What to do if your wife leaves for someone else? My wife left for someone else - is this a death sentence? How to turn back time


You wrote a very serious situation, both in terms of action and in terms of the conflicting emotions that you experience towards your wife.

But let's take it in order... first of all, you want to understand and figure out how you should behave with her... first, we will find out who she is now to you? Well, firstly, she doesn’t live with you, she left, insisted on divorce, but that’s not the main thing. The main thing is that she doesn’t live with you... that is, she doesn’t show herself as a wife. She found another partner for life... It doesn’t matter who he is by gender, I left the children to you. And what I’m going to tell you now may cause you to protest, but nevertheless, I think so and perhaps you will understand me and accept this axiom that your wife did not cheat on you. In the context of the fact that cheating is betrayal... He She left you - yes - that’s a fact... But in what ways did she betray you? Its actions are essentially aimed at obtaining new types of pleasures and experiences. Dot. It's hard to argue with this. Yes, I left you for another person... I didn’t leave you. She left... Because in this situation you are a full-fledged, socially protected, independent man, mentally and physically healthy. So. that her departure is not something that inevitably leaves you in a difficult current situation... BUT, as for children, in my opinion, the most real and monstrous betrayal for children has occurred here. betrayal. Because your children are not 20 years old. And your daughters are 4 and 7 years old. The very age when a child begins to form, when both parents are needed. And in this situation of leaving, the husband can say - If you fell in love and decided to leave, leave - I won’t keep you... But what can she say to the children in this situation... When a small child tells her one simple phrase - mom - are you leaving me? And what about me??? And your mother will babble something chaotic and incomprehensible, that your mother loves you, but will just live separately for now, but will definitely visit you. And who will she be? Sunday Mom? This happens more often to fathers... And how are they perceived? As if they were paying off some kind of debt. And here, the only one, and in this case, the only one who will be abandoned, before whom betrayal will be committed, are the children... They are not yet independent, they need what they had.

I don't quite understand where you are describing The fact is that she regularly, as before, asks me for various help /// on what basis does she ask you for this?? On what basis are you helping her with this? who is she to you... She has lost the function of a wife. And divorce is not needed here. You can be husband and wife without a stamp... Now she is not your wife. Perhaps later she will become your wife again, but not now. You don’t even need to think here. So - as soon as you decide, and most importantly, realize who she is to you. then it will immediately become clear what and how to do. So, at the moment she is not your wife, but she has not stopped being a mother. And regarding your common children, you can carry out mutual assistance and activities. I don’t understand other types of help. After all, she lives in a different place, with a different partner (male/female, it doesn’t matter), she has a different life... What do you want to help her with? Or is it coming from a place of pity?
If you would like to understand this situation in more detail, please contact us. I try to help.

I wish you to find the strength and patience to survive this moment!

Sincerely, Konstantin Shumilin.

Good afternoon. I was interested in your answer “Hello! You wrote a very serious situation, both in terms of actions and in terms of contradictory ones...” to the question http://www.. Can I discuss this answer with you?

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Our home is our fortress. And it’s very painful when he is handed over to the enemy by the person closest to him – his own wife. Getting over the fact that your wife has left for someone else is not easy, but there is no other way out. Fate sends only those trials that a person is able to survive and only in such a way as to provide the maximum opportunity for further development.

A Serious Lesson

Let's start by recognizing the seriousness of the situation. Yes, everything happens not in a dream, but in reality. Life teaches a serious and painful lesson only when it is necessary to urgently and radically change your aspirations, goals, and values. Relationships are maintained by two people, both a woman and a man. The gap indicates serious mistakes on the part of both.

Time to think about what mistakes were made. Sometimes leaving is a demonstration of a last desperate attempt to attract attention. In this case, it makes sense to gather your thoughts and analyze the situation. Gradually changing your behavior can restore family balance. After all, for this you don’t need much - to remember what you were like when you met, and how you were able to conquer the girl.

If a woman has finally left home, having packed her things, it is worth recognizing that a new round of life’s journey begins, in which there is no place for long-standing attachment to her spouse. As difficult as it is to admit, accusations will not help solve or return anything. It's not a matter of who is more to blame, the husband or the wife. The point is how to survive a difficult situation psychologically, physically and financially.

How to behave

You will have to determine your line of behavior in relation to yourself, your wife and your environment.

  1. To yourself. We immediately discard the pity. The first emotional outburst is well removed by hard physical labor or at least long workouts in the gym. Even if you haven't been there before, it's a great reason to lead a healthy lifestyle.

It is worth loading yourself not only physically, but also mentally. Additional shifts and part-time jobs are appropriate in this case. In addition, it is wise to check your financial situation. Who is the property registered to? The status of accounts and payments, if you have not previously maintained them, also requires attention. If you need to look for new housing, the search will help occupy your consciousness with practical problems and help your subconscious mind accept the fact of betrayal, begin to react more calmly, adequately, and restore your zest for life.

  1. To my wife. There is no point in blaming, begging or hating. She is an independent person who takes care of her needs first. This is fine. Are you not suitable for her? So in this case, it doesn’t suit you, everything is for the better. But it’s worth resolving material issues; if you have children, discuss the possibility of co-parenting, your place in their lives. It is better to behave calmly, kindly, accurately stipulate the time of meetings, the amount of material participation, making the divorce process itself civilized. There is no point in leaving the enemy behind your back; reasonable people will always find how to solve common problems diplomatically.
  2. Environment. Oddly enough, this is where most of the problems lie. Mutual friends begin to divide into “his” and “hers” and begin to try to reconcile the parties, most often in a rude and primitive manner. In the course of communication, you can sometimes discover shocking facts, dirty and completely unnecessary. There are two ways out. You can leave for a long time, changing your life completely, and hiding from troubles with a banal escape. It may not sound attractive, but it saves a lot on my husband’s nerves. The second way out for yourself is to boldly take a step towards troubles, understand the real attitude of your loved ones towards you, and begin to build a life without old illusions. It will not be easy to regain calm; every day will be a reminder of the events that took place. This option sounds noble, but it takes up a lot of internal resources, which you need to be prepared for.

How to turn back time

Is it worth returning? Perhaps the husband’s problem is the wrong choice of his half, especially if less than 5 years have passed since the wedding. At the stage of courtship, people do not always open up completely; it takes years to fully understand the situation. Probably, some preliminary signals for oneself had already entered consciousness, although they were studiously ignored. Now everything has become clear and there is nothing left to do but take into account the mistakes made, and not return the person with whom you are not destined to become a couple for completely objective reasons.

It’s another matter if the wife left her husband for another man after ten years of living peacefully together. Most likely, such a decision was not made lightly, was well thought out, and the reasons for it were significant.

You shouldn’t focus on getting back the person who voluntarily left your life. The choice has been made and there is nothing to do. He can change, but not through lamentations, demands or lengthy proceedings.

Usually, a decent woman needs not just one reason for cheating, but a whole complex of unmet needs. You can try to calmly discuss what happened, but the results are rarely positive. At such a moment, the weaker sex mixes all the negativity from family life with a feeling of guilt from their behavior, and it is impossible to find clear answers. A man is also rarely able to reason sensibly, filled with misunderstanding and resentment. Sometimes, over time, couples meet, communicate, understand each other, and the relationship begins anew. But this will be a completely different relationship, actually a new life for new people.


Things are completely different if the wife left for another man in a dream. It’s unpleasant to experience such emotions and you won’t be in a good mood in the morning, but dream books give quite optimistic forecasts for the future for such couples.

Our subconscious in a dream spills out the most incredible things. These could be unconscious desires, fears, aspirations, or childhood memories that are applied to people in today's life. It's not easy to understand them. Can:

  1. Use dream books. In the old days, entire clans were involved in compiling them, passing on the accumulated experience as an inheritance. They fairly correctly reflect the characteristics of the human psyche, but do not keep up with the latest changes. The age of computer technology has made serious adjustments; unrealistic images and details often appear in dreams.

There are modern dream books compiled by psychologists, but professional collections are extremely rare. It is much more beneficial to work with individual consultations than to make your achievements available to a wide range of the public. When everyone finds out what they really saw in their dreams, who will come to their office? So often on book shelves there are dream books compiled by amateurs or ordinary charlatans who have distorted old publications in a modern manner and added their wild imagination.

Dream books on the Internet have little in common with the real interpretation of what happens in a dream.

  1. Seek help from a psychotherapist or psychologist who is interested in dream interpretation. Of course, you will have to pay for several sessions and introduce the specialist to some aspects of your personal life, but the result will be much more accurate. They do not use dream books, but they treat information received in a dream carefully and attentively.
  2. People's specialists. Purchased dream books are often used. True healers for many generations are now a rarity. You should ask local residents before the session how many years ago this expert appeared, and only then give your money for the interpretation of your wife’s actions in a dream and draw any conclusions from their information.

In general, psychologists argue that the interpretation of dreams is largely individual in nature and requires close communication with the client, which dream books cannot provide.

Dream books assure that in reality there is no threat of divorce after such a dream. Some details may indicate a deterioration in the relationship - a decrease in the intensity of passions, immersion in the hustle and bustle of everyday life, and you should think about the resumption of emotional coloring. But more often, experiencing a wife’s betrayal in a dream indicates the strength of the husband’s feelings and caring attitude towards each other. Especially if in a dream a man is trying to get his woman back.

So you shouldn’t do anything special for yourself after such a dream. All you have to do is reach out to your other half and kiss them tenderly.

Dear readers, today we will talk about a situation where a wife left her husband for another man. You will find out for what reasons this can happen, what preconditions can be observed in such a situation. You will know what to do if this has already happened.

Reasons for leaving

When a spouse leaves for someone else, a man wonders what to do in such a situation. First of all, you need to determine the reasons for what happened. We will look at the most common factors.

  1. Lack of emotional connection with your spouse. The man, returning home, does not talk about his day, both have secrets, different hobbies, no longer spend leisure time together, affection in the relationship disappears.
  2. An intimate problem. You cannot enjoy each other because the children are nearby or the desire simply disappears. The partner no longer excites, does not satisfy needs, and perhaps serious physiological health problems have begun.
  3. Bad habits of the husband, for example, alcohol abuse, smoking in large quantities, gambling, assault. In such a situation, your spouse’s departure will not come as a surprise to you; she will repeatedly try to change you for the better.
  4. Financial difficulties. If a man remains unemployed for a long time and does not think about how to provide for his family, it is not surprising that a woman cannot take such a man seriously.

How to bring your wife home

Let's look at how to return your spouse back to your husband.

First of all, you need to take into account the following conditions:

  • the wife did not cheat;
  • a romantic relationship with another guy began due to serious life circumstances;
  • You have a strong character, you are able to forgive and forget what happened.

If at least one of these points cannot be fulfilled, then it is better to leave everything as it is and try to forget about your ex-woman. If everything matches, you need to do the following.

  1. Women love confident men. Therefore, do not even think about humiliation or the possibility of bending in front of your wife.
  2. Chat with her parents. They are able to brainwash their daughter and convince her that she needs to save the family. Unless, of course, they support her choice. Then the reason is definitely you.
  3. Chat with her friends, convince them of your wealth, success and attractiveness. Let them begin to reproach your wife for leaving such a wonderful person.
  4. Try asking your spouse for forgiveness. It doesn’t matter whether you offended her or not. Just say: “I’m sorry for anything I may have done to offend you.”
  5. Reconsider your outlook on life. Surely the wife did not leave out of the blue, something provoked it. Perhaps it's time to change.
  6. Learn to deal with your grievances. Of course, a man who only finds out that his wife wants to leave for someone else already gives up, feels powerless, a failure. However, you need to pull yourself together and fight for your happiness.
  7. Start developing yourself, taking care of yourself, your body. Perhaps the reason is lost attractiveness. The main thing is to achieve such a result that the woman can regret leaving home.
  8. There is no need to pursue her, beg for a meeting, threaten her, blackmail her with her life. If this is how you achieve her return, then such a relationship will not be normal and both partners will remain unhappy.

Action plan

  1. Determine the circle of people who can help solve the problem, people who support and agree that the wife should return.
  2. Collect information about your spouse's new boyfriend, if possible.
  3. Conduct an analysis of the years you lived together with the woman you love. Look for reasons that could make her want to find another man.
  4. If you find yourself guilty, make every effort to change and correct your mistakes.
  5. Now you need to find contact with your wife and call her for a conversation, convince her of the need to give the relationship a chance, but there is no need to humiliate yourself and beg.
  6. The main thing is not to do anything stupid:
  • do not try to find a replacement for your wife, wanting to take revenge on her with the same coin;
  • don’t drown your sorrows in alcohol;
  • Don’t wash your dirty laundry in public by telling everyone around how terrible your wife was.

If your wife does return, you should not tell your children about this moment in her biography. Try to forget about what happened.

Let's look at what can be done, how to behave in the case when the wife has left for someone else.

  1. There is no need to feel sorry for yourself.
  2. To make it easier to come to terms with the current situation, go to the gym or throw yourself into work.
  3. There is no need to hate your spouse. A number of factors contributed to her leaving. As a rule, the blame lies with both.
  4. Treat her as an individual with her own needs.
  5. If you had a negative attitude towards your spouse, raised a hand against her or drank alcohol, then her leaving, in essence, is an escape from such a husband. Her action is justified.
  6. If you were an excellent family man, but devoted little time to your wife because you spent a lot of time at work, her departure is not your fault, but the choice of the woman herself.
  7. If your wife left with the child and it is impossible to get her back, then try to maintain friendly relations so that your separation does not in any way affect the mental health of the child. It is important that the woman does not interfere with your meetings.
  8. If you realize your guilt, first change yourself and only then try to establish contact with your family.

The perception of life between women and men is radically different, this is no secret. And if everything seems quite good or even good to one, the other partner may experience a crisis in the relationship and then leave it. But what to do if your spouse decides to take such a desperate step?

How to get your wife back if she left for another man, is it worth doing this in principle? To begin with, it is worth identifying the possible reasons for the breakup, then understanding the appropriateness of actions, identifying unacceptable actions, and only then making a plan. Below we will describe in detail the recommendations of psychologists on each point, as well as on how to survive such a situation.

If the spouse not only left the family, but also preferred another man, this situation is perceived extremely dramatically by the man. But you need to immediately adequately perceive the situation, trying to find the reasons for the betrayal. Only in this case can you find ways to get your ex-wife back from her lover.

There may be several reasons:

“I’m tired of carrying everything on myself”. In modern society, it so happens that a woman’s fragile shoulders carry much more worries than she could handle. These are children, work, home, family, etc. Sooner or later, anyone can break down, deciding to find better living conditions.

"Lack of Understanding". Spouses are obliged to constantly communicate, discuss each other's affairs, and share difficulties. Some men neglect this due to diverging interests. While others use it wisely, attracting the attention of married ladies.

"Loneliness, lack of help." As soon as she begins to feel lonely in difficult situations, the search mode for a reliable shoulder automatically starts. Most likely, at first it will be a friend, but no one is immune from flaring passion leading to betrayal.

"Doesn't feel love". When was the last time you told your spouse that you love her, when you gave her flowers, or invited her on a date? Most likely, this was before the birth of children, if not earlier. She always wants to feel loved.

“You have become strangers.” Due to your heavy workload, work, and other concerns, you are less and less at home, left alone with your loved one. Against this background, over time, everyone builds their own life, which does not depend on their partner. Sooner or later you will become strangers to each other.

"Lack of quality sex." Close relationships, passion, all this is important not only for the stronger sex, but also for women. Statistics confirm that more than 50% of divorces occur due to lack of sex. Sexologists insist that a happy woman is equally a satisfied woman.

"Husband gigolo". In many families today, social roles have changed. A man can sleep until lunch while his wife takes care of the children, works all day long, and manages the housework. Her superiority leads to a loss of respect and the need for a stronger partner.

Should I return it?

Every third divorced man, whose wife went to live with someone else and realized that she had made a mistake, wonders whether it is worth returning her. There are several reasons why it is definitely worth fighting for a second chance:

  • "she still loves"- any, even the happiest marriage can fall apart, but if you are sure that your ex-wife has not stopped loving you, it makes sense to enter this river twice;
  • “You were the initiator of the divorce”- perhaps she would like to try to save the relationship, but could not resist your decision;
  • “if in fact there was no betrayal”- leaving for another man does not always mean that the relationship with him has turned into bed, and if you are firmly convinced of this, you can save the marriage;
  • "joint children"- the most compelling reason for returning your wife is the presence of children, who will forever make you family and friends, and therefore can become a thread for restoring relationships;
  • “you have realized your mistakes and are ready to change”- if you realize serious mistakes in the relationship and want to fix everything, you can tell your spouse about this, and maybe she will even give you a second chance.

Expert opinion

Elena Druzhnikova

Sexologist. Family relations expert. Family psychologist.

If you know that your ex-wife is not happy in a new relationship, if she often remembers you, is looking for reasons to communicate or meet, this can also be an indicator of a possible reunion.

How to get your wife back if someone else appears

When there is at least minimal hope for reunification. When common children grow up in a family. The most burning question is how to get your ex-wife back after a divorce if she is with someone else. There cannot be any specific instructions on how to behave. But there are some valuable psychological tips that will bring you closer to what you want.

Do you blame yourself for your wife leaving for someone else?


  1. Accept her decision. Even if it’s difficult for you to accept her position and let her go, it’s better to give her the opportunity to feel independent. Only in this case will it be possible to objectively evaluate the action.
  2. Forget all grievances. Surely, the break in relations was accompanied by harsh words and accusations. You must remember that resentment will not allow both of you to think soberly, causing only a feeling of self-pity.
  3. Let her know that you are the best man. Believe in yourself, show your changes taking into account the reasons for her leaving. Don't leave her alone for a long time; if she gets lost in solitude, she will create things in her head that aren't really there. Be there, show that she can count on you at any time.
  4. Take action. Even if she decided to leave, abandoning all household chores and family, show your best side. Do unpredictable things to turn her world upside down, treat her like you did in your youth.
  5. Meet with your children more often. Thanks to parental responsibilities, you will be able to maintain communication with her, call, text, and meet in person. This will be another opportunity to prove yourself.

Even if she says that she has fallen out of love, until you see it for yourself, do not give up. Analyze for what qualities and deeds you were able to win her heart before marriage, focus on this. If you have children together, this is a good reason to show her the value of your family.

What absolutely should not be done

The dissolution of a relationship is stressful for both partners, which is why many make irreparable mistakes and aggravate the situation. To ensure the return of your beloved woman is real, eliminate the following mistakes:

What absolutely cannot be done? Why shouldn't you do it?
Begging to stay Don't show weakness, don't promise mountains of gold. This will only undermine your authority and make her disrespect you.
Obsess over Don't overwhelm her with calls or text messages, this will first stroke her pride and then become annoying.
Show fear of being left without her Seeing how you are killed, afraid of being alone, you will only strengthen her desire to leave. Even if this is so, she shouldn't know about it.
Post sad posts on social networks Such manipulations do not work, and pity is not a lever for getting your spouse back. Few people care about the experiences of another person.
Jump into a new relationship Even if she claims a decision to divorce, a lack of feelings, love and happiness with another, this does not mean that you urgently need to rush into the arms of another woman.

If your wife leaves, will you humiliate yourself and beg her to come back?


How to cope with your wife's departure

When divorce is inevitable, it is important to accept the situation correctly. Realize that a woman is not anyone’s property, she has the right to choose her own path in life. In order not to plunge into pain and disappointment, you should surround yourself with friends and loved ones. The best solution is to make your old dream come true.

A qualified psychologist can help with such a difficult stage in life. There is no need to be ashamed of your own emotions, feelings, experiences. And even more so, it would be a big mistake to seal off problems with strong drinks. Having realized your mistakes and forgiven yourself and your ex-wife for them, you can open up to new acquaintances and relationships.

A real man must maintain composure in any difficult situation. It will be difficult to restore harmony in life; the following valuable advice from experts will help:

  • fill the emotions received from it with others, more vivid ones;
  • find hobbies, discover your talents, this will raise your self-esteem;
  • make new acquaintances by getting inspiration from people;
  • surround yourself with friends, allow light flirting;
  • change your style, rearrange, buy something significant;
  • understand your mistakes and eradicate them.

Your main task is to make its decision as calmly as possible. A frank conversation about reasons and personal motives does not leave anything unsaid. This means it will be easier to understand what to do next.

Your wife has left for someone else... will she be happy? This question has been haunting you for many days. We will solve your problem and answer with numbers: according to statistics, more than half of the wives who decided at some point to leave their husbands later return. This is due to two main factors:

- disappointment

- epiphany.

Now we will explain the essence of the matter in more detail.

When does a wife become frustrated?
The scheme is very simple: living with you, as with your beloved spouse, she gets used to comfort, to the fact that she is taken care of and to the fact that every day she has a certain amount of money in her account, and her children are shod, clothed and fed.
On the other hand, over time, the spouse may want new thrills and emotions. And you, as a husband who brings money, are so immersed in work and solving problems that you may not notice it.

Thus, the desire for something new, happy, unusual, grows more and more in a woman every day, and she begins to look around. Leaving for a new lover, the lady leaves for a new life. She is waiting for new impressions, happiness, and the fact that her everyday life will be filled with positive emotions and new events. And most importantly, she expects that the new man will make her life even better, even more beautiful than with you, even more comfortable.
Psychologists have dubbed all this with a very simple and understandable word: “emotions.” And emotions, as we know, are fickle things.

Today they are there, tomorrow they are not, today they are positive, and tomorrow they turn into disappointment and boredom.

After a while, when the “emotional influx” gradually gives way to sober reason, the wife begins to critically evaluate her new partner and understands that with her new chosen one she will have the same life as her husband. Or maybe even worse, since it is not a fact that a new person will be able to create the same greenhouse, comfortable conditions for her as her ex-husband. Moreover, it turns out that the new man has his own cockroaches in his head, his own claims and demands, which also need to be somehow put up with and coexist.

Thus, gradually, the wife becomes disappointed. She understands that her life will not be filled with happiness next to a new man, and that she was in a hurry very quickly when she made a decision, as it seemed to her then, once and for all.

When does a wife have an epiphany?
On average, the period takes from 6 to 12 months. Epiphany comes when a woman begins to compare her lover with her husband. And the new man does not always win in this comparison. If she lived with you as if behind a stone wall, if she got used to the fact that you are her reliable support and are always with her, then she expects exactly the same care and confidence from her current man. The lady is convinced that he will also provide her with reliable support and confidence.
But men are different. One is strong and able to take care of his woman, while the other expects from her care, support, and also income. That's when the epiphany comes. In such a situation, the wife quickly realizes that she was in a hurry by leaving her husband, and begins to knock on the door that she had recently slammed behind her.

Therefore, answering your question, let’s say this: the chances are very high that after a while she herself will want to return to you. Moreover, you will probably return her as soon as you make a decision: to fight for your love. If you believe in yourself and set this goal for yourself, it will definitely be yours.

How to get your wife back yourself?
You need to be better than her current man. She will definitely start comparing you, it’s a matter of time. So, to get her back, do everything possible and become better than her current lover. Push her to decide to choose you!

How to do this? You need to start working on yourself. Any success in this life comes to us after we set a goal, work and achieve it. The same can be said about your relationship with your spouse. She will definitely want to come back to you if she sees positive changes for the better in you.

So, she will come back if you:
- you will start working on your appearance, make it more sexy - attractive and healthy. Proper nutrition and taking care of your body is very important. This is also self-love.

— you will start working on your self-esteem and inner core. The willpower of any person is his destiny. Start working on your willpower, improve your self-esteem and achieve success in other areas of life: business, sports, hobbies, communication with friends.

Then your self-esteem will begin to grow and strengthen again, day by day. Women don't leave men who know their worth.

- you will start working on your life. The older we get, the more fears and laziness appear in us. Fight them every day, learn to fill your life schedule with events, and your life with communication with people, and you will see how your eyes will light up again with a thirst for fire, events and passion.

Your wife will definitely notice all these changes in you, because she will actively follow you on social networks and learn news about you through mutual friends. At that moment, when your spouse finally realizes that she was in a hurry to leave for another man, and also compares the two of you, she will dial your phone number.

So, let's go again, we'll briefly go through the article and answer the question that worries you. You write: “My wife left for someone else... will she be happy?” Statistics show that more than half of women return to their husbands. She will be happy only when a man provides her with reliable support, comfort, care, and this is only possible with you. After all, you truly love her and you have a big, long story of love and mutual respect behind you. Therefore, don’t hesitate, start working on yourself so that she wants to come back to you again.

You need:

    1. Start taking care of your body and eating right to look good.
    2. Change your image.
    3. Work on and strengthen your self-esteem. It is self-confidence that will help you get her back.
    4. Change your life 180 degrees, make it bright and rich, so that your spouse wants to become a part of it.
    5. Do not hide from your wife that you are ready to return her, but you will not put pressure on her. She must make the decision to return herself, and she will accept it if you fulfill all these points!