.

In Reiki, a rather important element is the line of transmission. The fact is that after receiving each setting, work is carried out with this setting in order for it to be fixed. At the same time, the flow expands, capturing those aspects of the egregor that the one who received the attunement can capture but could not capture the transmitting attunement. The longer the transmission line, the more frequencies and aspects of the egregor captures the flow, which is then transmitted further during initiations. On the other hand, the shorter the transmission line, the more “clean” the channel. It should also be clarified that Reiki is a fairly mass system, and initiations can be given by people with a low level of consciousness. This is what distinguishes real initiations from reiki - in the first case, they can be stored for dozens, or even hundreds of incarnations, in the second case, they will fall apart on their own, in this life, if the recipient does not fix them. Nevertheless, despite the importance of this aspect, we can connect to these energies on our own, but the effect will be 2-3 times weaker (it will take longer to develop the channel, but on the other hand it will be more individualized).

Another element of the Reiki egregor is code phrases. The egregore contains certain verbal commands that activate one or another aspect of the flow - it is precisely because of such simplicity and accessibility that the system is popular. It is more suitable for novice practitioners - this is the development of basic sensitivity and basic skills in working with states and flows, as well as with minimal impact. In addition to the applied aspect, it does not carry the main development (as well as 12 lassoes), since it is simply carrying out what is higher to where it is lower - without awareness and experience. You serve only as a conductor, although on the other hand, by working with this energy, you can multiply your energy conductivity.

Three regular stories on the topic of reiki. Writes a new hypnologist

From funny or about egregore Reiki)

The other day, a couple of friends who practice different practices, including reiki, with an experience of 10 years, dropped in on us. Previously, all our communication went quite smoothly and no one campaigned for one or another method or school. In this meeting, I discovered the most amusing thing: as soon as we started discussing the moments associated with the full individuality of each of the people of his personal reality, and all kinds of topics on the subject of what is good and bad for each of his own, friends absolutely turned off in a dream in the middle of a conversation. During the evening communication, and they stayed with us in the evening from 5 pm to 1 am, they really turned off to sleep 5 times, each time exactly at that moment while we were discussing these topics, and waking up as if nothing had happened continued the conversation :) And every time they turned off, I got a little on the head. Well, I wondered and forgot.

The next day I had a session with a child, and during the session I found that I was being attacked very aggressively. These attacks did not interfere with the session in any way, they did not affect the child in any way. The session went really well.

And on the day following the session, I felt completely exhausted, beaten and stuffed with some strange energy constructions. I went into the dive with a request to look for what it was.

First of all, I looked at what was in the session: I discovered little attacks on myself by the entities from whose paws the child was taken. The entities were sincerely indignant and wanted to hack me with an ax)) The benevolent energy from the Spark did an ordinary miracle), the entities transformed and subsided to comprehend their own evolution, and not wave axes) At this point in the session, everything that was connected with the child turned out to be clean.

But behind that, a very strange and unpleasant picture appeared and was revealed. All my fields, bodies, wings and structures were literally plastered with tens of thousands of dark funnels of portals, stuck to each of the chakras that I could barely distinguish. Marveling at the picture, he called the customer of this action, a certain Japanese character appeared in a helmet and hood. I was surprised to find a bird under this attire)) The bird was from the Reiki egregor.

He burned with indignation and very grandiloquently pushed me a speech about the fact that it was not worth confusing people who were following their Reikist correct path) They said they tolerated me, but here I’m completely, from their point of view, a bad person, I became insolent and began to lead people astray with his fields)) This speech smiled at me very, really comical grotesque. Well, traditionally, knowing that we all carry the Spark of Unity in ourselves, I illuminated his own Spark in the bird, and my God, like birds, it lit up and literally blossomed :) He took off all the robes, armor and some other attributes of egregor Reiki, smiling, removed all this portal garbage from me, sent it to my portal himself and beaming, proudly raising his head and spreading his wings, went into the light. Do you speak reiki ;)

I was a little tired: I got sick, and even active processes overlapped. She lay down to rest, fell asleep. I see: two Reiki masters came to visit me, who work together and with whom I once studied Reiki.

I look at them and think to myself: “Why did you come? I didn't invite... And they, in response to my thoughts: “We haven’t seen each other for a long time,” seem to smile, while they themselves quickly collect and put the TV that has appeared from nowhere, some different-sized antennas, wires, cords, extension cords into large bags. I suddenly realize that all this was set up in my space, and it comes to me: “Ah, so this is how Reiki attunements work! The symbols that are introduced into the chakras and the channel at the initiation are the same connections - antennas that transmit and receive signals from the outside! This is where the mentality controlled from outside comes from!”. And just when I thought about it - wow! - they were gone.

Awoke. Yes, and that's how it works. A seeker comes, opens up with trust to a reiki master teacher, and begins to learn. The first stage consists of four initiations: opening, cleansing, attuning, strengthening the Reiki channel, and then how will it go. Someone is limited to the first step, gives energy to themselves, relatives, animals, plants, their space. Many go further - the second, third, fourth steps, practice, teach, initiate others, gather a “reiki circle” with like-minded people and students, work with each other, and provide assistance in difficult situations. Acceptance of people, results, “miraculous” healings, gradually Reiki becomes a way of life, if there are no “bells” in the form of doubts or questions.

What happens at initiation? The master approaches the sitting person and, with his permission, using the Reiki symbols, gets access to the main energy channel of the person, opens it and - bam! - on the subtle plane, the channel is intercepted (who would have thought!) by businessmen from the magical egregore. But this is higher, and here in 3D the Reiki master in a high state of mind “brings light” to the student: Reiki symbols are introduced into the upper centers - cho-ku-rei, sei-he-ki, hon-sha-ze-sho-nen, give -ko-myo from sahasrara through ajna and vishuddha to the heart center of anahata, and then into the arms and legs and along the entire post to grounding - and the whole structure is ready, swing it - I don’t want to. Yes, really ... no words, only curses.

Q. Why did I contact you, Teacher… I am initiated into the Shambhala Reiki system. Can I ask you a question about this system? We learned that Shambhala Reiki was rewired by one of the dark civilizations for their own selfish purposes. This is true?
A. Yes, really.
Q. Then why is no action taken at your level to keep this system clean?
A. No system can be 100% clean, and no system can run all the time, be "working" once and for all. Because the world is changing, and if the system involves a certain set of techniques, a fixed set of tools that cannot operate forever in a changing world, then the system inevitably becomes obsolete.
Q. That is, this process is natural?

Oh yeah. This happens especially often when a living carrier leaves the system, who created the system and left it to his followers, then they, as a rule, try to copy all his actions exactly, turning improvisations into a set of techniques. And the longer the chain of succession, the more zealously they try to copy ... in the hope that if they strictly follow the rules left to them, then this will certainly lead them to the same result. This way of development a priori implies limitations: the followers of the system will never be able to surpass the level of achievements of its founder. Of course, techniques work up to a certain level, but given the constant changes taking place in the world, the system over time is more and more detached from the realities of the era. And so it needs to be modified. And flashing is just a kind of touchstone for weeding out blind imitators from seekers.
Q. Yes. That is, everything has a purpose, and the flashing of the system by dark civilizations had a certain positive aspect...

Oh... a certain meaning, yes. Dark civilizations try to delay progress, evolution as much as possible, and a person who begins to get carried away with thoughtless imitations, following ready-made rules, tries to copy everything mechanically, simply stops evolving. He gets such ... the illusion of evolution. It seems to him that he is growing spiritually, but in reality he is losing his own individuality, growth occurs formally, and not in essence.

UPD from comments:

1. In my experience, egregor is aggressive. Friends somehow got carried away, got the 1st step and paid, one went further to the 4th step, i.e. he has already initiated others. For those who cut off, health and money problems suddenly flew at once, before the trial and loss of inheritance-real estate. I tried to help and find out: what do they need from them and to whom? Their Reiki teacher (mentor) sent these curses on them, saying that since they started and paid for the first step, they owe her money for the rest of the lessons too, otherwise there will be trouble. Of course, I was amazed at the impudence, she poked me with her nose at the text that is pronounced at initiation literally there "I give my fate, the energy of life and the time of life into the hands of the master." Those. everything is legal and my friends revealed themselves to this reiki teacher, they owe her and she can do whatever she wants with them. :(This is an Eastern tradition, indeed, and the text is standard. In India, for example, initiation takes place once with one spiritual teacher and for life. We said and forgot, twenty more teachers will find and also "lay their lives and energy at their feet" Until I realized that any contract can be broken, the victims had already gone and the first friend with the 4th degree died, others lost their health and were also on the edge, relatives began to die. No one has any abilities, even the first long-suffering friend :)

2. a familiar story, I often hear this. egregor often works like this:

at first, it improves health, but then relatives begin to fall ill. you need to treat them, there is not enough energy, a person goes to the next step for new capacities. then the network grows along the knurled one.

with regard to money, the situation is as follows: on the one hand, they appear to a greater extent, but on the other, out of nowhere, there is a need to constantly spend them somewhere. then the roof will leak, then the car will break down, then medicines are needed.

the higher the level, the more difficult it is to break the connection with the master/egregor. if it is already the master himself, then when the contract is broken, night visits begin, attacks on the event series, health, loved ones. and on the same day, although nothing foreshadowed.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them as the ultimate truth, because, but for each level of consciousness and. We learn to separate what is ours from what is not ours, or to extract information autonomously)

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The whole process took a maximum of 15 minutes, during the process I did not experience shaktipada, my third eye did not open, and in general everything went almost “imperceptibly”. But since that day, I have been giving a little bit of reiki every day, as soon as the desire arises - just by intention, with hands, and sometimes without hands. Only a year or so later I came across information about what is "supposed", "correct" and "obligatory" to do for those who received reiki. She was horrified by her wrongness, tried to apply practices, but somehow it didn’t work - why do we need “ritual dances with a tambourine”, if you can do without them? And now I am very happy with this state of affairs.

Conversation with a Reiki Master:

M: What school do you belong to?

Me: - No, I just had an initiation.

M: How is it? What was the initiation ritual like?

Me: - They opened a channel for me, and I began to use Reiki every day.

M: - But you had to do special practices, meditations, go through a ritual ( enumeration of mandatory procedures). If this was not the case, then you do not have reiki, but something else! You can't say you have reiki.

Reiki is a divine energy available to everyone and without initiations. Yes, yes, otherwise how would she come to Mikao Usui?

There are people who intuitively come into contact with this energy and heal with its help. And then such "intuitive healers" who have reached initiation into Reiki are told: "You don't need initiation. You already have a channel open, we can only expand it."

When communicating with Reiki, there are 5 principles of Mikao Usui:

  • Don't be angry today.
  • Don't worry today.
  • Earn your living honestly.
  • Honor your parents, teachers and elders.
  • Be grateful to all living things.

And the rest of the majority of mandatory practices are often a connection to the Reiki egregor of a particular school or master.

  • Well, what's so terrible about connecting to an egregore?

Yes, in principle, nothing "terrible", for the time being. As long as you fulfill the requirements of the egregore, it allows you to use energy. But one day a collision may occur - when for some reason you stop nourishing and supporting the egregor, behaving according to its rules, or you become cramped within its framework. Then you have difficulties with Reiki, which would not exist if you addressed the Divine Energy directly.

Example from one conversation:

N: - And what's so terrible about falling under egregore? After all, in order to get help from Reiki, you still adapt to the egregor, and when the process is completed, you leave with a bow, and this is not scary.

Me: - They don’t just leave the egregor, it takes part of your energy, although this is often not recognized. Althoughup to a point it doesn't matter.

....(after 5 minutes)

N: - I haven't "turned on" Reiki for a long time. Previously, there was no darkness, only light, and now even the Reiki symbol does not want to be drawn.

Me: - Isn't egregor blocking you? Probably he is not ready to communicate with you on your rules and let you go with a bow "just like that"? Try to go beyond it, you said that you were in such a space as a child. Try draw a symbol from there. As a child, most likely you did not yet have a connection to this egregor.

N: - Oh, that's light-light and easy from childhood!

Another myth is that in order to "work out" the channel, "correct" exercises are needed, otherwise nothing will work.

I will share my experience: having received the first step, at first I worked with myself and what was available and nearby, and then I switched to remote work, working with my psychological blocks, and so on. When I came for initiation to the second stage, 2 interesting things came to light:

  • remote work and various other advanced things are available only to holders of the second stage,
  • my rack channel was already as wide as if I already had a second stage.

In my experience and not only, the main thing in expanding the channel is to use Reiki in everyday life, refer to it as often as possible. Develop your experience, your ways that work best for you. If you intend to heal with Reiki, then it will be useful for you to "pierce the channels" with the help of this practice.

To begin with, let me remind you that ANYONE can be reflashed and, as practice shows, almost all egregors are predatory to one degree or another. Here, naturally, an objection will arise: “what about the egregor of the family, clan ?!”. Again, the degree is different for everyone, many give more than they take, and it is not always possible to refuse to participate. It is necessary to realize that all entities feed on someone and feed someone. If you know about exceptions, please feel free to. Egregors are psychoenergetic entities that have their own consciousness and transmit this consciousness to adepts. The egregor of the family, for example, can give strength, but it also takes a lot of them, you see. This is neither good nor bad, everything is experience and development, it just needs to be understood and taken into account.

Now, let's take, as a vivid example, the egregor of reiki, about which there was also a recent correspondence about him:

Q: I left reiki - in my subjective opinion, the energy of reiki is not quite what is attributed to it (but it is attributed to: light, love, nirvana, etc.), it is rather cold, prudent and technocratic - it dawned on me after two years of hard daily practice…) But someone doesn’t feel it, or maybe different masters and different settings are transmitted, I don’t know.

A: Look who is in charge of thin. Just ask them to come. Just don't buy into the masks, they need to be removed to see the true essence (with a ray from the heart, for example). You will thank yourself for leaving

Q: And what to do with them further, these curators - when will they come? What, just look and send home?
And here is the question - is there this channel that opens during initiation - after leaving the system, they can pour something unnecessary through it, control it, etc.? If a person does not use the channel and has never used it, and does not believe at all (my husband) - in this case do they have “access”? Or is it better to say something like “I am closing the Reiki channel, etc.”?

A: Yes, send home and demand to break all contracts + take all your subs/channels. If you are ready, of course, that is, you don’t feel sorry and there are no internal objections, otherwise you will block.
Any control, even through the smallest astral entity, is carried out only if the person allows it. Remember that everything has free will.

“If a person does not use the channel and has never used it, and does not believe at all (my husband) - in this case they have “access”?- why did he receive it at all, if it's not a secret, if he doesn't believe it?

I apologize for the direct answer, but here again we are faced with another “eternal spiritual student”: I want a channel, I want to open the middle chakra and the fifth eye, but I don’t know why. Such people are obviously controlled by definition and without any channels, tk. forget to think for themselves, but only indulge fashion trends. And, of course, by doing so, they open access to themselves to everyone who is not lazy.

To break the connection with any egregore:

First of all, you need to be ready to break up, to let go, to understand that the connection is no longer needed and why, and not to regret, not to doubt and not to experience ambivalent feelings *. You can throw away or burn certificates / diplomas / certificates and other waste paper, erase the contacts of masters and colleagues in the shop

Sit down, relax, immerse yourself in a state of contemplation or meditation (if possible). For advanced users - activate crystals / crist. body (although if CT is already activated, then the possibility of connecting super predatory egregors tends to zero)

*Commentary of a colleague on the topic:

In recent St. Petersburg sessions, there were a couple of people who go just for constellations. One goes to, and the other called it the "Esoteric Theater". Scanned them and everything was clean. There is a girl and a guy they practice reiki, maybe that's why there is protection

Let me remind you that a person must remove the plugs from himself and as far as personal readiness. There have been many cases when the immersed person himself does not see this or that implant/entity, but the leader does. In most cases, the presenter is forbidden to remove them, because. the person is simply not yet ready and / or has not worked out the reason, the elimination will not work, the connection will return. We cling ourselves, we must remove it ourselves, and not shift the responsibility onto others.

In addition, if a person is confident in his "purity and inviolability", he will subconsciously block his own vision of alien energies. Recently there was a case: the ward works on TV, a fairly well-known personality with abilities and considerable magical baggage in other incarnations. If you've ever been to a TV studio, you know how "clean" it is. Personally, I (and I don’t have special sensitivity) immediately have a feeling of a viscous mask on my face, and after such trips we remove hats and other technogen.

In the session, the ward was constantly thrown out of the state, the images were confused, but he could find little on himself. I had to interrupt the session and ask a colleague to look at it / clean it. After a 10-minute check and removal of several implants, I again plunged him into a session and this time the cleaning lasted about 7 hours in 2 visits.

Conclusion: no protection is absolute, any option must be allowed if we really want to get rid of the accumulated rubbish. Faith in protection is good, but it also has a blinding effect.

This is very similar to sending the “dead” to the spiritual worlds: you cannot force them to leave, they must themselves understand that they have lost their physical shell and are now hindering their evolution, remaining in the fields of 3D, and express a desire to leave.

Reminder from a recent post:

Try to avoid the big ones at all costs! As the practice of colleagues and my own shows, the larger the organization, the easier it is to reflash and influence adherents / patients through a common information field. Such things as reiki, cosmic energy, DEIR, various magical schools and other egregors are extremely dangerous. Of those listed above, in almost EVERY case we are faced with a mass of connections and pumping out energy. Yes, they treat, but the price of the issue does not end with money and healing, then they simply milk the energy.

Of course, one cannot equate everyone with the same brush and say that every healer who uses "channels and settings" for certain energies is a dummy. Much also depends on the personal level of the master and many should go through this experience for personal development, but this does not make the influence of the egregor less. It is for this reason that many “first steps” (for example, reiki) are now being distributed free of charge, because more naive adherents need to be recruited, and people are still greedy for freebies.

For example, I recently worked with a girl who, at the age of 18, has several initiations (reiki, cosmo + something else). She repeatedly turned to various healers, fortune-tellers, senses, summoned spirits with a candle, etc. The number of connections, entities and implants removed from it simply went off scale and greatly interfered with the session; it was impossible to work. When a person comes to a session with such a track record, the first reaction of the hypnologist is a viscous premonition of a long and hard cleansing, far from guaranteeing clear results, because. You cannot remove the rubbish collected in dozens of initiations in one session, especially since in such individuals the craving for magic and similar practices can be traced from life to life. At the same time, many themselves do not know why they need it! Everyone wants to open the third eye, unwind the chakras, show off hundreds of channels to friends, but few people understand WHY (?!) and even more so pay attention to the egregorial essence of the channel.

Conclusion: do not rush to the first available source of new practices and initiations. First, ask yourself: do I need it? What should I do with this and what is the price of free cheese? Everything is already in us, so is it worth it to connect to brokerage houses?
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Additions, rebuttals, ideas?

Reader comments on the topic:

1. At the beginning, reiki made me feel the reality of what was happening, made me feel the energies, feel some kind of, but still POWER, the ability to influence the surrounding space with thoughts. It was annoying that the people who were "in Reiki" - they were somehow ... equally subtly strange, as if under masks, or as if in corporate ties)) something was the same in them, feigned.
Not so long ago, I realized that I don’t need other people’s channels, that I need to work out my own channel, to conduct the energy of my EJ .. and not some incomprehensible slats. And immediately confirmations of the correctness of this decision rained down (random articles, conversations, etc.) ... I broke off the connection with the reiki egregor exactly as described in the article above. I’m not sure that I managed to do it to the end .. In meditation, I saw such a contraption attached to the thymus region (something in between a brain slug and the head of an “alien”), cords from it all over the body, to each vertebra! I tried to tear it off, asked the guardians and VYa, tore up contracts (maybe I should have asked her to leave? I had a feeling that she didn’t want to leave at all) .. but I still feel that something is left. The next day, where this f-nya was attached, a bright red rash broke out in me, it either aggravated or disappeared, and only a couple of days seemed to pass.

Advice: we usually find such gizmos with fasteners on the back in reykists. after cleaning, you can burn the affected area with a violet flame and do not forget to fill it with light (you can ask for VY) so that the regeneration process starts and there are no holes in thin bodies for new installations

2. When I started doing bioenergy (no dedications or initiations), many people asked me - is it like Reiki? I decided to go to Reiki, to see what kind of practice it is. The initiation plunged me into despondency - a clear connection to some incomprehensible egregor. The lady-master also called the archangels for initiation. Everyone was delighted, except for me. I'm glad I went anyway, but I know what kind of sect this is.

3. I read the comment and remembered! Precisely, because when the 3rd symbol is placed in the aura at the first step in attuning to Reiki flows, it passes through the crown and rises into the spine. I clearly saw and felt - something entered the spine and instantly lined up there like at home, covering each vertebra. Nightmare, then I didn’t have a thought that something alien was inserted.

None of the masters mentions implants and plugs in the Reiki flow training. We are talking about pure energy coming from the absolute, etc. Many are convinced, and convince their students, that Reiki is not an egregore, and therefore cannot hang anything. The question then is why settings? The answer is to get the skill of working with this energy. But the founder of the system got access to this energy in a special way. No one knows what happened on Mount Kurama, but Usui did not make adjustments to his students, but helped them reach a certain state of consciousness, when they received access to this energy in much the same way as he did. So why did we decide that in 15 minutes of tuning we can get what genetically other people have been achieving for years? None of the "reiki masters" gave me the answer to these questions. The Western system of Reiki, in my opinion, is an outright fool and a scam for money and energy. Friends, if you work with your ancestral memory, you can open the layers where there is information about our Slavic system of energy development and healing, it works and does not require any initiations and connections, only the purity of consciousness.

4. When I had a chance to get acquainted with Reikists, there was a question: what's next??? We raise energy, we ourselves are clean and we help others (does everyone need it so according to karmic rules?)))) but there is a dead end of development ...
The initiation did not tempt me in any way, simply because the SENIOR in the Spiritual Hierarchy, and not the more experienced practitioner, should initiate. There is another question - who will “initiate” whom and where and whose egregore will outweigh ...)))) By the time of that acquaintance, I was in the process of activating the 4th body with all the energy gifts, but the Reikists DID NOT NOTICE this, they only reported the “news”, that they LIKE my energy!!! AND IT'S ALL!
Those. the practice of that IM did not bring any evolutionary processes. Then there is no point in practice ...
And somehow I didn’t like the “taste” of that egregor ... there’s no point in doing a deep analysis, since it DID NOT GO))) but for myself it’s clear that there is a field alien to me.

How to get rid of the influence of egregors?

UPD 07.08.16. from correspondence:

Q: There is a question about egregores - how to understand that I came out of it? I was trained Oberezhye -Characteristics-Spas, they activated the Stan - that is, the “state” in Ukrainian, which is necessary for work. They said that now alcohol will not work. Rather, a peculiar reaction appeared - dullness, drowsiness and a heavy head, the point here is not alcohol, but subtle interference, which is still alarming. As the cosmoenerget said later, on a subtle plane it looks like a zombie, it seems to have been removed. Cosmoenerget had as a client. Did I understand correctly that residual connections can be removed at the preparatory session?
I read the list of egregors, of course. But how exhaustive is it? When there are so many new systems ... and there are more leaders than Indians?) Thank you for your answer.

A: It all depends on the egregore, its rapacity, your involvement in it, defenses, and so on. Well, on a subtle plane, you need to look at the presence of residual connections. Many egregors cease to influence if they are not addressed, others continue to pump energy in one form or another. Everything is individual.

Of course not, the list is not exhaustive.

Of course, any more or less hidden sectarianism is often superimposed on this, which is easiest to veil under the pretext of some good intentions, tribal rites, traditions, and so on.
if a person does not see what is happening and cannot check on his own, this opens up a lot of loopholes. in the session, you see it and control it.

it cannot be guaranteed that in one session all the influences of egregor can be removed, just as it cannot be guaranteed that all caries can be removed in one session of the dentist. a person is a multidimensional consciousness, which layers were affected (by this or other egregors) and how easily you can detect them the first time is unknown, EVERYTHING IS INDIVIDUAL!

in addition to egregore, there can be a lot of other things, incl. and from other lives. all this you find and shoot yourself.

in any case, if you are in training, you can do as many sessions as you want and achieve a complete cleansing.

From the comments:

One of my tasks was to look inside network marketing, his egregor. Hmm, I did it earlier, but I realized now.

Another story how I got there. Intuition led) I was 18 years old, I was interested in yoga and meditation, I saw network marketing (SM) from a bad side and would not have climbed there in my life. Once I noticed some announcement on a pole with an invitation to a lecture on Buddhism. I called out of boredom and found out that the cost of the entrance ticket was like my scholarship and ... went there. It seemed like complete nonsense. In the exhibition complex for a long time I could not find the entrance to the event. As a result, my attention was attracted by a man who seemed to me familiar for a long time, trying to sell an extra ticket. When I found out that this was a ticket to a seminar on SM, I wanted to turn around and leave, but I thought that then life would flow in the usual way, but I wanted changes, and decided to go. For about two years I went to such seminars, but in the so-called. business has not progressed, and it is not surprising: for this you need to agree to literally give yourself into the clutches of egregor.

What personal experience I got: broadened my horizons, changed my attitude to money and to the material side of life. I learned to overcome fear and be the first to meet and communicate with completely different people, on all topics. A great opportunity to observe others and learn from their experiences. And also try to inspire them, and watch how they begin to change something in life, how their eyes light up. But if you do it through the prism of egregor SM, then it jars.

About egregore.

Powerful and predatory, and cunning - camouflages behind the masks of virtue: a wonderful friendly team without competition, everyone is like one big family, they support and develop each other; high-quality ecological products, etc. The scheme was originally taken well-known: one spreads the idea among his surroundings, and each of them - among his friends, and so on in the form of a grid. The question is what to pour into such a scheme. Concepts to replace - easier than ever. If seasoned with good intentions, plus good security, then many are carried on.

It is important for him that a person consciously makes a choice to join. Best for live bait, i.e. one who leads by example. Therefore, they openly say that the main resource is people. With great potential, open and trustworthy, natural leaders who will be drawn to others. In general, many things are given in plain text: “if you want to succeed, trust and follow the system, be committed to it”, I generally keep quiet about the techniques for building probability branches and other magic.

The signing of the contract is the first stage for identifying "friend" / "stranger". If a person agrees to give himself to an egregor, then there are several options. Whoever has enough potential grows at a rapid pace, from level to level; who has little or who hesitates with the decision - Sisyphean labor. About fanaticism, I think, too, everything is clear.

Is everyone united by a common idea? Tales about a large and friendly family crumble at the first attempt to end up with someone from another branch (clan). A polite wall of cold and alienation. These are the rules of the control system. But in their branch, everyone is obliged to help each other, learning to build relationships in any situation, and this is even a useful skill. By the way, such branches resemble a genus.

Egregor draws a lot of energy, and therefore he endows his successful adherents so generously. As long as a person is in an egregor, then a good cash flow is provided to him and his family. For some, this is an opportunity to change their lives for the better, because having a good passive income and constantly learning something, people begin to think about other things, to look for their destiny. So again, it all depends on a particular person, and even interaction with egregors is a means and tool for achieving your goals.