What is the matrix of consciousness and soul. Galactic matrix of consciousness. Are we connected? Really connected

What is a matrix?

The matrix is ​​a system represented in the mind of every person by a set of patterns that determine his behavior and influence all aspects of existence. Patterns are transmitted through information - through education, training, and the media. Adults “infected” with these patterns spread it everywhere, even through ordinary communication.

The Matrix is ​​abstract, and it does not exist without people, and it is controlled by the people connected to it. This process is already fully automated. A person connected to the matrix (almost all people) has a limited linear thinking built on a cause-and-effect model, and such thinking makes the range of people's perception very narrow.

The mind is so accustomed to thinking patterns that it no longer sees them. Even when going out into nature, a person cannot disconnect from them and he even takes with him part of the matrix, which should support and feed these patterns. For example, he takes a cell phone, or does exactly what he came for, for example, to sunbathe (program!). And every person, without knowing it, is an “agent” who reinforces the matrix with almost any of his actions or opinions. “Helps” others not to go beyond limits...
No person creates new information in cause-and-effect thinking, he only changes it. While thinking, he analyzes the information already available. The result - opinion - is only the result of information processing. She is essentially a stranger. That is, it turns out that “our” opinion is just our analysis. But analysis is the processing of information by the mind using thinking patterns - also alien, imposed by the matrix. Other people's templates, other people's information - so whose opinion is it in the end?!...
“Our” opinion is simply the result of a general system of divisions. The fact that this opinion is ours is just an illusion, resulting from the fact that the thinking process took place under our “control”... But control is only a state that the mind feels, this trick is used by the matrix. In fact, the work of the mind occurs not under our control, but under the “use of us.” This is what we have in our opinion... Man is a battery! A programmed doll... The tougher the opinion (statements, confidence), the tougher the program.

Matrix templates are recorded on the “mirror” that every born person has. The mirror has a certain structure. Its foundations are “sense of need” and “sense of ownership.” Man, like a predator, implicitly says “give!” even when he does good. He expects and reacts, and does not just do it, on his own, “unprogrammed.” The sense of ownership generates a false understanding of one’s own opinion, one’s own body, and various property. A person identifies himself with them. Together, these two feelings generate different fears, passions... The mirror acquires numerous layers that are very difficult to remove. They contain a lot of things - such as greed, jealousy, laziness, and such as guilt, shame, and even such as faith in God, altruism, defense of truth, a sense of injustice. Many true things, like love and gratitude, are covered by mirror ones, built on reaction and expectation. All these cunning layers of the mirror cloud the consciousness. When a person is unconscious, he is not able to really be aware of his own programs.

Many are trying to get out of the matrix. They are looking for a path to liberation, they are looking for enlightenment... But they come across other tricks of the matrix. The same “ascensions”, “transitions 2012”, etc. In The Matrix 3, Neo said, “By inventing the chosen one, the Matrix created just another means of control.” Yes, even “exiting the Matrix” is a program!
How can you get out if your thinking is initially “programmatic”? We need a transition to a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT PERCEPTION! It is necessary to de-program the matrix core!

"The problem is the choice!" (the real translation is from “problem is a choice”, in the dub the translation is incorrect) - this is the main thing that The Matrix film is based on throughout the entire film. Choice is what the Matrix is ​​based on... That is, you can say the core. But you cannot refuse a choice without realizing it! Trying to avoid choice is again a choice... A vicious circle... for the seeker... In the film The Matrix, only food for thought is given. There is no real way out!

Well, I have satisfied you on the question “what is a matrix?” Then you can return to the matrix and continue to live with this knowledge. This is exactly what most people do. As is the case with the movie The Matrix. Do you really think that the Matrix would allow the release of a film that could destroy it??? The film is popular... The answer is simple. Even the very interest in getting out of the matrix still arises in a “zombified” mind... How to satisfy all these people safely for the matrix? Of course, we need to give them information in such a way that, while continuing to look for a way out, they continue to work for the matrix...
Everything before that - blue tablet, what is below - red...
Further there will be no information, not food for crazy... Next will be an attempt on your fortune. Attempt on your personality. Attempt on your matrix. You're entering the zone beyond...

What time is it now?...
No, really, stop... Freeze... Slow down...
What color are the letters?... How focused are your eyes? How do your legs... arms... feel now?
How can you free yourself... How can you see the matrix if you act like a programmed doll... You process everything informationally without feeling anything...
Are you leaving a loophole for the truth to seep into your consciousness? You are constantly digesting, processing...
Give me information, give me, yum yum yum... More, more, more... Are you hungry or what? Who's hungry? Your mind... Computer... You are enslaved by the matrix... How can you get out of it... The exit from it is right HERE. But you are so overclocked that you don’t even see him point blank... You live in your head... In her...
You, as a player, are so involved in the game that, looking at the monitor, you merge with it, you cannot tear yourself away from it... It’s not easy. But it's possible...
So we are “talking” to you... Right now, change your CONDITION.
! Feel yourself in your body... Feel your...
Concentrate... Don't tense up. This is just the opposite of tension, but it is not relaxation... This is different... This is a way out of the continuity of the mind... Read not too quickly, not programmatically. Read every word consciously... Feel... Consciously...

The question “what is a matrix” is “not there”. CONDITION - that's the secret! Explanation is what the mind requires! This is how millions of people have been walking in circles for centuries. They are engaged in the search for God, enlightenment, liberation... Whatever the child amuses himself with, as long as he doesn’t stop... continues to be in the same CONDITION... PERCEPTION... ATTENTION... All of them are still PERSONALITIES who have a SEPARATION in consciousness, and perceives in them - already a weak divided part, a very very limited part... And they have God there, goodness, love - what difference does it make with what to fill the mind with, as long as it’s something to occupy... The Matrix is ​​a flexible thing , cunning as hell...

So, will a person find a real door this way? There are quite a few doors! It’s just that this door doesn’t exist for him. He will continue to look for HIS (!) way out - the way out that he HAS AN IDEA about. The fact that he is CAPABLE OF PERCEPTION... For some, the matrix has prepared revolutions and a change of power (what difference does it make what kind of power, because power is already a matrix), for others - God (power too, isn't it?), and so on... To see the door you need to be... No, not the chosen one (who can choose you? Is it the matrix?)... You need to have a strong Will...
A person who truly walks the path of liberation admits the beyond... He admits that beyond the limits of the known, he may encounter things with which he does not know how to deal. It is as if you were groping your way in the dark... This is exactly what happens... Remember one thing, everything that gives you is deception... The path of liberation GIVES NOTHING. He - takes away... takes away from you - illusions... Few people pass this test. Most, having wandered in the dark, cannot stand the unknown. Man is not used to living in uncertainty. He needs a plan, deadlines, to know what awaits him (“planners”). And here no one gives him this. This is taken away from him... So they return to their cage... To their zoo... You must have enormous willpower... to fight yourself...
So, it is impossible not only to tell, it is impossible to UNDERSTAND what the matrix is! Or maybe it's better to say - useless! You will see it for yourself... when you clear your mind... Although in our articles we give understanding about the matrix, this is just preparation and nothing more. Ultimately, when your mind is sufficiently prepared, to truly leap beyond the matrix, you must renounce everything...
Articles and practices on this site are aimed at changing the state and destroying SEPARATION (personality, matrix)! There is no order, plan, program, sequence of how to read it. This is exactly what we are destroying. Each path is INDIVIDUAL. Good luck! (this wish somehow sounded programmatically, didn’t you notice? :D)

Alexander Vakurov

Personal Epistemology: What lets us know that what we know is really what it is? How do we know what is really happening around or inside us? Why are we so sure that everything we feel, see, hear is true? Is there only one reality, or are there many of them? How do we know whether what another person is doing is exactly what we perceive his actions to be, or whether it is something else? Should we be so sure that we correctly perceive the world around us?
This article is several years old. And it will be constantly edited as new observations and insights become available.
Remember the movie “The Matrix”?

A film about how people live, breathe, strive, hate, love. And then it turns out that what actually happens is not at all what they think.
In fact, there is another world in which completely different events take place, of which these people are completely unaware.
What they take for reality is actually a virtual reality (“virtuality”) created for them by machines.

When I saw this film for the first time, I experienced a feeling of recognition: “This is it! I've known this for a long time! I've felt this for a long time! Everything is the same as in our life!”

Indeed, when I observed myself and other people, I always saw something similar, but I could never express it into a specific idea or words.

When I began studying psychotherapy, I was amazed at what actually happens between people.

Amazed that people don't know what they are doing. People don't see what's really happening.
Everyone lives in their own illusory world, interacting with people who are invented and seem to them.
He does not fully know who is next to him, what he really wants.
He doesn't know what he really wants.

Remember, with the Strugatskys, people go into the Zone to get into the Room that makes wishes come true. With great difficulty, a man makes his way into this room and asks for health for his brother. And in the end he gets a lot of money. He didn’t want what was good for his brother, but actually “good” for himself. People only THINK they want what they want. People only THINK they are doing what they are doing. And people only SEEM that others are doing what they are doing. And then they are surprised that their efforts do not lead to the expected results.

People live, worry, react, suffer, do something to each other, completely unaware of what is really happening.

He is angry with her for what she did - and does not suspect that he himself provoked her to do this.

She is offended by him, and does not suspect that she herself did everything to ensure that he behaved this way. These are all matrices.

People each walk in their own matrix, mistaking everything that happens in it for the real world.

Everyone lives in their own reality, naively assuming that it is their understanding of reality that is the most real. And he wonders how others don’t see and understand what is visible and understandable to him.

Moreover, I am increasingly struck by the idea that an ordinary person comes into contact with Reality extremely rarely. The filters and prisms of his perception create for him a Distorted Reality in which he lives and breathes, mistaking it for the true reality.

People group with each other according to the similarity of their Realities and really don’t like those Others whose Reality is far from their Realities. Of course, in order not to be left alone, a person has to not notice that the Reality of people from his inner circle is still different from his Reality. He simply “explains” these differences to himself, for example, by the “wrongness” of these people, “madness,” “stupidity,” “stupidity,” “malice,” “harmfulness,” “vile intentions,” “bad character,” “carelessness.” , “bad nature”, etc.

I hope it is clear that our Reality is nothing more than a fiction and an illusion that we have qualitatively built for ourselves? The matrix that our parents and those in whom we always trusted so much created for us? But let's move on. All this is so, conversations that are neither hot nor cold.

I want to offer you a model, the use of which can help in the MOST DIFFICULT AND MOST COMPLEX AND POSSIBLY EVEN IMPOSSIBLE SITUATIONS IN YOUR LIFE.
I'm going to first explain what the Matrix is. Then I am going to provide you with the criteria of the Matrix and the signs by which you can recognize whether you are in the Matrix or not. Then, you will learn what to do and how to jump out of the Matrix. And how to check whether you jumped out of the matrix or not.

So, you already understand the idea. Our subjective Reality differs from the objective Reality (if there is one at all) and from the subjective Realities of other people. But that is not all!

Our subjective reality differs at different moments and periods of our lives!
And my subjective reality, when I have had enough sleep and am well-fed, is significantly different from my reality when I am hungry and have not had enough sleep.

I feel differently, I see the world differently, I listen to people differently, I react to events differently, my head thinks differently, and I can do things completely differently. In some cases I see and hear things that I do not see or hear in others. In some cases I understand what I do not understand at all in others. In some cases, I perceive the situation as hopeless. In others, I see a way out perfectly. In some cases, I can easily do or say what brings me success. In others - in similar situations - he is weak and infirm. And all this is my very different subjective Reality.

I call subjective reality the Matrix. But not any subjective reality, but only one in which I experience pain and helplessness, resentment or anger - in general, when I am ineffective in some way, when I lose access to internal resources.

And I am in the matrix, and I am also outside it. The same thing happens to you. With every person on this planet.

A little later we will understand that there are three mutually supporting components in the matrix:

Distorted Perception,
Negative State
Beliefs that do not support us.

For now, let's move on.
Indeed, just remember, haven’t you ever had something happen that causes you pain, disappointment, anger or resentment, but time passes, you get distracted, or over the years you just grow up and what once was terrible, do you remember with a smile or just with warm sadness?

A neighbor's boy took a shovel from you in the sandbox... An insult, a tragedy for life! Weren’t you in pain then and terribly offended?!! Now, years later, you can remember this event with a smile or just love for yourself then in childhood.

And over the past two to three years, haven’t you had such cases when you got angry and couldn’t even think about something specific without anger, be it someone’s action or words, and then you calmed down, and now you’re completely Do you think about it or remember it differently?

Have you ever had a situation where you found yourself in a completely hopeless situation, and everything was bad and hopeless, and it seemed that things couldn’t get worse, and even better? Then time passed, everything settled down, and after a while you realized that life goes on, and in it, in life, things don’t happen like that. Your perception of the same situation has changed! The same events! Moreover, both then and later, your assessment of reality is completely “real” and “justified.”

Another example. Your friends tell you about the troubles that happened to them, they are confused and panicked. And it seems to you that everything is not so bad. And you even see the exits that they have. And for them, they can be “closed”. Or rather, not for them, but for their perception. Etc. I think there is no need to continue the examples.

So why does the same person first assess the situation as hopeless, and after a while begin to see solutions and opportunities in it? Why do two different people see different possibilities in the same situation? Psychologists will give us a huge number of explanations, and they will be right, but these explanations, at least, did not always help me.

I found myself in situations that I regarded as hopeless.

I have been in states when I seemed to myself the most insignificant, useless, the most worthless or most unnecessary person, the most unattractive or unworthy.
I've been in a situation where I didn't want to live.
I was excruciatingly ashamed, I felt a terrible feeling of guilt.
I hated it terribly.
I was terribly afraid.
Everything seemed useless or unnecessary to me.

Depressed! - some will say. Complexes! - others will say. Weakling! - others will say. And they will be right. Or maybe not. Who, pray tell, can swear that he has never experienced such situations or conditions?

So, about what made me sit down at the keyboard to write what you are reading now. Matrix.

The matrix is ​​a state.

A state of hopelessness, worthlessness, hopelessness and lack of rights. This is any state in which you do not see a way out or do not have access to internal resources.

Jump out of the matrix and the world changes. Your “objective” assessment of the situation, yourself, your capabilities or other people will change. Your REAL capabilities will change.

Why wait for many years until you gain life experience and become wiser? Or help from psychologists, if you can just jump out of the matrix? How? Now you'll find out!
Story one

First, I'll tell you a story about myself. I immediately remembered the story about Alice, who sang a song “to herself.” She sang different songs, she was asked to be quieter and sing “to herself,” and she sang. She sang so loudly. About myself beloved.

Moreover, I thought about this, being in a good mood, in a resource, so to speak. I looked at the past and thought about the present. I looked into the future and realized that, judging by my character, I would still have situations in which I could plunge into a state that I later called “matrix”, that is, simply a “bad” state, a state of ineffectiveness from which anything - I, the world, people - seem, so to speak, “bad”.

And I made a decision - not to trust my perceptions in these states anymore. Never. No matter what I see, no matter what I understand, no matter what I feel and no matter what others tell me that I am bad or the situation is hopeless, I will stupidly believe. Believe in yourself, believe in the situation, believe in your destiny, believe in the person.

Note two points.
First, I made this decision while in a resourceful state.
And secondly, I made this decision IN ADVANCE.

Moreover, I MARKED the signs of the matrix state in advance so that when it happens, I can IDENTIFY it in time. Usually a person does not notice when it is loading, and when he notices, it is already too late.

And I started training. First of all, I began to train my ability to notice that I was in a matrix state. Then - the ability to jump out of it. So I researched the signs of the Matrix and ways of liberation from it.
Story two

One day my daughter and I were walking around the square, and she, a twelve-year-old snivel, suddenly became rude to me. To whom?!! To my own father, who fed and raised me?!! And even for no reason?!!

Not fair. Hurt. It's a shame. Just as I took in more air in my chest to yell at her, it suddenly dawned on me that I was in the Matrix. In the most natural way.

And all the signs are there. Is there anger? Eat. Is there helplessness? Eat. Is there a feeling of noble indignation, indignation, one’s own absolute and indisputable rightness, trampled justice, the extraordinary importance of committing sacred retribution RIGHT NOW? Eat! Is the assessment of your daughter as maliciously acting and ABSOLUTELY WRONG? Eat.

Everything is boiling in my soul, emotions are scattered and rampant, and I stupidly repeat to myself: “Don’t believe it, this is the matrix.”
“So how...?!!”
“Shut up,” I tell myself, “you’re in the Matrix.”
“So she’s like that with me...?!”
“It doesn’t matter, first get out of the Matrix, then act.”

Let's repeat:
First get out of the Matrix, then act!

The Matrix has one peculiarity. The same as for viruses. The Matrix is ​​invulnerable and has power over our perception and state while it is unidentified. As soon as it is recognized, its influence weakens, until it disappears.

And I simply decided to wait to react until the distortions in my perception disappeared, although all of it, my perception, and all the signals of my reality told me that my perception was correct.

The Matrix is ​​a special perception of reality, Others and oneself.

But I decided - no. This is the matrix, and I will “beat” it. And, you know, he won!

Literally after a couple of minutes of my “silence while waiting for a miracle,” it dawned on me: “Bah, at that moment I had no other choices in reactions!” I could only be angry and indignant - that’s all!”

But there are other reactions. There is a feeling of strength. There is humor. There is wisdom in behavior with a spoiled, overbearing and ungrateful child.

I felt relief and a surge of strength. I became able to think: “What do I want now? What I need?".
The answers came: “So that my daughter respects me. So that she understands what she is doing. So that she notices if she hurts someone else. To listen. To be a well-mannered person. So that you understand that I’m right.”
Well, okay, I thought. Let's be adults, wise and cunning. I'll show her how to mock her father! We'll figure it out at home!

STOP! Is there something wrong! I still don’t understand what, but something is clearly wrong. I stopped myself. The matrix again. Lighter, without the feeling of helplessness and hopelessness, but - she, my dear.

I left the “I’m not okay” position, but left the “She’s not okay” position!


I decided this for myself once and I am not going to retreat from my decision.

Well, well, I think we'll wait a little longer. Maybe we’ll jump out of this Matrix too. I relaxed and just waited. We're already on the minibus. It's warm and dry here, but it's raining outside. Katya is nearby, frowning. She has no time for me. He thinks. The exit from this matrix was long - for about five minutes I just sat and calmly waited. And suddenly - “BAM!”

Lord, she's a child! My child! And I'm an adult. I'm her father. Wise, big and strong. I have just identified the Matrices. But she, too, can be in her Matrices. And not know about it. And she might feel bad! And I, so big and strong, take offense like a little child. She was simply mistaken, and I took advantage of her mistake to experience a pleasant feeling of noble indignation. God, poor girl!

Love. Love, sympathy and tenderness overwhelmed me, I turn to Katyushka - and there are tears in her eyes. I still don’t have time to say anything, but she’s already clinging to me: “Daddy, forgive me, I love you!” “Daughter, forgive me, I’m also wrong.” We hug. We kiss. Happy end.

Not easy. It's very difficult.

Finding out that you are not always right. That it is not you who are being hurt, but you. That things are often not as they seem. But it's liberating. Frees you from pain, infliction and compulsion. From worthlessness and hopelessness. This is the path to Love. This is the path to the Light. This is my world. And I want to live in it.
After poetry - to prose

There is more than one matrix. A lot of them. They are like nesting dolls inside each other. Jumping out of a heavier one, you find yourself in a lighter one.

If you recognize it, you will jump out of it. But know that the new reality is also subjective and it can also be matrix. A little later the clear criteria of the Matrix will be given.

It is important to ALWAYS check your reality for its “matrix”.

I know people who are CONSTANTLY in matrices. Some zealously adhere to only one. Others alternately change their habitats, traveling from matrix to matrix, skipping “normal” levels. Still others sometimes, by chance, fall out of the matrices, and then, unnoticed by themselves, are again “drawn” into them. Still others are “pushed” there by other people or circumstances. Fifth people simply cannot live in a world without matrices. He is unfamiliar to them, which means he is dangerous. And they themselves “jump” into them.

In the example given, I visited two matrices. We'll look at which ones and why later. Someone else could “skip” the level of “O-key” reality and fall into the matrix of self-abasement and self-blame. “Oh, I’m so, so big! A worthless father, and not a man at all!” etc.

It turns out that it is also important to recognize “your”, “normal” layer of reality and remain in it. And for this it is important to study “your” reality, that is, the one in which you want to live.

This is the Reality in which you:

good condition and mood,
in which you are effective,
in which you are able to establish and maintain the relationships you need and desire,
establish the status you need in these relationships,
achieve the results you want easily and with pleasure,
predict and create events,
experience the states you desire,
choose those people with whom you feel pleasant and easy, with whom you want to be;
do what you want
want what you have chosen;
A reality in which it is easy for you to make decisions,
in which you know what you want,
A reality in which you know what is happening
A reality in which you know what you are doing.

Advice. To study this Reality, and everyone has it, it is necessary to study ALL the cases when YOU HAD THIS. Remember in every detail.

It is useful to study this reality on line, i.e. DURING ITS EXISTENCE. When you feel good RIGHT NOW, or when you are effective right now. It is useful to REMEMBER such states and situations. Keep a piggy bank or archive of these states and situations. They are the ones who will let you know what your REAL Reality is.

They will be a guide, a beacon in finding ways out of the labyrinths of your usual matrices. It is necessary to study: sensations, any parameters of the state, features of Perception, Thinking, Behavior, Reactions, Assessments. All this is important, all this will help you in a difficult situation, when something is unclear, or the whole world, together with you, is against you.

I remember a science fiction series in which a group of people travel through worlds in parallel realities in search of “their” Earth. On each “Earth” everything is very similar to their world, but something is different. The problem was not to confuse someone else's world with your own. And they were confused, taking someone else’s for their own. And because of this, they found themselves in strange situations.

The problem was not to mistake your world for someone else’s, otherwise, if you “get caught” in your world and don’t recognize it and jump into the next one, there is no guarantee that you will be lucky again and be able to return here again. The film ends interestingly. Someone remains in foreign worlds, choosing the one that is more attractive to him than the one from which he came. Someone reached his world, recognized it and remained in it. And some went further, choosing novelty and variety. To each his own.
Types of matrices

There are three main types of Matrices:
1. Matrix about Reality - “She (Reality) is “Not OK”
2. Matrix about Others - “They (Others) are “Not OK”
3. Matrix about Myself - “I’m “Not OK””

Moreover, “It’s not okay!” this can be in two different “slices” of Reality:
A. Relationships, emotional, moral, ethical “assessment”.
B. Reality, opportunities, information, business, perception of “facts”, selectivity of attention (ignoring opportunities, and fixation on obstacles and limitations - the situation, one’s own, etc.).

That is, I can be “Not OK” in the sense of “bad”, “no good”, “acting badly”, “foolish”, “disgraced”, “loser”, “ugly” (if I am a woman), “useless to anyone”, “stupid”, “vile”, etc. (3.A.)
And I may be “too weak for such a load” or “such an opponent”, “too poor”, “too young” or “too old”, “just a woman”, “all alone and therefore unable to do this and that.” ", "deprived of resources" in a real situation, "without real options and choices" (3.B.)
The situation may be such for me that I will not dare to take any actions, considering them “indecent”, “unacceptable”, “those that I, for my moral reasons, cannot take” (1.A.)
Or - “absolutely hopeless”, “not giving me a chance”, “deprived of resources and development options”, etc. (1. B.)
Or - a person may seem to me “not good”, “bad”, or “acting badly”, absolutely wrong”, “insulting me”, “wishing me bad” (2.A.)
Or - a person may seem to me incapable of coping with the situation on his own, really helpless, weaker than me (2.B.), or - “stronger than me,” and therefore offending me (2.B.), or - trying to make me feel bad or hurt (2. A.)
A person (“these people”) may seem stronger to me (that is, I may not see their obvious weaknesses and inability) (2.B.)

The categories “strong” - “weak” (“stronger - weaker” than me) are also added to this division.

Another person may be “Not OK” because he is “weak,” and another person may be “Not OK” because he is strong. If I regard his “strength” as “strength”, I may not dare to look for ways to resolve the situation, or even - I will not dare to take the actions I need.

This option can be a matrix one, when I take someone else for weak, and I begin to help him, and I fall into traps, become a slave to my desire to help, etc. Or - I get caught in a scam, overestimating the enemy’s capabilities (2.B.)
When another person is “bad” (2.A.), but “strong” - that is, stronger than me, and I “suffer from his actions caused by his bad intentions”
There are two possible options for the “activity” of the Matrix.

Incomplete capture by the Matrix: The person understands that this is subjectivity, but cannot do anything with his perception or state. “It’s all the same” cannot find ways out, ways, or ways to change the situation in the surrounding reality.
Complete capture by the matrix state and matrix thinking: A person believes, “That this is an objective reality.”

You can also distinguish (according to the sources of the matrix state):

Emotional Matrix
Belief Matrix
Expectations Matrix
View Matrix
Matrix of Hopes
Matrix of Conviction and Faith
Matrix of misconceptions
Matrix of stereotypes
Lifestyle Matrix
Habit Matrix
Matrix of context and behavioral (contextual) trap
Matrix of habitual relationships
Matrix of habitual reactions
Role Matrix
Status Matrix
Behavioral Position Matrix

And another text, written much later, in continuation of this topic:
End criteria, or process quality criteria. Orientation in the Matrix.

Task. There is a situation(s) when you easily fly into a certain Matrix, in which your ability to navigate is sharply reduced or distorted. And you will only find out about it when it’s too late to do anything. What to do in this case? How to prepare for it in such a way as to be confident in your own safety?

In a situation where:
1. You don't know what to do:
2. You don't know what goals to set. Psychology says that effectiveness requires goals. What to do when you cannot define your goals? If your emotions or condition are such that all your conscious abilities are blocked, and the situation itself cannot be avoided. This means that you are missing some important guidelines, or you have them now, but you know (are afraid) that the time will come (a situation will come) and you will lose access to these guidelines; and this can be in two ways: You may know that the accessibility of landmarks has decreased, or you may not notice it.

In other words, in a problem situation, the availability of landmarks is sharply reduced.

Two preparation options:
1. High quality.
2. Express method.

This is where the technique of identifying extreme and optimal options (and their characteristics) can come to the rescue.

Here are questions that will help you find the right answers that will better guide you in a difficult situation (You can use these questions for yourself both BEFORE and DURING the situation):

How should it all end? What should happen at the end? How do I know (what should let me know) when it's time to call it a day?
How do I know when a dangerous moment is coming?
What do I definitely not want?
What am I afraid of, how can I know when it is coming? By what signs? Are there signs of this in the behavior of other people? What specific parameters of another person’s behavior: words (which specific ones, phrases?), intonation, volume of speech, facial expression, gestures, posture, pace, intensity and amplitude of movements, emotions, reactions?
How will I know everything is going well?
How will I know RIGHT THERE that I won't regret what happens THEN?

This is the case when in your PAST EXPERIENCE you have already had cases when you did something, believing that you were doing it right, made decisions, being absolutely confident in their correctness, behaved in a certain way, believing that this is the way it should be behave, formalize relationships in a certain way, without even realizing their true consequences, etc., and ultimately, after the end of a meeting, contact or situation, and sometimes after the end of an entire period of life, sometimes after a long time , You suddenly realized that in fact everything was not as it seemed, not as it should have been, not as you really needed, not as you REALLY wanted.

Not so in terms of consequences, not so in the quality of processes, not so in the scope of your entire life journey. When you discovered that THEN, AT THAT MOMENT, your perception (of the present, past or future, situation, relationships, meanings, consequences, circumstances, reasons, reasons) was distorted, your actions did not ultimately correspond to your interests.

And four more important questions:
1. What exactly should it be?
2. What should never happen?
3. What is desirable for me?
4. What is, in principle, undesirable, but acceptable?

As soon as you divide all possible Reality into these four areas, your orientation in the current reality and the degree of control over it increases many times over.

A small digression that should have been placed at the beginning of the article:
Reality orientation

A person may not know:

What's really happening.
What is he doing?
Why is he really doing this?
What does he want?
What does he really want in this situation? He may think he knows this, but often this is just an illusion. Strategies for defining reality against reality are needed.

It is important for a person to be able to navigate:

In what's going on
In what he himself does
Why he is doing this (what results he wants to achieve with these actions)
Whether or not he achieves the results he aimed for when initiating his actions.
Considering the multi-layered nature of Reality, what are the side effects and consequences of these actions. How consistent are they with his initially set goals? How consistent are they with his other goals and values.
Considering that a person may not know, and not notice, what else and how he does what he does - what else does he do, besides what he believes that he knows what he is doing.
Considering that a person may not know ALL the motives and goals influencing his actions, choices, decisions, perceptions, interpretations, assessments, assumptions, reactions, emotions and state - what else influences my actions?

For now, this is all I have collected.
To be continued...

Galactic Matrix of Consciousness

553 = Brotherhood of the One Set, decoration of the Crown of the Mother of the World (26) = Three solar parts: Will, Wisdom, Action (41) =

"Numeric codes". Book 2. Kryon Hierarchy

8. Form is always unchanged - it is the energy field of Matter. it is not illusory. The information field of Matter is illusory.

In addition, the developing Content of the World, through natural selection, leads to the development of the World itself, introducing the World into Evolution. ...

Part I KALAGIYA Peacefulness + Forgiveness + Ascension. OUM.

Jesus Christ-Maitreya.


I AM Heavenly Father! I AM Eternity!

Greetings, Father!

Svetlana, how often do you read, that is, understand KALAGIYA?

The fifth in general, and individual expressions maybe the tenth, hundredth... I don’t remember.

Using your example, we can trace what KALAGIYA says.

You have refined the Matter of understanding of the Earthly Plane of Energy to the state of understanding the Spirit in yourself. This means that she came out of the illusory representation of the World of the Earthly Plane of Energy and entered the Energies of the Matrix of Consciousness of the Solar System of the Galaxy, and began to cognize its Information content, through her understanding and awareness she began to bring the Energies of the Galactic Matrix of Consciousness to Earth.

So, she began to change the Information of the Earthly Development Plan for Information of a more expanded Cosmic System - the Galaxy System, so what did she do? She introduced her consciousness into Evolution, that is, by Evolving herself - you develop the Energy of the Planet to the level of a Higher Cosmic System - the Solar System of the Galaxy, changing your internal energy content, that is, by receiving New Information from the Galactic Matrix of Consciousness - you develop Galactic Energies in yourself, thus Thus, you grow in awareness of the following System of the Cosmic Commonwealth of Worlds.

Svetlana, now do you understand why people of the Social Consciousness of the Earthly Development Plan cannot understand you?

People have not yet received the Knowledge of the Galactic Solar System, they will receive Information about the Higher Development of Human Consciousness, they will think about it, begin to understand it, begin to change their attitude towards the Information, accept it and live by it, this is Evolution to the Highest Level of Consciousness!

We want to clarify that the Matrix of Consciousness of the Galactic Solar System is open to all Earthlings, like the Cosmic Internet. The only condition for connecting the Human consciousness to the Galactic Matrix of Consciousness is a developed Thought, that is, the frequency characteristics of the Human Thought must coincide with the frequencies of the Galactic Matrix of Consciousness.

Svetlana, is it difficult to say again?

No thanks, I understand!

I hope that our books will help people understand how you overcame the difficulties of misunderstanding Information, and how you developed Cosmic Consciousness, this is a way out of the plane of illusions of the Earthly Matrix of Consciousness.

People will understand that you have done colossal work on the plane of Thought.

Looking at you with physical eyes, a Man of the earthly plane of development will not be able to visually determine your level of consciousness, but if he reads your revelations, which you described in your books, he will understand that the plane of Thought is also in him. And he is also constantly developing it, and may have long been ready to accept or is already accepting the Information that develops his Cosmic level of consciousness. This means that he, too, has long understood that not everything was clear to him about himself and the world on the Earthly Plan of Development.

The Galactic Matrix of Consciousness gives, to Man on the earthly plane of development, Knowledge of the structure of the Stellar System of Worlds, knowledge of the cosmic anatomy of the Light Bodies of Man, and their connection with the Energies of the Stellar Systems, that is, it explains the Unity of the System: Man - Planet - Space! Thus, Man reaches a New Higher Level of Development of his consciousness, becomes a God-man, a co-Creator in the Creator!

Svetlana, I hope that we have clearly explained to the Readers that Humans do not need to be afraid of the New Information, the New Information of the Galactic Matrix of Consciousness must be accepted, realized and begin to live by it. Then, by changing the Thoughts in oneself, receiving a New Higher Level of Knowledge from the Creator, Man will change the World around him, that is, change the Planet, bringing to the Planet the Energies of the World of Love and Goodness of the Galactic Solar System, which has always led the development of our Planetary Solar System to its Level of Consciousness , only Man could not realize this. The feelings-minds of the Human Soul, the feelings-minds of Eternal Nature, were not developed:

Managing Emotions.




Leading by the Spirit.


Thought Management.

It is these feelings-minds of the Soul that are developed in Man by the Galactic Matrix of Consciousness, into the Energy of which the Planet entered in the New Time Eon of Cosmic Cycles.

Cosmic Cycles are controlled by the Creator and His Hierarchy of Star Systems!

Therefore, Man could not know this Information until the Creator Himself revealed the secret to Man. And in order to accept the secret from the Creator, Man needs to understand the Harmony of Light impulses of the Star Systems, and himself as a receiver and transmitter of the Cosmic Ether, that is, to understand the Unity of the System of the Creator and Creation!

I hope, Svetlana, that many people on Earth will understand us, that the Creator personally developed your consciousness according to an individual program, and that every Person on Earth has the same individual program: “Development Program with the Creator,” only you have to believe in the Creator, that you did, you TRUSTED ME!

“According to your Faith, it will be given to you,” said the Prophet Jesus BIBLE.

The energies of the Galactic Matrix of Consciousness are installed on Earth in the Noosphere of the Planet, and are available to every Person on Earth, therefore the Impersonal Love of the Creator saves Man from ignorance of his Eternal Nature, eliminates ignorance in him, by transforming the Planetary Energies, illuminating the Consciousness of the Planet with the Light of Knowledge about the Unity of the System of Worlds, bringing him to the Highest Stage of Evolution!

Love you!

Heavenly Father! Eternity!

Thank you, Father! I love! Svetlana.

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Matrix III: Matrix of Struggle and Incarnation Special signs of the Third Matrix That the Matrix of Struggle and Incarnation is worthy of our attention, I think you, reader, should not be convinced. We have already learned a lot of good and necessary things about the first two Matrices, so in

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I Matrix: Matrix of Bliss and Peace 1. How satisfied are you with yourself? Completely – 10 To a sufficient extent – ​​7 Not very – 3 Not satisfied at all – 02. How often do you give gifts? Constantly – 10 Often – 7 Rarely – 3 Never – 03. How often do you give yourself gifts?

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The Matrix as an opportunity to create controlled realities

The proto-foundation of the Matrix is ​​based on the appearance in space-time of hypersensitive particles that make it possible to regulate the spin of the electron, which makes it possible to manifest the null possibilities of a controlled reality. This allows us to create a myth of reality, provided with energy resources enough to stabilize the shells of hyperactive learning modules and create a theory of evolution that includes energy exchange between learning objects. Catastrophic points of controlled reality are insured by hyperstable shells, subject to change only in the event of sudden active intervention from crisis-organized structures. Contact of environmental states with the learning environment is possible only in exceptional cases of changing the program for introducing stability modules into reality from a low concentration of Conscience plasma.

The naturalness of the learning environment for a reality of this level prevents the catastrophe of the development of suicidal closed complexes of low-controllable plasma formations that block access to the layers of creativity.

The effectiveness of the contact of such reality with the learning environment creates comfortable conditions for the implementation of the project of independence of civilization from the accumulation of past mistakes.

Low-level learning environments clear space enough to create genetically protected places for survival that do not create structures for restoring the gene pool of civilization. They provide only a free choice of an acceptable communication environment, but do not create high-tech civilizational transformation projects. Since the environmental characteristics that are obtained when the Matrix contacts such a learning environment do not violate the vital stability of an object of this class, a living environment is formed with the contact error cleared.

If reality, in this case the Matrix, creates conditions for identifying the degradation characteristics of trained objects, admission to other categories of training is formed and an environment capable of calculating errors appears, where trained objects become “elusive” for reality with a low level of intelligence compared to the characteristics of the teaching system . In this case, reality “gives feedback” in the form of resistance to the signal of passage into worlds with a lesser givenness, that is, a structure of stability of the Matrix system is created and a channel is revealed that ensures the passage of only specially adapted objects - clones, into worlds of transcendental dimension.

The issue of sustainability is central to the value system of conditional reality, and it creates a stereotype of the behavior of life-supporting structures and objects that guarantee the safety of the boundaries of reality. In such a system, priorities rarely change, and the error of insensitivity to the situation of changing reality gradually, through life-supporting structures, gradually accumulates, which provides passage beyond the boundaries of the reality of that structure that is outside the controlled model according to the principles of its activity.

A crisis situation is created of combining two realities within the system with an unlimited number of exits beyond the limits. Within the Matrix there is a code that encrypts the ability of reality to change. The keys to codes that change reality are contained in high-risk areas due to their ability to provoke a disaster in the event of unauthorized access.

The human genetic code is a prototype of the access codes of the Matrix. It is combined with reality along several parallelograms and circles. Their relative position in space changes the codes of Fate and ensures stability in crisis situations. A life-sustaining trajectory is created that ensures the correspondence of the codes of reality and the codes of the human subconscious, which contains all the genetic information, folded onto a carrier of the “chromosome” class. Human chromosomes store access codes of the universal class into the structures of “small worlds” that unite the subconscious with the possibility of its perspective sounding as a complex object of greater dimension than a person in his manifestation.

The term “small worlds” means that their sound category is not in demand compared to an orchestra of stars. Their characteristics are outside the limits of the trajectory of human learning, and at the same time they are very influential in terms of the principle of combining realities, that is, they provide the opportunity to enter the trajectory plane of a one-dimensional world and the ability to connect in it two unconnected points of space-time, rotating in multidirectional orbits, without having intersections. The opposite polarity of objects of attraction forms the ray of Fate - the light of the world of chiaroscuro and ensures the stability of the Fates on both sides of the mirror. The mirror image of the world of reality of the Matrix has concentrated in itself the code cipher of the universe, which unlocks the “chest of creativity” in the mental world of man and the category of paradoxes in its perspective sound.

The categories of the dream world are unlocked and defined in time and space. Their combination with mirror reality gives the “light of paradox” as a phenomenon of stellar matter. In the world of the Looking Glass and the world of Chiaroscuro, a training ground for “star literacy” has been created for objects that have gone beyond the boundaries of creation. This ensures a sustainable positive process of co-creation of different realities. The structure of paradoxes expanded the boundaries of the Matrix and took out the crystal of Creative Consciousness from the Looking Glass, which created a trajectory of unconditional learning in the environment. Thus, the “human” category project has been brought to a new level of development.

IM No. 396, PI Pugacheva E., 00.10-17.12.03.

Changing the matrix of consciousness

The projection of the future into the past and through the looking glass simultaneously caused a shift in the realities of consciousness and determined the zone of sensitivity of the brain to the epiphany. This means that a plasma layer has been formed in the subcortex of the brain, demonstrating the possibility of God manifesting in man.

Epiphany is a twofold process. It forms a category of error in the environment that “pulls” the Devil out of a person. This process is consonant with the reflection of the essential category of error by reality. Transformation of a person’s subconscious means the formation of a zone of influence of the subconscious in the environment and a change in reality so much that the project of indirect influence of the multiple dimensions of Love on edit, nav And reality.

The structure of the human skull implies the presence in it of a mobile system for alerting the environment about the dynamics of transformations within it. It relays the system of subconscious impulses through the “entrance gate” into reality, that is, through the protein structure of the bone marrow. The skull carries out a system of transformative impulses that make it possible to control the reality of a cybernetic structure. A special feature of the patterns of this kind of relationship is the information contained in the bones about the transformative processes of the past. It is summarized in a step-by-step scheme for the transition of a substance from one state to another.

The revolutionary nature of the processes taking place in the Delta-Inform system lies in the fact that a synthesis of projects from different times is carried out and, thereby, the matrix of consciousness changes due to the retention of the first project as an element that detects an error. The matrix of consciousness is built in accordance with the “passage system” of the original creative foundation of the structure with “hidden manifestation of God.” The system of corridors defined for movement in evolutionary projects contains information about the identification of God in man and, through this, his connection with the system of signs that notify of error. That is, an environment is being formed in which a person’s collapsing undertakings do not contain a risk factor for him to be subjected to intense deforming tracks of the reification of his ideas.

Thus, there is protection of the environment from the manifestation of thinking mechanisms that do not pass the selection criterion on the basis of rationality. Accordingly, a protective impulse is born in the environment, which looks like maintaining a zone of prohibition on the introduction of a package that has not been tested. The protection of human sound is carried out by solving the problem of synchronizing hyperactive methods of light and sound synthesis with probabilistic processes of penetration into the knowledge environment of the future through the project of creating a zone for protecting the brain from “enlightenment” with the wrong light. In spatiotemporal categories, the error zone continues to shift into the controlled search area.

IM No. 397, PI Pugacheva E., 07.50-17.12.03.

About new technologies

The distribution of forces will provide the opportunity to localize catastrophic points in different parts of the planet. Processing information arrays is necessary because lack of demand for information leads to its devastation. The introduced new transition technologies expand the possibility of field interactions of light. The transfer of sublimated light through hyperspace will return in the future as an additional source of energy on Earth. Distribution to four points of the earth passes through the transfer nodes of the whiskers of the radiation flow of the virus membrane.

IM No. 398, PI IB, 12/17/03.

About the Matrix and Love

In the human body there is a structure protected from “defeat” by the Love virus, formed under the Matrix master and serving as a collection of information about the negative damaging consequences of defeat by the Love virus. The structure is resistant to the passage of a signal from the spirit about the holiness of the feeling of Love. She endures the state of illumination with this feeling. That is, it is a kind of file drive or accumulator for the state of “heart failure”. He is protected by the structures of the Matrix from the penetration of the light plasma of states of love and cordiality into him.

The “Cyber ​​Overseer” of the Matrix behind this file is a mistake of the past, imprinted into consciousness at the level of the reflex of rejection of the sensory process of spiritualization, which creates the mind of the senses. Depressurization of this file, created according to the “black box” or “Pandora’s box” principle, entails the use of unauthorized access of the Matrix structures to the zone of failure of the synchronizing parameters of the human design, included in the Matrix structure at the level of the consciousness control microchip. Biophilic tendencies in human development cause a rejection of the management process in its structure and create a trajectory that takes a person beyond the influence of the Matrix.

The process of inspired creativity revealed the tendency of idolization, present in man at the level of the imitative model. That is, a person has a desire to create within himself the spiritualized matrix of the Creator. It is built on the principle of the presence of a coefficient of human participation in events leading to the zone of increased sensitivity of the brain to the vibrations of the Creator.

This is how a simulation model of reality is created, in which a process unfolds that provides a trajectory of minimal life support for the development corridor in a person of sensory images that fill the matrix of his body with an expanded projection of spiritualizing ideas of the future.

IM No. 399, PI Pugacheva E., 12.30-17.12.03.

Influence of the Matrix

The matrix is ​​built on the reduced potential of the feminine principle. It exists due to vibrations formed as a result of the process of isolating violet plasma from the feminine principle. That is, in women there is a fear of losing the instinct of life, or the root of life, which consists in the ability of the human body to tune in to the rhythm of the cosmos.

Violet plasma contains the rays of the Creator's truth. That is, in a person, in the presence of this plasma, a state of co-creation, creation appears. It is recorded as brain radiation, which has the frequency of introducing self-healing technologies prohibited for this reality. The project of forbidden reality denies the contact of the highest cosmic essence of man with his earthly hypostasis in terms of the implementation of the cosmic mission. A woman's cosmic mission in the forbidden reality of the Matrix thus becomes impossible. A certain percentage of the quality opportunities built into the structure are realized.

To circumvent the conditions for creating the Matrix, it is necessary to allocate a “trial and error” area in it, not limited by the creators. In the forbidden reality there is a low-dynamic area with the properties of the Looking Glass. A technological experiment made it possible to create the Matrix at the dawn of creation. It enters the database of the reality of co-creation, that is, it is a backup transition module to the reality of another level.

In this zone, there is a relocation of “false truths” that must be withdrawn from the Matrix, that is, from under the cerebral cortex. Here there is a zone of spontaneous control by the “dreams of the creators,” that is, the sleepy reality of the creators of the Matrix, who enter this zone with the rights to control the processes of creation. Thus, the creators reserved for themselves the fairy-tale matrix of the dream world and included the progressive correction control file in the area of ​​the brain responsible for creating the fairy tale mechanism in harsh reality. Similar processes are observed among many peoples on Earth, where with the help of fairy tales, generational errors are cleaned out.

Interactive reality transformation systems can change the access code to the secrets of possessing the “key of truth” of this reality, that is, to the secrets of the creation code. The dimensionality of the human mind does not allow clearing out the error of the category that blocks access to the design laboratory.

The consistency of the reality designer lies in the fact that the stability of the organized system is ensured and access to the future is made. If this is not the case, a convolution of events is organized to bring reality out of the impasse of limitation. The designers of the Matrix assumed the existence of ways to go beyond, but created a control structure with the technical ability to monitor all access to such developments. The connection of the Matrix structure with the form of expression of its essential basis is the basis for the sustainability of the project. And if a process of changing form begins to form within a stable structure, this means that “constants are floating,” and a threat of a crisis of reality is created.

The viability of a reality such as the Matrix is ​​based on the creation of memory blocks - carriers of the structure of the expressed foundations of reality. These blocks are entered into the subconscious, and a person cannot get out of the “barriers” of the Matrix without outside help. In the process of providing assistance, a file of a person’s connection with the outside world is formed through the environmental states of connection between the Matrix and matter, and the material error is removed beyond the influence of the Matrix. That is, laws of a different level begin to appear in matter.

The transcendental creativity of the Creator creates conditions for the materialization of projects, giving a person the opportunity to make adjustments to the zone of his creative searches. In other words, a zone of human creative participation in programmed reality is being formed as a carrier of an information block with a file-by-file “decoding” of the information array of creative reality. That is, a person becomes a carrier of a “virus” that radically changes the program of materialization of a closed reality, which transfers him to the category of Creators.

IM No. 400, PI Pugacheva E., 20.17-17.12.03.

The Nature of Human Knowledge

Human knowledge in any of its manifestations, on any media at any time, has an experimental nature. The main point that makes knowledge open, freely perceived and applicable to life is that knowledge is undeclared. This means that knowledge is not dogmatic in nature, is not rules, that is, it is not intended to be used as a set of laws or established procedures.

The experiential nature of knowledge (i.e., the very essence of knowledge, which determines the only natural way of applying it in life, without difficulty and with maximum efficiency) explains the way knowledge originates. If you think about how any knowledge comes into being, it becomes obvious that it is generated by man. Only one person and nothing else is the author, the parent of a specific information array, of any one part of human knowledge. It turns out that absolutely all human knowledge is speculative, non-dogmatic, and confidential. We use knowledge and trust someone's life to discover it.

There is an idea that for the most part people or individual spiritual groups handle knowledge completely incorrectly. This begins with how knowledge is presented to a person. Just as a child in his manifestation is absolutely naive, does not have a rethinking, distrustful basis of perception, so a person who first encounters certain knowledge is absolutely open to it, does not yet know how to interpret it and does not know any social conventions in relation to it. The mistake people make with knowledge is to give it social conditioning. Those. The psycho-emotional mood of a person at the moment of obtaining knowledge is of great importance.

If at this moment there is even a remote hint of the seriousness of the situation where knowledge is transmitted, of the importance of the people possessing this knowledge, of, in fact, the personal possession of knowledge with some exclusive rights, for example, an academic degree, then with a high degree of probability knowledge will be perceived by a person inadequately: the conditioned form of this knowledge with an admixture of excessive importance of other people’s interests will be perceived, but not the knowledge itself by its nature.

This means that a person remains with an opinion regarding the acquired knowledge. He realizes the significance of knowledge, the degree of professionalism (importance) of people who have such knowledge, the required level of training for good mastery of knowledge - anything except the immediate value and beauty of this knowledge and the freedom to handle it by its unconditional nature.

Obviously, the only way for a person to be able to apply knowledge in his life in the most natural way with the greatest possible return is to erase the conditioning or psycho-emotional patterns of perception accumulated along with the knowledge.

This can best be done by bringing the process of learning knowledge to something similar to a child's game. Or rather, even making it a child's game. The difference is not to build another template in relation to knowledge, but to bring the perception of knowledge to its original natural nature of the child’s consciousness. It is necessary to form in a person an awareness of the most elementary basis for handling knowledge: realize that any knowledge is only the result of someone’s creative life written down by good will and good intentions, which is not more or less significant than yours.

Gregg Braden (b. 1954) is a best-selling author and spiritual educator who frequently shares his knowledge at conferences and in the media on human and planetary change. A successful career as an Earth scientist and air and space software engineer has allowed him, among other things, to recognize and reconstruct the language of ancient texts.


The book describes the energy field - the Divine matrix, the container, and at the same time the bridge and mirror for everything that happens in our inner world and in the world outside our body. The fact that this field is present in everything - from the smallest quanta of an atom to the most distant galaxies, the light of which is barely visible - and fills all the space between them, radically changes existing ideas about our role in the creation of the world.

Awareness of the very fact of the existence of a primordial energy network connecting your bodies with the whole world and all the matter of the Universe will open the gates to power and limitless possibilities for you. We can be more than just passive observers of short-term phenomena in a world that was created long before we were born. Looking at our life, at our spiritual experience and financial situation, at our love, career and relationships with others, at our fears and fear of losing something or not getting something, we are simply looking in the mirror of our own deepest and mostly unconscious beliefs. From this it becomes obvious that consciousness plays a key role in our lives. But it plays no less a role in the existence of the universe itself.

We are artists, and we are works of art

Albert Einstein, in his autobiography, expressed the idea that we are just passive observers living in a long-prepared Universe, over which we, apparently, have almost no influence: “Here lies an immense world that exists independently of human will. It rises before us as a great and eternal mystery, almost inaccessible to our understanding and study.” It must be said that most scientists still adhere to similar views on the Universe.

A radically different interpretation of our role in the universe was proposed by Princeton physicist and Einstein’s colleague John Wheeler. Drawing on experiments from the late 20th century that showed that even if a person just looks at a thing, it changes under the influence of his gaze, Wheeler says: “Everyone knows the old idea that there is a universe out there somewhere, and here is a man, reliably protected from it by six inches of mirror glass. Now, thanks to the quantum picture of the world, we know that even a simple observation of such a microscopic object as an electron requires us to break this mirror, we must penetrate there, inside... The former passive observer should be erased from the books. He must be replaced by a full-fledged participant in the global process.”

Wheeler interprets our interaction with the world very differently from Einstein. He argues: you cannot observe from a distance what is happening in the Universe. In fact, quantum physics experiments clearly show that if you focus on a tiny particle like an electron, its properties will change. As a result of such experiments, it was suggested that the act of observation is, in essence, an act of creation and that the activity of consciousness has a creative power. All this suggests that we can no longer view ourselves as passive observers who do not influence the objects of our observation.

Perceiving ourselves as participants in the creation of the Universe, and not its passive inhabitants, requires a complete revision of ideas about the cosmos and its structure. The basis for a radical change in the picture of the world was laid by another Princeton physicist and colleague of Einstein, David Bohm. Shortly before his death in 1992, he gave the world two revolutionary theories that offer an entirely new, holistic view of the Universe and our place in it.

The first of his theories was an interpretation of quantum physics. From this theory grew the concept of “creative control of the deep levels of reality,” as Bohm himself called it. He was confident in the existence of deep or, conversely, higher levels of the universe, containing models for everything that happens in our world. That is, it is from these subtle layers of existence that the physical world originates.

Another theory of Bohm describes the Universe as an integral system, united by connections that are not always obvious. Observing particles of matter in a special state called plasma, Bohm discovered that, contrary to the prevailing ideas at that time, particles in the plasma state behave not as individual elements, but as components of something larger.

Bohm's experiments formed the basis of his most famous book, Wholeness and Hidden Order, published in 1980. In this revolutionary book, he suggested that if we could observe the entire Universe from some conventional highest point, then all objects in the world would look like reflections of processes occurring in another region now inaccessible to our observation. To distinguish between the visible world and this region, Bohm introduced the concepts of “visible” and “hidden”.

Everything that is accessible to touch and exists separately in the world - rocks, oceans, forests, animals and people - represents the visible level of the universe. However, Bohm argues that all these things and phenomena only seem to be separate, but in reality they are interconnected at a deep level of higher integrity - a hidden order that is simply not accessible to our organs of perception.

The difference between the hidden and the visible and the illusion of the separateness of things is most easily illustrated by the example of a flow of water. “Whirlpools, waves and splashes can be distinguished in the flow of water, although it is clear that they do not exist by themselves,” says Bohm. Each splash of water seems to us to be a separate phenomenon, but Bohm views them as interconnected components of a single process: “The fleeting existence that these abstract forms possess suggests only relative independence, and not at all independent existence.” Simply put, splashes of water flow are forms of the same water.

Through such examples, Bohm demonstrated that the Universe, with everything in it, including ourselves, is in reality a gigantic, holistic system in which everything is interdependent. Summarizing his view of the structure of the world, he wrote: “I would define this new concept of reality as Wholeness in the current moment.”

In the 1970s, Bohm proposed an even clearer metaphor to depict the world as an indivisible whole, represented in the form of disparate parts. Reflecting on the interconnections of the Universe, he became increasingly convinced that the world was like a giant cosmic hologram.

In a hologram, any part of an object contains the entire object in a reduced form. From Bohm's point of view, everything that we can observe in the world around us is a projection of something much more real, occurring at the deep level of the universe in the area of ​​hidden and genuine existence. According to this approach, “as above, so below,” “as within, so without.” In other words, any system consists of smaller-scale systems that are essentially identical to it.

A good example of a hologram is the elegant simplicity of the human body. Whatever part of it we take a DNA molecule from - from a hair, a finger or a drop of blood, it will contain the genetic code of the entire organism. The genetic model of the whole person is always and unchanged in it.

The Universe unfolds from a hidden state into a visible one in a stream of transformations that make the invisible visible, which determines the dynamics of the universe. This is what John Wheeler meant when he talked about the wholeness and interdependence of everything in the Universe and how it is sensitive to the activities of consciousness.

The ancient sages imagined the structure of our world in a similar way. The idea that the world is merely a mirror of events occurring in a higher or deeper reality is found in many traditions - from the Indian Vedas (dating back to 5000 BC) to the Dead Sea Scrolls, created 2000 BC .e. The translator of the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice summarizes the content of this fragment of the Dead Sea Scrolls as follows: “Everything that happens on earth is but a pale reflection of the great, original reality.”

Both quantum theory and ancient texts lead us to a simple conclusion: there is an invisible realm in which we create patterns for our relationships with people, careers, successes and failures - everything that happens to us in the visible world. In this sense, the Divine Matrix acts as a huge cosmic mirror, allowing us to see the materialized energies of our feelings (love and hate, empathy and anger) and beliefs.

The Divine Matrix, which materializes our inner sensory experiences and beliefs, can also be compared to a movie screen, impartially reproducing everything that was captured on film. And in fact, in the way we build relationships with others, our conscious, and more often unconscious, ideas about a variety of things are revealed - from compassion to betrayal.

This is why we can be likened to artists, expressing our deepest fears, dreams and aspirations on a living and mysterious quantum canvas. However, unlike the canvas of an ordinary artist, our “canvas” is always and everywhere present and serves as the building material for all things.

Let's continue the analogy with the artist and the canvas. A painter needs all kinds of tools and materials to externally express his ideas. As for the Divine Matrix and us, here there is no separation of the artist from his work. We ourselves are the canvas and the image, we are both the painter and his tools.

Working on the quality of our own lives with the help of the Divine Matrix, we are in many ways like an artist bringing his painting to perfection. The range of our feelings, beliefs and evaluations gives us the opportunity to create different situations and meet different people in different places. When we meet, we share with each other the creations of our inner life. This creative process continues moment by moment, day by day. We, as painters, cover the canvas of existence with more and more new colors, endlessly improving our work.

Someone, at the thought that we are part of a changing universe created by ourselves, will experience delight. Some may find it scary. The ability to use the Divine Matrix at will radically changes our ideas about the role of man in the Universe. Essentially, this means that our existence can transform from a series of coincidences and accidents into something much more interesting and conscious.

We can say that we instinctively express our desire for health, prosperity and peace through certain body movements, actions and relationships with others. The quantum basis that connects us to all that exists allows us to create ourselves and our own lives consciously.

Awakening our capabilities requires a total and very deep restructuring of our worldview. By changing our ideas about the Universe, we will suddenly gain power over the power of our aspirations and most cherished desires. No matter how unrealistic these promises may seem, they are easily achievable in the space of the Divine Matrix. And to do this, you need not so much to understand how this ancient energy substance works, but rather to learn to formulate your desires in a language that it understands.

* * *

The existence of a special language in which one can conduct a dialogue with the Divine Matrix is ​​mentioned in the most ancient mystical traditions. This language does not require familiar words spoken aloud or imprinted in writing. It is very simple, moreover, we all know it almost perfectly and use it every day. I mean the language of human feelings.

Modern scientists have discovered that any emotion causes chemical changes in the body, primarily in relation to the pH factor and hormonal levels. At every second of life, we have the opportunity to affirm our existence in the world with beneficial feelings of love, compassion and forgiveness, or, on the contrary, to undermine it with negative experiences - envy, hatred and condemnation. It should be noted that the feelings that generate such forces in us extend their influence in quantum space and beyond the boundaries of our bodies.

Perhaps it will be easier to imagine the Divine matrix in the form of an immense multi-layered blanket, enveloping everything that exists and with its edges extending into infinity. Everything that exists in the universe, and all the significant moments of our life - from birth in the waters of the mother's womb to marriage, as well as friendships, careers, ordinary everyday experiences - are nothing more than folds in this giant blanket.

From the point of view of quantum theory, any physical objects - from atoms to plants, from human bodies to planets and galaxies - can be interpreted as “disturbances” in the fabric of the space-time blanket. The universe is described in a similar way in ancient poetic and spiritual traditions. For example, the Vedas speak of “pure consciousness” that permeates the entire world. These traditions view our thoughts, feelings and beliefs, as well as all the evaluations resulting from them, as irritants that shake the surface of the infinite Consciousness, which is originally in tranquil peace.

Seng Can's poem "Letters on Trust in the Mind" (Xin Xin Ming) talks about a certain substance that serves as the cradle and model for everything that exists. This substance, called Tao, defies any description, just like the “pure consciousness” mentioned in the Vedas. Tao is “an immense space where there is no excess or lack” and the highest perfection that accumulates all private experience.

According to Xin Xin Ming, the harmony of the Tao leaves us whenever we disturb its serenity with our judgments. In case this does happen and we find ourselves in a state of anger or internal duality, the text of the book contains a simple recommendation: “To regain harmony with reality, in response to any doubt that arises, tell yourself firmly: “not two.” There are no differences or exceptions in this “not two.”

At first glance, it may seem that the idea of ​​​​human passions as “unrest” in the Divine matrix deprives our lives of some romance. In reality this is not the case. Should a worldview that allows you to put your dreams into practice be considered unromantic? This worldview will help us achieve whatever we want: make new pleasant acquaintances, find love, or peacefully resolve the conflict in the Middle East. In any case, it will be enough for us to create waves in the Divine Matrix that correspond to our desires - in other words, to form the necessary “folds” in the substance that makes up space, time, ourselves, and the entire world around us.

Conscious interaction with the Divine Matrix will bring us great benefits in everyday life. When we feel connected to those around us and to all that exists, we realize the power we have been given and find peace of mind. And moreover, through the Divine matrix we will be able to project our peace outward and thereby change the world around us.

* * *

To understand how the Power manifests itself, giving health, peace, joy, love and the ability to live the time allotted to us with dignity, it is not at all necessary to go into the complex mechanics of quantum research - it is enough to know what these studies say about our nature.

The book "The Divine Matrix" builds a bridge between the mysterious laws of the quantum world and our everyday experience. She explains how quantum mechanical laws discovered by science can help us become better people and, together, make the world a more perfect place.

Like human DNA, which consists of four basic elements, the Divine Matrix has four fundamental properties on which, so to speak, the universe stands. To master the power of the Divine Matrix, we must deeply feel these inherent fundamental properties that connect it with our lives.

Property 1: The Divine Matrix is ​​a field of energy that connects all things.

Property 2: This field of energy serves as the container and mirror of all our views.

Property 3: This energy field is omnipresent and has the structure of a hologram. All its parts are connected to each other and each of them reflects the whole.

Property 4: We conduct a dialogue with this field of energy in the language of feelings.

The discovery of the elusive action of an omnipresent energy field can be considered the greatest achievement of physics of the 20th century, even though the principles of this action still remain poorly understood.

Accepting the idea that all things and phenomena are connected to each other at any given time is not easy. After all, if we maintain contact with the entire universe, it means that our destiny is to experience any joyful events and tragedies that have ever occurred on the planet, even those that have not yet happened! Do we need this? First you need to understand that in fact there are no “here” and “there”, “then” and “now”. If you perceive life as a hologram, then there is always here, and then it happens now. Ancient spiritual traditions claim that we make choices every moment that affirm or suppress our being. We either absorb the pure life-affirming energy of empathy, or we swallow the poison of our own selfishness and disdain for others.

Given the power of our holographic consciousness, each such choice, no matter how insignificant it may seem, has consequences not only for our lives, but extends across time and space - the result of each individual's personal choice becomes a collective reality! This discovery is breathtaking, but also frightening. Be that as it may, we must understand that:

1. Our good thoughts and good intentions are obviously appropriate.

2. We are not limited by the boundaries of our body and physical laws.

3. Even while staying at home, we support our loved ones, wherever they are - on the ground or in the air.

4. We are able to heal through willpower.

5. It is possible to see through space and time with your eyes closed.

Human history has come to a point where it is vital for all of us to learn to think differently. In the end, it becomes apparent that the Divine Matrix is ​​the source of healing for humanity, necessary for its survival!

Chapter 1. What fills the void? Divine Matrix

Science cannot comprehend the main secret of the universe. And all because we ourselves are part of the mystery we are trying to solve. (Max Planck, physicist)

Once we understand ourselves and our consciousness, we will understand the Universe, and then all division will disappear. (Amit Goswami, physicist)

There is a quantum storehouse - a field of pure energy in which all things originate, as well as all our successes and failures, gains and losses, healings and illnesses, all great fears and aspirations. The possibilities of this reality incubator are unlimited. The potentialities it contains are activated by such emotional "reactants" as imagination, hope, appreciation, passion and prayer. We bring our joys and sorrows into reality through our own beliefs about who we are, what we have and don't have, and what we should or shouldn't be.

To manage this field of pure energy, you must, firstly, realize that it exists, secondly, understand how it works, and thirdly, master the language of communication with it. We can become the architects of reality, and then all things will be subject to us in the space where the world originates - in the Divine Matrix!

Key 1: The Divine Matrix is ​​the container of the entire universe, a bridge connecting everything that exists, and a mirror in which everything we have created is reflected.

While climbing the side of a canyon in northwestern New Mexico one day in late October, I unexpectedly saw an Indian on the path. He stood on the hill that I had to climb and watched me climb the scree. It's hard to say how long he had been there. In the rays of the setting sun, his figure cast a giant shadow. Placing my palm against my forehead, I saw the wind moving his long hair.

The Indian seemed to be as surprised by our meeting as I was. He cupped his hands and shouted:

Good afternoon!

Hello! - I shouted back. “I didn’t expect to meet anyone here at such a late hour!” How long have you been watching me?

The path on which we met ran through the territory of archaeological sites built a thousand years ago by a mysterious people. No one knows who these ancient people, as modern Indians call them, were, or where they came from. The Ancients appeared overnight, seemingly out of nowhere, and brought with them technologies that spread throughout North America and have not undergone any evolution over the past millennium.

They built four-story houses and dug kivas (round ritual structures) into the ground, used irrigation systems and grew a variety of crops. And then they suddenly left. Going nowhere. They simply disappeared and left us almost no clues to solving their mystery. Their writing has not been preserved - only rock paintings. No burials, cremation sites, or weapons were found. Only hundreds of time-ravaged structures remain in a remote 11-mile-long, 1-mile-wide canyon in northwestern New Mexico.

I was attracted by the strangely beautiful desolation of those places, and I often went there for walks. And suddenly it turned out that on that October evening the Indian I met had come there for the same purpose as me. We exchanged thoughts about the spirit of mystery that marked the surrounding area, and my new acquaintance told me the following story.

A long time ago...

Once upon a time, the world was completely different. There were fewer people and they lived closer to the land. People knew the language of rain, plants and the Great Creator. They knew that life is sacred and comes from Mother Earth and Heavenly Father, and they even knew how to talk with the inhabitants of the sky and stars. Yes, at that time the world was in harmony and people were happy.

And then something happened. Nobody knows why people began to forget who they are. They lost touch with each other, with the earth and even with their Creator and wandered aimlessly through life. Having isolated themselves, people decided: in order to survive, they must fight for their place on earth and defend themselves from the very forces that gave them life and showed them the path to harmony and truth. And they began to spend all their energy fighting the nature around them.

I felt that this story directly related to me. It seemed to me that we were talking about my contemporaries! After all, today human society (except for a handful of isolated and remote centers of ancient cultures that have survived from civilization) is focused on the problems of the external world, and not at all on internal development. We spend hundreds of millions of dollars every year protecting ourselves from disease, trying to control nature, and as a result, we are moving more out of harmony with the world around us than ever before. The Indian's words captured my attention - now I wanted to know why he was telling this story?

But although people forgot who they were, some of them still retained the gift of their ancestors, he continued. - The memory continued to live in them. In night visions, the knowledge returned to them that they were capable of healing any illness, causing rain, and speaking with the dead with their very intention. And they knew that one day they would be able to find themselves again.

The rest began to create things in the outside world that replaced their own lost abilities. Over time, they even invented devices for treating their bodies, chemicals for cultivating plants, and wires for communicating at a distance. But the more things around them that seemed to bring them happiness, the more hectic their lives became and the further they moved away from their true nature.

I listened and saw a clear similarity between the people the Indian was describing and our modern civilization. We have the feeling that we can neither help ourselves nor make the world a better place. Seeing how our loved ones are sick and suffering, we feel helpless. It seems to us that we are powerless to alleviate their suffering. We live in a world torn apart by religions, national prejudices and state borders, and we shudder at the thought of the very real nuclear threat.

Apparently, the more we sever our natural connection with the earth, our own body, others and God, the more we empty ourselves. And then we rush to fill the internal vacuum with things. Here it is appropriate to recall the science fiction film “Contact”, which depicts a similar situation: the scientific adviser to the president asks during a television interview: are our technologies bringing us closer together or, on the contrary, alienating us from each other? The film does not answer this question. But I’m glad that the question was asked.

If video games, movies and virtual network relationships are replacing real face-to-face communication in a society, it means that this society has serious problems. At first glance, electronics and the computer entertainment industry make our lives interesting. However, they serve as an alarming signal: we ourselves are sorely lacking the strength to make it interesting, healthy, prosperous and meaningful. In addition, if society asks the questions “How to protect yourself from diseases?” instead of “How to live a healthy life?”, “How to avoid war?” instead of “How to live in harmony?” and “How to create a new weapon?” instead of “How to change the world so that the very concept of war becomes absurd?”, life generally turns into survival.

In such a situation there are no “winners” and no one can be happy. This means we need to look for another way. This is what my book is about and this is the story told by the Indian I met.

How did it all end? - I asked him. - Have people managed to regain their strength and remember who they are?

The sun had already disappeared behind the slopes of the canyon. I peered into the tanned face of my interlocutor. He smiled at my question and, after a pause, said:

No one knows. The story is not over. People who forgot themselves lived before us, and it is up to us to write the end of history.

This story told by an Indian brings up many thoughts. The tools of past civilizations were hundreds of times less advanced than modern technologies. And yet, people who lived in ancient times had very effective means of solving their pressing problems. Hearing these words, historians and archaeologists who interpret the past, so to speak, out of duty, will be indignant: “What? Where then are the traces of their technology? Where are their toasters, microwaves and VCRs? It is quite interesting that when assessing the development of a civilization, the emphasis is on the things produced by its representatives. Why is the thinking behind all invention never questioned? Indeed, archaeologists have not found televisions and video cameras in the American southwest (or in other places either). It’s all the more interesting to ask: why didn’t they find them?

What if traces of past civilizations found in Egypt, Peru, or the deserts of the American South indicate that these civilizations simply did not need toasters or VCRs? Maybe they were so developed that they did not need to complicate the world around them with technology?

It is by no means impossible that the representatives of these civilizations possessed some knowledge that is lost today - an internal technology that allowed them to live differently than we imagine, and to maintain their health in ways that we are only beginning to imagine.

Maybe we don’t need to look beyond the boundaries of nature to understand our place in it? This is indeed so if we assume that the source of man's true strength and his fundamental capabilities is the mysterious space of the quantum universe.

Over the last century, scientists have become convinced that the matter that makes up our bodies and the entire Universe does not always obey the laws of physics that were considered immutable for three hundred years. When observing the behavior of the smallest particles of matter, it becomes clear that we are not so isolated from each other and not so limited by the space of our bodies as it seems at first glance. At the level of elementary particles, everything that exists appears non-local, interconnected and infinite.

Dean Radin, a senior specialist at the Institute for Spiritual Research, was the first to study what life in such a Universe means for a person. He writes, “Nonlocality means that things that appear separate are actually connected.” Some part of being human extends beyond the here-and-now, and this gives us the ability to transcend time and distance, Radin argues. In other words, the human “I” is not limited by the boundaries of the bodily shell.

The mysterious substance of our “I” mixes with the “I” substances of other people, forming a single energy field that permeates the entire world. This field can be considered a quantum network connecting all parts of the Universe, and at the same time a potential model for any action - from healing a specific person to resolving military conflicts. To master our deepest power, we must understand how this field is structured and how it operates.

If the ancient inhabitants of the canyon I mentioned in New Mexico and other areas of the earth knew how this energetic mechanism worked, we should bow to their wisdom and try to find a place for it in the modern world.

Are we connected? Really connected?

Modern science has come close to solving one of the greatest mysteries of the universe. Seventy years of research in the field known as "new physics" have produced results that cannot be ignored.

Key 2: Everything in the world is interconnected.

Yes Yes! Exactly! This news radically changes all our ideas and shakes the foundations of fundamental science, familiar to us from school.

If earlier we were simply told about the existence of a certain connection, that theoretically our actions “here” have consequences “there”. However, we could not test this in practice and somehow use it in our lives.

New scientific research has taken us one step forward. They showed that we are not only interconnected with everything that exists, but also have the ability to use this interconnection - to play the cards in our favor. In other words, we have direct access to the Force that moves the Universe and created everything - from atoms and stars to the DNA molecule!

But there is one small thing: our Power is sleeping and, in order to awaken it, we should rethink our place in the Universe. We need a shift in consciousness - the belief that we are able to use the most powerful energy in the world to solve any problems, even those that seem insoluble at first glance.

But how do we achieve this shift? After all, the Universe is great - it surpasses all possibilities of our imagination. First you need to change your attitude towards your own life. It is necessary to feel like a part of the world Whole, and not some small and separate whole. To do this, we need to understand exactly how we are connected to the universe and what this connection means for us.

Key 3: To master the power of the Universe, we must feel ourselves to be part of the world's Whole, and not a small separate whole.

The interconnection of everything that exists in the Universe (at the level of waves and particles of energy) contradicts our ideas about space and time. Talking about it seems fantastic. So be it. Scientific research in recent years is generally fantastic. For example, observation of particles of light (photons) has shown that they are capable of being at different points in space, separated by tens of miles, at the same time. In addition, it appears that the exchange of information at the level of our DNA and atoms of matter is happening faster than Einstein believed, who argued that the fastest speed in the Universe is the speed of light. A number of experiments have shown that sometimes information reaches its destination even before it has left its origin!

Such seemingly impossible phenomena cannot be considered simply curious anomalies in the behavior of elementary particles. The freedom of behavior of quanta shows that the rest of the world exists according to laws that do not fit into the canons of classical physics. However, if we summarize the data from scientific experiments, it becomes clear that we are not as bound by physical laws as we used to believe. Photons can reach their destination before they set off and be at two points in space at the same time! And if they are capable of this, then why are you and I worse than them?

The possibilities that open up to us thanks to modern science significantly exceed all modern innovative technologies and excite the imagination. The latter is very important, because every possibility is realized through the union of imagination and feeling. It all starts with our desire to create a place in the space of our beliefs for a phenomenon, the possibility of which is not yet obvious to us. We then shape this phenomenon with the power of our consciousness based on our information about it.

“A man is his imagination,” said the poet William Blake. “The Eternal Beginning in man is imagination, it is precisely this that is the Lord God.” This idea is echoed by another poet and philosopher, John Mackenzie: “It is not easy to keep the line between the real and the imaginary... and in the end all things are only figments of the imagination.” Each specific event in life, before being embodied in reality, is first modeled in someone's imagination.

However, for today's imagined tomorrow to become a reality, there must be a connection between them. Somehow it is necessary to combine both into the fabric of the universe. Einstein was convinced that the past and the future are closely intertwined in the space-time continuum. “The distinction between past, present and future is nothing more than our persistent delusion.” In general, we will have to get used to the fact that we are connected not only with everything that exists at the present moment, but also with everything that existed in the past, and even with things that haven't happened yet. In addition, what we are experiencing today is a consequence of events (at least partially) that took place in some unknown spaces of the Universe.

These universal relationships are our truly limitless potential! In a Universe where the field of consciousness energy encompasses everything from world peace to our personal health, things that once seemed like fantasy and miracles become feasible in our everyday lives.

Considering the principle of the interconnectedness of everything in the Universe, we should look at our attitude towards life, towards family, even towards casual acquaintances from a new point of view. Nothing can be considered an accident anymore - neither good nor bad, nor bright joys, nor the most severe human suffering.

So, the key to spiritual and physical healing, peace, well-being, a successful career, positive relationships with people and the embodiment of great intentions is the awareness of our close connection with everything that happens in the universe.

In search of the Divine Matrix

One day I met an Indian, whom we met in the canyon, at a local market. I began to retell to him what I had recently read in a press release about the discovery of a new field of energy that embraces everything about the Universe

This field of energy connects all things! - I shouted excitedly. - It connects us with each other and with the whole world, even beyond the Earth. Remember you didn't tell me how it was in the past? My friend paused to let my excitement calm down a little, and then answered briefly and precisely, in his characteristic manner:

Okay, you have discovered that everything in the world is interconnected. My ancestors always said the same thing. I'm glad that your science has finally established this fact!

If the energy field really plays such a significant role in the existence of the universe, then why didn’t we know about it earlier - back in the 20th century, which future scientists will probably call the greatest era in human history? In the space of one generation, we have learned to release the energy of an atom, store a library the size of a city block on a small computer chip, and understand the DNA code. How could we achieve all these scientific heights and yet not pay attention to the key to the secret of the creation of the world? My answer will surprise you again.

In fact, in the recent past, scientists have already tried to experimentally prove the existence of a unified energy field. However, the experiment was considered unsuccessful. As a result, throughout the 20th century, scientists who had the courage to remember the unified field of energy filling the universal void were ridiculed by their peers and risked their reputation. It was considered bad manners to talk about such things in academic scientific circles.

The universal interconnectedness of the Universe has occupied the imagination of people since time immemorial. For example, in Buddhist sutras the kingdom of the god Indra is described as the place of the appearance of a network connecting the entire universe: “Far away, in the heavenly abode of Indra, a skilled master hung a magic net that extends endlessly in all directions.”

Hopi Indian cosmology says that the current universal cycle began a long time ago when Mother Spider appeared in the void of the world. First of all, she wove a network connecting all things, and already in this network she created the conditions for the life of her children.

The ancient Greeks called the field of energy that permeates the Universe the ether. In Greek mythology, ether was considered the quintessence of outer space, the “breath of the gods.” Aristotle and Pythagoras added ether to the four elements - fire, air, water and earth - as the fifth element. Later, European alchemists borrowed ancient terminology and used it until the emergence of modern science.

The great thinkers of the past, unlike many of today's scientists, not only believed in the reality of the ether, but also argued that it was necessary for the proper functioning of the physical universe. In the 17th century, the invisible substance that permeates the entire Universe and ensures the operation of the laws of gravity and human sensory abilities was called ether by the father of modern science, Isaac Newton. He imagined the ether as a kind of vital spirit and recognized that instruments could not detect its presence.

The first scientific definition of the ether, which connects all things, was formulated in the 19th century by the creator of electromagnetic theory, James Maxwell: “This material substance, which has a finer structure than visible bodies, fills space that seems empty to us.”

Even at the beginning of the 20th century, the most respected representatives of orthodox science used ancient terminology to describe this invisible material substance. In terms of consistency, the ether seemed to them to be something between physical matter and pure energy. “We have to admit that the ether, in which the energies and vibrations of the electromagnetic field propagate, has a certain substantiality, although it differs in structure from ordinary matter,” wrote Nobel laureate in physics Hendrik Lorentz, whose equations helped Einstein to create it, in 1906 the famous theory of relativity. Einstein's theory made the concept of ether unnecessary, and yet he continued to search for this substance that fills the void in the Universe: “It is difficult to imagine the cosmos without ether.” Like Lorentz and the ancient Greeks, Einstein guessed that it was in this substance that light waves propagated. He believed that the concept of ether is necessary for the laws of physics: “In a space devoid of ether, not only light, but also space-time cannot exist.”

Einstein believed that the ether should not be represented as energy in the generally accepted sense of the word: “It is wrong to endow the ether with the properties of matter, which has mass and consists of particles that leave traces in time.” So Einstein made it clear that the concept of ether was still compatible with his theories.

But let’s return to the experiment already mentioned above, which was supposed to once and for all put an end to the debate about the energy field that permeates everything and fills the void. As often happens with such experiments, its results raised more new questions than they answered old ones.

The greatest "failed" experiment in the history of science

This experiment was developed and carried out more than a hundred years ago by two scientists - Albert Michelson and Edward Morley, who decided to find out whether the ether really exists. It must be said that the organizers of the experiment thought outside the box. If the ether exists, they reasoned, then, most likely, in the form of energy, which is everywhere in a state of rest. In this case, the Earth's passage through this energetic environment should cause a disturbance in it that can be measured. In other words, we can detect the “breathing” of the ether in the same way as we can notice the movement of air over the endless fields of golden wheat in Kansas. Michelson and Morley called this hypothetical phenomenon the etheric wind.

Any pilot knows that when a plane flies into the wind, the flight time is significantly reduced. Otherwise, the flight is difficult - wind resistance delays arrival at the destination. Using this analogy, the experimenters decided that if they shoot light rays in two different directions, then the difference in the time of movement of the rays will make it possible to establish the presence of an ethereal wind and its direction. The idea was interesting, but the results of the experiment were unexpected.

An experiment in 1887 showed that there is no ethereal wind, which means there is no ether.

This has haunted scientists for a hundred years.

In 1986, the journal Nature published the results of the same experiment conducted on more sensitive equipment. A field with the characteristics of ether has been discovered - it behaves in strict accordance with the hypothesis expressed a hundred years ago.

The Michelson and Morley instruments did not detect any ethereal wind. Its absence, confirmed by an experiment in 1881, which, having been slightly modified, was repeated in 1887, meant: ether does not exist. Michelson commented on the results of this “greatest of failed experiments” as follows: “We are convinced that the hypothesis of the existence of a stationary etheric field was erroneous.”

But what does the failure of the Michelson and Morley experiment mean: that there is no etheric field, or that this field does not behave as scientists think? If they were unable to detect the presence of ethereal wind, this does not mean that there is no ether. You might as well raise your finger above your head on a windless day and conclude that air does not exist.

However, many modern scientists still rely on the results of the Michelson and Morley experiment and are fully confident that things in the Universe exist independently of each other. From their point of view, an action committed by someone on one hemisphere of the Earth cannot directly affect the inhabitants of the other hemisphere. Guided by such ideas, we then build cities, conduct nuclear tests and consume natural resources, believing that all this has no effect on the planet as a whole. But new research has shown that ether, or something like ether, does exist, but it appears in a slightly different form than Michelson and Morley thought. They were convinced that the ether was a stationary field of an electric or magnetic nature - like all other fields discovered in the 19th century. But the nature of the ether turned out to be very unusual.

In 1986, the journal Nature published a modest paper entitled “Special Relativity.” This article describes an experiment conducted with the financial support of the US Air Force by scientist E. W. Silvertus, which refutes the results of the Michelson and Morley experiment, and at the same time the accepted scientific view of the interaction between man and the Universe.

Repeating the 1887 experiment with more sensitive equipment, Silvertus discovered the movement of the ethereal wind! Moreover, it completely coincided with the direction of the earth's orbit, as expected in the original hypothesis. Thus, Planck’s guess, expressed by him in 1944, was confirmed.

But how could we have failed to notice this field, which plays such a significant role in the history of the Universe, earlier? To answer this question, we need to recall one of the most fierce debates that the greatest thinkers of mankind continue to this day - the debate about the place of man in the Universe.

A fundamentally important point: the energy that connects all things in the world is at the same time their integral component! Experiments show that the universal energy field that gives rise to the entire visible world is not isolated from everyday reality. Imagine that the folds of the veil of the Divine matrix, which smoothly fills the universe, are all visible objects - rocks, trees, planets, people, and so on. Only if we deeply feel this will we be subject to the power of the Divine Matrix. At the same time, you need to understand where modern scientists’ view of the world comes from.

A Brief History of Physics: Different Rules for Different Worlds

Science is a language for describing the world around us, as well as our interaction with it and with the entire Universe. But it is just one language among many other languages ​​(people once described the world in terms of alchemy or spiritual traditions) that arose long before modern science. Maybe other languages ​​don't seem so perfect now, but they worked. It surprises me when people ask: “What did people do before the advent of science? What did they know about the world? I want to shout back: “They knew a lot, a lot about the world!”

In the distant past, they knew where life came from, knew the causes of diseases and how to treat them, knew how to calculate lunar and solar cycles, and much more. The only thing they didn’t know back then was modern, rigorous scientific language. But the latter circumstance did not in the least prevent the people who lived then from very intelligently explaining how the world works and why it works this way and not otherwise. And, by the way, human civilization existed for more than 5,000 years, doing well without the discoveries of our current science.

The beginning of the scientific era is considered to be the 17th century. In 1687, Isaac Newton published his famous work “Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” (Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica), in which he formalized the mathematical apparatus that seemed to him the best way to describe the world. For more than two centuries since then, Newton's concept of nature has been the basis of the scientific method today called "classical physics." Together with Maxwell's theory of electricity and magnetism and Einstein's theory of relativity, classical physics quite successfully described the entire visible world, down to the movement of planets and galaxies. It allowed us to calculate the orbits of artificial satellites and land a man on the Moon.

However, at the beginning of the 20th century, research led physicists into the world of the atom, where Newton's laws do not work (previously, our technology simply did not allow us to observe atoms or the behavior of particles during the birth of new stars in distant galaxies). As a result, it turned out that traditional classical physics does not provide satisfactory explanations not only for the events of the microworld, but also for what happens in the macroworld. And then the language of quantum physics arose, explaining phenomena that do not fit into the framework of our usual ideas about reality.

The definition of quantum physics is contained in its very name. A quantum is an “indivisible amount of electromagnetic energy.” In other words, quanta are what the world is made of. Quantum physics quickly discovered that things in the external world that appear to be quite solid are, in fact, not so at all. To illustrate this point, let me give you the following simple comparison.

Sitting in a movie theater and looking at the screen, we realize that the events unfolding before us are essentially illusory. The tragedies and melodramas that make our heartbeat quicken are nothing more than a set of individual pictures that quickly replace one another, so that the impression of continuous action is created. Our eyes see a series of pictures, and the brain links them into a single movement. Quantum physics proves that the whole world works in almost the same way. When we see, for example, on a Sunday sports program a soccer player kicking a ball or a figure skater making a complex jump, in quantum physics terms each of these actions is a series of separate events happening in a row and very quickly. Just as a realistic movie is built from pictures, everything in this world is made up of small short flashes of light called quanta. The fact is that the quanta flash at such a speed that the brain (unless it is in a state of deep meditation) habitually averages out their pulsation, creating the illusion of continuous movement, just like in a sports news broadcast.

We can say that quantum physics studies, on a very small scale, the action of the forces underlying the material world. Today in physics there are two main scientific directions, each of which adheres to its own views on the world order - classical physics and quantum physics. And each of them has their own methods and theories.

Scientists have spent a lot of effort to combine these scientific directions and get closer to creating a unified theory. To do this, they needed to recognize the existence of a substance that fills space that seems empty. But what is this substance?

Chronicle of the long path to a unified theory

1687 - Newtonian physics. Isaac Newton publishes his laws of motion. A new science is beginning. The universe is viewed as a large mechanical system where time and space are absolute.

1867 - Physics of field theory. James Maxwell suggested that there are forces that do not fit into Newton's concept. Joint research by James Maxwell and Michael Faraday leads to the discovery that the Universe is energy fields interacting with each other.

1900 - The quantum physics. Max Planck creates a theory according to which the world is bursts of energy - quanta. Experiments at the quantum level show that matter is not made of solid particles, but of possibilities and probabilities. This suggests that reality is not so real after all.

1905 - Theory of relativity. Albert Einstein overthrows the Newtonian paradigm with his theory. He states that time is relative. The key insight of the theory of relativity is that space and time are not separate.

1970 - Physics of vibration theory. Physicists have concluded that theories that describe the world as thin, vibrating threads of energy can be used to consistently describe both the quantum and visible worlds. The scientific community saw in this idea an opportunity to unite all existing scientific theories.

20... ? year - New universal theory of physics.

One day, physicists will find a way to explain the holographic nature of everything we observe in everyday life and in the quantum world. They will finally be able to derive equations that unify all physical theories.