What if you didn't do well in school. Son, daughter, boy, girl is very bad at school, a bad student, student, I was a bad student. Buy him a computer game

Greetings to all parents of students! Today I want to talk about the performance of our children at school, about how to arouse interest in classes so that grades get better and better. Unfortunately, many parents complain that the child does not study well, what to do in this situation, how to improve grades?

Now my daughter has already moved into the seventh grade, and for the entire time she has been at school, we have already established certain rules with her that relate to school, and in particular, homework. But of course, in elementary school, I had to work a lot for this, both for me and for her.

But now it has borne fruit: she studies very well and we have practically no problems with studies. Of course, a lot depends on the teacher, especially in primary school. To be honest, we were very lucky with the teacher, she was kind and at the same time very strict. But it's not about that...

Now it’s already November outside and the second quarter will fly by as always very quickly, and then, you see, it’s already the end of the school year, and then you understand that your student will again bring not the best grades in the report card ...

Of course, there are children who study with pleasure and do not need to be forced. They do all their homework after school on their own in order to get a good grade the next day. This is the dream of all parents. But, unfortunately, according to statistics, there will be no more than three or four such students for the entire parallel.

But our scientists say that excessive diligence is also not very good, since such children always get used to doing everything only perfectly and be the best. And this can greatly hinder them in adulthood, where everything can be completely different from what they are used to. Therefore, if your baby does not love learning too much, there is nothing wrong with that either, you do not need to blame him for this.

In most cases, how a child learns depends on the parents, and not on teachers and friends, because it is the parents who can interest the child and find certain incentives to improve his performance. How to do it?

If "on the nose" the end of the school year

Of course, constant monitoring of progress is desirable, and not only at the end of the quarter, when it is already difficult to correct something. But, of course, that this does not always work out, sometimes problems at work, sometimes health is junk, sometimes problems with my husband, in general, the usual everyday life ... And, now you understand that May is already on the nose, and there is no time to correct grades.

But in this situation, you can try to do something. Of course, if there are problems with only one or a couple of items, then, as they say, there is something to fight for, you can “push” more specifically on these items. And here the active participation of parents in the process is necessary.

But if all items are launched, then here, at the end of the year, it is unlikely that something will be fixed. And in such a situation, it is already worth preparing the ground for future classes, in a new educational one. In particular, you just need to talk to the child in an adult way, without swearing, and try to set him up for more serious work in the next classes. You need to find out his opinion, as he thinks, why he began to study worse. Ask how you personally can help him.

But it is necessary to end such a conversation only with a positive attitude, so that the child understands that you fully believe in his strengths and abilities. After such a conversation, it is advisable to start studying additionally and think about a plan for additional classes during the summer holidays, for example, with the help of a tutor.

Why is the child learning poorly? Looking for reasons

Before you arrange a “showdown” with your child, you need to try to find the reason for his poor grades. And you know, sometimes it may turn out that these reasons are not at all related to study.

Health problems

How long has the baby been at the optometrist? Observe how close the child leans to notebooks and books, maybe it is the visual impairment that prevents him from studying well? If, after visiting the optometrist, this is confirmed, then you need to inform the teacher about this in order for the baby to be transplanted to a comfortable distance from the board.
If the baby does not eat well, is pale, it is clear that he is very tired from exertion, it does not hurt to show him to the attending physician. You may need to do some basic testing. The fact is that our children can very often have those who take useful substances from the child's body for their life. And simply getting rid of worms can have a positive impact on academic performance.

Family problems

As you know, children are very sensitive to conflicts that occur in the family. He will obviously not be up to school if his thoughts are constantly clogged with the fact that mom and dad are constantly swearing. Remember yourself in childhood? For example, I remember very well how once my parents quarreled a lot. It was already very late in the evening and my brother and I went to bed. I woke up from this scream, and then I could not sleep all night, listening and worrying about my mother, because my father was very angry and screamed very much. Not only did I not get enough sleep, but all day at school all my thoughts were very far from the lessons ... How many years have passed, but I remember everything in detail. That's how childish it is...

Therefore, try to solve all your problems and conflict situations so that the child does not know about it, and even more so does not participate in it.

Child's relationship with classmates

You need to try more often to just talk with the kid about what is happening at school, whether he has friends, whether there are any “bullies” who pester him at school and do not allow him to concentrate on the lessons.

You can talk with the class teacher, and in addition to grades, find out from him how the child behaves in class and breaks, how good his relationship with other children is.

Baby has a very busy schedule

Of course, we all want our children to grow up diversified. Therefore, we often overload them with various additional activities, which eventually turn into a heavy burden for them. Children are overwhelmed, and more often psychologically than physically.

The kid must definitely have time so that he can play with his favorite toys, with friends, go through the next level in his favorite computer game (not too long) or just relax without doing anything.

Banal laziness

As practice shows, this is the most common cause of poor academic performance. It seems that there is time to do homework, but I really don’t want to do it! It is much more pleasant to sit at a computer, watch TV or just sit back in an armchair.

In such a situation, first of all, look at yourself from the outside. Perhaps it is you, excuse me for being direct, who sets a bad example for your child? If mom and dad constantly spend all their free time watching the same TV, then the child will copy your behavior.

In this case, you need to adjust your habits a little, and when everyone in the family has free time, spend it to good use. For example, go for a walk with the whole family, to the theater, to a picnic, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is not to spend time pointlessly.

As for the child, more decisive measures are needed here. For example, you can ban watching TV and playing games on the computer until the lessons are done or move all these entertainments to the weekend. If this does not help much, then such a ban can be introduced on weekends. This works especially well in the education of younger students.

Of course, at the first stage, you may encounter tantrums, but, over time, the child will get used to the new rules. This is where determination on your part is very important. If it says NO, it means NO.

How to make you want to study better

Of course, you can talk a lot with the child that if he studies well now, it will help him in the future. But as practice shows, this will give little, since this is still a distant and incomprehensible prospect for him.

But this does not mean that such conversations are not needed. You just need to speak not in the abstract, but with the help of concrete examples. For example, like this: if you have good knowledge and grades, then you can go to college and get a good specialty, thanks to which you will have money and you can buy a car, an apartment, or whatever else he dreams of.

Let the child not yet be able to attach great importance to such words, but a certain sequence of actions will be laid in his head related to learning now and a secure life in the future.

Well, so that he can now feel at least some benefit from a good study, come up with some kind of incentive for him. You can promise to give him, for example, some thing that he has long wanted to receive.

For example, it can be a mobile phone, some kind of game, perhaps an increase in pocket money or a trip somewhere. Or you can allow him to show independence and plan the day off himself.

Ask the student what he wants. This approach will be a great motivation and the child will most likely try very hard to get the promised reward. Only at the same time it is very important to fulfill this promise, otherwise you will simply lose the trust of the child.

As for parents, I can give advice to go to school and talk with the teacher to find out his opinion on why the kid has poor academic performance. At the same time, the teacher will see what you, as parents, are going through and you are not indifferent to the school life of your son or daughter.

Sometimes, to correct the assessment, you can prepare some additional materials, such as an abstract. And at home, especially before tests, just devote more time to subjects and work out additional homework with your child.

To a greater extent, control over homework is needed for children who are not very organized and are constantly distracted by something else.

Another good tip would be to make a daily routine with the baby so that he knows exactly when and what he should do in order to be in time. It is very organizing, I can say from personal experience. Now this is no longer very common in modern families, but I remember when I was a schoolgirl, I always had a daily routine on the wall. It is especially nice when it is colorful and beautiful. My mother and I filled it with multi-colored felt-tip pens and hung it in a conspicuous place. As a result, I had a clear plan of action, and I managed to do my homework and go to training and just relax.

And for younger students, you can do something else. On a large sheet of paper, write down all the subjects that he is studying. Then, when he gets a good grade in the subject at school, we draw a smiling sun or a cheerful emoticon in front of this subject. And if the score is bad, then the emoticon will be very sad.

For older children, you can simply draw a graph, depending on the points received. Children in this case will try and be very happy when the schedule goes up)

And, of course, there are three main ways to improve your grades:

  • lessons with a tutor
  • additional classes with a school teacher for an additional fee
  • classes in specialized circles

What Not to Do for Parents

There are several points that are important not to forget for the parents themselves. First of all, an excellent mark in a subject should not be achieved at any cost. The child must understand that it is not so much the assessment that is important as the knowledge itself.

Also, you do not need to do his tasks instead of the child. Firstly, it will have a bad effect on the upbringing of independence and responsibility in him, and secondly, he may develop a complex that he himself is not able to cope with anything, which will greatly hinder him in the future.

And of course, in no case should a child be called names because something does not work out for him, as he may lose faith that he will succeed, or vice versa, he will study poorly out of harm.

Only patience, various stimuli and friendly conversations can help in a situation where a child does not study well.

Often parents are faced with the fact that their children, who initially showed great promise, suddenly change dramatically. It often happens that at two years old a child already knows letters, colors, as well as a lot of other information that his peers cannot boast of. The children read poetry and are well behaved at home, but suddenly, as soon as they go to school, the situation changes.

As a rule, in this case, fathers, mothers, grandfathers and grandmothers begin to panic and most often go to a psychologist with the same problem: the child does not study well, what should I do? At worst, they begin to use a belt and physical punishment on a child who flatly refuses to behave well in an educational institution. However, you need to understand that such measures will not help change the child's attitude to school. In this case, you need to look for the cause much deeper. Therefore, it is worth referring to the recommendations of psychologists who are not the first time faced with a similar problem.

So, if at school, what to do in this situation? First of all, you need to understand the causes of the problem.

developmental delay

According to recent studies, in 20% of cases of such behavior, the cause of poor school performance is brain cell dysfunction. Most often, mental retardation occurs in schoolchildren who were born in dysfunctional families. If the mother of the baby drank a lot, then this could provoke the so-called fetal alcohol syndrome. Also, inhibited development can be the result of traumatic brain injuries or serious mental shocks. Also, this could be facilitated by the transferred infectious diseases, which proceeded in a severe form. In this case, children learn poorly for no apparent reason.

The fact is that doctors cannot always immediately identify a developmental delay in a child at a very early stage. This is due to the fact that little crumbs from birth love to learn. They want to learn new information and try to absorb everything new like a sponge. That is why at a younger age they can perfectly know letters, poems and much more. However, subsequently, difficulties with remembering information begin to appear, as well as with the simplest analysis in certain situations. Such children cannot cope with ordinary algebraic formulas or learn verse.

In this case, do not blame the baby. Instead, it is worth considering whether the child may not study well due to developmental delays. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist to clarify the presence of this problem.

Disease and possible disorders

If he does not study well, then this is not yet a sign of his rebelliousness. The receipt, perception and processing of information can be impaired due to a variety of ailments that can occur in the body of a child.

The most common problem is poor eyesight. The fact is that for children who do not see very well, it is more difficult to read the boards, respectively, they get tired faster. They are forced to lean closer to the notebook, in which case an additional load on the spine is created.

Poor hearing is also one of the most common problems. If the child is very hard of hearing, he cannot always correctly understand what the teacher explains to him. In this case, there is a plethora of information.

Also, problems in learning can occur in children who suffer from autism. In this case, kids simply simply cannot concentrate on information correctly, they very often switch their attention from one subject to another.

In addition, learning difficulties can occur due to diseases such as dyslexia and dysgraphia. If the baby does not see any difference between letters and symbols, then his brain will not be able to process the information in the necessary way.

Family problem

If we talk about why children do not study well at school, then it is worth paying attention to this problem. You need to understand that children are the most impressionable. Any conflicts or tragic events in the family can leave a huge imprint on the psychology of a young child. If his parents constantly quarrel, and the baby sees and hears this, then very soon it will be possible to notice that the child has become worse at learning, as it is more difficult for him to concentrate.

When his head is filled only with anxious thoughts and concerns for the well-being of his family, he will not be able to fully immerse himself in the necessary material that the teacher explains.

Lack of necessary pre-school preparation

Before going to school, many children attend extra classes. Preschool education plays a huge role in a child's academic performance. If he cannot correctly form the features of his behavior and how the educational process really takes place, then he will not be able to treat school life with the necessary attention. This is especially worth considering if you plan to send your child to study at a lyceum, in which the programs are usually much more complicated than in typical district schools.

Therefore, a lot depends on the preliminary preparation. If a child does poorly in school, then perhaps he has not learned to adapt to the fact that he is forced to be in the same room with complete strangers for a long time while simultaneously learning new information.

Exaggerated demands of parents and large overloads

Very often, parents try to realize their dreams through their beloved child. By and large, they believe that the child is a certain project, which must be successful. That is why adults begin to show too much perseverance and exactingness towards babies. They evaluate them by their school grades, not their emotional qualities.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with trying to grow a comprehensive personality out of a child, but one must not overdo it in this undertaking, since in this case one will have to face the problem of why the child does not study well.

If the kid is constantly engaged in various circles and sections, then he will experience huge overloads. It is necessary to give children the opportunity to relax and be a little who they are. Toddlers should participate in social life not only through sports activities, but also in a free atmosphere. Psychological stress can also lead to the fact that the brain of a young child simply cannot process the huge amount of information that is presented to him daily. In this case, if the child does not learn well, what to do is quite obvious. Need to loosen up his schedule a bit.

Psychological difficulties

Starting from a very early age, the child learns to build relationships with the outside world in the right way. If during this period he did not have the opportunity to socialize, then he is likely to face a huge amount of difficulties. Children who rarely go out and spend more time at home find it much more difficult to find the right approach to their peers and classmates. In this case, it is not surprising that the child began to study poorly. What to do in such a situation? Try to spend as much time with the baby as possible and try to find friends for him.

Features of temperament

Some children do not study well because they are very shy, so it is difficult for them to act actively, answer at the blackboard or recite poems in the presence of a large number of people. Other babies, on the other hand, may be overconfident. In this case, they will be sure that they simply do not need to prepare homework.

Very often in childhood, kids are jokingly called clumsy or some other carefree at first glance words. However, very often the child perceives this as a call to action and becomes the person with whom he is compared.


If a child does not study well at school, then the reason may lie precisely in this. This explanation is becoming more and more common today. In this case, the child most likely has enough time, he lives an active social life, he has friends and, by and large, has all the prerequisites to do well in school. Most often, such children are not deprived of mental abilities, but, on the contrary, show increased ingenuity and the ability to think logically. However, such people are simply too lazy to devote time to learning new material or preparing homework. Very often, young schoolchildren simply copy the behavior of one of their parents.

Conflict situations

Very often, the reason that children do not study well at school is possible quarrels with one of their classmates or even with the teacher himself. And it happens that teachers begin to find fault with the child too much, and he “turns on the self-defense mode”. In this case, the student deliberately stops doing homework and behaves in the same way as with his parents, being mischievous and capricious.

Perhaps the problem lies in the fact that one of his classmates mocks him or constantly laughs. In this case, the children are very much withdrawn into themselves and stop doing homework, so as not to once again provoke bullying from their peers.

Transition period

At the age of 12-13 years, active puberty begins. At this stage, teenagers begin to be interested in the opposite sex and behave more impulsively or aggressively towards others. Interests change, new hobbies appear, and children do not study well.

And if it came to falling in love, then "write wasted." During this period, it is very difficult for children to concentrate on their studies at a time when the head is full of the object of adoration. Therefore, at this age it is very important not to overdo it, there is no need to “press” on a young child. It must be understood that during this period of time the child is most interested in new feelings that he discovers for himself. Therefore, you need to try to concentrate on explaining the key points of the relationship between a man and a woman.

How can you help your child study?

You need to understand that, starting from the 1st grade and up to the 11th, it is the parent who must help his child get an education. In order not to become an enemy for the baby, you must follow several important rules.

First of all, you need to find contact with the child. You need to become a friend for him, and not a monster that only requires a positive assessment. No need to hide your warm feelings towards the child. If he does not experience love in the family, then most likely he will throw out all his negativity at school.

In addition, it is very important to evaluate not the school marks themselves, but the fact that the child really aspired to gain knowledge. If the kid painstakingly did his homework and tried his best, but at the same time he got a three, you don’t need to scold him, on the contrary, it’s better to praise him for his efforts and try to explain to him that next time he can get an excellent mark.

Also, do not forget about motivation. In this case, it is impossible to threaten the child with any physical violence in case of receiving a bad mark. Physical punishment is the most terrible motivation for any person. In this case, there is a big risk of growing a notorious or, conversely, a very aggressive or unsociable person.

Good grades do not guarantee success in adulthood

If a child does not study well, the reasons can be very diverse. However, you need to understand that good school grades are not a guarantee that the child will live a happy life and become a famous scientist.

According to research by psychiatrists, not all excellent students turn into successful people. Very often, due to the stress that a child experiences in childhood, at a more conscious age, he tries to relax as much as possible. As a result, lazy people and alcoholics grow out of such people. The reverse situation happens to those who studied, on the contrary, very badly. Having not fully realized their potential during their school years, matured adolescents begin active work. They find interesting hobbies and really realize themselves as full-fledged individuals.

For example, Albert Einstein could only boast of good grades in mathematics. In all other subjects it was a complete failure. However, this did not prevent him from becoming the most famous scientist, whose name today is known to absolutely every person on earth.

Marilyn Monroe did not know grammar at all. Almost all of her letters contain a fantastic number of errors. However, this did not stop her from becoming the most famous actress and legendary person.

And the inventor Thomas Edison at school was considered mentally retarded by everyone. There are thousands more examples of successful people who were able to become millionaires, scientists, brilliant specialists and actors, although at the same time they studied below average in school, and some did not receive a certificate at all.

You need to understand that, no matter how high a child’s academic performance, he has the same chance of becoming a successful person or, conversely, sinking to the very bottom. Everything depends not on the grades that he receives, but on the experience and knowledge received from his parents. If a child does not see love and a normal attitude towards himself, then he is unlikely to succeed in becoming a good person.

At a consultation at the Sarclinic, parents, mothers and fathers, grandparents talk about the poor academic performance of their child, boy, girl, son, daughter, son, daughter, grandson, granddaughter and ask questions. " Why is my child doing poorly in school?? “Why does the son remember information, poems, poems, educational material, lessons read very badly, does he learn lessons badly?” Children ask: Why am I bad at studying, I don’t remember anything, I get tired”, “I’m learning poorly what to do”, “I’m bad; studied, but did not understand anything, how to improve? Let's take a closer look at the main causes of such conditions and problems.

School problems with learning

With the beginning of education in the first grade of a school or gymnasium, a situation often arises in which the child quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic, starts to get sick often, does not learn educational material well, learns lessons for a long time, sits, but does not remember anything. In this case, many responsible parents increase the time for preparing lessons, sit on homework until late at night, hire tutors, or go to additional classes at school. But there are no special results. Despite intensive training at home and with tutors, school performance remains low. From the 2nd grade at school, the teacher begins to put triples, deuces and cola, and “1”, “2”, “3” appear in the diary. Often, parents who work from morning to evening pretend that there is no problem, that only the teacher should be involved in the educational process during the lessons, and that the child should prepare homework himself. As a result, the child lags far behind peers and classmates. Academic performance is getting worse and worse, but you want to study no worse than others, and parents' plans for their child's studies at the university are collapsing. The child loses interest in learning, as he considers himself a chronic loser, and it is no longer possible to catch up with classmates. The vicious circle closes. And deuces become the best friends of such boys and girls. Of course, some parents blame the entire educational process on grandmothers or nannies. But we must not forget that the curriculum today is very different from the one that took place 30 or 40 years ago. Computers, new technologies, complex programs are used everywhere. And grandmothers no longer pull a heavy program.

Causes of poor academic performance, learning problems at school

The reasons for poor academic performance actually lie even during the pregnancy of the mother of the child. In recent years, often during pregnancy there is chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen supply through the placenta to the brain of the unborn child. Plus, poor nutrition, disgusting ecology, chronic pathology of internal organs, stress, hormonal disorders affect. If the child had hypoxia, then already in the first year of the baby's life, a large number of neurological problems and pathological conditions arise. The consequences of a mild degree are multifaceted. Observed (hypotonicity and more often hypertonicity), delay, motor or development, liquorodynamic disorders (), paresis,. The child lags behind in development. If hypoxia is small, then some pediatric neurologists do not pay attention to slight deviations in the development of the nervous system and do not carry out therapeutic measures. And the most important thing for pediatricians is to get vaccinated, they don't care about the rest. The absence of a timely diagnosis does not mean the absence of the disease. Parents are happy that the child is doing well. But problems can start later in life. For example, with the beginning of schooling. The principle operates in the nervous system: “where it is thin, it breaks there”, or “LOCUS MINORUM” - the place of least resistance. The consequences of hypoxia can be manifested by poor study, poor digestibility of the material.

The child prepares lessons for a long time, does not read well, cannot write, writes clumsily in notebooks and often makes mistakes, does not listen to the teacher, indulges in lessons, does not want to do homework, does not remember

The child prepares lessons for a long time, does not read well, cannot write, writes clumsily in a notebook, does not listen to the teacher, indulges in lessons, does not want to do homework, does not remember, becomes capricious, restless, absent-minded, sleepy or hyperactive, uncontrollable or inhibited, shy or with no brakes. There is a rapid withdrawal. And tutors will not help here. With an increase in the time for preparing lessons, classes, the assimilation of the material is very low. Efficiency (efficiency) tends to 0. Therefore, the child remembers very poorly, thinks for a long time, makes mistakes, skips letters, quickly forgets educational material. Problems arise already in elementary school. Mathematics, writing, reading, the world around, sometimes ICT (information and computer technology), a foreign language (English, German, French, Spanish) are bad. The child begins to do something, and quits, unfinished. Successes are observed mainly in physical education and labor.

Poor academic performance, what to do, where to turn to improve the mental abilities of the child, how to treat, how to help

Sarclinic has prepared and successfully applies an advanced integrated treatment program to improve the mental abilities of children. The program includes a complex of hardware and non-hardware methods of treatment that improve memory, attention, perseverance, diligence. The work of the brain, cortex and subcortical structures improves, speech, writing, assimilation and memorization of educational material improve. All methods are safe, painless, have no complications and side effects, are well tolerated by children at any age. These procedures are carried out in courses. The minimum duration of one course of treatment is 10 working days. I would like to note that when carrying out procedures for healthy children, they significantly improve all indicators in their studies, handwriting, counting, logical thinking. After carrying out procedures to improve mental performance for healthy children, there were often cases when these boys and girls won prizes in school, district, city and Russian Olympiads. Well, if a child has only twos and threes, then there is a chance to become good. At the same time, one should not forget that a child’s healthy nervous system, like a sponge, absorbs all the necessary information (and unnecessary information too), so the help of parents in preparing lessons is important. Successful children come from successful parents. Contribution to health and education children gives good dividends in the future!

. There are contraindications. Specialist consultation is required.

Text: ® SARCLINIC | Sarclinic.com \ Sarсlinic.ru Photo: agencyby / Fotogenika Photo Bank The people shown in the photo are models, do not suffer from the described diseases and / or all coincidences are excluded.

We all studied at school and remember very well that in each class there are children with different academic performance: excellent students, good students, three students and two students.

With the beginning of the list, everything is clear, this is the pride of the parents and the absence of a headache about studying. And what about being a parent if the child's grades leave much to be desired or if he has sharply worsened his academic performance. Let's try to figure out what the reasons for poor performance may be.

Reasons for poor performance

1. Family problems. Any scandals and quarrels between parents have a negative impact on the child. The most terrible thing for a child is the divorce of his parents. As a rule, this event entails a sharp deterioration in academic performance and a complete unwillingness to study. There is no need to think that he does not notice anything and does not understand anything in adult affairs. In addition to the above, the child may react in a similar way to moving or changing schools.

2. Health problems. Perhaps your child's eyesight has simply deteriorated, and he does not see anything from the blackboard, but is embarrassed to tell the teacher, as happens at a young age. The reason may be overwork, insufficient exposure to fresh air.

3. Problems with classmates. Everyone is well aware that in any school there are hooligans and bullies who offend the weak, come up with offensive nicknames for them and humiliate human dignity in other ways.

4. Combining studies with sports or in creative circles. Some children manage to study well and become strong athletes. However, those who do not succeed in such a combination have to give up their favorite business for the sake of study.

5. Laziness. Often the child is too lazy to do homework, read textbooks, solve problems. Try to look at yourself from the outside. If you spend your free time pointlessly staring at your phone, watching TV, etc., your child will take an example from you and, just like you watch TV, play computer games instead of completing school assignments.

How to create a desire to learn

As a parent, you need to analyze the situation and try to resolve it.

  • With a child, you must, of course, talk and kindly without aggression to find out the reason for the reluctance to learn.

Give him concrete examples from life that if you study well at school, you can go to college or university, get a higher education, get a well-paid job and buy yourself everything you want. Let the child not attach much importance to your words, but a consistent chain of actions will be built in his head.

  • If things are going poorly with one or more subjects, and not with the entire school course, consider hiring a tutor for additional classes on topics that require intensive classes.
  • Set up a routine for your child. In such a schedule, everything will be sorted out: both time for work and time for rest.
  • In no case do not break down on the child, do not call names and do not humiliate him. If you can’t fix anything in your studies, remember that most often three students achieve heights in life, not excellent students.