Star soul karma. The essence of the stellar soul. why is it so hard to live on earth? Earth souls are the youngest in the universe

This is the story of my friend, with whom I took my first steps on my path as a hypnotherapist.
The story is told in her own words.

Tanya asked me to record this story myself, the style of presentation is different from the recordings of her other sessions: it’s more convenient for me :-)

Tanya asked the question "Where did I come from?" in our very first session, which we conducted right in the office of IT specialists, after work. She and I then took the first steps in our current professions - a regressologist and a litho-corrector. The session was "just for practice" and the question was asked out of pure curiosity.

The answer was discouraging: “They sent it. There was nowhere to go. They put it in like a homeless puppy.”
The question "Where is my Home" also received a very disappointing answer: "Far. Very far. It is no more."
In the same session, Tanya asked me what my obsession with stones meant. The answer was also unexpected: "We need to fill the World with Love. She charges the stones with Love, and Love spreads throughout the World"

Once again, the topic of my appearance on Earth surfaced much later, a year and a half later.
The session was already, we do not know which number, and was carried out with a specific task that initially had nothing to do with this issue.
As it turned out, the relationship was, moreover, the most direct, and we received more detailed information about the reason for my appearance here.
Then, as it usually happens, additional information was unzipped in the mind, and this is what the story ended up being:

Far, VERY far from the Earth, in a completely different Galaxy, there was a wonderful little planet inhabited by beings who had "rainbow" thin-material bodies and a unique ability to obtain any necessary results through harmonious energy interaction with the surrounding material world: to heal, materialize any shapes, change the environment...
If necessary, they could materialize their bodies into almost any dense form, having any properties. Temporary, not for long...

I've come to this conclusion myself, based on a number of circumstances:
- they were often invited to other planets to heal the consequences of various catastrophes, and there were no problems with temporary survival and the possibility of active interaction with nature of the planets most diverse in their conditions;
- I used a small aircraft to move in interplanetary space, let's call it a "flyer", which was myself.

How they existed on their planet and where they came from is unknown.
According to their energies, they differed into two types, relatively speaking, male and female, but there was no reproduction as such. Each pair was unique: always only two specific beings from all possessed the property, when their "bodies" were combined, to form an energy flow of incredible power, qualitatively exceeding the sum of the energies of each separately. There was no nutrition in the human sense: there was a constant harmonious energy exchange with the environment.
While on other planets, this energy exchange was impossible: they worked quickly, on their own resources, then returned Home.

Returning from another "business trip", I saw a spectacle, the analogues of which I did not see later in any of the earthly films. There was a catastrophe, a collision of cosmic bodies, and my planet was a chaos of blackness, plasma, fire... There was no more home...

In the sectors of the Galaxies, special aircraft, some kind of "space missions" were circulating, on which there were authorized representatives of some Supreme Coordinating Body, let's call it conditionally - the Intergalactic Council, endowed with an unlimited range of powers. Their decisions were considered decisions of the Intergalactic Council and were binding on everyone without exception. The task is to resolve any emergency situations that have arisen in specific sectors of the Galaxies.

I flew on such a ship. There was simply nowhere else.
What to do with me now - they decided for a long time.
By the way, there were no creatures similar to people or any other known to earthlings. It was impossible to determine the shape of these creatures: she was hiding under robes, most of all similar to black robes with hoods, under which some powerful Force was only guessed. Energies - Other, not similar to earthly ones.
As a result of the decision of my fate, they decided to send me to Earth - the planet most similar in energy. There I could survive.
All. No missions, tasks, lessons. Simply - on Earth I can survive.

On a small aircraft I was taken to the edge of the earth's atmosphere. The crew consisted of three creatures that I did not see in the session. I just felt the energy of the three creatures of the crew, I am the fourth, the passenger.

I dived into the earth's atmosphere on my flyer. What happened is clear. Then my earthly incarnations began, but these are completely different stories.

Colleague session

In this part of the session, the ward and I were looking for the reasons for the arrival of her Star Soul on Earth. Judging by our research, one of the most common variants of how Souls from prosperous worlds get to Earth is described here.

A. I feel like a swan, only not physical, but some kind of energy, very bright and strong, and as if something made me lower in vibrations.
Q. What caused the swan to descend?
A. I am a child, about 8 years old, in white clothes, and around me there is a crowd of people, in dirty rags, all some kind of miserable people, pointing their fingers at me.
Q. Where did you come from?
A. I got lost… I feel like I materialized and I don’t understand what I’m doing here.
V. Let's see where you came from so beautiful.
A. I seem to be sitting on top and looking through the fog at the Earth, at physical reality, from some other spheres.
Q. Who are you now?
A. Some kind of creature with wings, energetic, the image changes all the time. I like the image of the swan.
Q. What happened to you?
A. It was as if I had flown inside, into the plans of the Earth, as if I had been pushed.
V. Let's see what happened to you BEFORE you got into the fields of the Earth.
Oh. I didn’t want to come here, I went to Earth with a heavy heart, I was sucked in… I must, I must…
Q. Let's tune in to the Soul... Dear, how did you get to the Earth, to whom did you owe?

A. It is very hard to speak, my throat is intercepted, they do not let me speak. There are words - must, must, contract.
Q. Where and with whom did you conclude this contract?

A. It is much higher than the Earthly spheres, I see three characters, one of them is Me and two more Forces agree on me. One is definitely not bright, some kind of destructive, but the second ... the one that balances this destructive. They agree that for balance, both parties will accompany me in earthly incarnations, because I am too bright and strong now for the Earth ... My heart hurts a lot ...

In general, they agree among themselves about me.

Q. Something looks like a violation of the free will of the Soul… and you were asked, do you want to go to Earth?

A. I want to help... this is my eternal desire to help everyone.

Q. Let's see where you were BEFORE signing this contract?

Oh. Oh, how high! Now it goes that I lived on the 7th level, and the contract was concluded on the 5th.

Q. And what did you have in the 7th dimension? What does the space of your House look like?

Oh. Oh, how good it is there!!! I feel so strong here! Crystals, radiance, shimmers with all colors, like everything is crystal, there are no specific forms, everything changes! And we, like energy, overflow, flow through these crystals, radiate, we are very happy, we play ... I am some kind of young energy ... and the question sounds: “Do you want to go further, develop? To do this, you must go down"

Q. Where did this offer come from?

A. Some kind of entity, not one of ours. He says:

Yes, everything here is cool, but somehow boring ... There are other worlds, very cool ... And if you want REAL development, we can take you to a very cool place, the Earth is called, and then you will return, and you will definitely return, no problem, just go there, look, and quickly return ...

And what do I need to do for this?

Nuuuu ... There are several conventions, small ones, nonsense, but without this you can’t get there. You are so big here, and there are small bodies, you won’t fit in there, so you need to leave your part here with us. Here we even made an inventory of what you leave with us, then we will return everything. In order not to be confused with others, and we have a lot of Souls here, they leave their things so that we don’t get confused, you sign here, and everything will be OK!

Q. So, from this place in more detail, what did you sign there? What did she leave them?

A. 1. Part of the Soul for temporary use, 20%;

2. Piece of Vitality, 50%;

3. Experience, knowledge, 100%, but it doesn’t matter what to give them completely, but what they will let through their filter and then return to me.

4. Love ... they say that everything is bad with love on Earth, there is no happy love, they only suffer from it, so I don’t need to take it there at all. They say that it will be so difficult with love, so it’s better to come without it, quickly do all the work, without bothering with any love there, and leave.

In general, for some reason they couldn’t take Love away from me, but they put that belief program in me, like “well, of course you can have it, but you’ll get a lot of hemorrhoids for it, so we strongly advise against using it on Earth, suffering will torment you”

V. Oh, well done!!!

A. And behind the text now I hear - “and upon your return you will be ours” ... For some reason they are sure, they do not say, but I understand this now, they think that after the Earth I will change as a vector of development. But at the time, I didn't understand it.

Q. Let's see, what kind of interesting comrades are they, who are they?

A. Specifically, THESE are just like clerks, performers, from them the channels go higher.

It feels like their civilization is on the same level as ours. But for some reason they… the word “drag” comes up, they drag Souls from us, but not directly, but with the help of such proposals as they did to me.

Q. Why don't they themselves go into incarnations on Earth? Let's take a look at their world, what does it represent themselves?

A. It's like a nebula, gray, gloomy, dark, like night butterflies with dark spots. There is a comparison that they are like foci of inflammation in the Light worlds, like viruses, like infection. And inside... they are like bats, dark, smeared, scurrying back and forth, like some kind of lumps.

Q. What are they concentrating around?

A. It can be conditionally called a crystal, but it is some kind of dirty brown, dark green-ash-gray color with shining patches, it glows from the inside, but with some kind of marsh light. And he supports them, and feeds through them, and grows through them. They are his donors. But not by themselves, but they need our Souls, but at the same time they cannot use us in their pure form, so they have to lower us in vibrations, through incarnation on Earth, and already there and after incarnations, they can use us for food this is their Crystal. Life, energy, experience - this is what interests their Crystal.

V. Let's get out of here, go to the Top to clean up!

Oh, how my Soul wants to return, HOW SHE WANTS to return home!!!

C. Stay here now, in the energies of the House, recover, you and I still need to understand why such a bright happy Soul suddenly made such a dubious proposal ...

A. There is a word “defeat, penetration”, but I see it as a gray suspension, dust, how spores are introduced into our World. As the wind blew and brought these disputes into our World, and from them comes the desire, like mold, to simply fill the whole space with themselves, they consider themselves the main ones.

Q. What is the essence of these disputes?

A. There is the word "nothing" and "fear", they feed on fear and they themselves are Fear. Fear of heat, Light, Love, for them these feelings bring Death, these feelings turn them into Nothing, they are the fear of becoming Nothing.

They are just afraid to disappear! And they fight for their existence as best they can. For them, the main thing is survival, everything else is not important in their world. Love, Light is Poison for them, their Death, where there is Light and Love they cannot exist.

C. You and I will go even Higher, and I invite the Teacher System of our Universe to continue our conversation.

Dear Teachers, please tell me, was the existence of this gray world, the world of fear, the world of stagnation, originally conceived?

A. Teachers say that initially there was a desire to try to conduct an experiment with similar energies on a small, isolated piece of the Universe. Prior to this experiment, the worlds were practically sterile from such energies. But soon everyone realized that under sterile conditions, Love turned into a rather conventional concept, it was easy to show love for Light and Love, and soon it became boring for everyone. There were disputes about the fact that if it is REAL, this Love, then it should give life to EVERYTHING and they thought that it would be great to manifest Love in non-ideal conditions, when there is something other than Love and Light. The other side believed that this should not be done, since these energies can flood and kill the entire Universe.

Of course, everyone understood that where Love is strong, these energies will not be able to do anything, but we had some areas of the Universe that were weaker, which had not yet become stronger, where there was not yet enough of this Love, so we worried about them.

As a result, we decided on a controlled experiment. They took the still not quite developed World and launched these energies there, strictly controlling their distribution. There was a desire to create a completely DIFFERENT World, different from those that existed then. The world, with SPECIAL SOULS, these Souls with their Love, their Light, can overcome these energies. Before that, we have already used these energies in some worlds, but there we added them in microdoses. We have seen that these energies lead to the development of Souls, but at microdoses this development was VERY slow. Here we decided to sharply increase the dose of these energies.

Q. So it turns out that these energies were artificially derived for the experiment?

A. Not really, it's a complex. Some were brought out on purpose, some were taken from the experience of other worlds.

Q. So these energies were brought out by you as a stimulus for development?

A. Not really… we were interested in everything. Development from both sides, interaction, combination of these energies. But the most important thing is that we understood how dangerous these energies are in themselves, and we needed to create an antivirus against them, a vaccine, so that later we would understand exactly how to treat all this. By this time, we already had examples of Worlds consisting ONLY of these energies, and we saw with what tremendous speed they spread, we had to stop them all the time and keep them under a hood. They are all now closed, encapsulated.

Q. So... then who are the comrades we have just observed, if you say that all such worlds are encapsulated?

A. Unfortunately, what was specially brought in was attracted to something new, according to the principle of similarity, and they began to sharply gain strength here.

So, let's go back to your Soul, to your World, we still don't understand why your Soul decided to accept their offer. You and I stopped at the moment when spores of these energies entered your World. How did these disputes affect your Being?

A. They turned on the feeling that there is something different from ours, and there was a desire to experience this other, to try, I was VERY interested. And the words "I will be SPECIAL" go

Q. Is this a variant of our pride? Its beginnings in the Higher worlds?

A. It looks like that ... but not quite, this is not a desire to become higher, better than others, it rather concerns my inner desire to develop, I want more for myself, more experience, more development, to be able to do more, to know more. Well, somehow I already got bored there, I wanted something new and they played on my natural curiosity, curiosity, this desire for faster development. It’s the same for me here, on Earth, I’m interested in this, and this, and that, but when I find out, experience it, I’m no longer interested and I need something else, something else, I want to move on , further... I want to know other Worlds... healthy curiosity!

It was here that I was offered all this, here was the knowledge of a new world, new experience, knowledge, development, and even the opportunity to help others ... Of course, I agreed to sign all this!

V. Ooh, so you have something to thank these comrades for! Thank them from the bottom of your heart for this amazing, unique experience!

O. O YEAH!!! I am SO GRATEFUL to you!!! That's all, I want to finish this experiment already, that's enough, I have accumulated ENOUGH experience, I want to go home! Only I want to finish this incarnation in the normal mode, I don’t need an emergency exit.

Q. Well then, take your Contract and write. From July 6, 2017, according to the earth chronology, I remove all the restrictions prescribed in this Contract from myself, I live out this incarnation in a regular mode, but on a new program, a program of development through Love and Joy, and at the end of this my Earth incarnation, I break this Contract COMPLETELY and FINALLY. Coming home. Thank you all for the experience. With Love to all, Soul. Number. Signature stamp.


The opinions presented in this session are purely personal and presented through the prism of the operator's perception. Other operators, clairvoyants, psychics and other out-of-body travelers may perceive multidimensional reality in a completely different way, and their personal experience of incarnations and lessons may be radically opposite to what is presented. In addition to the prisms of the dual mind and beliefs of the individual, there are multiple filters, permissions and access to this or that information that can open or close its layers in multidimensionality, and it is extremely difficult to convey such information in an accessible form in human language, and even more so to analyze it with our 3- measured mind. Rememberthe parable of the three blind men examining the elephant , and you will understand the approximate essence of the difficulties that you can encounter in your own subconscious, working on images, archetypes and abstractions, rather than on such a familiar and comfortable dual logic that puts everything on the shelves "good / bad".

That is why there is no and cannot be a single opinion ("truth") for all. even the truth of a capitalist is, by definition, false for a communist, as the truth of a Muslim is for a Christian, and vice versa.

It is highly discouraged to create the only possible and final picture of the world from the data presented. Take your own and leave someone else's, if possible without unnecessary emotions.

Reality is multidimensional, opinions about it are multifaceted. Only one or a few faces are shown here. You should not take them for the ultimate truth, because

Starborn: You Came from the Stars, You Just Forgot About It

Each of us "came out of the Source", but we all have different experiences and have been incarnated at different levels of consciousness. It is for this reason that such a difference and stratification according to the tasks that Souls go through are now felt on Earth.

Often, understanding what experience you have gone through helps to realize the causes of much in the present - this is the process of synthesis and gaining integrity, connecting in consciousness and in the heart with all aspects of yourself.


Earthlings are those Souls who first began to incarnate on Earth. There are many versions of the origin of the terrestrial race, the essence of which boils down to the fact that many Beings from various Star systems participated in the "birth" of this race, and the main contribution was from the Pleiades and Sirius.

The terrestrial race, within the framework of the Universe, is very young, and in fact, at the level of consciousness, they are children. Those hundreds of lives that the Earth Soul could go through are a very small number of incarnations for which a rather limited experience was obtained, given that the Soul goes through the experience of incarnation only at one level of consciousness, the consciousness of the three-dimensional world.


This is a special category of Souls that came to Earth to help raise the vibrations of the Planet, as well as to help heal and expand people's consciousness. These are the Souls that began their incarnation in star systems and stars such as Sirius, Pleiades, Arcturus.

The first Starborn teams arrived on Earth in spaceships back in the time of Lemuria, this refers to the Pleiadian teams.

As a rule, well-known scientists and writers, spiritual Teachers, pioneers are Star-born. As a rule, those who have been healers in many lives are Starborn Souls who came to help in healing.

Some of these Souls began their incarnations at very high levels of consciousness, in ethereal bodies, and were Guardians of the Planets. And further, lowering their vibrations, incarnations began to take place in the Star Systems, and later on, on Earth.

The difficulty for the Starborn and those who came from other Planets is that they do not know about it, or rather, they simply “forgot”.

A large number of Souls living on Earth now are Star-born, Souls who came from the star systems of the Pleiades, Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturus, the “light” part of Orion, from places with higher vibrations than on Earth. As well as the Souls that came from such planets as Mars, Venus, Maldek. These planets corresponded in vibration to the Earth, but planetary catastrophes occurred on these planets, and the Souls moved to the Earth to continue their evolution.

These Souls try to adapt to the Earthly norms and requirements, social standards and, as a rule, do not get what they want. In any case, even with a favorable material base, they do not have spiritual comfort or have serious health problems.

The main problem is following false priorities: money, social status, career, and not spiritual evolution!

For Souls with a high level of vibrations, an important task is to restore connection with their heart chakra - the energy of the Heart, and subsequently with their Higher Self, then the Spirit and energy of the Creator.

If the Star-born Soul "hangs", that is, it begins to depend on material wealth, concentrating its attention mainly on money (it doesn't even matter if there is money or not - the spectrum of attention is directed to this zone !!!), or to depend on the desire for a relationship , including a strong need for love, there is a serious vibrational imbalance. At which the Spirit of a person begins to “switch” attention in various ways to what is MANDATORY in the life of a Star-born Soul, the use of spiritual practices is necessary: ​​spiritual development and evolution.

Spiritual practices are a huge variety of everything that helps to develop, that makes you kinder, that develops a sense of inner strength and beauty, that reveals the highest possibilities, as well as compassion for other people and a desire to help.

What spiritual practices can be used: energy cleansing of one’s field and the space around, reading prayers and singing mantras, restrictions - austerities to cultivate willpower in oneself: for example, giving up sugar, daily exercise, observing the daily routine - these are the simplest and initial levels spiritual practices.

Even the type of spiritual practices can be divided into practices for earthly Souls - this is what is more connected with the physical body: adherence to the daily routine, restrictions on food, alcohol, exercise. Spiritual practices for the Starborn are more energy practices related to contact with the Spirit: communication with the Higher Self, development of the Heart energy channel.

On the one hand, it can be said that in the text I am writing about the division into earthly and unearthly Souls, but this is not entirely the point. It is necessary to DIFFERENT that the Earthly Souls and the Starborn have COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TASKS. On the one hand, the task for all is ONE - this is the evolution of the Soul, gaining experience, but it is important - FROM WHAT LEVEL OF THE EVOLUTIONARY LADDER YOU CONTINUE THIS EXPERIENCE!

It is important for Earthlings to work out and open their lower three chakras: to express their sexual energy, to learn how to provide for themselves, to feel protected and safe, to express themselves actively in social life.

But for the Starborn, who have already spent hundreds of lives on Earth, hundreds, if not thousands of times, experienced wealth and poverty, fame / power and obscurity, NOW, in this incarnation, there is no task to solve the issue of money, relationships again and again, now the task is to establish and develop your contact with the Spirit. It is through knowledge and understanding of oneself, through the ability to ask questions and receive answers from the Higher Self, that a person will follow the Path that is best for him! And it is then that finances will come, in the required amount, harmonious relationships, health, and self-realization in your favorite business.

It is important to understand that one should not deny the desire to have finances or relationships, but in the first place, the priority is spiritual life and spiritual development, and then everything else. First of all, the spectrum of attention is directed to self-improvement, then to everything else. At the same time, you need to maintain a balance and not make bindings, dependencies on spirituality, so that spiritual pride does not begin to develop. The difficulty is that you need to live your life in balance, without distortions in various life directions.


Why am I writing about the difference between Earthlings and Starborn?

The tools and ways of life that work for Earthlings don't work for Starborn!

Earthlings can "break through" the same task with great persistence, and for them this is an important path, because it develops and strengthens the solar plexus chakra. Star-born to solve the same problem, you need to use other methods if there are obstacles: contacts with your Higher Self, apply energy methods for removing obstacles.

Questions I get asked:

- Is it possible to understand on your own that you are a Starborn?

Of course available! But for this you need to develop your contact with the Higher Self, even better, if you know how to work with past lives, then you will be able to see and make sure from which planet you came and where you were incarnated. Although - the more ancient incarnations, especially not on Earth, the more difficult and more energy you need to spend on access to the personal Akashic Records.

The most basic way is development and sensations through the energy of the Heart – you cannot deceive it. Since childhood, Starborn have a powerful sensitivity, great compassion, lack of violence and its complete rejection!

Another of the simple criteria is when you simply KNOW AND FEEL CLEARLY at the level of cells that your Soul is not from here, not from the Earth.

Starborns may have difficulty accepting life on Earth, or rather, difficulties with low vibrations, which are different from the level from which the Soul came.

The advantage for Starborn is that it is MUCH EASIER for them than for Earthlings to go through the Path of ascending evolution - the increase in vibrations that we are all going through now. For the Star-born, this Path is a return Home, to a more comfortable vibrational level for the Soul!

There are also difficulties for the Starborn and Souls who came from other planets. If the Earthlings, in order to feel more or less comfortable, need to heal the traumas of this life/past lives + further evolution, here already for the Earthlings there are difficulties, because. they need to learn how to develop all energy centers.

For the Souls who came from other planets, it is necessary to heal the traumas of this life, the traumas of past lives, and the traumas received on other planets are added.

For the Starborn, the traumas of this life, the traumas of past lives, traumas received on other planets are added, traumas with a decrease in vibrations, activating rejections of life on Earth, codes of creation restrictions and negative implants.

- Do the Starborn have contracts* with Earthlings?

*Contracts are different types of “arrangements” prior to each incarnation, such as contracts for love relationships, for the birth of a child, for working off past life traumas, for spiritual growth.

In the process of many incarnations, many karmic knots were formed between different people, due to the law of cause and effect. Starborns with Earthlings, no doubt, can have contracts, and it is in this incarnation that these contracts can be easily worked out, for example, by immersing in past lives, because these contracts were received during earthly incarnations and do not have such powerful complexity as, for example, CONTRACTS BETWEEN SOULS ON OTHER PLANETS.


As a rule, this is not one contract, but many contracts of various complexity, which, over a huge number of incarnations, have acquired the energy of unresolved emotional traumas. The difficulty is that it is necessary not only to heal these injuries, IT IS FREQUENTLY DIFFICULT TO UNDERSTAND WHAT THE PROBLEM IS, because the root of the problem was formed not on Earth, but on other Planets and high vibrational levels, and THERE ARE COMPLETELY DIFFERENT FROM EARTH "RULES OF THE GAME" .

The program of subtle bodies and the work of stellar souls on Earth.

Star souls are tireless workers who know how to work even during their holidays. The consciousness of a space alien is in constant motion, it is very fluid and mobile. The consciousness of earthlings, on the contrary, is inert and passive. Thanks to the activity of the Subtle Bodies and the power of thought, the embodied workers of Light are able to perform important work that is inaccessible to the inhabitants of the Earth.
Incarnation in the earthly body gives the cosmic soul the opportunity to penetrate into any places of the dense world, into which the disembodied consciousness cannot descend because of its lightness and subtlety. Embodiment can be compared to a diver diving to the bottom for underwater work. Without special equipment, a person will not be able to perform underwater work. Similarly, an angelic soul cannot work on Earth without a bodily "suit" that allows it to live and actively manifest itself in the environment of dense matter.
Before being born on Earth, we plan the future life and schedule the work that the soul will perform on the planet. Star souls work 24 hours a day. While awake, we are engaged in ordinary earthly affairs, but the stellar part of our consciousness visits the subtle layers of the near Cosmos and does the work. Daytime exits of the stellar body may be accompanied by dizziness, severe weakness, and sudden drowsiness. After the return of the stellar body back into the dense shell, energy and strength are restored, dizziness disappears.
The physical body is a very tight suit for our huge Light bodies, so we cannot turn around here to our full height, we are limited in the manifestation of our cosmic power. However, this does not prevent us from carrying out evolutionary work, for the sake of which we descend into the dense world. Most of the work performed by the Subtle Bodies remains unconscious, but it is still effective.
Since alien souls have much more Subtle bodies than earthlings, we are able to simultaneously send our invisible shells to different parts of the Earth and to parallel dimensions. Thanks to the energy and great experience accumulated in our native space worlds, our Subtle bodies act autonomously without conscious control, only thanks to the program that we put into them before incarnation.
For example, the stellar body of one person is programmed to maintain the energy balance in the lithosphere. During his life he will be attracted to metals and crystals, and his Subtle bodies will be "on duty" in seismically dangerous zones in order to prevent earthquakes. Another stellar citizen has chosen a job related to the control of the water element, and his Subtle bodies in an embodied state will monitor the calmness of the ocean. The third chose to be a protector of animals and plants, the fourth - a healer, the fifth - a peacemaker, and so on. Each stellar worker of Light programs his stellar body, taking into account past experience, skills and abilities acquired in the cosmic worlds.
If a catastrophe, armed conflict, terrorist attack or other disaster occurs in the world, stellar souls are activated to the maximum. Elimination of the consequences of catastrophes is included in the program of incarnation of all Lightworkers. We are with you, as a service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on a non-shift patrol, and at any moment our Subtle bodies can go on the next task. We may not even be aware of the disaster that has happened, but our soul is already sending the Subtle body to work in the affected region. On such days, a worker of Light may experience inexplicable longing, sadness and anxiety, there may be bodily ailments, often dizziness and heartache. The heart of the worker of evolution absorbs and burns through the pain of the world, transforming it into love, peace and Light. With heart symptoms it is helpful to rest and work with the energy of the evolutionary rays to stabilize the nervous system. The more stable the psyche, the more useful our Subtle bodies are on assignment. Through Thin bodies we send cosmic energy to the necessary point of the world. We are stellar essences and are conductors of cosmic vibrations that are inaccessible to the indigenous humanity of the Earth. This is important to remember, as it is the main reason and condition for the effective evolutionary work of every alien soul. Awareness of the flights of the Subtle bodies during the waking phase will come with time, when you begin to notice your spiritual reactions to world events. During sleep, Subtle bodies get more freedom, and sometimes you bring realistic memories of working on the Subtle plane from night flights. The condition for increasing awareness is the goal and conscious intention to gain knowledge about the work of one's Subtle bodies. The Vedic horoscope can tell about the direction of your evolutionary work in the spheres of the Earth. Daria Sibirskaya, 4.10.2015.

Signs of the awakening of the stellar body.

The activation of the stellar body in embodied aliens occurs spontaneously and abruptly. The impetus that starts the process of awakening is more often life upheavals that introduce a person into an altered state of consciousness and allow him to realize the presence of Divine Energy. Less often, awakening comes from diligent practices and conscious work on oneself. Basically, people do not bother themselves with hard work on self-improvement, or they work in the wrong direction, therefore, as a rule, they receive a “magic push” from the Universe under the first chakra smile And now, when a person receives an activation impulse from the Cosmos, processes begin in his soul and body , which lead to the awakening of the Spiritual body and the revival of stellar memory. And this is the way Home, to the stars.

Internal signs of the awakening of the stellar body
1. The appearance of vivid and realistic dreams.
2. The presence of light and rich color in visions and dreams.
3. Internal separation of oneself from the earthly personality, abstraction from worldly activities, spontaneous entry into the state of the Observer, when a person doing something, as it were, leaves the body and observes himself from the outside.
4. Strengthening the premonition of danger, the development of intuition (this activates the body of Karma)
5. Recollection of fragments of past incarnations on Earth and other worlds through insight, spontaneous visions or in a dream.
6. Attacks of inexplicable spiritual longing for the native and distant world, where you want to return.
7. Increasing the energy sensitivity of the head and back (the area between the shoulder blades, the upper part of the spine).
8. Episodes of insomnia due to increased work of the upper chakras.
9. Spontaneous exit from the physical body or getting into the space between worlds, when you retain the consciousness of two worlds, being both in the dense world and in the subtle one at the same time. Moreover, you show capacity both physically and energetically.
10. The feeling of the invisible presence of someone close and dear, longing and craving for kindred souls.

External signs of the awakening of the stellar body
1. Accelerating the materialization of thoughts. Those. the power of thought increases. What you think comes true very quickly.
2. The emergence of a force with which you can control the weather, the elements of nature, have a beneficial effect on people.
3. Shy animals and insects begin to reach out to you without causing harm. They feel your benevolent energy.
4. The appearance of changing patterns and patterns on the body due to increased magnetism and high hemoglobin (activation of the Prana body).
5. Problems with electrical engineering and electronics in your presence. The technique refuses to work properly due to the influence of your auric field.
6. Events in your life are maximally synchronized with each other, there is a combination of the cosmic rhythm of your native planet and your individual rhythm. You become a conductor of cosmic energy on Earth.

From this time on, you go on a mission of incarnation and all the events that take place in your destiny come from the Cosmos as part of a single plan for the Evolution of the Universe. This is the stage of the birth of the God-man - the ruler of the stellar worlds. Your strength increases if you lead a righteous life. If you use cosmic power for harm, physical illnesses appear. Always remember that your responsibility for the fate of the world is much higher than that of unconscious people. The greater the power and the higher the responsibility, the more difficult life is and not vice versa. The burden of the world is heavy, and the one who is spiritually stronger takes on this burden voluntarily - from the beginning of the incarnation to the very end. The process is irreversible and there is no turning back. We ourselves have taken on such a mission. Now our task is to fulfill it WORTHY.

Or again about the Gray Fog, the experiment "Earth" and the Transition.
Conversation with the Teacher System of the Universe.

In this part of the session, the ward and I were looking for the reasons for the arrival of her Star Soul on Earth .
Judging by our research, one of the most common variants of how Souls from prosperous worlds get to Earth is described here.

A. I feel like a swan, only not physical, but some kind of energy, very bright and strong, and as if something made me lower in vibrations.
Q. What caused the swan to descend?
A. I am a child, about 8 years old, in white clothes, and around me there is a crowd of people, in dirty rags, all some kind of miserable people, pointing their fingers at me.

Q. Where did you come from?

A. I got lost… I feel like I materialized and I don’t understand what I’m doing here.
V. Let's see where you came from so beautiful.
A. I seem to be sitting on top and looking through the fog at the Earth, at physical reality, from some other spheres.

Q. Who are you now?
A. Some kind of creature with wings, energetic, the image changes all the time. I like the image of the swan.
Q. What happened to you?
A. It was as if I had flown inside, into the plans of the Earth, as if I had been pushed.

V. Let's see what happened to you BEFORE you got into the fields of the Earth.
Oh. I didn’t want to come here, I went to Earth with a heavy heart, I was sucked in… I must, I must…
Q. Let's tune in to the Soul... Dear, how did you get to the Earth, to whom did you owe?
A. It is very hard to speak, my throat is intercepted, they do not let me speak. There are words - must, must, contract.

Q. Where and with whom did you conclude this contract?
A. It is much higher than the Earthly spheres, I see three characters, one of them is Me and two more Forces agree on me. One is definitely not bright, some kind of destructive, but the second ... the one that balances this destructive. They agree that for balance, both parties will accompany me in earthly incarnations, because I am too bright and strong now for the Earth ... My heart hurts a lot ...
In general, they agree among themselves about me.

Q. Something looks like a violation of the free will of the Soul… and you were asked, do you want to go to Earth?
A. I want to help... this is my eternal desire to help everyone.
Q. Let's see where you were BEFORE signing this contract?
Oh. Oh, how high! Now it goes that I lived on the 7th level, and the contract was concluded on the 5th.

Q. And what did you have in the 7th dimension? What does the space of your House look like?
Oh. Oh, how good it is there!!! I feel so strong here! Crystals, radiance, shimmers with all colors, like everything is crystal, there are no specific forms, everything changes! And we, like energy, overflow, flow through these crystals, radiate, we are very happy, we play ... I am some kind of young energy ... and the question sounds: “Do you want to go further, develop? To do this, you must go down"

Q. Where did this offer come from?
A. Some kind of entity, not one of ours. He says:
- Yes, everything here is cool, but somehow boring ... There are other worlds, very cool ... And if you want a REAL development, we can take you to a very cool place, the Earth is called, and then you will return, and you will definitely return , no problem, just go there, look, and quickly return ...
- And what do I need to do for this?
- Nuuuu ... There are several conventions, small ones, nonsense, but without this you can’t get there. You are so big here, and there are small bodies, you won’t fit in there, so you need to leave your part here with us. Here we even made an inventory of what you leave with us, then we will return everything. In order not to be confused with others, and we have a lot of Souls here, they leave their things so that we don’t get confused, you sign here, and everything will be OK!
Q. So, from this place in more detail, what did you sign there? What did she leave them?
A. 1. Part of the Soul for temporary use, 20%;
2. Piece of Vitality, 50%;
3. Experience, knowledge, 100%, but it doesn’t matter what to give them completely, but what they will let through their filter and then return to me.
4. Love ... they say that everything is bad with love on Earth, there is no happy love, they only suffer from it, so I don’t need to take it there at all. They say that it will be so difficult with love, so it’s better to come without it, quickly do all the work, without bothering with any love there, and leave.
In general, for some reason they couldn’t take Love away from me, but they put that belief program in me, like “well, of course you can have it, but you’ll get a lot of hemorrhoids for it, so we strongly advise against using it on Earth, suffering will torment you”
V. Oh, well done!!!
A. And behind the text now I hear - “and upon your return you will be ours” ... For some reason they are sure, they do not say, but I understand this now, they think that after the Earth I will change as a vector of development. But at the time, I didn't understand it.

Q. Let's see, what kind of interesting comrades are they, who are they?
A. Specifically, THESE are just like clerks, performers, from them the channels go higher.
It feels like their civilization is on the same level as ours. But for some reason they… the word “drag” comes up, they drag Souls from us, but not directly, but with the help of such proposals as they did to me.

Q. Why don't they themselves go into incarnations on Earth? Let's take a look at their world, what does it represent themselves?
A. It's like a nebula, gray, gloomy, dark, like night butterflies with dark spots. There is a comparison that they are like foci of inflammation in the Light worlds, like viruses, like infection. And inside... they are like bats, dark, smeared, scurrying back and forth, like some kind of lumps.

Q. What are they concentrating around?
A. It can be conditionally called a crystal, but it is some kind of dirty brown, dark green-ash-gray color with shining patches, it glows from the inside, but with some kind of marsh light. And he supports them, and feeds through them, and grows through them. They are his donors. But not by themselves, but they need our Souls, but at the same time they cannot use us in their pure form, so they have to lower us in vibrations, through incarnation on Earth, and already there and after incarnations, they can use us for food this is their Crystal. Life, energy, experience - this is what interests their Crystal.

Q. Let's try to understand its essence.
Oh. Oh, I don’t want to go there at all, he sees me and I’m scared.
Q. So, let's get out of here quickly, you're completely and absolutely safe! Let's go upstairs to clean up!
Oh, how my Soul wants to return, HOW SHE WANTS to return home!!!

C. Stay here now, in the energies of the House, recover, you and I still need to understand why such a bright happy Soul suddenly made such a dubious proposal ...
A. There is a word “defeat, penetration”, but I see it as a gray suspension, dust, how spores are introduced into our World. As the wind blew and brought these disputes into our World, and from them comes the desire, like mold, to simply fill the whole space with themselves, they consider themselves the main ones.
Q. What is the essence of these disputes?
A. There is the word "nothing" and "fear", they feed on fear and they themselves are Fear. Fear of heat, Light, Love, for them these feelings bring Death, these feelings turn them into Nothing, they are the fear of becoming Nothing.
They are just afraid to disappear! And they fight for their existence as best they can. For them, the main thing is survival, everything else is not important in their world. Love, Light is Poison for them, their Death, where there is Light and Love they cannot exist.

C. You and I will go even Higher, and I invite the Teacher System of our Universe to continue our conversation.
Dear Teachers, please tell me, was the existence of this gray world, the world of fear, the world of stagnation, originally conceived?
A. Teachers say that initially there was a desire to try to conduct an experiment with similar energies on a small, isolated piece of the Universe. Prior to this experiment, the worlds were practically sterile from such energies. But soon everyone realized that under sterile conditions, Love turned into a rather conventional concept, it was easy to show love for Light and Love, and soon it became boring for everyone. There were disputes about the fact that if it is REAL, this Love, then it should give life to EVERYTHING and they thought that it would be great to manifest Love in non-ideal conditions, when there is something other than Love and Light. The other side believed that this should not be done, since these energies can flood and kill the entire Universe.
Of course, everyone understood that where Love is strong, these energies will not be able to do anything, but we had some areas of the Universe that were weaker, which had not yet become stronger, where there was not yet enough of this Love, so we worried about them.
As a result, we decided on a controlled experiment. They took the still not quite developed World and launched these energies there, strictly controlling their distribution. There was a desire to create a completely DIFFERENT World, different from those that existed then. The world, with SPECIAL SOULS, these Souls with their Love, their Light, can overcome these energies. Before that, we have already used these energies in some worlds, but there we added them in microdoses. We have seen that these energies lead to the development of Souls, but at microdoses this development was VERY slow. Here we decided to sharply increase the dose of these energies.

Q. So it turns out that these energies were artificially derived for the experiment?
A. Not really, it's a complex. Some were brought out on purpose, some were taken from the experience of other worlds.
Q. So these energies were brought out by you as a stimulus for development?
A. Not really… we were interested in everything. Development from both sides, interaction, combination of these energies. But the most important thing is that we understood how dangerous these energies are in themselves, and we needed to create an antivirus against them, a vaccine, so that later we would understand exactly how to treat all this. By this time, we already had examples of Worlds consisting ONLY of these energies, and we saw with what tremendous speed they spread, we had to stop them all the time and keep them under a hood. They are all now closed, encapsulated.

Q. So... then who are the comrades we have just observed, if you say that all such worlds are encapsulated?
A. Unfortunately, what was specially brought in was attracted to something new, according to the principle of similarity, and they began to sharply gain strength here. The process is still under control, but practically on the verge of losing it, and there are supporters to clean up everything here, but for now we are inclined to leave everything, just add Light and Love in order to tip the balance in the direction of Light.

Q. Do you have such an opportunity? Do you have such Powers, if you look at the situation sensibly?
A. It is already above us that the Forces are playing, we already have practically no such opportunities.
Q. Does the Source of our Universe have such Forces?
A. Everything is complicated… Actually, there are opinions about the cleansing of our entire Universe, but the decision has not yet been made.

Q. How does this purge threaten our Universe?
A. Insulation. It is only planned to pull out all of our own, everyone who is possible, who is not infected.
Q. And the rest? Won't all this turn into a new hotbed of these energies?
A. There are opinions among us that there are Forces on Earth that are able to throw off this problem.

Q. On Earth? Reset the problem of the entire Universe??? What is so special about the tiny Earth that it can solve the problem of the entire Universe?
A. Some kind of Power is seen in her. The Earth itself, it CAN, it itself is some kind of powerful Force, a powerful living Being. She can cope, cure herself and get help.

Q. WHO can help the Earth if you say that even YOU can barely contain these energies?
A. They cannot explain, but they have some powerful FAITH, KNOWLEDGE that it IS!
Q. Where does this FAITH of yours come from in the tiny Earth? WHAT is so special about her? HOW can she save the whole Universe?
A. A lot has been invested in it, A LOT OF LOVE, it is like the most beloved, most desired Child of its Parent.

Q. But isn't this Love in other worlds, because Souls are all the essence - Love, what is SPECIAL in the Earth?
A. There is the word "OUR CHILD", THE MOST FAVORITE CHILD. There is some special Love here, I don’t understand, but SO MUCH FORCES have been invested here that they simply won’t let her die, they want to raise her to their level.

Q. When is it planned to make a final decision on the fate of our Universe?
A. Dual information is coming.
Q. Do I understand correctly that the initial date of the cleanup was 12/21/2012?
Oh. There was a panic in our circles, Upstairs, someone just panicked. Then we decided - NO, we will look further. Now we just have FAITH, KNOWLEDGE that the Earth will cope and we don’t even want to think about the topic of cleansing!

Q. Wow… Do I understand correctly that the Transition is canceled now?
Oh. Nooo… There will be a transition.
Q. And what will he then be like?
A. Souls are already withdrawn, those who have passed.

Q. So those who passed, and so were confiscated ... what's the difference? I'll clarify the question. What is the essence of this Transition for the Earth?
A. There is an image that the Earth is now in a dark shell, the light only breaks through the poles in streams, and then it emerges from this shell.
Q. Yes, we have seen her many times in sessions. What is this skin?
A. A dead shell, a dead reality. A clean, bright, new reality will come out, but the peel, like a layout, remains.
Q. And where will he go?
A. It will still be there for some time, and then it will crumble, dissolve, disappear, as the process of cell death is shown. And this mold, it will remain on this peel and disappear with it, and the pure core will emerge.

Q. And where will those Souls go who by this time do not have time to reach the required level of illumination?
A. They crumble together with the shell, show how they are sent to the furnace, to be remelted.
Q. But you know that here now only about 5% of Souls correspond to this level of luminosity, do you mean to say that 95% will go for smelting?
A. Many Souls are infected with this mold. Those who are heavily infected, who are incurable, will be melted down, they are about 10%.
About 7% will go to Novaya Zemlya, those who are free from this virus. About 8% of people on Earth now correspond to the vibrations of the new Earth, but some part of the healthy seed must be left among the sick. Some of the healthy ones will go with the bulk of partially infected Souls, will go to help them purify and develop further. For them, as a medical insulator, it is created with conditions as close as possible to the Earth, but only much milder, in terms of the presence of this mold. Those. there it will be much easier to develop and purify than it is now on Earth, and healthy Souls will help the sick, enhancing their glow with their energies.

Q. Have you already decided on the dates? When it will be?
A. This point is in space and time, but we do not want to tie you to specific dates now, when the Earth reaches this point, everything will happen.
Q. All right, I won't insist. Thank you for this information!

So, let's go back to your Soul, to your World, we still don't understand why your Soul decided to accept their offer. You and I stopped at the moment when spores of these energies entered your World. How did these disputes affect your Being?
A. They turned on the feeling that there is something different from ours, and there was a desire to experience this other, to try, I was VERY interested. And the words "I will be SPECIAL" go

Q. Is this a variant of our pride? Its beginnings in the Higher worlds?
A. It looks like that ... but not quite, this is not a desire to become higher, better than others, it rather concerns my inner desire to develop, I want more for myself, more experience, more development, to be able to do more, to know more. Well, somehow I already got bored there, I wanted something new and they played on my natural curiosity, curiosity, this desire for faster development. It’s the same for me here, on Earth, I’m interested in this, and this, and that, but when I find out, experience it, I’m no longer interested and I need something else, something else, I want to move on , further... I want to know other Worlds... healthy curiosity!
It was here that I was offered all this, here was the knowledge of a new world, new experience, knowledge, development, and even the opportunity to help others ... Of course, I agreed to sign all this!

V. Ooh, so you have something to thank these comrades for! Thank them from the bottom of your heart for this amazing, unique experience!
O. O YEAH!!! I am SO GRATEFUL to you!!! That's all, I want to finish this experiment already, that's enough, I have accumulated ENOUGH experience, I want to go home! Only I want to finish this incarnation in the normal mode, I don’t need an emergency exit.

Q. Well then, take your Contract and write. From July 6, 2017, according to the earth chronology, I remove all the restrictions prescribed in this Contract from myself, I live out this incarnation in a regular mode, but on a new program, a program of development through Love and Joy, and at the end of this my Earth incarnation, I break this Contract COMPLETELY and FINALLY. Coming home. Thank you all for the experience.
With Love to all, Soul.
Number. Signature stamp.