Riddles about vegetables and fruits. Cognitive riddles about vegetables and fruits Children's riddles about vegetables

This page of the site contains riddles about vegetables with answers for the smallest, for children of the younger and middle groups of the kindergarten, as well as for schoolchildren in grades 1-4.

The development of children is a very important moment in the life of the family and school. Young children begin to explore the world around them through play. Such classes are very popular with both kids and students in grades 2-3. For kids, pictures with vegetables will also be useful.

Try to invite the children to come up with riddles on their own, they will be happy to present their compositions to you, supplementing them with funny drawings. Here you will find riddles about vegetables at various levels of difficulty.

Riddles about carrots

The girl is sitting
In the dark dungeon
And the spit is on the street.

Red nose stuck to the ground
And the green tail is outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose.

I'm proud of my tail, I'm long
For hares - there is no tastier me.
I take a lot of vitamins
I keep it under my skin.
I put on a vest very cleverly,
Orange! After all, I ... (Carrot)

Very bright girl
In the summer he hides in a dungeon.
Bunnies and kids love
Fresh and in cutlets.
This red bastard
It's called ... (Carrot)

She is orange.
Useful greetings from the summer.
Girls and boys gnaw at her,
And even long-eared bunnies.

One after the other in order
Tails stick out in the garden,
A beautiful girl
He sits in an earthen dungeon.

Poems about vegetables

What grows in our garden
Cucumbers, sweet peas.
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and lettuce
Our garden is just a treasure.
But watermelons don't grow here.
If you listened carefully
Remembered for sure.
Answer in order.
What grows in our garden?


The vegetables argued until they were hoarse:
Who is the standard of beauty?
“I am blush and cheerful,”
Beetroot repeated with a sweet smile.
Proudly curls shook carrots,
She even furrowed her bright brow.
She said loudly, pushing the beet aside:
“You are cheerful, and I am a treasure trove of vitamins!”
A cucumber ventured to intervene in their dispute:
“Am I not handsome and not well done?
I'm almost all water
So all your labors are in vain.
But suddenly the onion was indignant:
“How many, however, handsome men around!
Words of praise mean little
Everyone around me is crying for joy.”
Only the potatoes in the basket sighed.
He heard conversations in the kitchen:
Wash vegetables - lunch is coming soon
And make a vinaigrette out of them.

Interesting Facts about vegetables:

Carrots have been considered a fruit in Europe since 1991. Within European countries, no one else dares to call it a vegetable or a root crop.

On the territory of Russia, turnip cultivation began before all other vegetables, it was planted even before the emergence of the Grand Duchy of Moscow. Soup was cooked from turnips, steamed in a Russian oven, baked pies stuffed with turnips, cooked turnip kvass, ate it with honey.

What do a horse and a cabbage have in common? They are equally eager to drink water! During the day, cabbage “drinks” as much water as an adult workhorse.


There is no doubt that riddles about vegetables and fruits are very entertaining and have a positive effect on the development of the child. Of course, the upbringing of children must necessarily be comprehensive, both parents and educators must understand this, because by solving fruit and vegetable riddles, the child learns the world, learns to think and think.

Riddles about vegetables - learn by playing!

On our site you will find a huge number of children's puzzles about vegetables, interesting and exciting. How can children be introduced to a variety of vegetables? For example, they see how mom prepares food, what ingredients a dish consists of. Even children can learn the taste of vegetables in the process of eating food, as well as during the direct harvest. Riddles about vegetables are no less an educational process, because the study is accompanied by funny and funny rhymes.

Moreover, riddles about vegetables on our resource are represented by a wide variety: about cabbage, carrots, potatoes, garlic, beets, pumpkins, tomatoes. Here you will find excellent children's puzzles about vegetables, believe me, the child will really like this leisure activity. And even better, if the children can compare the description of the riddle with a real vegetable, for example, touch it, try it on the tooth, and if there is a cottage, then see how it grows. The result of such training will be much more effective.

Children's riddles about fruits - we think and fantasize!

Fruits are a wonderful gift of nature, besides adults and children love to feast on them. Each child has his favorite fruits, some prefer sweet apples, others like the taste of fragrant melons, but for others, give only exotic bananas and oranges. And this is not surprising, because all children are different: someone loves sour fruits, and someone likes tart grapefruits.

On this site you will find a lot of riddles about fruits that children encounter in life: they see how fruits grow in the garden, or on store shelves, or on the TV screen. In any case, by solving riddles about fruits, the child will learn to use the knowledge they already have, will be able to find similarities and differences, for example, between a yellow pear and a lemon. And also in the process of such a game, he will figuratively think and fantasize.

In the event that children's riddles about fruits are solved by kids, they will be able to get acquainted with previously unknown and unknown gifts of generous nature, learn their shape, color and interesting, and sometimes funny names of fruits. Also, kids can be given hints so that they can cope with the task. For example, parents and caregivers can place cards with the image of certain fruits in front of the child, let him choose an image that is a guess.

The invaluable benefits of riddles

Is your child naughty, does not want to make contact? Or maybe rainy weather outside the window, which interferes with active pastime? Do not be upset, because the best way out of the situation is riddles about vegetables and fruits! Together with the children you can have fun, build relationships with a capricious or a little stubborn.

Riddles about vegetables and fruits are a kind of test for the mind, thanks to which the child develops logical, analytical thinking, quick wits. In principle, riddles about fruits and vegetables are published with answers, but if the child thinks a little, you don’t need to immediately tell the answer, let him conduct a thorough analysis and think carefully. In turn, parents and educators can help the child find the answer to the riddle with the help of leading questions, gestures, and facial expressions.

If you want your child to grow up to be an inquisitive and active person, do not neglect riddles, this is an excellent tool for development!

The riddle is a unique element of folklore, it is both the development of the logic of the baby and the game with him. Particular attention should be paid to riddles about vegetables and fruits. After all, guessing them, children can get acquainted with a variety of fruits and vegetables. You can play riddles when cooking or walking in the village, in the country. It is especially good if the kids can match the riddle with a real vegetable or fruit, touch it, see how it grows, or even try it on the tooth. The result of this will be much more effective.

Red cheeks, white nose
I sit in the dark all day
And the shirt is green
She is all in the sun.
Answer: ( Radish)

What's red outside
white inside,
With a green tuft on his head?
Answer: ( Radish)

He stands pensive
In a yellow crown
Freckles darken
On a round face.
Answer: ( Sunflower)

Yellow Demid
All day looking at the sun.
Answer: ( Sunflower)

Round, but not a ball,
Yellow, but not oil,
Sweet, but not sugar.
With a tail, but not a mouse.
Answer: ( Turnip)

But I didn't get wet from the rain
Large, round, sweet in taste,
Do you know who I am?...
Answer: ( Beet)

Grass above the ground
Burgundy head underground.
Answer: ( Beet)

These red flowers
Lose petals.
lose petals,
Turn into chests
What do the chests hide?
Gets into pies.
Answer: ( Poppy)

This delicious yellow fruit
It is sailing to us from Africa,
Monkeys in the zoo
Provides food all year round.
Answer: ( Banana)

In a quiet house
On a branch,
Children took shelter from the rain.
They sit in cramped hillocks,
From under the shutters
They look.
Answer: ( Pine nuts)

Autumn has come to our garden
Lit the red torch
Here thrushes, starlings scurry about,
And, noisily, they peck at him.
Answer:( Rowan)

Watermelon not watermelon
And it tastes like honey.
Answer: ( Melon)

In a yellow hive
The bees fell asleep
Caught up in a ball
And in the walls - honey.
Answer: ( Melon)

round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
Adults love me
And little kids.
Answer: ( Apple)

Itself with a cam, a red barrel,
Touch - smooth, bite - sweet.
Answer: ( Apple)

What a fruit - a box with a secret!
Seeds - glass in appearance,
all transparent, all pink,
shake it, how strange it doesn't ring.
Answer: ( Pomegranate)

Small stove with red coals.
Answer: ( Pomegranate)

I'm under a colored hat
I stand alone on my feet.
I have my habits
I always play pratki.
Answer: ( Mushroom)

Under the pine along the path
Who is standing among the grass?
There is a leg, but no boots,
There is a hat - there is no head.
Answer: ( Mushroom)

The grass that grows on the slopes
And on the green hills
The smell is strong and fragrant
And her green leaf
We go for tea
What kind of weed, answer!
Answer: ( Oregano)

Hanging red beads
They look at us from the bushes
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears.
Answer: ( Raspberries)

For a curly tuft
Dragged a fox from a mink.
Feels very smooth to the touch
Tastes like sweet sugar.
Answer: ( Carrot)

Red nose stuck to the ground
And the green tail is outside.
We don't need a green tail
All you need is a red nose.
Answer: ( Carrot)

Red girl
Sitting in the dark
And the spit is on the street.
Answer: ( Carrot)

Make everyone around cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ...
Answer: ( Onion)

The grandfather is sitting in a hundred fur coats,
Who undresses him
He sheds tears.
Answer: ( Onion)

The child is wrapped in a hundred diapers.
Answer: ( Cabbage)

seventy clothes
and all without zippers
Answer: ( Cabbage)

Low, but prickly
Sweet and smelly
If you pick berries, you will peel off your whole hand.
Answer: ( Gooseberry)

On a branch - sweets stuffed with honey,
And the skin on a branch of a hedgehog breed.
Answer: ( Gooseberry)

Balls hang on knots
Turned blue from the heat.
Answer: ( plums)

Blue uniform, white lining,
The middle is sweet.
Answer: ( Plum)

No windows, no doors
Full of people.
Answer: ( Cucumber)

Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails.
These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.
Answer: ( cucumbers)

round, mature, tanned,
Got it on the tooth
Couldn't break everything.
And got under the hammer
It crunched once - and the side cracked.
Answer: ( Nut)

The golden head is large, heavy,
The golden head lay down to rest.
The head is large, only the neck is thin.
Answer: ( Pumpkin)

White, skinny root vegetable
Grows underground.
And although he is very bitter,
It is good for us to eat.
Everyone from adults to children
They eat it with jelly.
Answer: ( Horseradish)

Two sisters are green in summer
By autumn, one turns red, the other turns black.
Answer: ( Red and black currant)

Longleg boasts -
Am I not a beauty
And she herself is a bone
Yes, a red shirt.
Answer: ( Cherry)

Was green little
Then I became scarlet,
I turned black in the sun
And now I'm ripe.
Answer: ( Cherry)

Small as a mouse
Red as blood
Tasty like honey.
Answer: ( Cherry)

In the garden in front of us
The bush is strewn with caps,
Every flame hides
And whoever eats will cry.
Answer: ( Pepper)

What is this head
Only teeth and beard?
Answer: ( Garlic)

This is not a toy at all - Fragrant ...
Answer: ( Parsley)

In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains.
Answer: ( Corn)

Himself scarlet, sugar,
Kaftan green, velvet
Answer: ( Watermelon)

You can hardly hug this fruit, if you are weak, you will not lift it,
Cut it into pieces, eat the red pulp.
Answer: ( Watermelon)

Striped balls came to us from melons.
Answer: ( Watermelon)

Head on a leg, peas in the head.
Answer: ( Peas)

Broken cramped house
For two halves.
And poured out from there
Pellet beads.
Answer: ( Peas)

The green house is cramped:
Narrow long, smooth.
Sitting side by side in the house
Round kids.
Trouble came in autumn
The smooth house cracked,
Who jumped where
Round kids.
Answer: ( Peas)

I am a drop of summer on a thin leg,
Weave boxes and baskets for me.
Whoever loves me is glad to bow.
And the name was given to me by my native land.
Answer: ( strawberries)

On the bake, the stumps have many thin stems,
Each thin stalk holds a scarlet light,
We rake the stalks - we collect the lights.
Answer: ( strawberries)

Grass has grown
seasoning for food;
Her belongings -
Fragrant threads.
Answer: ( Dill)

Unsightly, knobby,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
"Well, crumbly, delicious!"
Answer: ( Potato)

And green and thick in the garden grew a bush.
Dig a little: under a bush...
Answer: ( Potato)

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
green in summer,
By autumn they turn red.
Answer: ( Tomatoes)

Was green, small,
Became big and scarlet.
Answer: ( Tomato)

In haymaking - bitter,
And in the cold - sweet,
What is a berry?
Answer: ( viburnum)

Both red and sour
She grew up in a swamp.
Answer: ( Cranberry)

Although he did not see the ink,
Turned purple all of a sudden
And shines with praise
Very important…
Answer: ( Eggplant)

At least grew in the garden,
Knows the notes "sol" and "fa".
Answer: ( Beans)

What is this trotter
Fell on the barrel?
Himself well-fed, salad.
That's right, kids...
Answer: ( vegetable marrow)


Happy child 29.04.2018

Dear readers, many parents often face the question of how to interest children in their free time at home or on a walk and at the same time introduce them to something useful. And riddles about vegetables and fruits will perfectly help with this, many of which children encounter every day.

Why do onions cry? What is it growing in the garden? What is it called and what is it eaten with? If a child asks all these questions, it means that he is developing correctly, being interested in the world around him. Add fruit and vegetable puzzles to games with kids and you will have a great educational activity that will help your child learn even more. And the first section is for the little ones.

The girl is red in the dungeon, and the scythe is on the street ...

Simple riddles about vegetables and fruits with answers in rhyme will suit the youngest children.

Riddles about fruits

yellow citrus fruit
Grows in sunny countries.
But it tastes sourest,
And his name is ... .

Kids know this fruit
They love to eat his monkeys.
He comes from hot countries,
Growing in the tropics...

It's orange, nice,
Delicious, fragrant smell.
Let's go to the store quickly
Let's buy a round ... .

What kind of fruit is on the plate?
We all love him very much
Very important sir
Golden ... .

It makes us all very happy
With hard skin….
(A pineapple)

They all grow on a branch
Adults and kids love it!
They bake pies…
And what are their names? ….

Riddles about vegetables

What's a fiddle? What's the crunch?
What is this bush?
How to be without a crunch,
If I … !

And green and thick
A bush has grown in the garden.
Dig a little:
Under the bush....

Round and smooth
Take a bite - sweet.
sat down firmly
In the garden....

Substituting the barrel of the sun,
Lies on the bed ....

Who cleverly hid in the ground?
This is a redhead...

Here is a green fellow.
He is called….

He warms his side in the sun,
Gives us tomato juice.
Loved by people for a long time
Red, ripe ... .

Growing up in the garden
Wet under the rain
And matured...

Make everyone around cry
Although he is not a fighter, but ... .

How I put on a hundred shirts, crunched on my teeth

All children love vegetables and fruits for their varied tastes. And the riddles about them are also very different, and their benefits are undeniable, because through riddles about fruits and vegetables you can learn a lot of new and interesting things. This section presents riddles about vegetables and fruits for preschoolers.

Riddles about vegetables

How I put on a hundred shirts,
Crunched on the teeth.

Our piglets grew up in the garden,
Sideways to the sun, crochet ponytails.
These little pigs are playing hide and seek with us.

Grass above the ground
Burgundy head underground.

I was born to fame
The head is white, curly.
Who loves cabbage soup -
Look for me in them.

Unsightly, lumpy,
And she will come to the table,
The guys will say cheerfully:
"Well, crumbly, delicious!"

Like in our garden
Riddles have grown
Juicy and large
Those are round.
green in summer,
By autumn they turn red.

Pink cheeks, white nose
I sit in the dark all day long.
And the shirt is green
She is all in the sun.

The green house is cramped:
Narrow, long, smooth.
Sitting side by side in the house
Round kids.
Trouble came in autumn
The smooth house cracked,
Who jumped where
Round kids.

There is a yellow ball in the garden,
Only he does not run galloping,
He's like a full moon
Delicious seeds.

He bites, but not the dog.
There is a tooth. But where is the mouth?
White wears a frock coat.
What is it, tell me? ….

Although he did not see the ink,
suddenly turned purple
And shines with praise
Very important … .

She is pulled by her grandmother and granddaughter,
Cat, grandfather and mouse with a bug.

Threw off from Yegorushka
golden feathers,
I made Yegorushka
Cry without grief.

It happens, children, different -
Yellow, herbal and red.
Now he is burning, then he is sweet,
You need to know his habits.
And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
Guessed? This … .

In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains.

Watch with the kids an educational cartoon about vegetables.

What kind of fruit ripened in the garden?
Bone inside, freckled cheeks.
A swarm of wasps flew to him -
Sweet soft ... .

round, ruddy,
I grow on a branch.
adults love me
And little kids.

Orange's younger brother
Because it's small.

This fruit is sweet
Both round and smooth.
It's fragrant on the inside
Fluffy outside.

Warmed by the hot sun
In the skin, as in armor, dressed.
Will surprise us
(A pineapple)

You can hardly embrace this fruit,
If you're weak, you won't get up.
Cut it into pieces
Eat the red pulp.

What kind of fruit is dark green
Came to us from America:
yellow flesh,
Does it taste like a nut?
Alligator pear
The English call...
Improves people's memory
And it relieves everyone's stress.
Even children need to eat
What do you say? ….

What grows on a lush palm tree,
Likes sun and heat?
What food is made from
In sultry countries in the morning?
What kind of fruit are the Bedouins,
Who lives in oases
Called "bread of the desert"
And eat all year long?
We eat them too
True, we consider it a delicacy.
What are the "deserts" called?
Those goodies? ….

What a fruit - a box with a secret!
Seeds look delicious
All transparent, all pink.
You will shock. How strange! Doesn't ring.

The yellow ball is slightly bitter,
Quench your thirst in summer.

This fruit tastes good
And it looks like a light bulb.

Krugloboka, yellow face,
Can compare with the sun.
And what a fragrant
The pulp is so sweet!
We are fans from now on
Queens of the field ... .

This important culture, with a strong, dense texture

Children grow up, and riddles become more difficult. The guys already know everything about the color, shape, taste of different cultures, and now figurative thinking is already connected to make the puzzles more interesting. In this section you will find difficult riddles for children in grades 2-3 about vegetables and fruits.

Patch on patch - green patches,
The whole day on the stomach basks in the garden.

The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks.
We are preparing tubs for her
And half a bag of coarse salt.

The whole summer I tried -
Dressed, dressed...
And as autumn approached,
She gave us clothes.
A hundred clothes
We put it in a barrel.

As in the garden under the leaf
The chump rolled -
Zelenets remote,
Delicious little vegetable.

Near the house, between the bushes,
In the field, in the garden, along the forests
An important crop grows
With a strong, dense texture.
We will collect all the tubers,
Let's dry and take
Let's eat until spring
The dishes from it are delicious.

Red eye,
Hero Taras,
Gone underground
Found ten brothers.
Look, look
What are the heroes!

The orange root sits underground,
He keeps a storehouse of vitamins,
Helps kids become healthier
What kind of vegetable is this?

He is tightly dressed in ten clothes,
Often comes to us for lunch.
But only at the table you will call him,
You yourself will not notice how you shed tears.

It grows in the ground
Removed for the winter.
The head looks like an onion.
If you only chew
Even a small slice
You will smell for a very long time.

Grows very long
And it occupies half the beds.
This pumpkin vegetable brother,
Everyone eats it in the summer.

The golden head is large, heavy,
The golden head lay down to rest.
The head is large, only the neck is thin.

This vegetable is immediately recognized by its color,
Everyone calls him the blue master.
With a shiny and oblong skin,
He is happy to treat adults and children.

Bright lanterns hang on the bushes,
It's like there's a parade going on here.
Green, red, yellow fruits,
Who are they, do you recognize them?

Fell apart in disarray
On your feather bed
One hundred green bear cubs
With nipples in their mouths lie
Continually suck juice
And they grow.

All decorated with flowers
Take a look at it yourself.
These white flowers
Fry in breadcrumbs for children.

What is the miracle in the garden?
Like a shell under the leaf.
It is wavy on all sides.
What is a vegetable? ….

Cook for lunch
You can't make a vinaigrette
If such a vegetable
You don't have it in your garden.

White tooth for colds
Chewing is not bad at all.
From colds from diseases
There is no better vegetable.

She comes in black
She is white.
Pulled the tail from the garden
And made with sour cream.

They grow in the garden
You don't have to go far
Everything for borscht, salad, soup
We will narvem simply and easily.

Planted in spring
watered in summer,
Weeding, grabbing,
Dig up in autumn!

They are different
Ripe in gardens
In one word they call
Mom adds them to borscht!

This word is called
tubers and fruits,
Eat them for food
All of you can!

Edible tops, roots,
They are called, no doubt,
That word, which is familiar from childhood,
Quickly tell me what it is!

They are salted for the winter,
They boil and roast
Salads are being prepared
And squeeze the juice!

have different colors,
Who turns yellow, who turns red,
Whose root is edible
Others respect the fetus!

What has grown in the garden?
Very tasty but not sweet.
Everyone is in the garden
Let's make a salad!
We cook a lot of cereals with them -
It made a delicious soup!
More chocolate bars
We all need to eat this.

What grows in our garden?
Cucumbers, sweet peas.
Tomatoes and dill
For seasoning and for testing.
There are radishes and lettuce
Our garden is just a treasure.
If you listened carefully
Remembered for sure.
Answer in order.
What grows in our garden?

I am a rosy matryoshka
I won't tear myself away from my friends
I'll wait until matryoshka
It will fall into the grass.

Golden one barrel
The other barrel is reddish.
In the middle, in the core -
A worm lurked.

Were white flowers
Become ripe fruits
Became like balls
Lantern balls.
How do you pick them up
Sweet juice will immediately squirt.

Light bulbs are hanging on me
But they are edible.
The girls also have a name -
Like mine.

In a golden skin side,
And under the skin is sweet juice.
In each slice, a sip
For both son and daughter.

Delicious - lick your fingers
Orange balls.
But I don't play them
I invariably eat them.

On top of a forelock of leaves,
He himself is dressed in armor.
And in canned food from circles -
Wonderful dessert.
(A pineapple)