Money karma. Karma and past lives Correcting the karma of money

The karma of past lives can be frightening if you do not know exactly what effect it has on life today. Karma is not a sentence.

It is more like a reference book in which you can find answers to why situations and relationships develop in one way or another.

In the article you will learn:

  • what's happened karmic code,
  • What is the benefit of remembering past lives?
  • and what are the important lessons to be learned to live happily and not step on the same "rake".

Sandra Ann Taylor

When she first began to see snippets of past incarnations of her clients during the sessions, she did not immediately understand what was happening.

“Shots” from the client’s childhood and past life could spontaneously flash before her. After many years of practice, she can see the key moment of the visitor's past life, which is the cause of the current trouble.

Sandra Ann Taylor's experience helps clients find the root of life's complexity that led them to a specialist.

During the work, the psychologist understood a lot about karma, its patterns and features.

Karmic code of life

Each of us has our own unique karmic code, earned from previous incarnations: it includes emotions and experiences that our soul once experienced.

Most of this energy-informational code does not have a negative impact on us, on the contrary, it helps on the path of life as an experienced experience and previously acquired wisdom.

Our karmic code, like spiritual DNA, contains information about who are we what they went through, how they perceived the events that happened to us in many previous lives.

The immortal soul consciousness of each of us preserves all the things that make us who we are.

The karmic code of each includes:

  • Hidden memories of past events.
  • Emotional reactions and experiences of events: joy, delight, rejection and fear.
  • Important conclusions made under the influence of strong emotions. Usually they concern the dignity, significance of a person, his power and the power of others in his view.
  • Diseases,
  • Willingness for wisdom lessons and personal development and connection with and expression of one's own spiritual truth.

What is karma

Difficult or unpleasant situations for us can be karmic, accumulated in past incarnations, but we should not take them as a punishment.

Karma - part of our own soul's design, often together with other souls with whom we decide to go through this or that lesson of wisdom in incarnation.

Karma is NOT:

  1. Payback for the mistakes of the past. Not all adversity in our lives is the result of the “sins” of other incarnations. Some difficulties may also be given to overcome them for the sake of developing new abilities or learning new skills in the future.
  2. A predetermined, predetermined fate. Most of the soul's lessons are indeed planned before incarnation, but not the "technical" details and details of life.
  3. Step-by-step instruction. It is not at all necessary to follow the same path as in past lives, experiencing everything that affected us in past incarnations - we can always choose a new better life.

Karma is:

  1. Understanding, returning and exchanging energy structures. She needs some lessons of the soul for expansion, evolution, gaining new experience - they do not stretch from previous incarnations.
  2. Changeable, flexible, fickle. It can change with a change in human consciousness.
  3. associated with specific problems. After solving them and learning the necessary lessons of wisdom, the karma associated with them is "removed" and dissipated as unnecessary - both in the current incarnation and in the future.

How the karma of past lives affects the present

There are certain factors that almost certainly lead to difficulties and problems in the current, and possibly in future incarnations.

1. Strong emotional charge and intensity

The stronger the emotional charge contains any experience, the more likely it is that it will influence in all subsequent lives (until it is recognized and removed).

This is true for both positive and negative experiences, because a strong emotional imprint encoded in the memory of the soul and through the subconscious determines our actions.

For example, if a husband betrayed you in a previous life, the subconscious conclusion drawn from that incarnation is that men cannot be trusted.

This conclusion of the past will influence the course of the present life.

It is this intense perception of a past incarnation event that can become an obstacle to romantic relationships, even if you are passionately striving for them consciously.

In such a case, it is important to get rid of the emotional energy of strong experiences and re-evaluate the conclusions once made.

2. Somatic problems and bitter memories

Often the source of chronic pain, disease, or physical injury in the current life is shocking and not fully accepted bodily injuries from previous incarnations.

Injuries received in the distant past by violent means can remind themselves of themselves, requiring surgical intervention in the same area of ​​​​the body.

Sandra Ann Taylor recounts the case of a visitor to her seminar:

“A woman was recently operated on for breast cancer, and later she learned that it was in this place in one of her past incarnations that she was hit with a sword. It turned out that in both cases it was due to a lack of self-love.”

This factor is also illustrated by another story of a patient who badly injured his leg during a storm in a past life and was forced to leave his career as a ship captain.

Then from the mast, from a great height, a large beam fell and flattened his lower leg, ankle and foot.

A similar incident overtook him in this life - he had to quit his job as a pilot, after the pain in the same leg intensified so much that he could not perform his duties.

This man felt unhappy in both cases, because he loved travel very much.

In order to get rid of pain and “negative” karma, he found new interests in life, new self-determination and freedom, and realized that even living a different life, and not the one he was so used to, he could feel happy.

3. Premature, unexpected or violent death

When a person dies unexpectedly and at a young age, and his soul did not plan this, she often wants to return as soon as possible and complete everything planned - complete the lessons encoded in her deepest spiritual intentions.

Sandra Ann Telor suggests that many people born between 1946 and 1964 were returning souls and groups of souls whose human lives were abruptly and violently cut short during World War II.

The two main tasks of karma

Karma in our life performs two main tasks:

1.Allows you to feel and understand the energies of past lives, which we could misinterpret and “preserve” in the karmic code of the soul;

2.Helps to learn important lessons from which we could not extract the “pearls of wisdom” in previous incarnations.

Usually such lessons are very important - for the evolution of the soul and for the spread of love throughout the Universe.

These two tasks of karma are inextricably linked with each other.

Thanks to them, sooner or later we learn that the karmic lessons we have learned contribute to the return of our energy and parts of the soul.

However, just because you were a killer in a past incarnation, it doesn't mean that now you have to be killed in order to get rid of the "preserved" karma.

You need to learn to value, respect and honor the lives of others. This will change your consciousness and release the encoded energy as well as will raise your vibrations and harmonize them.

If you do not learn this lesson, perhaps someone close to you will be killed so that you can truly appreciate the value of human life.

This will be the compensation of the energy that can open your eyes. From a human point of view, such experiences may seem excessive, but for the soul it is not so dramatic.

Soul Priorities

Sometimes human life can be difficult, and sometimes simply unbearable. But the soul looks at things more broadly and sees earthly life differently than a person.

The soul is like an actor who knows he will play a part in a movie.

The actor knows that when shooting is over, he will play a new role, and his character's suffering is only an illusion.

The actor also believes that a very difficult and emotional role is an excellent opportunity to improve skills, dive deeper into yourself and rise to the heights that you need to discover in order to play the role.

For a soul, 80-90 years of earthly life is quite a bit, but even a temporary and short-lived role on the scale of eternal existence is very important for evolution.

Illness or poverty is no more serious grief for the "Eternal Self" than for an actor who plays the corresponding role.

The soul regards human adversity as an important and valuable opportunity to work on its evolution, self-improvement, gaining wisdom, self-discipline, self-expression, spreading love, service and empathy.

How does the soul evaluate the events of human life?

She knows that there will be both good and bad, but she also sees the magnitude of the plan.

A person may not have clear ideas about his higher plan; he can perceive only ego, attachments and cravings.

But if you look at life from the point of view of the soul, everything changes. Each event contains a lesson, a deeper meaning, and the real meaning is not the event itself, but what it teaches.

Our soul knows that it's not about what happens to us, but how we deal with it.

The priorities of the soul are an important guide, following which you can fill your life with harmony, acceptance, gratitude and love.

Here is what is important for the soul:

  • the solution of the question of how to bring light into darkness, and love into adversity;
  • opening the heart to the inner Divine Consciousness.

Following these soul priorities will open a new path and change destiny.

What to do in order not to step on the same "rake"?

#Step 1:

In traumatic and difficult situations, stop and see what lesson you are learning, what the soul can learn from it, and how you can act differently.

Take the role of an observer, this will help not to get involved and look at the situation from the position of the soul.

#Step 2:

Do good deeds that will attract positivity into your life and help mitigate the possible consequences of the karma of past incarnations.

#Step 3:

Thank you! After all, gratitude is one of the strongest means of transforming the situation and the ability to change it.

When you give thanks to everyone and everything that happens to you and around you, it helps to live in acceptance and attract auspicious events into your life.

Remember, karma can be changed. And you change it every day. Your thoughts, feelings, actions.

If you look back at her life, she will resemble a fascinating mosaic, although not always understandable. But if you add fragments from past incarnations to it, much will become clear.

Over time, you can even see a panoramic picture of who we were, who we should be, and what we should do in this time.

Beauty, purpose and fortitude play a major role in this exciting scenario, as all the pieces of the mystical and eternal mosaic of life fall into place,

Karmic debts, information about past lives, and even the date of death by date of birth - information that every person can find out. Below are the numerological calculations for this.

In the article:

Calculating date of death from date of birth

Many people would like to know the date of death by date of birth. On this account there is two diametrically opposed opinions. Some people would not like to have such information. Despite a considerable number of adherents of the concept and reincarnation, most people are afraid of death. Most people would experience real stress if they knew the exact date of their death or the death of loved ones. In addition, this numerological divination for death also reveals the cause of death.

Some believe that negative predictions come true solely because of the creation of a psychological program.
Simply put, a person tunes himself to what was predicted to him, and this prediction comes true - the thought is material. If you set yourself up for death at a certain age, it can really happen. How reliable to consider such numerological fortune-telling is everyone's business. However, you cannot call them exact - they give only approximate data. The exact date of death by date of birth can only be found out with the help of an astrological forecast, which takes into account the time and place of birth, the influence of various planets, and much more.

Not all people are afraid of death. It would be interesting for some to know the date of death by date of birth in order to be ready for a happy old age, or, on the contrary, try to have time to fulfill all their plans if an early death is predicted. In order to find out the date of death by date of birth, you should sum up the day, month and year of birth, and then bring the amount to a single-digit form. In our example, let's try to find out the date of death of a person who was born on July 17, 1995:

After receiving the number, you can proceed to the interpreter, who will reveal all the secrets of your death in the current incarnation:

1 - an old woman with a scythe will come after 80 years. Death will be easy and painless, and life will be bright and rich.

2 - death from an accident at 7, 19, 29, 45 or 67 years. These years are the most dangerous for you, although, of course, you can live longer.

3 - most likely, you will live a long time, but die from an illness. The following years are especially dangerous - 44 and 73.

4 - you will be long-lived. You have every chance to celebrate your hundredth birthday. Until your death, you will be distinguished by excellent health and will lead an active lifestyle.

5 - death constantly walks near you, but you manage to avoid it. Your life is full of dangers, but you will not die from this, and at a fairly respectable age.

6 - dangerous years for this number are 13, 22, 47 and 68 years. The cause of death and the length of life will be influenced by karmic debts, which are discussed below. The number of karma and other numerological indicators can give a hint.

7 - you have a strong guardian angel, but there is a serious danger of death from natural disasters. Be afraid of fires, floods, thunderstorms. Your death is guaranteed to be unexpected.

8 - you like to take risks and play with death. Sooner or later it will lead to tragedy. The date of your death is up to you. If you avoid risk, it is quite possible to live a long life.

9 - people with this number rarely live even to 50 years. They should avoid tobacco, alcohol, and ill-advised risk taking. Take care of your health and get a chance to live longer.

Karma by date of birth - how to find out about karmic debts

There are only four numbers of karma by date of birth, which indicate serious karmic debts. Every person has some lessons that were supposed to be learned, but they are not always as significant as is commonly believed. People tend to exaggerate their own problems. Determining karma by date of birth will help you understand in which direction you should develop in your current incarnation.

In order to determine the number of karma, you need to sum up the date, month and year of birth, but do not bring the result to an unambiguous form. Let's analyze the calculations using the example of a person who was born on August 29, 1996:

This number does not fall under one of those that speak of karmic debts. These are 13, 14, 16 and 19.

people with karma 13 in a past life were selfish and fruitless. They preferred to shift the burden on the shoulders of others. If troubles happened due to the fault of such a person, they also sought to throw the blame on another person. In the current incarnation, punishments have become obstacles that appear where everything goes smoothly for other people.

This karmic debt needs to be worked off, otherwise you will suffer from failures even in the most basic things throughout your life. Obstacles should teach you to bring even the most difficult task to the desired end, to accept voluntary help from others, but not to shift your worries or blame for what happened through your fault onto them.

Number 14 goes to people whose past incarnation preferred rest and escape from reality. She preferred not to use her talent at all, which is a grave sin. A person could benefit others and himself, but missed this chance. The current incarnation is fraught with a threat in the form of excesses and addictions in the form of alcohol, drugs and other unpleasant things.

In order to pass this karmic lesson, you must completely exclude that which leads away from reality - alcohol, drugs, addiction to video games. Excesses in material pleasures and emotions should also be reduced to zero. The cultivation of restraint, sobriety of mind and moderation is what you should do in this incarnation. Put things in order in your life, not postponing the start of work on yourself until tomorrow, and then your talents will open again.

Number 16 indicates a person who in a past life preferred sensual pleasures to all others. He abused the feelings of others and brought them a lot of suffering. His adventures were condemned by society. In this life, a person with a karma number of 16 has to deal with situations in which it is difficult not to think about himself and his interests. As a result of wrong decisions, relationships with others are seriously affected.

In order to work off this karmic debt, the cultivation of modesty and humility is required. Forget about your selfishness, which you received from the past incarnation. Learn to think about your loved ones, put their interests above your own.

people with karma 19 in a past life they loved to abuse power and position in society. This sin deprived them of even the slightest support in their current incarnation. Those who have such a karmic debt are lonely, they have no one to ask for help in a difficult situation, they do not find support, they do not have tender feelings for them. If you do not work off this debt, you can live your whole life alone. Learn to care for others selflessly without expecting anything in return.

There is another special number of karma - 10. However, it says that all the lessons were learned by you in a past life. Now your task is to prevent the emergence of new karmic debts. The life path of people with such a number is usually rich in pleasant events and practically does not promise difficulties if you live in good conscience.

Past life by date of birth - how to find out who you were in your last incarnation

All kinds of tests about reincarnation by date of birth are now gaining particular popularity. Subject soul rebirth relevant, believed by most people. Perhaps the fact is that few people would like to get into a place where they will have to spend eternity. A new incarnation with no memory of past mistakes is a much more pleasant prospect.

There are many ways to find out about a past life by date of birth. Most tests about past incarnations require knowledge of the date of birth - day, month and year. With this information, you can find out everything about any person from your environment. To do this, you need to sum up all the digits of the day, month and date of birth, without bringing the result to a single-valued form. For example, for a person who was born on September 30, 1997, the calculations would look like this:

After receiving the result, it remains only to find it in the list. The man from our example was a woman of easy virtue.

1 - priest, monk, preacher.

2 - navigator.

3 - craftsman.

4 - magician, esoteric, scientist.

5 - chemist, alchemist, perfumer, creator of poisons, pharmacist.

6 - musician, composer.

7 - builder, architect.

8 - astrologer, astronomer, cartographer, traveler.

9 - a famous artist.

10 - forester, shepherd, hunter.

11 - swindler, thief, murderer.

12 - terrorist, conspirator, enemy of the people, spy, traitor to the Motherland.

13 - slave, prisoner.

14 - a military or navigator who died in an accident.

15 - sold their labor for money, like most people.

16 - a representative of the nobility.

17 - a lonely and poor man with poor health.

18 - sorcerer or witch.

19 - traveler, explorer.

20 - banker, economist, moneylender, rich and successful person.

21 - blacksmith.

23 - weaver, seamstress, tailor, any work with fabric or thread.

24 - icon painter, clergyman, monk.

25 - king, king, rich man, endowed with great power.

26 - healer or doctor.

27 - scientist or inventor.

28 - suicide.

29 - merchant.

30 - writer, poet, artist.

31 is an actor.

32 - a traveler who did not start a family and children and died alone.

33 - court magician, shaman at the leader.

34 - a knight killed in a duel at a young age.

35 - singer or minstrel.

36 - a maniac, an executioner, a doctor who conducted experiments on people, a sadist who brought a lot of grief.

37 - a deeply religious person, possibly a monk.

38 - a corrupt woman or a male gigolo.

39 - player.

40 - chronicler, historian, philosopher.

41 - a writer who is popular among the opposite sex. Or a popular writer - you can determine gender using another test about past lives.

42 - cook.

43 - an executed representative of a noble family.

44 - a tyrant, the culprit of the death of a large number of people.

46 - military.

47 - hermit.

48 - dealt with weapons.

Karmic astrology by date of birth - tasks of the current incarnation

Karmic horoscope by date of birth has as its main task to indicate the tasks of the current incarnation. In order to recognize them, you will need the day, month and year of birth. Karmic astrology by date of birth gives the most reliable predictions. With the help of simple numerological calculations, you can find out with what tasks you came into this world. Everyone is given a mission, and if it is not followed, serious problems can be expected.

In order to start the calculations, you need to write down all the digits of the date and year of birth in a row. Suppose you need to conduct them for a person born on August 30, 1996. The number line will look like this:

In our example, the karmic number will be 0 - the last digit of the birth number. The remaining figures show what has already been developed in . In the example, there are among them - 0 occurs twice in the number series of karma. This means that the person has already worked on the task encoded in this number, but lost these developments or stopped paying attention to them, or perhaps did not complete his mission in one of the past incarnations. This is his main task in the current incarnation.

Missing figures are poorly developed tasks, and the fewer of them, the closer a person is to harmonious spiritual development. They need to be written out separately, you will also have to work on these tasks:

Higher powers provide each person with those tasks with which he is able to cope. The higher his level of development, the more complex missions a person will have. After receiving the numbers of the main karmic task and poorly developed stages of development, you can proceed to the interpretation.

Chakra Muladhara

9 - the mission is connected with the development and strengthening of the Muladhara chakra. A person must learn to overcome difficulties with love, without fear and other negative emotions. Activity, the development of willpower and the physical body - this is what you need to do. Learn to take control of animal instincts, develop responsibility, discipline, try to take care of loved ones without their reminders.

Professions related to sports, geology, medicine, especially surgery, traumatology are suitable for you, and you can also make a good massage therapist. Shown to you and physical labor, as well as the one that is associated with changing and improving the material side of the world. Humanitarian areas are contraindicated, as well as spiritual practices and work with energy.

8 - study on the Svadhisthana chakra. The main task should be the creation of a family, especially large families. You should learn to build relationships with relatives and educate worthy representatives of the new generation. Cultivate self-sacrifice within reasonable limits, wisdom and patience towards others.

Regarding the profession, you can become a teacher, educator, attendants in hospitals, orphanages and nursing homes, as well as an ecologist - any profession related to helping people and educating the qualities you need is suitable for you. You can also become a doctor, but it is better to choose specialties related to children and their birth. Avoid large companies and large teams. You need almost family relationships between colleagues, so frequent job changes are not suitable. Regarding spiritual practices, it would be worth getting carried away with Tantra.

7 - your mission is related to the development of the Manipura chakra. You must learn to control emotions, otherwise troubles will simply rain down on you. Your well-being depends on the stability of your emotional state. Be guided by logic and develop the mental body.

Regarding the profession, the one that directs your activity towards creation, not destruction, is suitable. Learn to make money, spend it and appreciate it. You will need knowledge about the laws of cash flows and the rules of the money egregor. You can be employed in any field of work, but the goal should be to create something. Leadership positions are not contraindicated if obtained after many years of hard work.

6 - your life should be directed to the development of the Anahata heart chakra. Your mission is similar to the one indicated by the number 8, but it is more complex and aimed at higher spiritual levels. Mercy, compassion, the ability to empathize - these are the qualities that you must develop. However, if the number 8 refers to close people, then the six speaks of a larger group of people. Open your heart to the world and give people love.

Professional activity can be related to medicine and psychology - therapy, narcology, neurology, work with difficult teenagers. You can become a good teacher. All professions aimed at healing the human soul are suitable. Art is contraindicated for you - the emotionality of its samples can be confusing, distract from the main mission. Such areas as exact sciences and technology are also contraindicated.

5 - your life goal is related to the development of the throat chakra Vishuddha. This is knowledge and creativity. Engage in self-development, convey the beauty of the world and the correct principles of the worldview through creativity or teaching. Learn to understand and respect other people. Identify your talent and develop it. If you bury your gift in the ground, the laws of karma will severely punish you.

It is easy to guess that any activity related to creativity and teaching suits you. However, in the latter case, it is worth working with students or adults, not schoolchildren. Diplomacy, translations and everything related to travel is also not bad. Travel is recommended in any case - you should see as much as possible to tell other people about it.

4 - your karmic task is closely related to the ajna chakra -. She is responsible for clairvoyance and other paranormal abilities. You need to develop them. Learn to see the essence of the phenomena occurring around you. Look for the causes of what is happening as deeply as you can. Otherwise, fate will send you a lot of trouble.

You can be employed in absolutely any industry, but your profession should not be associated with monotony and monotony. You are capable of being productive only in the work that you enjoy. Public and charitable organizations, HR, and cultural management are good examples of working with people, which is really good for you.

3 - your lifestyle should be directed to work with the crown chakra Sahasrara. You must fulfill and learn the law, and not only the one that is written in the Constitution, but the one that is called Divine. You have to improve not the mental body, but the soul. However, you have a craving for relevant knowledge, and fate will facilitate access to the sources necessary to obtain it. You must not only comprehend this knowledge, but also convey it to others. Failure to comply with laws and distortion of information will lead to serious problems.

You have access to any knowledge, and you can get any profession. It is recommended to dwell on the exact sciences, jurisprudence, politics, and astrology. Any of your activities must be within the laws of the state in which you live, as well as the Divine rules.

2 - you are under the influence of the Divine Ray of Knowledge. If you strive for knowledge of any kind, the Divine energy of Knowledge will help you find sources of information, as well as provide energy for active actions in the chosen direction. Learn to pay attention to the little things and notice how they can affect the life of a single person. Study the laws of energy, this is also one of your tasks.

1 - you were under the influence of the Divine Ray of Wisdom and Love. In order to receive his help, you must be sure that the source of strength and wisdom is within you. Open your heart to people, be honest and open with them. Otherwise, you will become a victim of self-deception and illusions.

0 - you are affected by the Divine Ray of Power and Will. You are required to constantly update and cleanse from various toxins, then its influence will not be harmful. You must learn to read the signs of fate and change it, and if it doesn’t work out, endure troubles steadfastly. You are also required to recognize the Divine might, his authority and will. Otherwise, problems at work, loss of loved ones and other difficulties will follow.

In general, if not every person wants to know about the date of his death or occupation in a past life, then information about karmic debts and basic karmic tasks can be useful to everyone. It can greatly improve the quality of life and guide you on the true path leading to spiritual development.

In contact with

Women very often want their husband to earn more. And if you remember how many material desires every woman has, everything becomes clear. One room is enough for him, but his wife needs three. A bed and a TV are enough for him, and his wife wants curtains and rugs, ruffles and a dishwasher. That is why the topic of inspiring a man to exploits and earning money is now so popular.

And at the same time - oddly enough - it is women who, without realizing it themselves, most often limit the opportunities for earning a man. How does this happen? Let's take a closer look.

One article is not enough for this - there are a lot of aspects (of those that I see and understand). Let's start from the moment where a man and a woman together create some space and opportunities.

Financial flows and ceilings

In the family - a common financial flow. That is, a certain amount that is comfortable for both - and comes to both. And the most interesting thing is to observe how it persists no matter what. For example, when I quit my last job, my husband no longer worked in the office either. There was a certain business that could go - but could not go. I was worried about whether we could keep the income and pay the rent. But the next month we again earned the same amount as before. Although I did not work - and my salary was not.

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Who were you in a past life, who did you love or hate, who did you suffer from and who did you hurt? It's a mystery, but it's what defines how you live today. Denise Lynn, an experienced psychotherapist and researcher, became interested in the topic of past lives at the age of 17 - after she experienced a near-death experience as a result of a tragic accident. A long journey of spiritual and scientific research, her own healing experience and numerous journeys into the past, as well as the experience of hundreds of patients with whom Lynn has worked, all formed the basis of the book that you hold in your hands. In addition to exciting stories, you will find simple psychological techniques in it, thanks to which you can activate memories stored in the deep layers of the subconscious. The practices offered on the pages of this book will help you heal from guilt, resentment, fears and physical ailments, activate your talents and hidden abilities, and establish a connection with angels and spirit guides. For a wide range of readers. Previously, the book was published under the title Past Lives, Today's Miracles. How to change the past to fix the present.

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The following excerpt from the book Past life experience. How to learn about your own mistakes and correct them (Denise Lynn, 2008) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Reincarnation and Karma

The concept of reincarnation, which underlies the treatment with the help of the return to the past, has been known since prehistoric times. There is a theory or opinion that a significant part - the highest essence or soul - of each person remains alive after death and is reborn in another body. Despite the fact that in the next life a new personality develops, the spiritual part of a person remains unchanged throughout all subsequent lives.

According to current estimates, at least a third of the people living today believe that the soul is eternal and constantly returns to Earth, being reborn in new bodies, for further development and learning. A recent poll by the Harris Institute found that 27 percent of Americans believe in reincarnation—that is, they believe they were once different people. They include forty percent of people between the ages of twenty-five and twenty-nine, and only fourteen percent of people aged sixty-five and older (this indicates that the belief in reincarnation is most developed among young people).

The spiritual belief in the immortality of the "personality" that incarnates again and again claims that each period of life enriches the experience, which allows us as divine beings to become stronger, more balanced and more loving. And as a result, we are reunited with the Spirit. (Sometimes I prefer to use the words Spirit or Creator instead of a word God, because some people consider God to be a heavenly masculine deity, capable of only condemning. For me words God, Goddess, Creator, Great Spirit And Cosmic Mind mean the same thing - the Living Force inside everything and everyone.)

Memories of reincarnations can spontaneously arise in a variety of ways. Have you ever experienced an eerie feeling when you are in a foreign city, and it seems so familiar that it is impossible to explain? Have you ever heard a certain piece of music and felt like it was reminiscent of something, or have you had a vivid, imaginative dream about an era or country that seems unusually familiar and real? All these situations are rooted in past lives.

In one lifetime you may have been very poor and therefore had the chance to learn humility and ingenuity through personal experience. In another life, you may have been rich in order to learn to be honest and positive about money. You could be blind to activate your inner vision, or an athlete to feel and comprehend physical strength. You could be a woman in one life and a man in another—or Caucasian in one and Asian in another. Try to think of past lives not as building blocks, but rather as puzzle pieces, each representing a specific period in your life and making you more balanced.

Reincarnation and history

Throughout history, great thinkers have pondered the mystical aspects of life, birth, and reincarnation. In the earliest records of the theory of reincarnation, which came to us from Ancient Egypt, it is said that the soul is immortal; when the body dies, the soul moves into another human body. Ancient and modern Hindus believe that the soul is immortal and incarnates successively in various bodies in search of its true divine nature. Long before the advent of Christianity, the Buddha spoke of the cycles of reincarnation—the great cycle of life and death. Just like Hindus and Sikhs, Buddhists seek to break out of the death/rebirth cycle in order to achieve nirvana or union with the Creator. In addition to them, the Essenes, representatives of the ancient Jewish sect; the medieval Christian Cathars who flourished in France; Islamic followers of Sufism were also embraced by the idea of ​​reincarnation.

The Greek philosopher Pythagoras, who lived about five hundred years before the birth of Christ, not only wrote on this subject, but also described personal memories of his own various incarnations. His fellow philosopher Plato also believed this. Napoleon claimed that in a past life in the 8th century he was Charlemagne, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire. The French philosopher Voltaire wrote that "it does not surprise anyone anymore to be born twice, and not once." The Spanish surrealist painter Salvador Dali believed that he was once the great Spanish mystic Saint John the Baptist. The 18th-century German writer and poet Johann Wolfgang Goethe was also deeply gripped by the idea of ​​past lives: “I am sure that, just as I am now, I have been here a thousand times before, and I hope to return a thousand more times.” Many famous Americans, including Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Edison, also believed in reincarnation.

George S. Patton, a famous American general who participated in World War II, was convinced that in a past life he was the Carthaginian general Hannibal. Henry Ford, the founder of the modern assembly line and mass production, believed that in a previous life he had been a soldier killed during the Battle of Gettysburg. Ralph Waldo Emerson, an American poet and essayist, was also of the opinion that reincarnation existed.

Reincarnation as a vital system of personal views is becoming more widespread in Western culture, as many people do not find satisfaction of their spiritual needs in modern religions. Frustrated people turn to this philosophy, which provides answers to questions such as: “Why do we keep the same negative habits? Where do recurring fears and phobias come from? Why do we feel a constant attraction to certain people and places?” And most importantly, it helps answer the question: “What is the purpose of our being on Earth?” The theory of reincarnation allows us to understand the way in which each of us creates our own destiny.

Soul mates

This philosophy illuminates one of the most important aspects of life, which is building relationships. Understanding and normalizing emotional barriers—which are rooted in past lives—helps improve the quality of our current relationships. Today's partners, who are our karmic additions, give us a chance to finish unfinished business and help to get rid of the negative thoughts and emotions that have penetrated our current life. Those with whom we have relationships that originate in a past life are called our "soulmates."

Have you ever met casual acquaintances who left a lasting impression forever in your memory? Years ago, when I was standing in line at the cinema, a tall man stepped out of the darkness and walked past me. I didn't even see his face. I suddenly caught my breath, my knees weakened, and it seemed to me that I was ready to faint. When I turned to look at him, he had already left. Who was it, and why did it evoke such an unusual reaction in me? A psychologist might say that I had activated deep-seated childhood memories of someone that tall stranger resembled—but perhaps he was a kindred spirit.

How many times have you caught a glimpse of someone in a crowded room and felt an instant rapport - an inner awareness that you've met a soul mate? In such brief moments, have you ever felt the urge to resurrect those memories from the past and keep them forever? On the other hand, have you ever met a person who, for some unknown reason, caused a feeling of discomfort, confusion, or even anger?

Such encounters are part of a complex storyline that lies deep in the subconscious and makes up images of events that intertwine along and across our lives. Our relationships in past lives determine how we interact with the people around us. They can cause intense love or attraction for one person and hatred, envy or hostility for another. When memories are awakened in the soul, relationships are reborn. Almost everyone with whom we associate in this life seems to have been present in many of our past lives - perhaps as a brother, sister, parent, colleague, child, loved one, or even an enemy.

The character of situations from former lives is reproduced in the present life; they can be passionate, romantic, risky, or even sinister and vindictive. When we meet familiar souls in this life, relationships are renewed and rebuilt. Those familiar eyes in a crowded room are often an internal reminder of the people we have chosen to reconnect with, and this encounter provides an opportunity to relive those karmic connections.

The idea of ​​soul mates is usually reminiscent of Romeo and Juliet, Tristan and Isolde, or Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy, people who found their perfect soul mates and became symbols of a delightful love that transcended time and space. And although the concept soul mate commonly used to refer to the one great love in your life, I believe that soul mates can be called all people with whom you were together in past lives and even in other dimensions. This idea is based on the theory that you incarnate with the same people. You and kindred spirits enter into life together and are drawn to each other even from the far ends of the world.

I first understood how kindred spirits find each other when I was in college in the Midwest. I had a very strong love with a sociology teacher at the university. We lived together in a small country house, but in the end, I felt that he was dating another woman. I lost my peace of mind so much that I decided to move to Hawaii to forget this dark love story.

Later, I changed addresses several times in Hawaii, and one day, while having tea with a friendly neighbor, I found out that my new acquaintance and I studied at the same university. We even had mutual friends. When she began to talk about secret meetings with a teacher from the sociology department, the truth slowly began to dawn on me - she was the woman with whom my beloved started an affair. Fortunately, the situation was left far behind, and we still managed to become good friends. These kinds of stories are common - people who used to be together somehow find each other under the most unusual circumstances.

We tend to think that our intended partners are only those people to whom we are instantly attracted. In working with backtracking, however, I have discovered that soul mates can also be people with whom we have difficulty communicating in our current life. In fact, these difficult people can often be those with whom we had the closest relationship in a past life.

When kindred spirits meet, mutual understanding, recognition or, conversely, antipathy is usually instantly created between them. If you had a sexual relationship in a past life, in your current life, a physical attraction may arise between you - sometimes explosive and strong. While soul mates don't always see eye to eye, there is usually a sense of closeness in their relationship. Often their communication takes place at a level that is beyond logical explanation, and deep attachment (negative or positive) is sometimes like telepathy.

love couples

One of the greatest mysteries in the philosophy of reincarnation is the idea that every person has a perfect match. Such a person is called beloved, couple, twin flame, and most often kindred spirit. Researchers have found that even in religions dating back to the Stone Age, one of the main signs of a successful life was that a person in the next life was reborn next to his true love. The writer and poet Goethe wrote a book based on the medieval idea that married couples were united by the providence of God. In his book, Kindred of Souls, he claims that every person has a perfect match waiting to be found.

A widely held theory about love couples is that we were originally androgynous - souls that were neither male nor female. At some point, we were divided into two parts, and we received male or female energy, but not necessarily two different bodies. These halves filled the surface of the Earth - increasing the separation of opposites and forever striving to restore unity. The constant need for procreation is seen as a deep spiritual desire for that original unity that existed before the separation.

Adherents of this theory claim that in the coming years, the desire to reunite with their love couples will increase due to the increase in the rate of vibration of the planet. This causes the creation of relationships that transcend racial, age, gender, religious and social differences.

Sometimes a love partner can exist in the spiritual world, and not in the physical body, offering help from the “other side”. This creates the feeling that a loving being is guarding you. Soulmates can be of the same gender, although one is usually negative (feminine) and the other is positive (masculine).

Despite the allure of so-called ideal love, it would be a mistake to waste your life waiting for "true" love.

Firstly, such an attitude can deprive you of the feeling of joy, because you live in a peculiar standby mode. (In this regard, love has almost no way to find you here and now, since you are too focused on the future.) Second, love couples usually do not have smooth relationships; in fact, they can behave quite violently, because partners, like a mirror, emphasize and reflect those qualities of ours that we do not like. For this reason, when love partners meet, their relationship does not always last. However, when they sincerely unite for a while, an incomprehensible rallying of the heart and soul arises.

An important role in the successful search for a soul mate is also played by the extent to which you accept and love yourself.

If you feel unworthy when trying to attract your intended partner, you start thinking, “There must be something wrong with this person if he loves me.” Then you subconsciously begin to find the negative side of the other person and push him or her away. Your soul mate may even be the person you've been married to for the past twenty years, but you're unable to see the truth.

The philosophy of reincarnation and soulmates helps many people understand why we are here. It can help make sense of today's relationships and offer answers to some of life's toughest questions.

law of karma

Essential to understanding reincarnation is the realization of the principle "What you sow, so shall you reap." This principle governs karma. We create destiny based on judgments and actions in the present and in previous lives. Karma is the law of cause and effect - a universal system of rules that determines the interweaving of our destiny. It allows you to understand why one person constantly experiences suffering, while another easily goes through life.

Previously, karma was viewed as a kind of accounting system of debits and credits - the law of retribution and punishment. Many once believed that any suffering in their lives is due to bad deeds in the past - everything negative in a person's life is determined by karma. Those of us who are physically handicapped, terminally ill, or endure endless suffering think we are getting paid for some terrible deed done in a past life. However, such views can prove to be a cruel injustice to someone in an unfortunate situation.

Nowadays, the idea that karma is a divine system of retribution has changed. Modern theory has become much more merciful and humane. There is no power in Heaven that decides what is good and what is bad for any person. Instead, each of us has a kind of scale to fairly monitor our conscientiousness.

We are our own accusers and judges, constantly trying to balance the scales - there is no heavenly deity to guide us.

Inner wisdom evaluates how expedient our actions are. Opinion may not always correspond to what we consciously recognize as true at the moment, even if this is justified by religious and cultural traditions. There are much deeper inner truths that we hold to, sometimes outside of social norms and rules.

I believe that we create not only our reality, but also our karma. For example, if you did something in a past life and did not reconcile with this act, then in the present you may feel unworthy and deserving of punishment. Therefore, in today's life, you subconsciously create difficult situations and find yourself using them for your own censure. I don't consider it a cosmic punishment - it's a kind of inner balancing act. If you feel deceived, then later you have the opportunity to show mercy to those who have experienced similar feelings. A certain degree to which you can approve of yourself and all your actions - and take responsibility for them (regardless of what time of life they happened) - is the degree to which you can go beyond karma. In other words, you have fulfilled your karma if you unconditionally forgive and accept yourself and others.

Forgiveness is a condition that allows you to go beyond the karmic path.

(Remember, you don't have to forgive an act—because some of it is impossible to forgive—it's more important to forgive the person or people who did it.)

A look at Native American karma

The view of ancient Native American karma is slightly different from that of Westerners and Easterners. According to their traditions, a person should do things in life with an understanding of what effect they could have on the whole tribe and on the next seven generations. As I mentioned before, What goes around comes around. For example, if ancient Native Americans wanted to cut down a tree, they first thought about how it would affect their descendants. In some tribes, physical punishment was not imposed for unseemly acts, instead the culprit had to take part in numerous discussions with the elders of the tribe until all the consequences of his behavior were clarified.

Native Americans believed that every action affects the outcome of life. They intuitively understood that everything is connected. We live in a sustainable world and everything in life interacts. The flapping of a butterfly's wings in the US Rocky Mountains can affect a tornado in the Philippines, which in turn can affect a baby in a small town in Italy.

Those ancient indigenous peoples understood that every action had a consequence. This idea refers to the material world and to the human way of life. Newton's third law explains this by proving that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In the space of karma, the power of our thoughts and feelings becomes tangible and lives its own life - it takes on form and content in the world of cause and effect. Depending on the intensity, passion and clarity of the thinker's mind, each thought creates vibrations in the energy field of the planet. In other words, it's not just what you do but also what you think And feel. Actions, thoughts and words produce energy waves that are reflected throughout the universe. In this way, we continuously create and balance karma.

Manifestations of karma

Karma can manifest itself in many ways. Symbolically, this can be shown as follows. People who in a past life did not want to know the truth about themselves and about the world around them could be born blind in a new life in order to learn to perceive the truth with the help of intuition and feelings. A mighty Viking who lived several centuries ago could shed the blood of others in a fierce battle, and have anemia in a future life.

Karma can also be a balancing act. For example, a woman who was a lady-in-waiting during the Renaissance, in that life was inattentive to people and did not take time to listen to others. In her present life, she feels that no one ever listens to her.

Some hardships and difficulties are not always suitable for symbolic or balancing categories. For example, a person with physical disabilities may incarnate in order to be useful to others. A child with Down Syndrome may be an evolved being who has incarnated to enable people to experience the capacity for compassion.

I am sometimes asked questions about the karma associated with the most devastating event, the death of a child. I can't imagine anything more painful. I am always deeply saddened when I hear about it. I think there are two reasons why a child may die at an early age. The first reason is that the baby came into this world to help his family and friends. When a child passes away, everyone who has been touched by this death is subjected to unprecedented spiritual quests and receives profound changes in consciousness. Despite the devastating effect, this process usually promotes spiritual growth. The second cause of death at an early age is that the child was already a mature soul and did not need a long life. He needed only a brief physical existence to complete his earthly experience. I believe that the soul makes a pact with parents and other family members prior to its incarnation. Despite the tremendous pain, in such extremely difficult situations, powerful spiritual development occurs.

instant karma

When judging, be very careful, because often what you condemn becomes part of your own life until you accept and forgive the shortcomings of others. I will give a simple example. One day in a grocery store, I heard a mother yelling angrily at her child. I found this absolutely unacceptable and thought that she was behaving incorrectly. Even in my eyes one could read: “You are doing bad things!”

A few weeks later, when I was shopping, my little daughter constantly interfered with me, and I started yelling at her. I suddenly fell silent. At that moment I was filled with compassion for the other mother whom I had so hastily condemned recently. The world will be a much better place if we stop criticizing the actions of others and try to put ourselves in their place. Native Americans say, "Walk a mile in my loafers."

As life on our planet accelerates, we have to balance the scales of karma more quickly. I call it "instant karma". For example, if you are judging someone for rambling, the next time you may find yourself confusing and unclear in expressing your thoughts. This is not a punishment, but rather a way of creating conditions that allow you to be more understanding and less critical of others. In the coming years, this phenomenon will manifest itself faster and faster, due to the increase in the speed of movement towards completion. You will notice that momentary karma will increasingly take place in your life! This is a way of measuring the level of your spiritual development - the higher the level, the faster thoughts will manifest, and your judgments will return to you. Unfinished relationships and unfinished business in this life or in a past life will begin to come to the fore for you to make long-awaited decisions.

Living multiple lives in one body

I believe that due to the accelerated pace, many people live more than one life within the same evolutionary cycle. They have such a vast karma that they want to complete that many live several lives in the course of one.

For example, in the past, one person born in a certain town could do the same thing that his father and grandfather did all his life, get married, raise children and die without leaving this town. Now someone can spend one half of their life as a cook in Brazil and the other half as a psychologist in Greece. Each half of life can have its own routine and work out its own karmic situations.

In any conversation about karma, it is very important to take into account the point of view that many people hold: “ I can't help it. This is my karma". It doesn't matter how hard your life is, what troubles you go through, you are not stuck in your situation. You are absolutely free to change the circumstances or your attitude towards them. You are not attached to fixed situations - the past, present and future are easily influenced. You can change your karma and final life circumstances.

Fate and free will

I am sure that each of us is born with a predetermined future, and on the day of birth the day of our death is already known. My paternal grandmother was an astrologer and trained under the renowned specialist Manly Hall. Grandma said she saw her own death in astrological charts, so I don't think she was surprised when it was time for her to leave Earth.

Anyway, I believe in free will as fervently as I believe in predestination. I have no difficulty holding such seemingly contradictory opinions. In fact, I believe that the more opposing views you allow, the more compassionate you are. Beyond linear time, the future and the past are subject to change. It is quite possible to change consciousness so that you can choose a completely different time dimension with new past and future consequences. In other words, you are not bound by your past and your future can be changed. (This is covered in more detail in Chapter 10, Future Lives, Wave Effects, and Miracles.)

In Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda writes about astrology and karma. He claims that any person's astrological chart can show sequentially all his past accumulated karmas. He writes: "A child is born on that day and at that hour when the astrological rays coincide in mathematical harmony with his karma." In his opinion, with the help of prayers, spiritual practices and proper behavior, you can remake heavy karma so that the blow of the sword intended for you could change into a prick with a pin. However, Yogananda cautions that only a few astrologers can correctly decipher karma on astrological charts.

I have experienced several amazing situations that can serve as strong evidence of the existence of predestination. While I was giving workshops in South Africa and meeting with the Zulu people, I met an unusual Dutch woman who told me that she had spent some time in India. During her stay there, she learned about an interesting place high in the mountains, where a famous astrologer lived several centuries ago, and where his descendants kept all his records intact for centuries. When the writing faded with time, they carefully rewrote all the papers.

When someone asked for advice during the life of an astrologer, he not only mapped his current life, but also maps for future periods! So if you were lucky enough a few centuries ago to be among his original clients, you might be able to read the map of one of your future lives - although few generations could. He told his clients that if they wanted to get their records in the future, they would always be available to them.

At first I thought this story sounded too amazing to be true. Perhaps this legend was just a ploy to get money so that the poor villagers could earn a living. When I voiced my assumptions, the Dutch woman informed me that not only no one had ever taken money for cards, but visitors were forbidden even to bring flowers or any other offerings as a gift.

She explained that she had decided to go to the astrologer's village with a friend. When she arrived at the place, she told the villagers the date and place of her birth. They searched but could not find her map - so they decided that she was not one of those whose maps were drawn hundreds of years ago. However, her friend's card was found.

In today's life, her friend had a very painful skin condition. His card stated that during his incarnation in the 20th century, he would suffer from skin diseases, because in a past life he had a bad attitude towards people infected with leprosy. According to the card, he must donate to the treatment of leprosy in order to get rid of it. When he returned home from India, he made donations to causes related to this disease, and his skin cleared up completely. But when he then stopped doing charity work, the skin problems returned.

I would have taken all this only as an interesting story, if a month later I had not heard another similar story. I was giving a series of lectures on reincarnation in London and was asked to take part in a BBC radio program with Yves Pollard, editor of The Sunday Mirror and The Sunday Express. In the program, people from different backgrounds participated in lively discussions on various topics. One of the guests was a man from India. At the end of the broadcast, this Indian gentleman, to put it mildly, who was a doctor and a very famous sculptor, said, "I would like to show you something."

As we sat in the reception room of the studio, he unrolled a sheaf of faded papers with worn edges. The pages were covered with what I assumed were Sanskrit words. The doctor, meanwhile, went on to say that when he was nineteen years old, he went with his father to a place where astrological records had been kept for centuries. According to the description, this place was very similar to what that Dutch woman described to me. After a long and difficult journey, the doctor and his father arrived at the scene on a rainy day. This weather was very unusual for that part of the world. They laid out their current astrological charts and found that both had been clients of the famous astrologer hundreds of years ago. The doctor informed me that according to his chart, he had to apply for his records. on a rainy day when he was nineteen. His card also correctly indicated his name in the present life.

As we looked at his battered map, I asked, “Have you had this map for almost thirty years? How true is it?

He carefully walked with me along the map (although I could only trust his words, since I cannot read Sanskrit) and showed me many examples where the map spoke the truth. I am giving you these stories as they were told to me. I consider both narrators honest and trustworthy people. I believe them and their descriptions.

Transmigration of souls: can someone in a past life be an animal?

I am often asked if we were always human in past lives, and I have found that it is quite common for a person to remember a past life in which he was an animal. This is especially true if people come from cultures in which the dominant religious view is based on reincarnation and the transmigration of souls into animal bodies. Similar cases also occurred with people who originated from primitive cultures. It is considered very unusual for members of Western culture to evoke memories of a life in which they were animals. I don't think this means that people in the West have never been animals in past lives, whereas indigenous people have been. It just seems to me that because they live closer to the earth, indigenous peoples are more in tune with nature and more remember past lives that were animals.

Under such conditions, it was easy to violate the requirements due to pain or fatigue. Therefore, as an act of mercy, a Zen master used to hit a student on the shoulder with a stick. Kiosaki to ensure attentiveness in his class. Kiyosaki looks like a flat baseball bat. The trick was that if the teacher admitted that you were doing well, he would hit just as hard to cheer you up!

In the silence of the monastery, inner visions arose in the form of demons from the subconscious or from the past. It was distracting and often reflected in the form of horror on the face. Zen masters have said that our visions or sensations during meditation do not matter, that they are all just illusions and we should get rid of them. I don't know if this was the best psychological method for dealing with emotional difficulties, but that's what the followers of the Zen Buddhist tradition have done for centuries, and we have accepted it.

One of the most passionate students in the monastery was a man named Chuck. Probably overwhelmed by the difficulties of monastic life, he committed suicide. Interesting things happened after Chuck's death.

In the monastery, I fed a homeless white cat. Shortly after Chuck passed away, the cat gave birth to six pure white kittens. One of the kittens had one eye blue and the other green. Chuck also had one eye blue and the other green, but that just seemed like a coincidence. In addition, the kitten fell from the roof of the garage and, having injured his paw, began to limp. Chuck also walked with a limp, but that also seemed like a coincidence. When all the kittens were old enough to hunt butterflies and run around the monastery garden, we noticed something else unusual.

End of introductory segment.

Karma (translated from Sanskrit - action) is a set of actions, both bad and good. Also, it is also the influence of past lives in connection with the present life. Since karma tends to pass from life to life. A related term in Western tradition used to describe similar influences is fate. Now not everyone takes karma so seriously, but very many are interested. To believe or not to believe in all these "astrological things" related to karma, past and future lives is up to each of you. But suddenly knowledge can be useful?

Surely, many of you, when breaking up a relationship, had a feeling that you should not have parted just as quickly as you did, that you did not add a lot to each other, and if the connection is interrupted for good, something irreparable will happen. Many of you have had it. An agonizing feeling of guilt after parting with a person, whoever he or she is. The pain of parting with each of them. Each person experiences this differently. The purpose of writing this article is to help people better understand each other and themselves and better understand their relationships.

Every astrologer, especially astrologers familiar with the Eastern or Indian branches of astrology, knows that many encounters with people in everyday life are far from accidental and carry a karmic character. Some data suggests that there can be many such karmic encounters in a lifetime. Coming into this world, we find ourselves surrounded by people who help us to realize our karmic tasks. These are our children, friends, relatives, bosses, work colleagues and just passers-by.

Some astrologers believe that any meeting in life is karmic. Each for something and for some reason is given to you. Each leaves its mark on your destiny. One adds only a small imperceptible touch, you do not remember about it and do not notice the trace left by it, but it is there ... Another meeting becomes your whole destiny, an integral part of your personality and life itself. Throw it away and there will be nothing left. Fate will be different, and you will be a completely different person.

The article by the astrologer El Tat says that according to the Law of higher karmic connections, all meetings in life are conditionally divided into nine categories according to the degree of influence on the fate of a person and the degree of approach of karmic connections:

1. children
(They are the closest and most important people for our karma in life, for them we can sacrifice everything, and it will be justified. However, there is always a question: did the children need such a sacrifice?);
2. favorite ;
3. spouses ;
4. parents, brothers and sisters ;
5. relatives ;
6. friends ;
7. colleagues ;
8. acquaintances;
9. bystanders

A sign of a karmic relationship is that he or she, or maybe both, or maybe just friends, carry unresolved emotions within themselves, such as jealousy, anger, guilt, fear, addiction, or something similar. Having failed to find an outlet for their emotions, they are attracted to each other in the next incarnation.

A close karmic connection also means that we met more than once in our past incarnations, were in close relationships and, perhaps, were to blame for something in front of a person or he was in front of us. Perhaps we caused great misfortunes for him in the past and now we are paying for our cruel mistakes by being forced to serve this person, fulfill his whims, listen to claims. There can be many reasons, and not all of them are necessarily bad. If we are placed by fate in such circumstances, then there is a reason for this. Usually, karmic relationships are manifested in life by an inadequate emotional reaction, i.e. exaggerated.

Karmic connections are always clearly visible in comparative horoscopes (synastries). The most important criterion for the fact that the past life is really cleared, karma is closed or the karmic life is worked out are changes in real life. As a rule, conflicts disappear. Relationships become calmer and often more friendly.

So consider the weakest karmic ties:

bystanders When communicating, the most important thing is to be able to listen to yourself. Do not allow someone else's will, someone else's energy to suppress your own impulses, develop your intuition, and if it is silent, then it is better to live by the general rule: with random passers-by to have only contacts that correspond to this karmic category - there will be more sense. When we perceive the category of a casual passer-by in a fleeting meeting as the highest karmic connection, this is a case of confusing God's gift with scrambled eggs. Unfortunately, this is most often characteristic of young or psychologically immature individuals. When a random person is elevated to the rank of the closest friend, loved one, there is a violation of the Law of karmic connections. And this always ends with a huge loss of strength, a large deposition of negativity in the energy of the body, and often leaves a serious imprint on the whole fate of a person. And this happened to you, no need to despair. Take it as a serious life lesson, as an experience that has clarified a lot in your life. Treat people who have treated you unfairly as your teachers. For some reason, you needed such an experience. Straighten your soul, forgive offenders and forgive yourself, let go of unpleasant thoughts, say thank you to fate for the lesson.

Your destiny is what happens according to your will and your, sometimes secret, desire. You should not make decisions that you are persuaded to by just random passers-by, fellow travelers and other people whom you see for the first time and presumably the last.

There is an opinion that on the train, over a glass of tea, you can lay out to your fellow traveler everything that torments you in life and what you cannot say to your own mother. You will feel better, you will be cleansed, and your life will turn upside down.
By exchanging energy with a person and telling all our ins and outs, we let the energy of a stranger into the recesses of our soul. We have no idea what he can do there, so you can only trust competent specialists, psychotherapists, psychologists and astrologers, etc.

Familiar. These are people with whom we often or not very often, but meet in life, interact sometimes very pleasantly, sometimes not very pleasantly. We cannot write them down in the category of friends, because we do not feel very close to them. In general, we do not know them well enough to understand who they are to us, other than just acquaintances. These are friends, neighbors, a permanent hairdresser, a bathhouse attendant, our children's school teachers and parents of our children's school friends.

Friends are an indicator of the versatility or, on the contrary, the narrow focus of our personality; an indicator of what karmic tasks we are called to solve in this life.

If a person’s acquaintances are dominated by people of a narrow circle, for example, scientists of a certain branch of knowledge or teachers, doctors, military men, etc., it means that his karmic task is definite and is connected with one of the areas of human activity. For example, you are a doctor, and among your acquaintances, almost all are people who are somehow connected with medicine. Therefore, treating people is your karmic task, and most likely, you are doing it well - you work out your karma well.

But strange things happen. A person is connected with technology by profession, and all his acquaintances are musicians. Or the person is a musician, and all the acquaintances are culinary specialists. This happens when a passion or hobby interests people much more than their profession.

It happens that life is clearly divided into two parts: my work and my favorite pastime, and the first is unpleasant, and the second is very interesting and pleasant. This indicates an incorrectly chosen life path, which means a great unrealized creative potential of a person. It would be nice to change your life in terms of your main professional activity. And bring it as close as possible to your favorite pastime. Without a doubt, a life take-off awaits you in all aspects of life: your health, mood will improve, relationships with loved ones will become more favorable. You will feel full of energy and creative ideas. But this is in the case when the life tasks of a person have a specific, narrow karmic orientation: art, science, teaching, medicine, agriculture, technology, etc.

There are people with other, broader and more abstract karmic tasks. The circle of acquaintances of these people is not only very wide, but also very diverse. They are fascinated by the very process of communication, the arrangement of human affairs and relationships. They are interested in arranging various affairs, solving other people's problems. They feel comfortable in any society, be it academia or those in power or even the homeless, etc., they receive all the conceivable benefits of life thanks to "connections", for example, they can get the same "non-dusty" job, which pays so much that it is enough for a secure existence.

Meanwhile, such people have a huge karmic task. They always feel it as a huge potential of their unrealized opportunities. And even having all conceivable joys in life, they constantly feel a vague feeling of dissatisfaction because something important has not been done ... Indeed, the task of such people is to serve society in the broadest sense of this concept.

It's good when they have some kind of idea and the ability to implement it. Then they begin to lead enterprises, shops, become sponsors, head government programs, etc., implementing ideas for the improvement of life and society. At the same time, they have a lot of money, but do not envy them - they have a talent for entrepreneurship. Besides, big money is more of a hassle, and if you knew what a hassle it was, you would give it up voluntarily. In addition to entrepreneurship, these people are excellent in the field of public organizations, in various committees on ecology, education, etc., as well as in the role of judges, investigators, in leadership and administrative work. This is their destiny and their karma - service to society.
But let's remember that this category is quite far from us according to the Law of karmic connections.

Colleagues. A colleague is a person with whom only official and business relations are connected. Due to the fact that we often do not have the concept of a colleague in our heads, a lot of troubles happen. People connected with us on business are karmically closer than just acquaintances. But in no case should they be confused with friends and relatives. Otherwise, business relations, both friendly and related, may suffer greatly. Not to mention that the case itself can crumble to dust.

Interaction with colleagues can only go on an equal exchange. Personal relationships associated with sympathy, with material support, with "understanding of the difficult situation" are highly undesirable. If an employee asks for additional indulgences for himself, asks someone to work instead of him, because he has problems, borrows money from everyone “until payday”, gives it out, then borrows it again, then he just needs to change something in his life radically. This state of affairs is not normal.

Do not confuse the concept of a colleague and relative, friend, etc. for example, a store manager was asked to hire someone's relative. for example, a son who graduated from college, and so on. But he doesn’t like work and went there only because his parents told him that if you don’t work, you won’t have money for a new computer, going to a restaurant, and so on. As a result, such an employee can become a source of great trouble, due to which a respectable person such as our store director falls into the list of unreliable and it’s good if so, and the career does not end there. And the store director himself is to blame for this, do not interfere with all your life in one pile. "Friendship is friendship, but money is apart," says a Russian proverb. It is desirable that all friendly or family relationships would be outside of work.

Friends. Friends can already be classified as close and dear people. In the three previous categories, relations were built on the basis of mutually beneficial exchanges. The karmic relationships of friends involve selfless support, help without regard to what you get in return. If, doing a favor to a friend, you think about what he will have to do in return, then you are mistaken - he is not your friend. Maybe you are friends, maybe business partners, maybe you are just good friends who call themselves friends, but for yourself you have to understand what category your relationship actually belongs to. Otherwise, a misunderstanding will inevitably happen someday, and you, not understanding each other, will part, each taking your own truth with you.
If a person is my friend, then it's not just like that, it's for some reason ... This is not accidental. Maybe I love this person and accept him for who he is. Maybe once this person rendered me an invaluable service, etc. Why does fate bring us together? Why does this particular person want to help at all costs when he is essentially nobody to us? Why do we choose one of all the friends at school and go hand in hand with him through life? Why, when we meet one person among thousands of people, do we suddenly feel the kinship of our souls?
If this is your friend, other cosmic laws come into force. You give him your last shirt, and not because you know he will do the same, but because it is simply impossible to do otherwise by kindred spirits. Otherwise, you violate the cosmic law of Correspondence, which means that your negative karma will increase. You have not yet learned this lesson - there will be new conditions in which the Higher Forces will again show you how the principle of Correspondence operates.

There is an ancient truth: it is better to be deceived by friends than not to trust them all your life. If your friends deceived you, well, then you made a mistake and mistook the wrong people for your friends. Only you are to blame. Learn to distinguish karmic categories!

Relatives. Each of us bears double karma. One is our own track record of good and not-so-good deeds. The other is the karma of the kind into which we have come.

The genus into which we have come interacts with us in different ways. He is given to one as a guardian. The family protects from adversity, helps on the path of life, guides and gives strength in difficult times. So, we somehow deserve such support! Such roots must be preserved, passed on by inheritance, multiplying traditions.

The genus is given to others as a test. In overcoming generic problems, and sometimes the curses that lie on him, the soul grows stronger, tempers, gains strength and thereby cleanses the roots, because the person himself is a particle of the family. Overcoming the negative in himself, he thereby purifies the race as a whole.

For example, a family can be famous for its cruelty, someone like a person was a criminal. Great-great-grandfather shot a demonstration in 1905. Great-grandfather was an NKVD officer who beat people, knocking out confessions from them, and so on. As a result, a 15-year-old son does not have any of the muscles that are an attribute of people of this kind. And he is all thin, sickly, but he loves cruel computer games and so on. As a result, this is a dead-end branch of the genus on which it will wither. Correcting karma and passing on a pure genetic line is possible only in one case, if a teenager turns his will and mind to God.

With relatives, an equivalent energy exchange is rarely possible. Either we use their energy, or we give them our own. Often we recycle each other's negatives. Sometimes you have to close. And all this is normal for this category of relations due to the specificity of generic energy processes.

And yet, be that as it may, if even the most distant relative turns to you with a request - do not refuse, do everything in your power. This is your family structure, your children and grandchildren will carry it, it depends on you how pure, favorable and strong roots they will get.

However, this option is also possible: the aunt, not having her own children, believes that her nephew is obliged to take care of her. She asks and demands to provide her with such services that he is simply not able to perform, because he works and because he has his own family. Auntie is offended, cries, reproaches. What to do? A single woman is simply a "vampire". She needs to be covered up.

Her nephew, of course, will do what is in his power for her, but she needs to rely more on her own strength, since a man has his own immediate, karmically closer problems that no one will solve for him. In addition, he must not allow vampires to flourish in his family, infecting the younger generation with their abomination. Young people should see that "vampires" should be put in their place, and not be led by them. Otherwise, immature souls will also want to live the life of a "vampire", because it is so convenient and sweet to force another to solve your problems with your whining.

Parents, brothers and sisters. This is how our world works, that one of the children can be a full bearer of the father's karma, the other - the mother's karma, and the third remains clean from these debts.

The girl was given in marriage at the age of 15. The husband was often not at home, loved noisy companies and died at an early age from diseases of the digestive system. The woman, as fate has developed, lived a lonely and closed life, raising three children.

One of them liked to drink and died in an alcoholic binge, having inherited his father's karma. Another child lived an active life, was the director of a large factory, achieved a lot in life, but, having inherited his mother's karma, he felt constant loneliness, lack of mutual understanding in the family and among employees, this was a serious injury to his heart. The only consolation in life was meeting with his mother, with whom he maintained a close spiritual connection.

The third child, having left the family, embarking on an independent path, became a complete stranger. When the children gathered at their mother's, it seemed that neither family conversations nor family photographs and relics seemed to hurt him at all. He had nothing to do with the karma of the clan, although he maintained good relations with his family.

Much more complex interweaving of karmic family lines between brothers and sisters is also possible. Two daughters can carry the mother's karma, and the father passes on a pure genetic line to his grandson. Brother and sister inherit their father's problems, and the mother passes on her creative talents to her grandson. There are as many options as there are families in the world.

Favorable relations between brothers and sisters, disinterested and benevolent, are a great gift of fate and invaluable support given by heaven. But if the relationship develops badly and even very badly, let us not forget even then that these are our brothers and sisters, given to us from above. And no matter what happens, we must humbly accept what is given to us. We will be reasonable support for our loved ones - this is our karma, what we owe them somewhere and now we give it back.

If an alcoholic brother asks for money to drink it, our duty is not to give him everything we have, but to do everything to save him. However, not against his will. Everything that is done against the will of man is done for evil.

If there was a quarrel between sisters and brothers, forgive the offenders, we deserve these insults, maybe we are more to blame for our mutual misunderstanding of each other. Let's give in and go to reconciliation - this is working out the karma of the family. Working off karma, we will clear the way for our children and grandchildren.

No matter how our relationship with our parents develops, we will forgive them and ask for forgiveness for not understanding them. Whatever it is, these people are given to us by God - therefore, we deserved this and must humbly accept what is given.

An indicator of karmic relationships can also be a certain age difference between partners . The age difference of 5 or 10 years between a man and a woman is not a coincidence at all. It is more than likely that there is a karmic connection between these partners that requires working off mutual debts. Karma keeps them close to each other. They must go through life in one direction, but at the same time one of them must take on the role of a guide, and the other must become a follower. The age difference of 15 years is an indicator of a very strong karmic attraction. It is difficult for such people to disperse, even if they want to do so. But these relationships are complex - they either help each other choose the right path in life, or, conversely, lead their partner astray, thus increasing his karmic debts in the coming life.
Some unusual situations also serve as an indicator of karmic relationships. Such situations are not a mandatory sign of karmic relationships, but they must also be taken into account.

Surprise. Relationships are tied up unexpectedly for both partners or one of them, as well as their friends and relatives. The surprise is that these partners can be completely different in character, temperament, differ in social and financial status, have a big difference in age. Otherwise, partners may know each other for years, but the very decision to get married at the same time turns out to be an unexpected continuation of the relationship. For example, for many years they communicated only as friends, and suddenly one evening the situation turns into a very intimate channel and after that the couple in love decides to get married.

Relationships are formed after a very short period of acquaintance of lovers (a day, a week, a month). This is a situation where partners seem to be enlightened. Such relationships are often marked by the effect of hypnosis. They begin in such a way that a person is not fully aware of the changes that have taken place, and only after a year or more begins to perceive the situation consciously. Before that, he is driven by forces and reactions that he cannot fully explain. The question whether these partners will want to look at each other "woke up" often remains open.

Moving. After marriage, spouses can move to another city or even abroad. A distant move somewhere far away after a meeting and marriage, a break in family ties, the beginning of a new life somewhere far from the place of birth is another important sign of a karmic connection.

A difficult situation.
As the most common option - a drunk partner or a drug addict partner. Maybe some health problems of a marriage partner - living with a person in a wheelchair, mentally ill, or early (before 40 years) death of a partner. Such relationships, of course, can be called "punishment." Apparently, this "punishment" suits the person himself, unconsciously choosing a problematic partner. Most likely, because of a hidden sense of guilt that came from the past, but the question "for what reason" remains open. Or perhaps the problem partner attaches itself to him through the genetic memory of a past life. Probably, in the past incarnation, the roles of the problematic and good partner were opposite, and in the current incarnation they change places and "justice is restored."

The absence of children in marriage. This is an indicator of a closed future for the generation through these people. Such karmic relationships of spouses are self-contained and serve to comprehend their own character traits for both partners. To some extent, this relationship can be called a short circuit. As a rule, in the end, after years or even almost immediately, they turn out to be empty and lead to separation. In this karmic connection, everything depends on how each partner was "correct" in their actions. If the partners "correctly" (from the point of view of Fate and Cosmos) showed themselves in these relationships, for example, they did not swear and accuse each other of infertility, but adopted a child from an orphanage, then this couple may later have a joint child. If only one of the partners tried to behave "correctly", but perhaps did not receive support, then life will give him another partner as a reward, from whom he will have children.

Fatality. Relations in a couple are marked by a certain inevitability, predestination, and often in a negative sense in the style of "Tristan and Isolde". These include: situations with love triangles; situations of "impossible" love for any objective or subjective reasons; situations of love-hate, when it seems that partners have been fighting among themselves all their lives, and yet they are unhappy without each other. They seem to love each other madly and hate each other madly. Or fate simply constantly brings partners together, whether they want it or not. A striking example is the characters of Alec Baldwin and Kim Bassinger in the famous film "The Marriage Habit". In the karmic relationships of such a couple, little changes or can be changed - these relationships seem to be rushing by themselves according to the intended plan.

These options are one of the most basic, which describe exactly karmic relationships.

You can identify a karmic encounter by the fact that the other person instantly seems unusually familiar to you. Quite often there is a mutual attraction, something attractive "in the air" that forces you to be together and get to know each other. If the opportunity presents itself, a strong attraction can develop into a love relationship. This is what happens most often.

How long do karmic relationships last?

It depends on what type of connection your karmic relationship belongs to - healing or destructive. A distinctive feature of a healing relationship is that the man and woman who meet feel like soul mates, love and respect each other for who they are, without trying to change each other. It gives them great pleasure to be with each other, but they do not feel anxiety, jealousy or loneliness when a partner is not around. In such a relationship, you offer understanding, support and approval to your loved one without trying to solve his or her problems brought from past lives. Relationships are filled with freedom and peace. Of course, at times there are misunderstandings, but the emotions caused are short-lived. Both partners are ready to forgive. There is a heart connection between them. Emotionally, both partners are independent. He or she does not fill a gap in their life, but on the contrary, they add something new, important, vital. In a healing relationship, partners may know each other in one or even more past lifetimes. Two souls may have known each other in a past life where they also encouraged and supported each other. This created an inextricable bond over the next few lifetimes. Such a couple will never part, never divorce. They will always be together and be happy. A marriage with such a karmic partner can be a wonderful and amazing journey!

But it also happens that the emotions you experience about a new love can be so overwhelming that you think that you have met your soul mate, your soul mate. Carefully! Everything may not be as it seems. If you are bound by unresolved emotional problems of the past, then sooner or later they will come to the surface. The spiritual lesson for all souls bound in this way is to let go of each other and become free and independent beings. For example, between a jealous husband and a guilty wife, karmic relationships are almost never long, stable, loving. Often the main purpose of the meeting is to free each other from this love.

If suddenly you find yourself in a relationship characterized by emotions that cause a lot of suffering and tears, but which you cannot break, try to understand that nothing obliges you to stay with that person. Understand that strong emotions are more often related to deep suffering, rather than mutual love. The energy of love is not so emotional - it is extremely calm and serene, joyful and inspiring! It is not oppressive, exhausting and tragic. If you have these traits in your relationship, it's time to let go, not "work it out" again.

Some women who suffer in marriage from drunkenness or the bad temper of their husbands convince themselves that they still need to stay together, because "this is fate" and you need to "go through it together." They appeal to karma as an argument for extending the relationship, but distort its concept. Karma is individual for each person, it is impossible to go through your own karma together with someone! Karma in the relationships mentioned above often requires that you be able to let go of your partner, abandoning the tormenting relationship in order to understand that you are whole in yourself.

Sometimes you are so connected to your partner's complexes, the emotionally offended part inside him or her, that you feel that you are the only one who can resolve the situation and save him or her from problems. But nothing good will come of it. You will only increase the emotions of powerlessness and sacrifice in the other person, when it would be more useful to draw the line and stand up for yourself. Your destiny is to be a free person. This type of painful relationship can set you back spiritually, and because of it, it may happen that you create heavy karma for future incarnations. Do you want that?

You may only have a few months to resolve a past situation between you and a problem partner. You may render any service to him or her along the path of life that you feel compelled to render, but you do not have to involve yourself in relationships that are detrimental to your spiritual growth. Love relationships are not meant to drag us down. When we love, we wholeheartedly want to support each other in both happiness and sorrow, but we should not bear the entire burden of each other's problems. All the best to you!