Snowflakes for a ballerina made of paper templates diagrams. Ballerina stencil with snowflake. Ballerina figurine templates

The long-awaited holiday is approaching, which has its own traditions and customs. For example, today not a single house can do without decorating carved snowflakes. On the eve of the New Year, I want to create coziness, warmth, and a good mood. Snowflakes-ballerinas from A4 paper, templates for cutting: print, select the appropriate ones and after that you can already make them.

After all, it is precisely such elements that are the first to create the comfort and coziness of a magical holiday.

Snowflake ballerina templates allow you to add a festive touch to your decorations. Moreover, such elements have quite diverse geometric shapes.

There is an opinion that there is not a single identical pair of snowflakes in the world. Although they are so small that it is unlikely that anyone will be able to visually see it.

In order to make delightful decorations for your home, snowflakes-ballerina stencils will be good helpers in such a difficult task. You can download templates for such snowflakes. If a person draws well, then he can independently create templates of snowflakes-ballerinas. If the opposite is true, then it is better to download the stencils and print them using a printer.

Whirling ballerinas will become an original decoration for any interior, even the most sophisticated one. They can be mounted in any place, even on lighting fixtures, such as chandeliers or lamps. The ballerina will look perfect if you add snowflakes to it. That is, hanging it, alternating one decoration with another, will result in a kind of snow-white dance-ballet.

It is most convenient to print on sheets of paper format, and 4. To avoid any questions, how to make paper snowflakes yourself? Auxiliary tools should be prepared. After all, only with them will it be possible to turn the idea into reality.


- stationery knife;

- simple scissors;

- paper glue;

- a spool of white thread;

- thin needle;

- a piece of plywood or you can use a kitchen cutting board.

A snowflake for cutting has many branches that look beautiful and elegant, so when highlighting them, it is best to use a stationery knife, which will allow you not to disturb the ideal combination of branches. After all, you can cut snow branches with scissors, and the product will be damaged.

The print must have clear contours of the image, only then can the New Year’s element be cut out smoothly and beautifully. The ballerina also has a fluffy dress that resembles a round dance of small snowflakes. This is precisely the highlight of the decoration. In any case, the craft must be carefully cut out, even if it has complex and small branches.

The ballerina template can be large; usually these are a Christmas tree decoration. A paper house is hung next to her, which seems to be her home. Often these products are painted with gouache, given shine and they look simply charming.

Such DIY crafts can be made using the listed auxiliary tool for free. Inventing something new may require additions. But to perform snowflakes and ballerinas, the ones listed are enough.

After the silhouette of the ballerina is printed and cut out, you should start cutting out a lot of snowflakes. This is done in order to make a fluffy skirt for the silhouette. Snowflake elements can be taken with any number of rays. It is often used with less, but more of the skirts themselves are added, thereby giving pomp and originality.

The Christmas tree can be decorated with multi-colored snowflakes. To do this, after cutting them out, you can smear them with glue and sprinkle them with glitter. Sequins are often used in different colors, then on New Year's Eve they sparkle beautifully with multi-colored sparks, adding charm to the holiday.

The silhouettes of ballerinas, as well as their skirts, can be made from any colored cardboard. After this, New Year's tinsel is hung in a circle on the Christmas tree, to which ballerinas are attached, alternating in color from below.

For fastening, you can use either glue or a needle and thread. It's easier to use thread because in the future the ballerinas can take off and use the tinsel themselves. With glued silhouettes this will no longer work. Therefore, here you should approach it individually.

In order to attach ballerinas to tinsel, they can be glued along the entire length from below at the same distance. Then you get a whole round dance of beautiful girls performing a ballet dance. If you attach it to strings, then using a needle, a small hole is made on top of the silhouette, through which the thread is pulled and tied with a ring on tinsel.

In order to decorate a beautiful forest Christmas tree or the interior of a house, there are a lot of wonderful products that can be made with your own hands, you just need to show a little patience and add your own imagination.

When decorating your home, you need to think about other ideas that we suggest you find

The magical New Year holidays are approaching, and many have already begun to think about how to effectively decorate their home. DIY decorations always make the room warmer and more comfortable. Ballerinas and gymnasts made of paper are replacing traditional tinsel and Christmas tree balls. Made using various techniques, they look elegant and light.

In addition, the silhouettes of female ballerinas can be used not only as cutting patterns or a sketch for the punching technique - a silhouette drawing can become a motive for panels and postcards, stylish calendars in black and white style.

Paper ballerinas are replacing traditional tinsel and Christmas balls

One of the simplest options for modern New Year's decor is a similar figurine made from scrap materials.

To make the simplest model you will need:

  • A sheet of white paper or cardboard. The size depends on the desired size of the dancer.
  • Sharp scissors for carefully cutting out outlines.
  • Square paper napkin for a skirt.

One of the simplest options for modern New Year's decor is a similar figurine made from scrap materials.

Making a garland or individual ballerinas is very simple:

  1. Print a ready-made template or draw a silhouette of a dancing girl on a sheet of paper.
  2. Using scissors, carefully cut out the figure.
  3. Fold the napkin in half twice. Bend the resulting square diagonally. Using stationery or nail scissors, cut out various patterns from the triangle and remove the top corner.
  4. Put the resulting light skirt on the finished ballerina.

You can attach a thin white thread of any length to such an original snowflake and hang it on a window, a chandelier, if the decoration will not be touched by guests, a Christmas tree, or make a whole garland of graceful girls spinning in a dance.

To make the ballerina even more interesting, you can find a color image on the Internet, for example in the Victorian style. All that remains is to print it on thick matte photo paper or a regular A4 sheet. To make the girl beautiful on both sides, they take two pictures at once in mirror image. They are cut out and glued together.

A simpler option for making a skirt is to fold two rectangular sheets of paper measuring 10x5 cm like an accordion, bend them in half and glue them to the silhouette on both sides. Depending on the size of the snowflake, the skirt can be reduced or increased.

This simple and fashionable way of painting an apartment for the New Year will appeal to guests. They will probably ask you to conduct a master class.

Gallery: paper ballerinas (25 photos)

Ballerina silhouette for cutting

It will take no more than 10 minutes to create an original dancing snowflake thanks to modern technologies. The finished template can be downloaded and printed. A girl's pose in a light dance can be any.

A girl's pose in a light dance can be any

These familiar silhouettes are being replaced by rather unexpected options. For example, a baby ballerina or a fairy tale that will complement the interior of a children's room.

These familiar silhouettes are being replaced by rather unexpected options.

For those who think a girl dancing alone seems sad, there are templates for ballet couples.

For those who think a girl dancing alone seems sad, there are templates for ballet couples

Decorating a room in this way is limited only by the imagination of those who live in it. You can choose the most unusual silhouettes from fairy-tale characters to your favorite actors or animals.

Ballerina using the vytynanka technique

An elegant and openwork decoration will be obtained if you make it from plain paper, but cut out the silhouette not with stationery scissors, but with a more precise tool. This type of work involves detailed elaboration of contours and the presence of many intricate shaped slots.

To create a vytynanka you will need:

  • sharp sharpened scalpel or paper knife;
  • a special rug made of dense material;
  • A4 sheet of any color, preferably thick, so that it does not tear when cutting out small parts.

To create such a delicate ballerina, you need to draw her in advance or print a ready-made template, preferably with the outline of the skirt, and work with it as follows:

  1. Place the paper with the image on the prepared surface.
  2. Using a blade, carefully separate off the excess.
  3. Next, we begin to design the skirt. Here everything depends on the author’s imagination, since with a scalpel you can cut openwork patterns of any shape and size. The main thing is not to divide the ballerina into parts.

To create such a gentle ballerina, you need to draw her in advance or print a ready-made template

The craft is attached using water or diluted starch paste to a flat, non-absorbent surface: window glass, door. You will get a very beautiful decoration that none of your friends will have.

DIY ballerina postcard

The idea with a dancing girl will be useful not only as New Year’s decor for an apartment or school class, but will also take its rightful place in a congratulatory message.

To make a postcard you will need the following materials:

  • A sheet of colored cardboard. You can choose any shade you wish, but keep in mind that the ballerina should not blend into the background.
  • White A4 paper.
  • Printer and ballerina template.
  • Openwork napkin for cake.
  • Glue stick or PVA.
  • Sharp scissors, stationery knife for paper.
  • A special rug made of dense material if you plan to use the tugging technique.
  • Ruler.
  • Pencil.

The procedure for creating a beautiful postcard with your own hands:

  1. Fold a sheet of cardboard in half, color side up.
  2. Using a ruler, measure the width and length of the part and mark the middle with a pencil.
  3. Print a picture of a ballerina. You can use an outline or a color image. It all depends on the characteristics of the printer and the age of the person to whom the congratulation is intended.
  4. Carefully cut out the dancer along the contour, use a utility knife or a sharp scalpel to create additional patterns on the skirt, if it is not intended to be made from other materials.
  5. Fold the round cake napkin with lace edges in half twice. Cut a sharp corner to fit the ballerina's waist.
  6. Using glue, attach the figurine to the front of the card. Attach the top of the skirt to its upper base. The bottom edge should remain free. The decoration will be voluminous.

You can send a finished postcard with an applique to a friend, mother or sister for her birthday, March 8th and other holidays. This is a good idea for wedding invitations. You can also attach a ballerina made using other techniques, such as origami. But it will not turn out so tender and graceful.

How to make a ballerina from napkins

Another very interesting and simple way to create a dancing snowflake is to use only plain white, blue, pink or any other paper napkins.

In addition to this available material, you will need:

  • Wire without plastic braid.
  • Scissors.
  • PVA glue.


  1. They make a frame in the form of a human figurine with a head, arms and legs. It is better to fold the wire in two layers so that it is strong.
  2. The napkin is divided into thin layers and torn by hand into thin strips.
  3. Wrap the wire tightly enough so that it does not show through, and from time to time lubricate the structure with glue.
  4. Take a whole napkin, fold it into a triangle and cut out a regular snowflake for the skirt.
  5. The ballerina raises her arms up and puts the “clothes” on her.

Another very interesting and simple way to create a dancing snowflake is to use only plain white, blue, pink or any other paper napkins

The finished product can be hung on a Christmas tree or chandelier. The advantage of such a craft is the ability to give it any position by bending your arms or legs at the desired angle. In addition, you do not have to use a printer to print the finished stencil.

Hi all! Watch my video master class for you on how to do it

SNOWFLAKES BALLERINS WITH YOUR OWN HANDS. Download ballerina snowflakes stencils for cutting right here.

Did you like the Snowflakes-Ballerinas from the video? Then let's get started. 😉

To make such beautiful Snowflakes you will need:

  • paper
  • stencils (download to print right here)
  • scissors
  • thin thread

I use graceful ballerina silhouettes and, at the same time, simple ones to cut out.

See for yourself.

If you like the silhouettes of these ballerinas and would like to download and print them, CLICK DOWNLOAD.

Snowflakes Ballerinas
Stencils for cutting

For your convenience, downloadable files are presented in different formats: .doc and .jpg.

I also want to clarify, as in the video, that stencils with one ballerina on the entire A4 sheet are suitable for LARGE ballerinas. I don't usually use these.
I like to cut out ballerinas from stencils with two silhouettes on A4 sheet. You saw the result yourself in the video.

  1. Have you printed out the ballerinas?
    Then let's continue.

2. Cut out the silhouette of a ballerina.

3. Take a sheet of paper and cut out a regular snowflake.
Or unusual - as you wish. 😉

Be sure to make a hole in the middle of the snowflake. Please note that this hole should be the same size as your ballerina's waist. Approximately (by eye).

4. Carefully put the snowflake on the ballerina, just like we put on a skirt.

5. Using a needle, pull through a thin thread.
I do this at the top of the silhouette's head (middle).

That's all. DIY Ballerina snowflakes are ready. Decorate the space around you with them. And if your children are not as small as mine, running around in the video frames, then they will be very happy to help you. Or make these ballerina snowflakes yourself. 😉

I hope the snowflake ballerina cutting stencils downloaded on this site will help you create such graceful beauty quickly and easily.

Leave Comments. See you in new articles and video. 😉

Happy New Year to you and your beloved children! 🎅🎄
Your Natalya May.

A paper ballerina is one of the most common Christmas tree decorations. The graceful, thin figure looks original and fresh among the spruce branches, evoking associations with Andersen's fairy tale about the paper dancer and the steadfast tin soldier. Also, these beautiful figures can be part of a hanging composition, which is attached on thin fishing lines to a chandelier or ceiling. The slightest breath of wind, and the lovely ballerinas will spin in a hypnotizingly beautiful dance. In our article we will tell you how to make this wonderful toy craft. Despite its elegance and sophistication, it is quite simple to make and does not take much time.

To make a paper ballerina we will need paper and scissors. For the silhouette of a ballerina, it is best to use thick paper or thin double-sided glossy cardboard. On a sheet of cardboard, draw the silhouette of a ballerina and cut it out. If you are not confident in your artistic abilities, you can download and print a ready-made ballerina template from the Internet. Then, using carbon paper, tracing the printed silhouette, transfer it to the cardboard. Can be cut. Silhouettes of ballerinas are shown in the photo below.

Ballerina figurine templates









After you have decided on the choice of ballerina silhouette and made it, we proceed to making a ballet tutu. In this case it will be in the form of a snowflake. Templates of snowflakes and a diagram for cutting can be seen in the photo below. It will be easier to cut out small elements of snowflakes with a paper knife on a soft plastic mat.

Scheme for cutting snowflakes and templates for it






№ 7


When the snowflake is ready, we make a slot in the middle of it, equal in width to the waist of the ballerina’s silhouette. Carefully insert the figure into the slot. The snowflake ballerina is ready. We attach a fishing line to it and decorate the Christmas tree or room.

Colored ballerina in a fan tutu

To make such a ballerina, download a ready-made photographic image of a ballerina from the Internet. Using a graphics editor, we make a mirror copy of the image. This is necessary so that the figure is double-sided.

This is what the printed image looks like.

Cut out both images and glue them together. While the ballerina's silhouette dries, we make a ballet tutu. To do this we need two identical pieces of paper. We fold them like an accordion, then bend them in half and glue the touching sides together. We get two assembled semicircles.

Carefully glue these semicircles to the waist, and glue the touching edges. The ballet tutu is ready. To make it more pompous, you can additionally glue on more ruffled skirts made of corrugated paper, but of a smaller size. The ballerina is ready. We attach it to a thread or thin ribbon and hang it.