Reduce a long nose with makeup. How to visually reduce your nose: all methods of visual correction. How to make your nose smaller with makeup

Thanks to the development of the beauty industry, anyone can get the desired face shape, nose or lips. And in order to see an ideal reflection in the mirror, it is not at all necessary to go under the surgeon’s knife or inject incomprehensible liquids into the body.

Arm yourself with basic knowledge, a set of brushes and correctors, and draw the perfect face right now! Believe me, even if you do not have artistic talent, it will not be difficult for you to perform the techniques below, the main thing is desire and a little diligence.

How to visually reduce your nose with makeup: step-by-step instructions

  • Very often, the reason for girls' dissatisfaction is nose- either it is not straight enough, then the width is not the same, then the length. But in each case, you can correct the shape of the nose using light and shadow techniques, which will be discussed further.
  • All the girls are endowed unique special beauty, each of them is beautiful with its own individuality. But imposed stereotypes about ideal and symmetrical beauty, which are largely unattainable, often become the reason for girls’ low self-esteem, and their lives turn into a joyless existence.
  • If you know this first-hand, but some features of your face or body plunge you into the abyss of despondency and make you unhappy, then it’s time to act.

So, step-by-step instructions on how to visually reduce your nose using makeup:

  • Step 1. Choosing contouring products. If the darkening-lightening technique is still new to you, then eminent artists in the make-up industry recommend starting with powder texture products. They apply more naturally and are easier to blend. Don't forget to use quality makeup brushes. A good brush with natural bristles is the key to creating the smoothest transition of powder products on the face.
  • If you are ready for more radical actions and have already become a little more skilled in technology, then choose creamy products. They give a denser coverage, last longer, but are more difficult to shade. Creamy textures are also somewhat more difficult because they are shaded with fingers or special sponges, or several types of brushes, which requires certain skills.
  • As for color, many nuances need to be taken into account. For example, if you don't know exactly what your base skin tone is, you won't be able to adequately select both darkening and lightening products. Therefore, it will be useful for you for the first time palette with 12-15 shades, from which, through trial and error, you can choose the perfect set. After which, you can move on to minimalism and choose a set of 3 products: blush, brosator and highlighter. This minimal set will help you perform basic makeup for any occasion, but you need to have some experience in applying all these steps.

The lightening agent should be 1-2 shades lighter than the natural skin tone, and the darkening product should be 1 shade darker. Otherwise, the contouring will be very noticeable and look out of place.

  • If you need to achieve the most natural look, then choose products without excess shine, shine or pearl; only matte products will look good in bright daylight. Leave shiny and shining cosmetics for evening outings or photo shoots.
  • The color that we will use to darken the unwanted areas of the nose should ideally match the color of your own shadows on the face, which means it is the darkened areas of the face that you need to focus on when choosing a shade. The most common natural shade color is a cool brown-gray shade. Golden brown shades are only suitable for very tanned faces, and orange undertones are generally rarely used for contouring purposes.
  • Step 2. The most important rule of contouring- a well-trained person. Therefore, it is very important to take care of your skin daily, nourish it, moisturize it, and remove makeup. After your morning ritual of cleansing and moisturizing, you can begin applying your base. The choice of base is strictly individual, and occurs, as a rule, by trial and error, and this is a topic for a separate article. Now let’s assume that the base is already at hand. Therefore, we apply the usual base - be it a set of concealers or a light foundation veil, depending on what you need.

  • The base will be needed to visually even out the skin tone, hide imperfections, if any, and create the initial conditions so that the makeup stays even and long. Moreover, if you plan to further apply powder contouring products, then you need to lightly powder your face. And if contouring is done with cream textures, then it is better to apply them on a cream base so that the products lie more evenly and do not roll down.
  • And finally, a small life hack to visually make your nose smaller with makeup- Even self-tanning can be used as a darkening agent. It must be applied according to the rules of contouring, but on a clean face, before applying the main tone. This way, the shadows will last better and the face will look as natural as possible, not overloaded with makeup. However, it will be difficult for a beginner to perform contouring using this technique, because self-tanning does not forgive mistakes, and it will be difficult to wash it off if something goes wrong.
  • Step 3. Determining the shape. To understand well what needs to be hidden and what to emphasize, you need to conduct a detailed analysis of your appearance. In the picture below you can see the ideal proportions and relationship of the parts of the face to each other. This knowledge will be very useful to us for further makeup, so that you understand exactly what you need to focus on when drawing darkening or lightening lines.

  • Step 4. Let's start contouring. Do not forget about high-quality brushes - they must be high-class, otherwise it will be very difficult to achieve good shading, especially for a beginner.

  • At this stage, we begin applying light and shadow elements that will help give your nose the desired shape.
  • At the previous stage, we already determined what types of nose there are. Now, we’ll tell you a detailed action plan for each option.

How to make the nose, wings of the nose visually smaller, hide a wide, large, long nose, with a hump using blush, corrector, cosmetics: instructions, tips, photos

  • So if you are too long nose, then you can reduce your nose with makeup. To start, darken the tip of the nose. Ideally, the nose ends where the upper border of the nostrils visually passes. Everything below this expected line is darkened. Next, you should draw a line in a dark tone that will connect the lower edge of the upper eyelid with the side of the back of the nose.
  • This trick will shift the emphasis, and visually it will seem that the nose starts not from the eyebrows, but from the eyes, which means it looks much shorter. Apply a line of light tone on the back of the nose and blend the border well.
  • An approximate diagram is shown in the photo below.

  • If nose looks too short, then it is necessary to apply the opposite tactic, to mark the line from the eyebrows to the side sections of the nose with darkening, which will visually lengthen the length. According to tradition, we apply a highlighting agent to the back of the nose, and place a dot of a light shade at the very tip, after which we shade it thoroughly.
  • If nature has also given you a snub nose, then you can also darken the partition between the nostrils to hide this area. But celebrity makeup artists unanimously claim that snub-nosed girls always look younger than their years, since this shape of the nose gives a perky look, and, undoubtedly, a certain individuality.

  • If you have too wide nose, then you need to start with a thin lightening accent line on the bridge of the nose. The width of the line should be about 4-5 mm, and the remaining parts should be gradually darkened and thoroughly shaded. This technique will create a visual edge and the nose will look thinner and more graceful.

  • If your the nose is thin, clearly defined, then for makeup you will only need a light shade. Draw a straight line along the back of the nose with the brush, slightly short of the tip, and lightly blend towards the edges.

  • If the nose has a hump, then to correct it you need to do all the same operations - slightly darken the wings of the nose, draw a line with light powder along the back of the nose, but work directly on the hump of the nose with matting powder to avoid unnecessary accents.

  • If the shape of the nose is potatoes, then when applying makeup you should proceed as follows: first draw a lightening line in the center of the nose, and then darken everything else using a product of darker shades. The most important condition is to distract from the existing state and imagine what you want, on the basis of which you can draw a lightening line, and darken everything else.

  • If the shape of the nose looks twisted, you must adhere to the following technique - draw a straight line along the back of the nose, not paying attention to its natural curves, and then darken everything on the sides and shade, emphasizing the straightness of the line and hiding imperfections.

How to visually reduce your nose with makeup: recommendations from stylists, photos

Tips from makeup artists on how to visually reduce your nose using makeup:

  1. If you do makeup accent on lips, this will help draw attention away from the nose, and it will become less noticeable.
  2. Juicy blush, applied from the dimples on the cheeks and stretched on the temples, will also distract attention, but choose the shade in brownish-bronze tones.
  3. Great welcome distracting attention from the nose may also become beautifully defined eyebrows- semicircular shape and medium thickness. It is better if the curve of the eyebrow is somewhat closer to the temple, and not clearly in the middle.
  4. Will also come to your aid correct eye makeup, in which the outer corners of the eyes will be emphasized, and the inner corners will be painted with a light, reflective shade of shadow. Thus, you can achieve the effect of narrowing your nose by visually increasing the distance between your eyes.
  5. There is one more trick - do hairstyle with volume at the back of the head, and then the nose will look smaller and shorter. However, remember that when choosing a hairstyle, it is very important to avoid straight, long bangs, which draw too much attention to the nose. But a more transparent, milled (as if “torn”) bangs gives the whole face, including the nose, a lighter look.

  6. In general, if you refresh your memory about the geometry of the face, and proceed from the fact that The length of the ideal nose is equal to the height of the forehead, then by cutting your bangs at the right height, you can create the visual perception of your nose that you need. In other words, you can open your forehead as much as you want to see the length of your nose.

    And a little more about the geometry of the face. The ideal width of the nose is equal to the width of the distance between the eyebrows. Therefore, to visually make the nose less wide, you can reduce the distance between the eyebrows, and then the nose will appear narrower than it actually is.

    Video: Make your nose smaller with makeup

It's good to be an ideal beauty. But what about those whose features are far from perfect? One of the main culprits of a girl's worries is a big nose. It would seem that the only way to get rid of this problem is through rhinoplasty. But don't rush. There are several simple ways that you can use to create the illusion of an ideal shape without resorting to the services of plastic surgeons.

Makeup will create harmony

What is the secret of a harmonious face? This is not only the right nose or beautifully defined lips, but a combination of all its elements. Therefore, the first way to create an illusion is to increase the remaining features. As a result of visual illusion, the nose will appear smaller and more graceful. The main assistant in this matter is proper makeup.

Anything that can distract attention needs to be visually highlighted, made brighter and more contrasting. Big eyes, bright lips, perfect arch of eyebrows - all this will not only create the necessary effect of harmonious features, but will also make your image unique!

Women and girls with large noses should pay attention to the shape of their own eyebrows. A beautiful curve and sufficient thickness will add expressiveness to the face and visually change its proportions. For girls who want to make their nose smaller, straight and thin eyebrows, especially eyebrows with a thread, are contraindicated. Light eyebrows, often found on blondes, will also not suit you.

Draw attention to your eyes and lips with bold makeup and bright colors. This will draw attention to them more than to your nose. However, there should be a sense of proportion in everything. By highlighting your eyes and lips at the same time, you will overload your face.

Particular attention in makeup should be paid to nose correction. The illusion of a small nose is created using contouring techniques. The basic principle of this technique: light parts visually bring parts of the face closer, while dark parts move away and make them smaller. By creating a play of light and shadow, you visually change the shape of your nose depending on its imperfections. This technique will allow you to visually reduce any nose – flat, wide, long, or with a hump. You just need to apply the contour and highlight to the right places.

Use a color that suits your skin as a base. You will also need a powder or cream that is half a tone lighter and half a tone darker than the base. First you need to even out the tone of the epidermis, hiding all possible defects.

After applying the base, you can begin the actual correction of the nose.

  1. Use dark powder to draw two vertical lines on the sides of the nose. The lines should go exactly in the middle of the wings of the nose.
  2. Carefully blend these lines, making the borders invisible.
  3. Place the light tone in the center of the nose. The width of the line will allow you to visually correct the shape of your nose, because it will attract the eye.

To correct a flat nose, you need to shade the wings and tip of the nose, and apply the highlight in the center. This way you will focus on the bridge of your nose and hide your wide wings.

A long nose can be visually shortened by darkening its tip and sides. A light stripe is applied in the center, visually shortening the length of the nose.

Correcting the nose using highlight and contour can only be done when using this technique on other parts of the face. Otherwise, the nose will stand out too much, which will attract unnecessary attention to it. All transitions between shades should be made as smooth as possible. Be sure to blend the highlight carefully so as not to draw attention to its edges.

The magical power of hairstyles

If you don't want to master complex makeup techniques, pay special attention to your hair. The main principles here are the same: volume and distraction. Asymmetrical haircuts, lush bouffant, curls - these are the main directions that create the illusion of a chiseled nose.

Suitable for you:

  • Hairstyles for medium and long hair. Against the background of long hair, all the features of your face, including your nose, will appear visually smaller.
  • Asymmetrical layered haircuts. The ideal haircut for you would be a “cascade” with its uneven strands that create additional volume. Compared to the volume of hair, the nose appears visually smaller.
  • Waves, curls, bends. The wavy lines of your hairstyle will balance out any harsh lines on your face, and the bridge of your nose is the most noticeable of them. Curls soften the face and create the desired volume that hides imperfections.
  • Side parting The same asymmetry comes to the rescue here. The irregularity of the hairline compensates for the irregular shape of the nose.

Girls with big noses are usually advised to avoid:

  • short haircuts;
  • bangs;
  • horse tail.

However, the magic formula - asymmetry, volume, wave - will allow you to wear even such hairstyles.

Fans of short haircuts do not have to radically change their image. Modern fashion offers a lot of options that are perfect for girls with any nose shape. The main thing is to avoid smooth hairstyles with regular shapes. Therefore, the classic bob is not your option. An asymmetrical bob will suit you - with a backcomb, curls or torn, uneven edges.

Traditionally, it is believed that with a large nose, the face should be open, so it is better not to wear bangs. By covering your forehead, bangs accentuate the lower part of your face and draw attention to your nose. Therefore, straight, round, thick bangs are not your thing.

If you still really want to wear bangs, don’t worry. Get a little creative and play with its shape. You need to choose bangs that partially cover your forehead: oblique, asymmetrical, torn or combed to the side. It is especially good if the bangs hang below the wings of the nose, as it will balance out your facial features and visually make your nose appear smaller.

Even with a ponytail on top of your head, you can avoid drawing attention to the shape of your nose. Just let a few strands out of your hair. You can curl a couple of curls. Beautifully framing your face, the strands will add tenderness to your appearance.

Pay attention to the hair color. Light brown, light chestnut or blonde shades will suit you. Bright artificial strands, fashionable this season, will be an interesting solution. They can be attached to your hair using invisible clips.

Use accessories

The main thesis is to attract attention. Bright spots, extravagant details: scarves, hats, caps, jewelry. All these accents will distract attention from your problem.

Pay attention to the earrings. Avoid short earrings. Being at the same level as your nose, they will only draw unnecessary attention to it.

Your option is long large earrings and a voluminous necklace. These details will attract the attention of others. Long earrings hang below the ear, increasing horizontal space and making the nose appear smaller.

When choosing a hat, you should pay attention to styles with wide brims. Hanging brims visually shorten the nose. A colorful stripe on your headdress will also distract attention from your problem.

Draw attention to your strengths. Do you have a gorgeous bust and long legs? Wear a short skirt or dress with a deep neckline. Maybe some envious woman will pay attention to the imperfection of your nose; the male part of the population will definitely not care at all about this insignificant detail.

By following these simple tips, you can create the illusion of a perfect nose. Your image will become so bright and stylish that the shape of your nose will turn from a flaw into a piquant feature.

Each of us is unique and beautiful. At the same time, even the most dazzling beauty will always find some “flaw” in her appearance and will try with all her might to correct such an imperfection. Many today resort to plastic surgery for this purpose. Meanwhile, imperfections in appearance can be easily corrected yourself using.

For example, knowing how to make your nose appear smaller using makeup will make this part of your face appear less prominent and noticeable. This technique is absolutely safe for health; to perform it you will need simple cosmetics, most of which are found in every girl’s cosmetic bag.

How to make your nose smaller: makeup secrets from professional makeup artists

A small, gracefully shaped nose is the dream of many representatives of the fair sex. Competent makeup allows you to correct less than ideal facial features in most cases. Professional makeup is used by movie and show business stars. But if you want, you can look no worse than luxurious TV stars. We will reveal the secrets of star makeup artists, how to make a nose with the help of makeup, and slightly adjust its shape and size.

But before you pick up a brush and start sculpting, let’s recall some simple “camouflage” techniques:

  • Catchy make-up of eyes and lips, luxurious fluffy eyelashes, curved well-groomed eyebrows always attract attention. Consequently, unaesthetic parts of the face will not be so noticeable.
  • Visually reducing your nose with makeup is generally possible and quite simple: to do this, apply blush, pointing the brush from the “apples” of your cheeks to the temple area.
  • If your nose is large, it is recommended to balance the proportions with a hairstyle with a voluminous nape. It’s better to avoid bangs altogether.
  • Use facial sculpting techniques. Let's take a closer look at what this is below.

Techniques for correcting a long nose with makeup

When reducing the length of the nose, makeup artists perform darkening of some areas and highlighting of other areas or sculpting. It is important to remember that by using lightening, we visually enlarge and bring areas of the face closer. Dark tones tend to hide dimensions in length and width.

Suitable for correction are dry powdered sculpting preparations - powder, blush, other loose foundations, as well as preparations with a creamy texture - concealer, shimmer, highlighter, foundation, stick. Bronzers can be used in both options. It is very important, which will serve as a kind of “foundation” for modeling make-up.

How to make your nose smaller using makeup is shown in the photo below. This is done step by step as follows:

  1. As a base, we use a color similar to our native skin tone. It is better to use a fairly dense foundation. For perfect application of the product, apply a thin layer of primer first. Make sure that there is no sharp contrast between the foundation on your face and the tone of your neck and décolleté!
  2. Using a sculpting corrector (when reducing, use half a tone darker than the base) we treat the sides of the nose and nostrils. Apply the shade, moving down from the inner border of the eyebrows to the wings of the nose. Carefully blend the transitions between tones with a wide brush.
  3. To shorten your nose with makeup, if it is long enough, apply foundation half a tone lighter than the base on the bridge of your nose.
  4. In the middle of the nasal dorsum we draw a line with a stick, the shade is half a tone darker than the previous one. We process the tip in the same way.
  5. Apply a light corrector over the entire nasal dorsum. Line width is less than 1 cm.
  6. We shade the vertical line, achieving an imperceptible transition with dark areas on the sides.
  7. We lighten the area above the upper lip in the middle, touching the tip of the nose. This will visually reduce its length.

To make the layers of the corrective product look natural, without creating the effect of a rough mask, work with various sponges and sponges. They will allow you to perfectly perform color transitions. It is very convenient to remove the remaining cream with a sponge dipped in water. A brush with beveled edges will do a great job of shading.

How to narrow your nose with makeup

You can make your face charming and proportional using contouring techniques and just a couple of additional shades of corrective product. In this case, one of them should be lighter and the other darker than the color of the skin. By creating light and shadow using these means, you can visually transform for the better.
Makeup artists advise always contouring, even if you are happy with everything in your appearance. Proper makeup will make your nose chiseled, allowing your face to look sculpted and interesting.

How to narrow your nose with makeup step by step:

  1. Using a dark shade, draw 2 vertical lines along the sides of the nose. We move down from the inner tip of the eyebrow, drawing a line with an angled brush.
  2. Shade the borders of the lines.
  3. Apply a light shade along the nasal dorsum. The highlighted area should be exactly the width that an ideal nose should have in your opinion. It is this area that will attract attention.
  4. Blend the edges of the light line well.

If your nose is a potato

A nose of such a funny shape in childhood can give a special charm to a face. With age, girls try in every possible way to correct this natural feature. A special technique for making up your nose with potatoes will allow you to visually correct its shape.

How it's done:

  1. We apply a base identical to the natural complexion.
  2. Using a stick half a tone lighter, draw a neat line along the back of the nose, not reaching the tip. We perform shading, adding highlighter vertically.
  3. Using a corrector 1 tone darker than the base, moving from the inner border of the eyebrows, we process the sides, wings and tip. Darkening the nostrils visually creates the effect of narrowing the wide nasal wings. To make the makeup look organic, first lighten the back of the nose.

The photo below shows potato nose makeup before and after.

If you need to narrow your nose and correct its unaesthetic shape, use another technique: using a wide brush, draw the inner boundaries of the eyebrows, visually reducing the distance between them. This technique will visually narrow the bridge of the nose and reduce the width of the nose. All you have to do is apply a bright make-up and no one will notice your natural feature.

The video tutorial will allow you to clearly study the contouring technique.


Few people receive from nature a priceless gift - ideal appearance. The rest will have to work hard to learn how to correct existing imperfections. By learning the simple basics of makeup and skillfully using them in everyday life, you too can be spectacular and irresistible. And let others be jealous!

When it comes to a woman’s face, the “imperfect nose” often becomes a source of disappointment for many girls.

After all, the nose is the center of our face, and it is so difficult to ignore.

Plastic surgery is a very painful and expensive operation, but it is not the only way out of the situation.
In this post we will look at how to make your nose smaller using makeup. You can create the illusion of a small, chiseled nose using contouring techniques - this is a cheap and painless alternative to surgery. Your face will become more attractive and proportional.

The essence of this method is that by using 2 additional shades of powder or foundation (one lighter and the other darker than your skin color), you yourself create light and shadow on your nose, thereby visually changing its shape.

Choosing cosmetics to change your face

For makeup correction, it is better to use the following cosmetics:

The basis is a foundation that perfectly matches your skin color.

Blik. This can be powder, loose shadows, a pencil or a concealer a level lighter than the base color. Which product to choose, matte or with mother-of-pearl, depends only on your taste preferences. Using mother of pearl you can significantly rejuvenate your face and create a glossy effect. The main thing to remember is that the color of the highlight should be natural. Avoid grey, marbled or too light shades.

Circuit. This can be powder, foundation, eye shadow or blush a level darker than the base color. Foundation is more durable, but it is better to use it only for evening makeup; contour powder is more suitable for daytime makeup. The main rule: the product should be a cool brown shade. Under no circumstances use red or orange-colored products; they will not create the desired darkening effect.

There should be no sharp difference between these three shades, and all transitions should be as smooth as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to blend well when mixing shades, because mixing is what makes this facial correction method work.

If you do evening makeup using contour powder or blush, pay attention to your nose, even if its shape suits you.
Contouring the nose according to the scheme below will make the nose chiseled and the entire face more prominent. The same scheme is suitable for correcting a wide nose.

How to narrow a wide nose:

  1. Draw two vertical lines down the sides of your nose with a dark shade of powder. Start from the inside of the eyebrow and all the way to the end. The lines should be straight, and at the bottom should pass between the tip of the nose and the nostrils. For this it is better to use a small angled brush. 2 Then carefully blend these lines along the sides of the nose until the edges become soft and invisible.
  2. In the center of the nose, add a highlight using a light shade of powder, foundation, eye shadow or highlighter. The line should be as wide as you want your nose to appear. After all, it is this highlighted area that will attract the eye.
  3. Using a powder brush, blend the highlight with vertical movements so that its boundaries are not too clear.

Using this technique, you can correct different shapes of the nose by changing where the contour and highlight are applied.

1. How to correct a flat nose:

This shape is characterized by a flat bridge of the nose, a fleshy tip and full wings of the nose.

The purpose of the correction is to give greater definition of the bridge of the nose, and hide the wide wings of the nose.
To do this, we shade the sides and tip of the nose according to the scheme. Then we apply a highlight in the center of the nose.

2. How to correct a triangle-shaped nose:

This shape is characterized by a narrow bridge of the nose and wide wings of the nose.

Our goal is visual balance the top and bottom.
To do this, we shade the wings of the nose, and apply a highlight on both sides of the bridge of the nose, thereby visually expanding it.

3. How to visually shorten your nose:

To make a visually long nose appear smaller, you need darken its tip, as well as the wings of the nose.

Apply the highlight in an even stripe, not reaching the tip of your nose, or just in the center, depending on how long it is.
This will make your nose appear shorter.

For a narrow nose you need to use only with a light product.

Place highlights on the sides of the nose, this will visually expand it.

5. How to visually align a nose with a hump:

The hump can be visually hidden, covering it with a dark shade.

The main thing is to make the transitions as smooth as possible so that it does not look like a dirty spot.

6. How to correct a crooked, injured nose:

To visually straighten your nose, apply a dark shade on all the convex parts of the nose on the sides.

And draw in the center a vertical line, not just according to the shape of the nose, but even in relation to the entire face(for convenience, you can attach a pencil or any other flat object).

Using the same principle, you can make separate corrections of parts of the nose. For example, if you have a wide bridge of the nose or wings of the nose, apply a dark outline on the sides.

And remember, nose correction should always only be done if you are applying the same shades (highlight and contour) to other parts of your face. Otherwise, the nose will be the brightest spot on the face and will become even larger and more noticeable.
Correction using two shades is best used only for evening makeup.
For daytime makeup, use only a highlight, or make the contour light and barely noticeable, and all transitions between shades are as smooth as possible.

The main secret of any correction is careful shading. When performing makeup that is aimed at adjusting the shape and size of the nose, one should take into account this important factor: the transitions on the face from one tone to another should be very smooth and unnoticeable. To achieve this, you need to use a special sponge to apply foundation. And after application, remove excess foundation residue with a sponge previously soaked in water. The top of your face must be powdered.

  • First of all, you need to draw attention to other parts of the face. You should visually enlarge your eyes - then your nose will appear smaller. False or eyelash extensions give a good effect. Of course, those who have naturally gorgeous eyelashes are even luckier.
    Proper eye shadow techniques should be used to enhance the eyes and the nose will look standard and normal in size.
  • The nose will be visually reduced if you focus on the lips when applying makeup. You can use bold and bright shades - then people simply won’t look at the nose, their eyes will be drawn to the lips.
  • Cheekbone makeup also plays an important role in the perception of facial features, including the nose. Blush of delicate colors is applied to the cheeks along the cheekbones to the temples.
  • The color and shape of the eyebrows also makes itself known. If the nose is too large, under no circumstances should you make eyebrows, just like eyebrows that are too wide and thick. Also, you should not wear light-colored eyebrows - you need to tint them. A straight eyebrow shape is also categorically not suitable - to make the nose look smaller, more curved shapes are needed.
  • If you have a crooked nose, you can visually correct it with bangs.
  • But if you have a wide nose, then bangs are contraindicated for you. Your task is to open your face as much as possible. The more the face is open, the smaller the nose will appear on this face.

And a little nose contouring technique:

The contour makeup technique should definitely be in every woman’s arsenal, as it allows you to disguise visible imperfections in appearance.
The degree of intensity of the correction largely depends on the type of makeup: daytime or evening. So, in daily make-up, the main thing is to achieve the naturalness of the resulting new nose shape.
Evening or photo shoot makeup allows for more pronounced contour lines.
Based on materials

The nose is the most protruding and therefore more noticeable part of the face. And since not everyone has straight hair and ideal proportions, every year thousands of women resort to rhinoplasty (plastic surgery) in order to achieve ideal contours and sizes.

How to visually make your nose smaller with makeup

But why such sacrifices when it is quite possible to make a beautiful nose without surgery? You just need to choose cosmetics and learn how to use them correctly. Agree, makeup for a large nose is a much more preferable solution for both your wallet and your health. And it’s easier to make corrections (in case of an unexpected error).

We correct the form and remove “defects”

In this part we will talk about how to disguise a hump on the nose with makeup, make it less snub-nosed, etc. As you know, its shape is determined by bone and cartilage tissue, the formation of which begins when a person is still in the womb. Therefore, if there is a fracture or congenital excessive curvature, only doctors can really help.

In other cases, the right makeup should be enough. Therefore, before we change the shape of the nose, let's look at what it is. Visually, the closest thing to the desired contours is a prism, the edges of which we will adjust to achieve various effects.

To better understand what has been said, let’s look at how to hide your nose with potatoes using makeup. This “defect” is expressed in an excessively rounded tip and wide wings, which give the image excessive simplicity and good nature. Therefore, to eliminate it we need:

  1. Highlight the front part with a highlighter.
  2. Darken the side edges and wings using a corrector whose tone is a couple of shades darker than your natural skin tone.
  3. Carefully shade the transitions, trying to shade the new smooth light line as naturally as possible.

Please note. If your look involves a lot of use of blush, powder or similar products, then (so that the potato nose makeup does not attract undue attention) the choice of corrector should be made based on their color.

If the area in question has the shape of a clearly defined triangle (in which the wings are too wide, and the bridge of the nose, on the contrary, is narrowed), it can also be balanced using a combination of highlights and contours.

To make the nose smaller with makeup, its wings are shaded using dark shades. At the same time, a highlight is applied to both sides of the bridge of the nose, allowing for visual expansion. With the help of such simple manipulations, the top and bottom visually achieve the required ratio and are more harmoniously combined with each other.

But makeup for a nose with a hump will be done exactly the opposite. You will need to apply a darker cosmetic product (corrector/dark powder/concealer/shadow) to the front part, and model the wings using a light one. Treatment of other parts of the face will also help to visually straighten the nose, which will be discussed in more detail in the final part of the article.

Straight and snub noses

While girls’ desire to learn how to make their nose thinner with makeup is understandable, their other requests are often baffled. Thus, many owners of a “Greek” nose, which is characterized by straightness and a clearly defined bridge of the nose, strive to make it as inconspicuous as possible, and those with snub noses try to hide their natural charm under a layer of makeup.

In the first case, the problem is solved quite simply: the correction is made using an ordinary corrective agent (corrector or concealer) in dark shades. It is applied at the base of the nose and thoroughly shaded. If there is some flattening in the contours, it will be enough to apply a light base along the entire length of the bridge of the nose, and, on the contrary, darken the side edges.

As for those with excessively snub noses, their makeup will be even simpler than makeup for a nose with a hump. To mask this defect it will be enough:

  1. Apply a light shade to the front edge (up to the “mound”).
  2. Lightly shade the lower part of the front edge with blush or dark-colored powder.
  3. At the very edge of the excessively upturned tip, put a light point (using a corrector, light powder or similar cosmetics).

Another option is to apply dark tones to the tip of the nose (in the center) and carefully shade all the borders and transitions. After this, the makeup for the snub nose can also be considered complete.

Good to know! If you are thinking about how to correct your nose with makeup, first of all, you should decide on the type of makeup. For the evening version, the best solution would be to work with two shades, for the daytime - only with highlights. At the same time, all transitions should be as smooth as possible, which can be achieved with careful shading.

Changing the size

Every fifth girl today dreams of learning how to hide a big nose with makeup. Just as in the case of excess weight, dissatisfaction is often caused by even completely normal sizes and, importantly, harmoniously correlated with other face shapes.

Technically, narrowing your nose with makeup is not difficult. As in most of the examples described, for this you will only need foundations in dark and light shades, as well as a brush with which the final shading will be done.

The makeup for a wide nose (or rather, the order of its application) looks like this:

  1. On the side edges and wings of the nose, using a brush with a beveled edge, apply a couple of lines of a dark base (be it powder, concealer or something else).
  2. Using a highlighter or other light-colored product, a highlight is placed strictly in the center on the front edge, the width of which should match the width of the desired result. This is what will allow you to visually reduce your nose to the desired size.
  3. Finally, you need to make a few light vertical movements with the brush, which will help blend the highlight and blur the boundaries between it and the dark base.

However, not everyone is interested in reducing their nose with makeup. Some ladies, on the contrary, suffer because of its excessive subtlety.

It doesn’t take much effort to virtually “grow” additional millimeters on the wings and bridge of the nose. While makeup for a wide nose involves combining two bases, to achieve the opposite effect, only light powder or concealer is enough. Apply highlights using your chosen cosmetic product to the area you want to expand and blend. That's all, the desired length has been achieved.

Good to know! If you want your nose makeup to look as natural as possible, when choosing cosmetics for correction, avoid products with glitter, pearlescent and similar effects. The best solution would be powder or foundation with a matte effect.

Adjusting the length

Do you want to make your nose shorter? Nothing could be simpler. As in other cases, you will need no more than three steps:

  1. First, apply the highlighter in an even line strictly in the center. Its length should correspond to the length of the desired result.
  2. Next, using dark-colored cosmetics, we process the wings and tip to reduce the long nose.
  3. The last stage is shading.

If you are interested in how to make the tip of your nose (and only that) smaller, then first try simply powdering it. In most cases, getting rid of oily shine is enough to get the desired result.

However, if this does not help, any dark tinting agent will help, which, as already noted, must be applied to the wings and tip, and then shaded. This way you will make the problem area less prominent and noticeable, and the shadow, enhanced by dark tones, will visually eliminate extra millimeters.

But what if you don’t need to shorten your nose, but, on the contrary, lengthen it? Judging by the popularity of Internet queries, this issue worries quite a lot of the fair sex, so let’s look at it too. Moreover, there are no secrets or difficulties here.

To achieve a similar effect, the techniques described above must be done in reverse. Where it is written to use a highlight, apply a contour, and where a contour is mentioned, apply a highlight. With this simple technique, you can achieve a length that suits you without the intervention of doctors or third parties.

I would like to note that makeup for a long nose does not always justify its use. By trying to reduce the most prominent part of the face, you can create strong disharmony in the overall image. For example, make already narrow lips thinner or the lower part of the face more massive (compared to the upper). Therefore, if you don’t have enough experience yet, you should apply makeup to make your nose smaller for the first time under the supervision of an experienced makeup artist.

Good to know! Correcting the nose with makeup should always be done in conjunction with applying cosmetics of similar shades to other areas of the face. If this does not happen, you risk giving it even greater expressiveness, focusing all attention on the only treated area.

It often happens that disharmony in the overall image is brought not by the nose itself of an “irregular” shape or size, but by the disproportion of individual areas of the face relative to each other.

Thus, a small chin and a thin upper lip give the lower part of the face excessive sophistication (against which other areas look unreasonably large). And in such a situation, it is better to think not about how to make your nose smaller with makeup, but about how to correct this “problem” area. We previously wrote about makeup for different face types, as well as how to hide flaws and highlight advantages, in one of our articles.

We conducted a survey among makeup artists, and this is what we came up with:

  • Those with thin lips can change their nose (or rather its length) by adjusting the shape of their mouth. Add volume to your lips and your nose will visually become smaller.
  • The thicker your eyebrows are and located closer to the bridge of your nose, the longer your nose will appear. If you need to add/hide a couple of millimeters, this knowledge will be especially useful.
  • For those who want to learn how to make a nose with makeup, it makes sense to focus on the cheeks and lower eyelids. Make them lighter than the side walls and wings of the nose, and the result will not be long in coming.
  • Bangs do a good job of visually correcting a hump. Unfortunately, there is no single styling scheme here (since everyone’s face shape and type are different), so don’t be afraid to experiment.
  • But for those with an excessively wide nose, bangs are strictly contraindicated. The more open your face is, the less bulky and massive your nose will look.

As you can see, nose correction with makeup is not difficult (and much safer than surgery). With proper skill, it is quite possible to cope with it without outside help. However, before you make radical changes, think twice about whether you need it? Each of the described “defects” (with the exception of extreme forms) with properly selected makeup can become an advantage, adding individuality and charm to the image.

Thus, in Ancient Rome, a hump on the nose was considered a feature of a goddess, and a snub nose is an excellent help for those who want to look younger. Moreover, according to surveys, people much more often remember not the shape of the eyes or the color of the lips of the interlocutor, but rather the shape of his nose. Therefore, is it worth depriving yourself of individuality by adjusting your appearance to the stereotyped framework of beauty (which, in addition, changes from year to year).

However, the decision here is up to you. We will only be glad if our advice helped you. Comments regarding your own achievements are also welcome.